You've Purchased New Skates - Now What? (2024)

It is no secret that over the years the price of ice hockey skates has steadily risen. Now they are investments, meant to last for years. So, as a new skate buyer, what can you do to ensure you get the most life out of your skates as possible? This article will go over the process, from start to finish, on how to achieve just that!

  • Heat Molding Your New Hockey Skates
  • Sharpening Your New Hockey Skates
  • Lacing Your New Hockey Skates
  • Proper Care Of Your New Skates
  • When to Replace Your Skates

Step 1) Heat Molding Your New Hockey Skates

After purchasing a brand-new pair of skates, it is recommended that you get your skates baked, or in other words, heat molded. However, it is important to note which skates can and cannot be baked. All skates can physically be heat molded, although due to the inner liner and materials of mid to high end skates, they will react much better than lower-end skates when it comes to break-in periods and fit. Baking low-end skates can have the opposite effect. Due to lower-end skates not having the same quality materials in the interior of the boot, baking them can cause them to break down faster and decrease the support within the skate. It is recommended that this process be completed by trained MonkeySports staff.

Baking skates is a common process that helps to break the skates in faster, meaning less time to get rid of that rough “new skate feel.” This process also allows for the inner liner of the skate to better form to your exact foot shape, thus eliminating any negative space within the boot and maximizing your energy transfer in each stride.

After determining whether you want to proceed with the baking process, the MonkeySports staff will then take your skates and place them into an “oven” and let them sit in there for right around three minutes. Following this, you will immediately put the skates on your feet, quickly but carefully lace them up, and sit stationary for seven minutes. Around the seven-minute mark, you can stand up and walk around to let the skates loosen up a little bit. After the process is complete, it is recommended that you wait a full 24 hours before skating in them.

Following the heat molding process, if you still have any type of pain in your feet while wearing your skates, it could mean that the fit of the skate does not match with the shape of your foot. Certain skate models have a narrower fit while some have a wider fit, so when shopping for skates it is important to talk to one of the specialists at your local MonkeySports shop to determine which model will be your best option. Bauer’s 3D foot scanner is also a great tool to help point you in the right direction, and they are available for use at every MonkeySports store! Another viable option if you still have minor pain would be to rebake the skates. Although, if you choose to rebake the skates, it is recommended that you only do it that one other time. Doing it more than two times could negatively affect the integrity of the boot, thus decreasing longevity.

Step 2) Sharpening Your New Hockey Skates

Once your skates have been heat molded, the next order of business would be to get your blades sharpened.

How Sharp Should My Hockey Skates Be?

When you arrive at the sharpening area of your local MonkeySports store and tell them you need your blades sharpened, their next question will almost always be, “What do you want them cut at?” But, what exactly does this mean? This essentially means what do you want the radius of the hollow cut. The sharpening process consists of a hollow groove that is cut in the middle of the bottom of the blade, thus forming the two edges on each side. Typically cuts range from 1 inch to 3/8’s of an inch, with each one having their own pros and cons. If you get them cut at a 1-inch radius (very flat hollow) it will increase top end speed and glide and cause less fatigue, but it will also negatively affect your ability to turn and stop on a dime. The opposite end of the spectrum, a 3/8ths inch cut, will give you the ability to make quick turns and accelerate faster, but since your edges are digging deeper into the ice, you lose out on a little bit of speed and glide. It is all a matter of your playstyle and preferences.

How Often Do I Need to Get My Skates Sharpened?

Frequency of blade sharpening is up to player preference and how often you are on the ice. Some players might want them sharpened after every game, but other players might get them sharpened once every three months. A general rule of thumb is every 12 hours of use. Certain instances, though, can cause you to need a sharpen to make them skateable again. For example, you will want to avoid surfaces like concrete and metal drains in locker rooms. These types of surfaces will knick the blade, giving you an unbalanced skating surface. Occasionally, during play, your skate blades will get knicked due to things like the boards, goal posts or other skates. If this is the case, you can pick up a handy tool such as the Blue Sports Sharp Styck, which will help eliminate any small blemishes on the blade, although this will not suffice as a “regular” sharpening. Blade quality will also play a factor into how often you need to get them sharpened. Aftermarket steel such as BladeTech or Step Steel is constructed of harder materials and feature an outer coating on the blade to increase longevity.

How Can I Tell If My Skates Need Sharpening?

If you are not on a schedule, the common way to tell if your blades need to be sharpened is the age-old “fingernail” test. For this test, you will want to lightly run your fingernail across the edge of the blade. If your nail does not get “caught” on it, and runs easily across it, that means your blades could use a sharpening. Another simple way to check would be to simply just run your finger along the top of the blade very lightly. If you do not feel an edge, and feel nicks or rounded areas, then that is another indication that your blades need sharpened. Be extra careful any time you make contact with your fingers against the steel runners.

Step 3) Lacing Hockey Skates

Skate Lace Types

Following the sharpening, you will probably want to relace the skates to your preference with either the same laces or with new skate laces. There are two different options you can go with when choosing laces: waxed laces or non-waxed laces. Both have their pros and cons.

