Will you be cold at a hockey game? (surprising answer) - PlayedOnIce (2024)

I am a huge fan of ice hockey. I love watching the sport, and have been to more games in person than I can count. I have even gone to a few outdoor games, now those were cold.

But enough of that, let’s get into the reason you’re here in the first place.

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Are hockey games cold?

Hockey is a sport that is played on ice, so surely the temperature inside an arena has to be super cold in order to keep the ice frozen, right?

Well, that depends on whether you are going to watch a professional game at a large arena or if you’re going to a smaller local recreational arena to see a friend or family member play.

Professional hockey games like the NHL are not cold. The average temperature is 65ºF which is borderline room temperature. Minor league hockey games that are held at local recreational arenas do tend to be cold, typically in the range of 50ºF and 55ºF.

NHL arena temperature

Will you be cold at a hockey game? (surprising answer) - PlayedOnIce (1)

The average temperature inside an NHL arena is 65ºF, with between 35-45 percent relative humidity. All NHL arenas are held to these temperature standards in order to provide optimal ice conditions for the players.

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, room temperature is 68ºF.

This would mean the temperature inside an NHL arena is only 3ºF less than room temperature.

Keep in mind, temperature can change based on where you are sitting, if you are close to the ice which is kept between 18ºF and 24ºF during the game you will feel more of a chill than someone sitting up in the nosebleeds.

Local recreational hockey arena temperature

Will you be cold at a hockey game? (surprising answer) - PlayedOnIce (2)

The temperature at a local recreational hockey arena will vary, but they all tend to be fairly cold. Typically, it will stay between 50ºF and 55ºF.

However, many older arenas will use infrared tube heaters that when sat under will keep you nice and toasty. Sometimes you can even get too warm sitting directly under one.

When heading to a local arena to watch family or friends play, it’s a good rule of thumb to over dress rather than under dress.

How to Dress for a Hockey Game

First time heading to the rink to watch a hockey game and unsure of what you should be wearing? Don’t worry, it’s not that complicated. Let’s take a look.

Remember, generally when there are hockey games on to go and watch, it’s that time of the year when the weather tends to be cold outside. Unless you live in a warmer climate, of course.

What to wear to a professional hockey game

If you’re someone that tends to get hot and overheat easily, you will be fine wearing a t-shirt and a jersey. The hockey Jersey will keep you warm, which makes sense seeing as hockey jerseys are so expensive, but that’s another topic. If you get too warm, you can just take it off and go with your t-shirt.

For someone who gets and stays cold easily, you should wear three layers:

  • T-shirt
  • Sweatshirt
  • Jersey

If you don’t own a jersey, you can change it up and go with something like this:

  • T-shirt
  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Hoodie / Jacket

There is no need for gloves of any kind, and you are likely to overheat if you wear a beanie/toque.

What to wear to a recreational hockey game

If you’re going to watch your friend or a family member play at the local arena, you are going to want to dress much warmer than you would for say an NHL game.

At a smaller arena with less heating instruments you should dress as you normally would but with a warm jacket, hat and gloves. You could even bring a blanket just in case.

When I go to watch my local junior team in our smaller arena, this is how I dress:

  • Beanie / Toque
  • Mittens
  • Warm winter jacket
  • Hoodie
  • T-shirt
  • Long johns

That’s right, long johns. They are a lifesaver when it comes to sitting on cold bleachers in these small town rinks.

Final thoughts

It’s always best to over dress than under dress when attending a hockey game. You can always take some layers off if you get to warm, but if you get too cold, you won’t have anything to help you warm up.

Really, when it comes down to it, it’s not as cold as you would think in NHL arenas. Anytime I’ve been to a game I have gotten away with just a t-shirt and a hockey sweater, and if my team is winning that game I tend to get down to just my t-shirt from overheating as the result of cheering too much.

Enjoy the game!

Will you be cold at a hockey game? (surprising answer) - PlayedOnIce (2024)


Will I be cold at a hockey game? ›

Are Hockey Games Cold? Well, the ice needs to stay frozen, but, depending on the venue, it might not be all that cold where you're sitting. It's going to be cooler the closer to the ice you are. Generally speaking, the ice will be about 25° and the air, for an inside game, will be somewhere between 50 and 60°.

