Why Asking Questions Is Good For Your Brand And Your Career (2024)

What would you love to know?

The power of asking questions in both your work and personal life cannot be understated and impacts almost every area of our lives and our careers. I have pulled together research, data and ideas and thoughts from people and brands across the world to discuss why asking why - is important. I also just launched 100 Good Questions, a project on asking 100 questions that help with your life, career and more. Follow along with the project and share your answers at #100GoodQ.

“Being willing to ask “dumb” questions is, ironically, one of the smartest things you can do. Learning the basics of a field or craft is often where people get stuck, but being willing to ask the basics helps you build a foundation for the advanced parts of a skill,” provides Allen Gannett, author of The Creative Curve.

“Asking someone to share their experiences, their insight, or their passions with you causes a connection, and often a fondness, that is a powerful foundation for lasting relationships. It has been surprising and lovely the way that people feel close to me just from the questions I've asked. It has led to real friendships and even jobs.” says Amanda Deibert, Television and comic book writer.

In general, powerful questions have the ability to change or grow a career or business, from the inside out.

"Even simple questions are powerful. Asking 'Why?' provokes reflection. Asking 'Why not?' drives innovation," says Nathan Young, marketing consultant and co-founder of 600 & Rising.


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“Across my entire career the trait that’s served me best is a habit of asking “why?” offers Katie Martell, producer and author.

Remember when you were a child, and questions and curiosity were a natural part of your interactions with the world around you? There was always a wondering ‘why’ and inquisitive ‘how’, much to the bewilderment of the adults in our lives. Over time, children grow up, learning that giving answers is more important, whether it is in the form of exams, interviews, or being able to contribute in conversation. As adults, we begin to question the people and world around us less. Turns out, according to the Harvard Business Review, many adults with children estimate that about 70-80% of their children’s dialogues were made up of questions. Among the adults, the estimate was 15-25%.

"Children ask 'why' countless times so they can understand context. That begs the question, why don't adults apply that same sense of critical questioning to their own jobs? Getting to the 'why' should be the beginning of any strategic framework. What are you solving for and why? If you don't critically ask for the why over and over again, you will never succeed at the what." suggests Erin (Mack) McKelvey, CEO of SalientMG.

“Recently, my oldest daughter said she doesn’t like asking questions in school because she’s worried others might not think she’s smart. I told her that the smartest people in the room are usually the ones asking the questions, not the ones giving the answers. In my own line of work, we help businesses break through plateaus by being able to thoughtfully ask the right questions. The goal is to keep asking questions until there are no more answers - that’s when you’ve found what you can test to unlock new growth,” proposes William Harris, CEO of ecommerce growth agency, Elumynt.

With such a drastic drop in how often we are asking questions as adults, it is no wonder that many individuals are on the lookout for advice on how to ask better questions, more often. The research shows that asking more questions builds emotional intelligence, lending to better soft skills - key in leadership at work and interpersonal relationship building.

“Curiosity for me has helped me make sense of the world. I think once we stop asking ourselves important questions, we stifle our progress and put a cap on our understanding,” offers Anna Melissa, freelance content strategist.

“I try to regularly ask myself internal questions, and I find that to be helpful. Am I creating work that feels interesting to me? What projects am I most excited about right now, and how can I start doing more of that kind of work? Am I spending my time well, or should I try to outsource? Do I need more sleep? (Yes!) I think it’s good to check in with yourself every now and then to get a sense of how you’re feeling creatively, professionally, and personally,” says Robin Eisenberg, Artist at @robineisenberg.

When we ask more questions, group morale improves, as question asking increases understanding and helps teams come to better solutions, together. People who ask questions are better at building relationships, and when applied to branding strategy are able to find more success in building a personal brand that works.

“When I look back on my career and life thus far I’ve realized that the depths of my successes and wins have been directly correlated to the value found in the types of questions I was willing to ask. The better the questions, the further I was able to travel,” offers Olori Swank, Entrepreneur.

“I’ve come to realize that in life, I get what I ask for. I strive to ask thought-provoking questions in front of the camera as a journalist, interviewing celebrities and experts across various industries. Behind-the-scenes, I ask even tougher questions to speak up for myself and get the type of opportunities I deserve. Now that I have my own media company, I lead through the power of asking questions. By asking questions, I’m giving my team the opportunity to exercise their own problem-solving skills. In time, they become much more independent and resourceful at finding solutions to overcome obstacles,” says XiXi Yang, “Pop News Edition” Host & CEO - XYZ Media.

Asking Questions Builds Relationships

“Ask questions the other person will enjoy answering,” said Dale Carnegie, almost a century ago in his notable self-help book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. For several decades, research everywhere has suggested that the purpose of asking questions in conversation is for information exchange or impression management.