Waxed Skate Lace

Waxed laces have a better tendency to stay tight after being tied and tend to last longer, as well. They are easier to grip and tie, giving you a more controlled feel in specific areas. On top of that, they feature fused tips, meaning they won’t fray and become difficult to get through eyelets. On the downside, they can sometimes be hard to untie, can be uncomfortable to the touch, and get stiff in the cold, giving them the potential to snap.

Unwaxed Skate Lace

Some advantages of non-waxed laces are they are inexpensive and soft to the touch. Disadvantages include being harder to get tight and stay tight, they are not as durable, don’t have fused tips and fray after a while, and are susceptible to water soak.

Skate Lace Methods

After determining what type of laces you want to go with, you will want to determine the best way to lace up your skates. There are various methods, but the most common are the inside criss cross and the outside criss cross.

Inside Criss Cross

The inside criss cross is a simple criss cross with the laces going through the inside of the eyelets. This process consists of taking one end of the lace and stringing it through the inside of the corresponding eyelet on the other side of the skate. Do this process, alternating each lace, until you reach the top. This style is the quickest and easiest to complete.

Outside Criss Cross

Another option would be the outside criss cross. This process is the same as the one before, but instead of going through the inside of each eyelet, you would feed the lace through the outside of the eyelets and repeat this process all the way up to the top. The benefits of this would be that you get a tighter hold than going through the inside. This process is quick and easy to complete, as well.

Step 4) Taking Care of your Hockey Skates

After finishing up a skating session, you will want to do more than simply just throw your expensive skates in your equipment bag and be on your way. Treating them properly is essential if you want to get the most longevity out of them.

To start, one thing that you will always want to do is remove them (along with all other equipment) from your hockey bag and let them air dry. This will help air circulate around them and help them dry faster. You can also use a few sprays of CaptOdor in each one before going on your way. This spray helps to eliminate odors, keeping your skates fresher, longer. Another helpful tip is to remove the footbeds from the skates. Not only will this give them a chance to air dry, but it will also eliminate the chance of any rust forming on the tops of the rivets that attach the holder onto the bottom of the skate. These can also be sprayed with 1-2 sprays of CaptOdor for good measure. Lastly, when removing your skates from your bag and letting them air dry, be sure that the area they are in is not too hot and humid. Storing them in areas like this will cause the drying process to significantly slow down or even stop. If this is unavoidable, it is recommended to use a blow dryer, on a cool setting, to help speed up the drying process.

Not only are the skates themselves important, but the blades on them are just as important! After getting off the ice and removing your skates, you will want to use a pair of A&R Tuffterry blade soakers to wipe off your blades, ridding them of any remaining ice. This prevents against any rust from forming. From there, I like to let the skates lie on top of the blade soakers while I get the rest of my gear off, giving the blades the time to air dry. After this is when I put on my blade soakers.

If you should need to replace your steel due to rust or cracking, the Bauer LightSpeed EDGE holders make it a seamless process. Simply press the grey trigger on the back of the holder, firmly pull up on the back of the blade, and it should pop right out. After finding steel that is compatible with the EDGE holders, such as Step Steel, BladeTech, or Massive Steel, insert the front portion of the blade into the holder first, then move to the back and use a cloth overtop to firmly press until you feel it pop into place. For the CCM SpeedBlade 4.0 holders, you will insert a flathead screwdriver into the corresponding side, use a set of pliers on the other side of the screw, turn the screwdriver until the screw is loosened, and proceed with the same process on the other screw.

You will also want to ensure that you select the correct size steel. On the bottom of your holder, you will find a three-digit number that indicates the size steel you will need.

When to Replace Hockey Skates

At some point in your hockey playing career, you will unavoidably need a new pair of hockey skates. So how do you know when that time has come? While there is not a set number of hours you should skate in them before it is recommended to get a new pair, there are a few clear signs that will help you determine if you need to purchase a new pair.

Typically, it all comes down to how often you skate and the level of competition in which you are participating. Casual, rec league players might go decades with the same pair of skates, while kids playing competitive, AAA hockey will only go one season. The obvious factor is how they look and feel. All skates, regardless of if they are entry level or pro level, should have some level of stiffness to them. You do not want the boot to bend or change shape much while skating. If the boot feels “flexible,” then it might be time for a new pair. The other indicator is how they look. While they will inevitably get scuffed up over time, if you have pieces of the sides of the boots ripping off, or holes anywhere on the skate, that is another key sign that you might need a new pair.

Some people might stick with the same pair for years because they love how they feel and fit, but disregarding both aforementioned issues can result in declined skating ability and protection.

Buying a new pair of hockey skates can be a little bit overwhelming, regardless of age or experience. There are multiple different processes you must complete in order to get them exactly how you like: baking them, determining how you want them sharpened, choosing the type of laces you want, and so on. While there is not one perfect pair for everyone, throughout this guide, our goal was to give you as much information as possible to aid you in the skate buying process. After reading through, and after getting your skates how you like, you are now ready to get out there on the ice and score some goals!