Is it too cold to wear shorts to a hockey game? ›

If you're going to a winter event, it's a good idea to dress casually in jeans, sweatshirts, sneakers, t-shirts, and anything that feels warm and comfortable. It is not a good idea to wear shorts or sandals to an ice arena because the temperatures are very cold there.

What is fun about playing hockey? ›

Unlike other sports hockey is fast paced and exciting with end to end action. There isn't the delay between plays like other popular sports. The ice also adds an element of speed unlike any other. Shooting, passing, breakaways, one timer's, big saves – it's all good!

How do you get mentally ready for a hockey game? ›

Here are ten tips that will help players at all levels better prepare for games.
  1. Decrease Negative Stress. ...
  2. Park It. ...
  3. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind. ...
  4. Use Your Routines. ...
  5. Bring a Positive Attitude. ...
  6. Support and Encourage. ...
  7. View Stress As An Opportunity. ...
  8. Here and Now.

Do hockey players warm up? ›

Pre-game/ pre-practice:

The aim of a general warm-up is to get the blood flowing to all parts of the body to be used during hockey, including the cardiovascular system. An off-ice warm up could include a jog, light skipping or riding an exercise bike. To warm up on ice, use low intensity skating.

Should I dress warm for a hockey game? ›

You should wear multiple layers to a hockey game or at least a pair of jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt, and closed-toe shoes. Sweaters, jerseys, hats, gloves, scarves, wool socks, and hoodies are also good options. Professional games are around 60-65°F (15-18°C) and local rinks are colder than that.

What do hockey players wear under their shorts? ›

Put on your undergarments. These can be compression shorts or jock shorts. Jock Shorts have a pocket for a cup and velcro tabs on the front and back of each leg to attach your hockey socks to. Jock shorts can be worn over compression pants.

Is it too late to play hockey 14? ›

It is never too late to start playing hockey. Players have joined hockey programs at 12-13 years old and still made varsity hockey teams.

Can u play hockey with earrings? ›

D The official shall not permit any player to wear equipment that, in their judgment, is dangerous to other players. Jewelry, including rings, bracelets, necklaces, watches and earrings, is illegal.

Why do you enjoy hockey? ›

I love hockey because it's very fun. I like playing with my friends and making new friends and hockey develops great friendships. I've been playing hockey since I was 4 and every year I get new teammates. I miss my old teammates but my new teammates support me and help me when I need it and I'm there for them.

What are 5 facts about hockey? ›

10 Fun Field Hockey Facts
  • At the London 2012 Olympics, hockey was the 3rd most spectated sport.
  • Celebrities Emma Watson, Kate Middleton, Jennifer Lawrence and Heath Ledger all played hockey. ...
  • Men's hockey has the fastest swing speed of any sport reaching around 103 miles per hour.
  • Hockey was originally called shinty.

Why is hockey so interesting? ›

Everything about this sport is fast-paced: the slap shots, the game pace, the players. Every other sport moves at a glacial pace in comparison to this one. There's no time for dozing off in hockey – something is always happening and if you blink, chances are you'll miss it.

How do you impress a hockey coach? ›

Take these 10 tips to ensure tryouts are both fun and successful for all parties involved.
  1. Get a good night's sleep. ...
  2. Eat healthy and stay hydrated. ...
  3. Be prepared. ...
  4. Be a good listener. ...
  5. Ask questions. ...
  6. Don't goof off. ...
  7. The coaches want the best players. ...
  8. Leave it on the ice.
Oct 1, 2012

How can I be confident before a hockey game? ›

Get outside for some unstructured pond hockey with friends. “One of the things we say is practice makes permanent, so going out on the ice every day and trying to get better for the games and trying to make plays as much as you can for that confidence aspect so you can do it in the game at 7 o'clock,” Leivermann said.

How do you impress a coach at hockey tryouts? ›

Hockey Tryouts: Five Ways to Impress the Coaches and Make the...
  1. Look Like a Player: This sounds very simple, maybe a little superficial, yet it is easy to do and can make a big difference. ...
  2. Work Hard. ...
  3. Pay Attention. ...
  4. Play Your Game. ...
  5. Have Fun.

Do hockey players shower between periods? ›

Some players will take a shower during the intermission to feel revitalized for the upcoming period. Other players choose to meditate, closing their eyes, staying silent and visualizing their success for the remainder of the game.

