When Is It Time to Quit Your Job? (2024)

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

It’s sometimes hard to know when to quit your job and when to stay. These tips may help make that decision a little simpler with five signs that you’re ready for a new opportunity, and what to do next.

When Is It Time to Quit Your Job? (1)

Quitting a job can feel like a big decision, and there are many reasons you might decide it’s the right time. You might be interested in exploring another industry or excited by a new challenge. Or you may feel unsatisfied with your current role. It may be time to quit your job when you’re no longer motivated to complete your daily tasks, feel overworked or burnt out, or want to move beyond your current position into a more advanced one. These are a few signs that it may be time to quit your job and get a better one that more effectively meets your needs.

It’s not uncommon for someone to want to quit their job. In fact, more people are quitting their jobs in search of better opportunities than in years past. In 2021, at least one in four people quit their job, and experts have reason to believe that the number may only grow in the months ahead, according to Visier [1].

But how do you know when it’s time to go? And how do you go about quitting your job? Plan for the future while transitioning out of one job and into another with a few tips that can help you determine when it’s time to quit.

5 signs that you're ready for a new opportunity

Here are a few signs to look for to confirm that it’s time to move on to a new opportunity:

1. You want room to grow.

Got the feeling like you’ve hit the ceiling with your current company? Then it might be time to seek out a new job that allows for more mobility and promotional opportunities. When you feel like you’ve exhausted your skills and talents in one position, this is your time to move forward.

Beyond the inability to move up in a company, lack of growth potential might also look like a lack of opportunities to build your skills. If your company doesn’t encourage expanding your skills as an employee, consider looking for an employer that will allow you to attend conferences, gain certifications, and expand your education in a way that is beneficial to both you and your employer.

When Is It Time to Quit Your Job? (2)
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2. You’re experiencing problems with a supervisor or boss.

If there’s a supervisor or boss that you butt heads with, that’s likely going to affect your day-to-day duties.

This will look different based on the situation, but take it as a warning sign if you have a boss who is disrespectful, unavailable when you need assistance, critical of your performance but offers no guidance, micromanages too much, or simply doesn’t show appreciation for your hard work.

It’s even harder when problems with your superior aren’t a result of anything you’ve done but rather a personality difference. This is tricky because you can’t change someone's personality. And in this case, there’s a good chance that moving on is your best bet.

3. You feel undervalued.

There are few things worse than feeling like your hard work doesn’t mean very much. This doesn’t mean that you need a gold star at the end of every workday, but it does mean a little recognition goes a long way. It’s motivating when you feel like your work makes a difference, and many people seek that feeling of value or self-worth in their profession.

Some examples where you might feel undervalued could be regarding pay (you don’t feel like you earn your worth), lack of appreciation (you rarely get verbal affirmation that you’re doing a good job), or overt criticism (instead of constructive criticism, you often receive harsh or negative criticism).

Talk directly to your boss if you’re feeling undervalued. If your feelings are validated, consider putting in a resignation letter. It may open the door for change, either within your organization or in a new one.

4. You feel unmotivated.

If you feel like you’re forcing yourself to go to work every day or be productive once you arrive, it could be time to move on. Some reasons motivation may be lacking could be an inability to connect with your co-workers, exhaustion, or a work-life imbalance. If you’re struggling with motivation on a regular basis, it can be a sign that your work schedule is too rigorous or the company simply isn’t the right fit for you. And sometimes it’s not necessarily one thing contributing to a lack of motivation but rather a series of factors that make it hard to focus and put in the time and effort to complete your daily tasks.

5. You notice a high turnover rate.

In some cases, high turnover rate is an indicator of the company’s health and can be a sign that something is amiss internally. When you see people coming and going, it could be an indication that quitting this job is your best option.

High turnover rate may also signify that the company culture is not as it should be. Or maybe the company is heading for some hard times and employees are simply being pushed past capacity, which leads to feelings of stress and job dissatisfaction. Whatever the reason, take high turnover rate as a red flag.

Know what to do before quitting

If you relate to any of these signs that it’s time to quit your job, you may want to try a few things before making the firm decision to leave. For example, when it comes to motivation, or problems with your supervisor, is there something you can do to improve?

The American Management Association suggests that employees should first ask themselves what they can do to improve the situation before instantly blaming their boss for their work problems [2]. Focus on yourself. What can you change to improve the relationship? All you can control is your own actions, reactions, and feelings in this scenario.