“Using polls and asking questions of my audience helps me to understand them better, which eventually brings us closer and makes it a deeper and more meaningful relationship,” offers Matthew Vandeputte, Timelapse photographer at @matjoez.

“My entire career is based on asking artists questions. As a journalist and on-camera host, I thoroughly research and brainstorm new questions prior to conducting an interview, making sure a) the question hasn’t been asked & b) the question is conducive to telling their overall story. Beyond that, as someone who’s struggled with mental health & therapy, questions are essential to breaking through & finding out the underlining traumas that feed into your life struggles today,” says Shirley Ju, Journalist/On-Camera Host at @shirju.

“Without learning there is no progression. It’s foolish for any of us to think for a second that we know it all and I make it a point to quench my thirst for knowledge at constant. where there’s a flicker of curiosity there’s the beginning of flame fueled by information and I make it a point to feed that fire, ensuring that I never stop on the quest to know, experience, and understand more,” says Karen Civil, Media Maven and co-host of Girl I Guess Podcast.

In other words, asking questions serves to help people learn from each other, and become more likable. In one study, researchers asked one pool of participants to ask at least nine questions in fifteen minutes, and the other pool of participants to ask no more than four questions in fifteen minutes. Participants were randomly paired up in the form of speed dating and online chats.

The results? The participants who asked more questions were better liked by their online chat partners, and speed daters were more likely to ask for a second date. Asking more questions gave participants a greater sense of intimacy and understanding, and made them feel respected and heard. Another study found that overall, curious people have better relationships. “When you show curiosity and you ask questions, and find out something interesting about another person, people disclose more, share more, and they return the favor, asking questions of you,” says Todd Kashdan, a researcher of the psychology of curiosity.

“Asking open questions of peers and colleagues, and giving them the space to answer, has helped me to build rapport with them which, over the years, has led to countless relationships and opportunities,” says Mike Allton, Brand Evangelist at Agorapulse.

"Asking the right questions is key. When developing my line of fragrances it was imperative for me to ask. There are a ton of make or break moving parts revolving around your product or service. There will always be a learning curve when taking on new parts of your business but asking questions upfront and before making large financial commitments will help save a lot of headaches later," saysAlexia P. Hammonds, Founder ofEat.Sweat.Undress.

“Questions are powerful because they can spark change. Giving facts and information is helpful, but questions can shift one's thinking, inspire innovation, and result in true change within an organization, “ says Stephanie Liu, founder of Captivate on Command.

How can all this apply to how personal brands operate and grow? Let’s think back on some of the golden rules of branding. Good brands want to be authentic and have others continue to tell their story. In order to be perceived as authentic and likeable, people ask each other more questions. Good brands should do the same - engage and interact with your audience.

"It is important to ask questions because there are so many moving parts in real estate investing. Something seemingly simple can change everything about a deal and cause you to go from profit to loss. Knowing the details of a transaction can save a lot of headaches and potential loss. This is why as a coach, I try to arm my students with different scenarios and tactics so that they can see the unexpected before it causes issues,” offers Noelle Randall, Founder of Nuurez, Inc.

“I definitely wouldn’t have been able to build Epidemic Sound if I hadn’t hired people who are intellectually curious. I make it my mission to foster an environment internally where people can question the status quo and direction of the business to make sure we’re always moving forward with the best possible solution for our customers, company and our people. It’s such a simple technique but it can go a long way in helping you build a company or achieve success in a certain area,” comments Oscar Hoglund, cofounder and CEO at Epidemic Sound.

Asking questions can lend itself to building the community that backs your brand, motivating this community to keep telling your brand story. When your brand becomes a brand that questions and listens, it is a brand that can grow.

Asking Questions Cultivates Emotional Intelligence

An inquisitive mind is an emotionally intelligent mind. Some people have a natural ability for asking good questions, rooted in a curious mindset. Don’t let this natural ability discourage you if asking questions doesn’t come so easily, though.

“One of the biggest fears my entire life has been saying what I want. The anxiety that accompanies the fear of “being difficult” has been a constant companion. When I began my career in entertainment I decided I would ask questions, not to be difficult, but because I deserve to have all the information that enables me do the best possible job that I can do,” says Krystina Arielle, Host of Star Wars: The High Republic Show on starwars.com.

According to research, you get better at asking questions the more you ask questions. And the more questions we ask, the better we get at cultivating our interpersonal skills. Asking questions increases our emotional intelligence, which can lead to all sorts of benefits, many in the form of soft skills that let us step up from employees to leaders at work and in our communities.

