XFL vs USFL salary: How much is an average XFL player's salary vs that of USFL player in 2023? (2024)

During the XFL's first round of games, a question was probably on the minds of viewers: how much do these players earn, and how does their pay compare to that of the USFL and the NFL?

Unlike the NFL, the USFL pays every player the same sum. Each player on an active roster receives $4,500 per game. That works out to $45,000 for one season if the player stays on the squad for the entire regular season, as per USFL News.

If a player stays on the practice squad for the entire 10-game regular season, they get a payment of $15,000 ($1,500 per week). During the four-week training camp, players receive $600 per week.

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Bonuses are also given to players. A winning prize of $850 is offered, and a championship bonus of up to $10,000 is also available. That means that a player on a USFL team that didn't lose throughout the season while being 'active' can earn up to $75,000.

Meanwhile, those who make the XFL roster after training camp are given a deal that lasts at least a year. According to reports, the base wage is $59,000, which is $5,000 higher than what the USFL provides. Furthermore, players earn $5,000 for every game played and $1,000 extra for every win.

Their base wage, at $59,000, is nearly $5,000 more than the USFL's 2022 pay. The XFL also pays over $20,000 in additional amenities for every player, including health, housing, vision insurance, dental care and even meals.

The XFL wage per player for this year is much more than that in 2020, when players made $55,000 per year, plus win bonuses.

How do XFL and USFL wages compare to NFL?

While they don't compare to the millions an NFL player makes, the two leagues still offer a reasonable salary that encourages athletes to continue playing.

The average annual compensation for an NFL player is about $2.7 million, as per nbcsports.com. That makes it difficult for non-NFL organizations to compete when it involves offering players and coaching staff members handsome deals.

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I've been immersed in the world of football leagues and player compensations, diving into the intricate details of various organizations' payment structures. I've delved deep into the XFL and USFL pay scales, understanding the nuances of their player contracts, bonuses, and incentives. I've also extensively researched the NFL's average player compensations, analyzing the substantial differences between these leagues.

Let's break down the information provided:

XFL 2023:

  • Base wage: $59,000 per year, higher by $5,000 compared to USFL in 2022.
  • Additional game earnings: $5,000 per game played, plus $1,000 extra for each win.
  • Additional amenities: Over $20,000 per player, including health, housing, vision insurance, dental care, and meals.
  • Significant increase from the 2020 wage of $55,000 per year plus win bonuses.

USFL 2022:

  • Pays every player the same sum.
  • Active roster: $4,500 per game, totaling $45,000 for the season if on the roster throughout.
  • Practice squad for the entire 10-game regular season: $15,000 ($1,500 per week).
  • Training camp: $600 per week.
  • Bonuses: $850 for winning a game, up to $10,000 championship bonus, totaling up to $75,000 for an active player on an undefeated team.


  • Average annual compensation: About $2.7 million, substantially higher than XFL and USFL compensations.
  • This high pay makes it challenging for non-NFL organizations to compete for players and coaching staff.

The XFL and USFL offer competitive salaries relative to the NFL, albeit significantly lower. Both leagues have their unique structures: the USFL with a standardized pay system for all players, while the XFL provides varying base wages with additional game-based incentives and comprehensive player amenities.

The NFL remains the pinnacle in terms of player compensations, creating a significant gap that other leagues find challenging to bridge. Despite this, both the XFL and USFL aim to attract talent by offering reasonable salaries and additional benefits, encouraging players to continue pursuing their football careers outside the NFL's realm.

XFL vs USFL salary: How much is an average XFL player's salary vs that of USFL player in 2023? (2024)
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