Try to take an objective stance and analyze the dynamics of the relationship and your overall place in the company. See if you can pinpoint what’s contributing to the conflict with your boss or lack of motivation. If you’re still struggling or still dealing with other factors like lack of growth potential, reach out and have a conversation with your company. Consider your ideal position and what that looks like for you.

Talk with your supervisor.

Make an appointment to talk with your supervisor in person. Avoid emails if you can. Outline your talking points before the meeting. Depending on your reasons for wanting to quit, here are some questions you might ask:

When you ask directly the issues that are leading you to question your job, you can either confirm or rethink your decision. It may really help in the decision-making process to have a one-on-one meeting.

Identify your ideal job.

What do you want in a new job? Write it out, describe it. Put it on paper and compare these characteristics to your current job. Are there some aspects of your job that you like? If you’re seeking out a higher-paying job or a position of seniority, draft a plan of how you’ll get there. Do your research to find out what you’ll need to achieve this dream job.

If you need some inspiration or just want more information on what’s available, try to find several live job listings in your area or industry that look appealing or appropriate for you. Take these job descriptions and weave them into the details of your ideal role.

Get your resume in order.

Dust off that resume and make sure it’s updated with your most recent work history, portfolio, and any new skills you’ve gained at your current job. List any conferences you’ve attended, courses, training, and other educational opportunities since you’ve last applied for a job. You’ll want references from your most recent employer, but wait until that decision has been made and your employer is notified before listing their contact information.

Consider having your resume reviewed by a professional or take a course on resume writing to enhance your opportunity to land your next job. The goal here is to be ready to apply so that if and when you quit your job, you’re on your way to a better opportunity.

Save money.

If you decide to quit before solidifying another job, reduce your expenses and save for a little while. The job hunt could take some time. When you decide to quit your job, try to use those last paychecks as savings so that you can have some reserves to live on during the application process. Even if you have another job lined up, it can take a few weeks or months before you’ll see a new paycheck rolling in. Set yourself up for success now by saving for later.

Quit with professionalism.

Want to know how to quit your job on good terms? Give ample notice, be respectful, and maintain positivity throughout the process.

Keep things peaceful, don’t burn your bridges.

Remember, you’ll be listing your current employer on resumes for years to come. They can be your ticket to your ideal job, but if you want that gleaming reference, you’ll need to keep things professional and positive. Avoid being disrespectful or unprofessional when quitting your job.

Give two weeks' notice.

It’s typical etiquette to offer your employers two weeks' notice before quitting your job. Giving your boss ample time to find and train someone to take your place shows a level of respect and understanding. It also gives you time to get things in order as you move ahead.

Tell your boss first.

Before any kind of formal notification, schedule a time to sit down and tell your boss of your decision to quit. You can offer a few reasons why, or not. You aren’t obligated to tell your boss your reason for quitting, but if you can, thank them for the work opportunity at the company when closing up your conversation. As always, gratitude goes a long way.

Maintain a positive attitude.

No matter how you feel toward your company or boss when quitting, show appreciation for your time there. This does not mean you have to go over the top or be disingenuous. It just means that you should focus on the good things that this job has brought you and maintain an attitude of positivity throughout the process.

Next steps

Get ready for the next phase of your career journey by earning a Professional Certificate from an industry leader like Google, Meta, IBM, or Salesforce. Build the skills companies are hiring for in data analytics, social media marketing, cybersecurity, project management, sales development, user experience (UX) design, or IT support, all at your own pace.

When Is It Time to Quit Your Job? (3)
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Article sources

1. Visier. “Four Things We Learned About the Resignation Wave–and What to Do Next, https://www.visier.com/blog/trends/four-things-we-learned-about-the-resignation-wave-and-what-to-do-next/.” Accessed February 24, 2022.

2. American Management Association. “Articles/a-Nine-Step-Cure-for-Tough-Boss-Syndrome, https://www.amanet.org/articles/articlesa-nine-step-cure-for-tough-boss-syndrome/." Accessed February 25, 2022.

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Coursera Staff

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This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

When Is It Time to Quit Your Job? (2024)


Should I quit my job if I am unhappy? ›

“When you're constantly stressed and burned out, when it's having a detrimental effect on your health mentally, emotionally, and/or physically, and you just can't keep going to work, it's likely time to speak with your healthcare provider. It may be time to quit if it's not an issue of a transient nature.

How long before it's okay to quit a job? ›

So, how long should you stay at a job before leaving? In an ideal world, you should stay at each job for a minimum of two years. However, if you quickly come to realize you made the wrong choice when accepting a position, don't feel obligated to stay at the company until your two-year anniversary.