Do hockey players nap? ›

Perhaps there's no more crucial element to a NHL player's daily routine than the pre-game nap. Home or away, family man or bachelor, every professional hockey player takes a nap before that night's game, almost without exception.

Is hockey hard on the body? ›

And, while you may not realize it, simply balancing on your skates is working out your core. Thanks to all of this, hockey is one of the most core-intensive sports around. Lastly, there's your upper body. Overall, hockey isn't nearly as good at exercising your upper body as some other sports are.

Is it good to sleep before a hockey game? ›

If the day of the game arrives and you are worried that you haven't slept enough the night before to perform at your best – you can plan a carefully timed nap. A 20 minute nap about two hours before your event should provide extra alertness just in time for you to hit the field.

Is it good to have a bath before a hockey game? ›

You can also take a shower before the game to get the blood flowing and give yourself a boost of energy. It can be beneficial to switch between cold and hot water as this helps to improve circulation which can give you extra stamina throughout the game.

Where is the best place to sit at a hockey game? ›

Center Ice

When you're right in the middle, you can stay close to everything going on. You never have to worry about what's going over on the other side. You won't be right by one specific goal, but you'll have a great view no matter where the action is happening.

What is a hockey outfit called? ›

Hockey jerseys, today often referred to as sweaters, are typically made of tough synthetic materials like polyester, to help take away moisture and keep the wearer dry.

What is a hockey mask called? ›

A goaltender mask, commonly referred to as a goalie mask, is a mask worn by goaltenders in a variety of sports to protect the head and face from injury from the ball or puck, as they constantly face incoming shots on goal.

How do you wear your hair under a hockey helmet? ›

Wear the hair tight

Based on our own experiences, tying the hair up tightly in a bun hanging just below the helmet is the best idea especially if you are a female rider with really long hair. For most dudes with long hair, letting it hang or tucking it inside the helmet does not really make a huge difference.

Is 7 too old to start hockey? ›

And while many kids start hockey at ages 5-9, older kids can and should join whenever they become interested. In fact, Minnesota Hockey recently launched its first ever Never Too Late Hockey Camp with the goal of introducing more kids ages 9-12 to the game and plans to host it again this coming summer.

Can you wear 99 in hockey? ›

99 – The Great One

Unless you are the Great One, this number is completely off limits to any hockey player anywhere in the known universe. It is retired in the NHL, and pretty much around any hockey leagues in North America, and quite likely in the whole world.

What age is Pee Wee in hockey? ›

Pee Wee: Age 11-12. Bantam: Age 13-14. Midget: Age 15-17. Juvenile: Age 18-19.

What is Rule 305 A in hockey? ›

splints must be covered on all exterior surfaces with no less than ½ inch thick, high-density, closed-cell polyurethane or an alternate material of the same minimum thickness and similar physical properties to protect an injury.

Can you play hockey with a broken jaw? ›

Torey Krug, Noel Acciari and Steven Kampfer have all played a pro hockey game with a broken jaw. All acknowledge it's not a fun experience, but it's possible to play and make an impact, especially if you're a veteran machine like Bruins captain Zdeno Chara.

Can you play hockey with tattoo? ›

Can you play hockey after getting a tattoo? A new tattoo needs to be given a minimum of one week to heal before participating in contact sports like hockey. This practice protects your new tattoo from discoloration and your skin from irritation.

Why hockey Is Your Favourite sport? ›

Hockey is my favourite game because it is challenging and also a lot of fun at the same time. It is the national game of India and is also played throughout the world. In the game, there are 11 players on each team. The teams have to chase a ball with their hockey sticks and score a goal.

Is hockey good sport? ›

Hockey is one of the best cardiovascular games you can play. Alternating between skating and rest (what is known as interval training in the fitness world) improves the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, allowing it to bring oxygen to the muscles more quickly.

What is hockey Short answer? ›

Ice hockey is a game between two teams who wear skates and compete on an ice rink. Each team usually has six players. The object is to propel the puck past a goal line and into a net guarded by a goaltender. Ice hockey is popular for its speed and frequent physical contact.

What's a fun fact for the day? ›

Fun Facts and Trivia
  • It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. ...
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
  • A shrimp's heart is in its head.
  • It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

What hockey means to me? ›

The thing hockey means to me is pride, teamwork and the most important thing is having fun. It means pride because you have to have pride to have a chance to win. So if you don't have pride you and your team will have no confidence and won't have a chance to win.

