Who is Wayne Gretzky's wife? Meet Janet Jones (2024)

The prominent ice hockey player Wayne Douglas Gretzky is popularly known as Wayne Gretzky. In the history of the NHL, Wayne has been deemed the greatest player of all time. Wayne Gretzky is married to his beautiful wife Janet Jones.

Wayne and Janet first met in 1984, when Wayne was a judge on Dance Fever and Janet was one of the dancers. Later, Janet Jones got engaged to Vitas Gerulaitis in 1985, but fate had something else in store as Janet’s relationship with Vitas didn't last, In 1987, they got separated.

The following year, Wayne and Janet had another chance to meet at a Los Angeles game. It was the day when Wayne Gretzky, a popular NHL player, met American actress Janet Jones.

Somewhere along the way, the two became attracted to each other and began dating. After some dating and getting to know each other, Wayne proposed to Jones romantically, and on June 16, 1988, they married in a lavish ceremony at St. Joseph's Basilica in Edmonton, in front of 700 relatives and friends.

Janet was looking spectacular in her wedding gown which almost cost $40,000. Their wedding was live-streamed across Canada and had become a national event.

Wayne Gretzky's wife, Janet Jones childhood and entertainment Career

Janet Marie Jones was born on 10 January 1961 in Bridgeton, Missouri. She is formally known as Janet Jones. Janet has completed her schooling at Pattonville High school situated in Maryland Heights, Missouri. Janet's father was employed as a business executive.

Janet is one of the most popular actresses in the American industry. She started her career in 1979 on a TV show, Dance Fever, where she was a participant. Janet has also appeared in numerous popular television shows, The Beastmaster is among her most popular television shows. Janet made her acting debut in 1984 in an American sentimental film, The Flamingo Kid.

Janet's career went to its peak when she got the opportunity to get featured on the cover page of Playboy Magazine in a semi-nude pictorial.

Some more facts about Wayne Gretzky with Janet Jones

Wayne Gretzky has played in National Hockey League (NHL) for 20 seasons. Wayne was one of the most desirable players in NHL history. In NHL, only a few players get a chance to play for the same team for their entire careers.

Being the greatest player of all time, Wayne was not lucky enough to play for only one team. Wayne played for four teams, the Edmonton Oilers, Los Angeles Kings, St. Louis Blues, and the New York Rangers. Wayne was also traded to the "Los Angeles Kings," a professional ice hockey team, bringing to light the fact that everything was being done to help Janet Jones' career. Jones later argued in Kings Ransom that all of this is false.

The duo's relationship has never faced any issues and is successful to date. Together, the couple gave birth to five children. Their kids are all happy and settled.

They have a large family, and because of their fame, sometimes negative rumors have also attacked them and their family, but this duo has handled everything with a positive attitude. Both Wayne and Jones are loved by the public.

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Edited by Krutik Jain


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Who is Wayne Gretzky's wife? Meet Janet Jones (2024)
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