What is the best time to resign from a job? ›

A common question about quitting is, “What day of the week or time of day should you resign?” You're smart to resign when you can take proactive steps toward your next opportunity—so it's usually best to leave a job at the beginning of the week and earlier in the day.

What is soft quitting? ›

Key takeaways:

Quiet quitting is when employees continue to put in the minimum amount of effort to keep their jobs, but don't go the extra mile for their employer.

How do you tell if your job is trying to make you quit? ›

10 Signs Your Boss Wants You to Quit
  1. You don't get new, different or challenging assignments anymore.
  2. You don't receive support for your professional growth.
  3. Your boss avoids you.
  4. Your daily tasks are micromanaged.
  5. You're excluded from meetings and conversations.
  6. Your benefits or job title changed.

What are bad reasons to quit a job? ›

5 Bad Reasons for Leaving Your Job
  • You Don't Get Along With One Coworker. ...
  • You Made Some Mistakes. ...
  • You Didn't Get That Raise. ...
  • Your Boss Is Giving You Feedback. ...
  • You Hope the Grass is Greener.

Is it OK to quit a job because of stress? ›

Absolutely, quitting a job due to excessive mental stress is justified. Prolonged exposure to high levels of stress can lead to serious physical and emotional consequences. It's important to prioritize self-care and find employment that aligns with personal values and promotes a healthier work-life balance.

Should I quit my job if it's ruining my mental health? ›

Making the decision to step away from a job is not always easy or feasible. But when your physical or emotional well-being is suffering and your stress isn't eased by the occasional mental health day, experts say it's generally best to start looking elsewhere.

What's the minimum you should stay at a job? ›

When it comes to your career path, there's no definitively correct or incorrect way to move forward. You get to decide the best way for you to navigate any given situation—including deciding when it's time to move on from a job. Conventional guidance suggests that you should stay at a job for at least two years.

What is too soon to quit a job? ›

Leaving a job shortly after you've started can be a red flag to future employers. Most professionals believe you should stay at a job for a minimum of one year to show some level of commitment before moving on.

How long should you stay at a job you don't like? ›

If you're thinking about quitting your job, you should consider whether you have stayed long enough to make an informed decision. Unless you are in a toxic or abusive work environment, Gavin suggests waiting 18 months to make a final decision.

How do you know it's time to leave a job? ›

It may be time to quit your job when you're no longer motivated to complete your daily tasks, feel overworked or burnt out, or want to move beyond your current position into a more advanced one. These are a few signs that it may be time to quit your job and get a better one that more effectively meets your needs.

Is it better to quit on a Friday or Monday? ›

When it comes to the best day of the week to resign, most people prefer to do it on Friday. That's mainly because that way you can be free from any work-related stress over the weekend. Furthermore, employers and colleagues would have time to process your news over the weekend as well, and take them in more calmly.

How to decide whether to leave a job? ›

13 signs to know when to quit your job
  1. When you're underutilizing your skills. ...
  2. When the job misaligns with your passion. ...
  3. When you're in an unhealthy work environment. ...
  4. When there are few growth and development opportunities. ...
  5. When the company's future is uncertain. ...
  6. When your job threatens to compromise your ethics.
Mar 20, 2023

How do you know when to quit or keep trying? ›

If some or many of these signs below resonate as true for you, it may be time to quit.
  1. Prolonged neglect of basic care (meals, sleep). ...
  2. Feeling more negative than positive feelings. ...
  3. Friends tell you to quit. ...
  4. Imagining quitting feels great. ...
  5. No solution is in sight. ...
  6. Staying for the wrong reasons.

How do you know if an employee is ready to quit? ›

9 Signs an Employee is About to Quit
  1. Unusual behaviour or a new “bad attitude” ...
  2. Increased LinkedIn or networking activity. ...
  3. Taking unusual amounts of time off work. ...
  4. Avoiding long-term projects or commitments. ...
  5. Abnormal work performance. ...
  6. Distancing themselves from you and colleagues. ...
  7. Unusual network drive/file activity.

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20 situations where quitting your job without another job is common
  1. Focusing on starting a new business. ...
  2. Taking a sabbatical. ...
  3. Needing a break. ...
  4. Making time for your job search. ...
  5. Requiring more flexibility. ...
  6. Protecting your mental health. ...
  7. Protecting your physical health. ...
  8. Protecting your relationships.
Feb 2, 2024

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Let your manager know that you won't be bullied into quitting. If the unwarranted, slanderous actions continue, assure them that you'll take advantage of any remedies to keep your job and bring this to light with human resources, the legal department and the press. You'll even retain counsel, if need be.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.