"I work with interns and externs on a daily basis and we strongly recommend they ask questions during their orientations, trainings, and job interviews.Asking questions benefits all parties involved and can serve as a guide for many necessary conversations. Whether we agree with the answer to a question or not, we must utilize the insightful information in order to decide how we will proceed.When we do not ask questions, we take the risk of assuming or draw conclusions," saysTrina Terrell-Andrews, CEO,Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center.

“Asking questions is like the Google to the world. You will never know the answer to the unknown unless you ask questions," says Quiana McDaniel, Founder of The House of Dasha and Dasha Cosmetics.

Asking more questions also makes us better at asking the right questions. Harvard Business Review breaks this down into four types of questions: Clarifying, Adjoining, Funneling, and Elevating. Each question type helps the conversationalist achieve a different goal: clarifying questions help to understand others better.

“Learning to ask the following questions have helped me so much in both personal and professional life... how long do I have to do this? What do you need me to do/what format do you want this in? Why are we doing (project/show) this? or Why are you asking me specifically to do/say THING? It lets me know why someone wants me to do a thing and most importantly how they expect me to deliver on said thing. I've spent a lot of wasted time doing things without asking questions, and once I realized the importance of doing so? I always ask these first,” offers Tanya DePass, Creator & Creative Director of Into the Mother Lands RPG and @cypheroftyr.

Adjoining questions help us look at problems or topics from a different angle. Funneling questions dig deeper into intimate and non-intimate topics. Elevating questions bring the conversation to a higher level, helping us see the bigger picture. As our emotional intelligence grows, we become better at asking the right questions.

“Never be afraid to ask questions. It’s not a sign of weakness to admit you don’t have all the answers, no one does. The smart person is confident enough to ask questions and seek answers; the flipside is losing out on the opportunity to learn from others whether out of fear, laziness or the conviction that you know it all. Spoiler alert: you don’t,” says Lia Haberman, Adjunct Instructor UCLAx.

When it comes to our brand, strong emotional intelligence helps us create a positive impact with our audience and communities. Aside from bringing the audience in by questioning and listening to what they have to say, asking questions helps us understand how to grow our brand. Questions help brands understand their niche, how to better serve their audience, and remember the bigger picture. By improving our emotional intelligence, we get better at being a better brand - both in terms of getting messaging right, and in creating a positive impact on our communities.

“Do your research. You have an opportunity to learn something valuable/ personal/ thought-provoking if you ask the right questions. That takes a conversation from being surface-only to genuine and real. It’s my favorite part of every interview - discovering what makes someone tick and ignites a spark,” says Jessie Maltin, cohost and producer of Maltin On Movies.

"The art of storytelling begins with sincere curiosity. When interviewing clients, I see myself as a journalist, asking strategic timely questions to create a compelling story.Doing my homework ahead of the interview allows the time in front of the camera to be more comfortable and conversational, resulting in the most authentic and compelling videos, podcasts and communications across any medium,"offers Cathy Landtroop, Chief Communications Officer ofVista Bank.

Asking Questions Promotes a Good Working Environment

As we grow from inquisitive children to less curious adults, researchers have deduced why we ask less questions the older we get. Essentially, in school, work, and home, we as individuals and groups are rewarded for giving answers. In school, we were trained to give answers in the form of exams and quizzes. In work, we first go through an interview phase in which we need to answer many questions to show our eligibility to work. Once we begin to work, supervisors expect us to come up with solutions for various work issues. Asking less questions and being less curious can leave us rushing to conclusions, rather than exploring problems in their full context.

"As a small business owner or entrepreneur, it's important to ask questions when you are seeking media or press coverage — especially when it pertains to the way your story is being told. You're allowed to ask for interview questions ahead of time or the angle that the outlet, TV stations or interviewer is pursuing — that way you can rest easy and ensure that your values and brand messaging is being clearly communicated,” saysLeahFrazier, CEO and Publicist, Think Three Media.

"The power and value of a good question can allow you to humbly show the knowledge of your craft. Whether it is your day to day, which for me is healthcare, or diving into entrepreneurship with my various start up companies, the one way to gain information leading to better understanding, is thru an outstanding and or compelling question,"offers Lukwon Mack, Founder of M Case.

“Growing up as a kid who worked for my immigrant mom's small business, I found myself asking questions to pass the time...I quickly realized I loved to ask questions, because I loved learning about people and the world around me. Now, as a journalist, asking questions is a big part of my job. I like to think my personality, passion, and purpose all intertwined,” offers Frances Wang, News Anchor.

Asking questions can often make us feel vulnerable, particularly with managers and groups of people. We are taught to have the right answer, and asking questions can make us feel like we look less informed. But, as we have discussed extensively in this article, asking questions has a plethora of benefits. In a work setting, it can lead to better decision making and a corporate culture that welcomes the exchange of ideas. Businesses and organizations should make asking questions a new norm in work culture, and know that the more questions we ask, the better we get at asking the right questions.