What is the most important skill in hockey? ›

While skating is the most important skill it is important to practice skating fast with the puck and shooting quickly. In the development pursuit of becoming a complete hockey player work to become as best as possible at the skills below: Striding Technique become as efficient as possible by lengthening the stride.

What skills make a good hockey player? ›

These include a good aerobic base, speed, agility and strength. Athletes across the field need to have these attributes.” As any follower of the game will know, high levels of speed and stamina are two attributes that modern hockey players have in abundance.

What do hockey coaches look for? ›

Quickness, agility, foot speed, and fast-twitch muscles are also part of a college hockey coach's speed calculation.

What hockey scouts look for in a player? ›

Once on the puck, scouts want to see players that can handle pressure and exhibit patience to find the next play. Puck protection and utilizing playmaking vision are the key elements they are looking for. On the flip side, avoiding going 'glass & out' or throwing pucks away would be something to avoid.

How cold is it at a NHL hockey game? ›

Ice rinks keep the temperature constant on the ice, which is about 18 degrees Fahrenheit, and the air temperature on the ice is 55-65 degrees. Sweatpants or leggings keep your entire leg warm while skating. During a professional hockey game, the arena temperature ranges from 60F (15C) to 65F (18C).

How do I stop being nervous before a hockey game? ›

Fortunately, there are a number of tricks you can employ to keep your pre-game jitters under control.
  1. Develop a Game Day Routine. ...
  2. Engage in Positive Visualization. ...
  3. Calm Yourself Down with Deep Breathing. ...
  4. Don't Interpret Nervous Feelings as a Bad Thing.
Apr 30, 2018

How long before a hockey game are warmups? ›

The NHL warmup starts approximately 30 minutes before the start of the game. So if the game starts at 7:00 then the warmup will start at 6:29. The warm up will last 16 minutes, and both teams will be on the ice at their respective ends at the same time.

Do you need to wear a coat to a hockey game? ›

If you are going to watch a professional game, the temperatures are quite pleasant at about 65F (18C) so a sweater or light jacket is required. However, games at a local recreational arena are cooler at 55C (12C) or less and require a heavy jacket, gloves and ski hat/toque.

Is it cold at a Blue Jackets game? ›

Hockey fans are feeling the effects of a decision to lower by several degrees -- from 62 to about 58 -- the game-time temperature inside the home of the Columbus Blue Jackets. The National Hockey League recommends an arena temperature of 58 to 60 degrees when doors first open.

How should I warm-up before a game? ›

Your pre-match warm-up should start approximately 25-30 minutes before the game.In this warm-up you need to increase muscle and core temperature. Jogging is the best way to raise the temperature and heart beat gradually. Start by slow jogging and increase it to ¾ the pace of your running.

Why warm-up is important before game? ›

Warming up prevents injuries by loosening your joints, and improving blood flow to your muscles — making your muscles less likely to rip, tear, or twist in a harmful way during your workout. Stretching also helps prepare your muscles for the physical activities you're about to perform.

What do hockey players do before a game? ›

That's common across the NHL. Players come to the rink on the bus from the hotel, prepare their sticks and make sure their equipment is in order. They get some food and then go through pre-game meetings. For some, their remaining down time is spent kicking the soccer ball around.

What should hockey players do before a game? ›

Drinking lots of water and moving their bodies – whether it's taking a walk, going on a light jog, or doing some off-ice stick handling and shooting drills – is so important for hockey players to do on game day.

Is a hot bath good before a hockey game? ›

You can also take a shower before the game to get the blood flowing and give yourself a boost of energy. It can be beneficial to switch between cold and hot water as this helps to improve circulation which can give you extra stamina throughout the game.

Can you bring a blanket to a hockey game? ›

Dress For a Chilly Day

This may be obvious, but hockey arenas are a little colder than arenas for other sports. You'll want to bundle up—perhaps in a team sweater or jacket—but you can also bring blankets for the family if you'd prefer not to wear heavier clothing to the game.

What should I bring to a hockey game? ›

Especially if you've got good seats, you're going to want to wear good, heavy shoes, warm socks, some light gloves or mittens, at least a couple of light layers beneath your coat and some kind of cap. Arrive early: Give yourself an hour before the opening puck-drop.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.