“The most useful lesson I learned was being okay with asking stupid questions. Asking the right questions has helped me unlock insights that would have taken years to learn, open doors I wouldn't even know exist, and so much more. Commaful was started and is where it is today because of the answers to many critical questions from community members, writers, readers, investors, friends, and more,” says Sydney Liu, CEO of Commaful.

In the grander scheme of brand strategy, asking questions within an organization or business is just as important as asking your audience questions. It allows employees to ask questions about why certain processes work the way they do, and dive deeper into understanding the overall mission of the workplace. If you are a brand that promotes sustainability, for example, being able to ask questions internally can keep your brand on track. When we become curious about our brand and getting into the why of our brand story, we get better at living our brand. And a brand that lives and breathes their story and what they stand for is a brand that grows.

"In the world of professional development and training, as a consultant, asking questions is criticalto the success and sustainabilityof your outcomes," says Dr. Kimberly Ellison, international speaker and consultant.

"Every great discovery starts with a question. As a luxury event rental company, when clients ask questions they open themselves up to endless options and possibilities for their event that they may not even have imagined accessible to them.When people don’t ask questions, it leaves room for assumptions and chaos," says Laura Fote, Owner of L&B Concepts.

So… is your brand ready to get curious?

“If you don't ask - you won't know the outcome to what you are seeking,” says Thomas Ma, Co-Founder of SAPPHIRE.

Every personal brand has a lot to learn about becoming more curious. We know that every good brand knows how to foster and build relationships with their audience, and the science shows that asking questions is key for this.

As we ask more questions, we allow others to feel heard and understood, allowing us to be more likable overall. As a brand asks more questions, it becomes more emotionally intelligent and aware of messaging that resonates with the people we are trying to reach. Aside from being inquisitive and listening externally, brands need to do the same internally. Does your brand personality permeate every aspect of your business or organization, or is it a façade for the outside world? When brands get curious about their own processes, and about the audience they cater to, they can begin to evolve and grow.

It's evident that the article emphasizes the transformative power of asking questions in various aspects of life and work. The insights shared by experts and professionals underscore the significance of curiosity, learning, and relationship-building through thoughtful questioning.

Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Curiosity and Learning:

    • Asking questions, even seemingly basic ones, is crucial for building a solid foundation in any field or skill.
    • The willingness to ask questions, including so-called "dumb" ones, is a smart approach to overcome learning barriers.
    • Children naturally ask numerous questions to understand the world, and adults should maintain a similar curiosity in their professional and personal lives.
  2. Relationship Building:

    • Asking individuals to share their experiences, insights, or passions fosters connections and fondness, leading to lasting relationships.
    • The act of asking questions contributes to real friendships and even job opportunities.
  3. Career and Business Impact:

    • Powerful questions have the potential to drive change and growth in both careers and businesses.
    • Simple questions like "Why?" provoke reflection, while "Why not?" drives innovation.
    • The habit of asking "why" repeatedly is highlighted as a key trait for success in one's career.
  4. Decline in Questioning as Adults:

    • As adults, the frequency of questioning tends to decline, and the article suggests that this decline may impact personal and professional growth.
  5. Building Emotional Intelligence:

    • Asking more questions is linked to the development of emotional intelligence, enhancing soft skills crucial for leadership and relationship building.
    • Curiosity helps individuals make sense of the world and prevents stagnation in personal progress.
  6. Impact on Group Morale and Branding:

    • Group morale improves when questions are asked, leading to better understanding and collaborative problem-solving.
    • Asking questions is emphasized as a powerful tool in building a personal brand, engaging with the audience, and creating an authentic and likable brand identity.
  7. Interviewing and Communication Skills:

    • Journalists and interviewers stress the importance of asking strategic questions to create compelling stories and engage interviewees authentically.
  8. Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in Branding:

    • Emotional intelligence is vital for creating a positive impact with the audience and communities.
    • Asking questions internally helps brands understand their niche, serve their audience better, and align with their overall mission.
  9. Promoting a Good Working Environment:

    • The article discusses the rewards associated with providing answers in educational and work settings.
    • Emphasizes the need for organizations to encourage a culture of asking questions to foster better decision-making and problem-solving.
  10. Continuous Improvement Through Questions:

    • Asking questions is portrayed as a tool for continuous improvement, preventing assumptions, and encouraging a mindset of lifelong learning.

In conclusion, the article advocates for the transformative potential of asking questions across various dimensions of life, work, and branding. The consistent theme is that curiosity and inquiry contribute not only to personal growth but also to the success and authenticity of brands and organizations.

Why Asking Questions Is Good For Your Brand And Your Career (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.