You've Purchased New Skates - Now What? (2024)


What to do when you get new figure skates? ›

Take it slow.

For a few weeks, you'll want to hold on to the old pair, because theyre going to be your best friends. The first time you step on the ice in your new skates, plan to skate in them for only 30-60 minutes. If your skater is a little one, you might even want to take it in 15-minute increments.

Why can't i skate in new skates? ›

You need to get them sharpened before you can use them. However, be aware that, as soon as you sharpen hockey skates you can no longer return them. Figure skates that come with blades typically come pre-sharpened so this was a lesson to us the first time we bought hockey skates.

How do you know when you need new skates? ›

Signs That It's Time for New Skates

If your skates don't support your foot and ankle, it's time for a new pair. Also, check the steel blades on your hockey skates. If they're pitted, rusted, or worn, they might need sharpening—or replacing.

How often do you need new ice skates? ›

Typically, it all comes down to how often you skate and the level of competition in which you are participating. Casual, rec league players might go decades with the same pair of skates, while kids playing competitive, AAA hockey will only go one season. The obvious factor is how they look and feel.

Is it too late to figure skate at 20? ›

It's never too late to skate! Learn to Skate USA offers an adult skating curriculum for adults looking to hone their skills.

Do you have to break in new skates? ›

The best way to break in a new pair of roller-skates is to settle in for the long haul. The more you wear them, the more the leather will conform to the individual shape of your foot.

How long does it take to break in new skates? ›

For most people it will take about 12 hours to break in a pair of skates over the course of roughly a month. Start out with shorter skate adventures and build up to longer skate adventures.

Should new skates feel tight? ›

Generally speaking, the golden rule for proper skate fit no matter the brand or kind of skate is as snug as possible without being painful or uncomfortable, with the ability to still wiggle the toes up and down.

Do new skates come pre sharpened? ›

The quick answer is no, hockey skates do not come pre-sharpened when you buy them new. Even the best pair of hockey skates will need to be sharpened before you can let them rip out on the ice. However, most hockey skate manufacturers will put a hollow or contour on the blade before they sell the skate.

How can you tell if roller skates are better? ›

The hardness of a wheel is specified by the durometer scale that goes from 0-100A. The closer you are to 100, the harder the wheels will be. Harder wheels provide a longer lifespan, but less grip and shock absorption. Softer wheels provide better grip and shock absorption, but a shorter lifespan.

How can you tell if skates are fresh? ›

Smell before you buy. You want ammonia-free skate. The flesh should be shiny. If your knife skills are subpar, ask the fishmonger to remove all cartilage and as much of the thin, white connective tissue as possible.

Do skates need to be sharpened? ›

Skates should typically be sharpened after 8-10 hours of use on an indoor rink. This timeframe shrinks when skating outdoors. If you find yourself struggling to skate smoothly or falling down doing a typical skill you'd be comfortable with it is a sign that you may need to get your blades checked.

How long do sharpened skates last? ›

Generally skates should be sharpened every 20-40 skating hours. This depends on a few different factors such as how many times a week a skater is on the ice, which elements the skater is working on, and the build of the skater.

How long do beginner skates last? ›

Anywhere from 1 – 20 years. It totally depends on quality of components, upkeep and maintenance, the type of skating you do, and how often you skate. The wheels may be the first to go, but they can be changed. The key is to clean and maintain your bearings, wheels and other parts to help them last.

Is it better to be short or tall as a figure skater? ›

Figure skating

This sport favors shorter, lighter athletes with slightly shorter limbs. Hewett said this body type is best for overall body control and faster spins. Skating athletes also need stronger lower bodies to jump high. But too much bulk and they can't propel themselves into the air.

Does figure skating delay puberty? ›

Sports such as gymnastics and figure skating have been associated with delayed puberty, especially in female participants. It is uncertain if this is due to that calorie mismatch, coaches favoring athletes with delayed puberty, or a combination.

Is 14 too old to start figure skating? ›

It's Never Too Late

There is never an age that it is too late to begin figure skating, but to be able to learn to land double and triple jumps does take time. It may be too late to master those difficult jumps if a skater begins skating in puberty or later.

How do you break in a new pair of roller skates? ›

Once they're nice and warm, wear them laced for about 5 minutes as they cool and the leather will better mold to your individual feet. Skate in Them! – Of course, the very best way to break in new skates is simply to skate in them.

How can I make my skates more comfortable? ›

Here's How to Make Ice Hockey Skates Comfortable:
  1. Get your feet fitted properly (and scanned).
  2. Bake your hockey skates.
  3. Use the right insoles.
  4. Try hockey skate inserts and gel pads.
  5. Wear different socks.
  6. Lace your skates up better.
  7. Skate more.
  8. Consult a skate specialist.

Should you loosen wheels on new skates? ›


The looser the wheel, the faster it spins. Skater Tip: Your wheels should not be loose enough to move up and down on your truck screw; if you hear a noise, they're too loose!

Why do my feet hurt in my ice skates? ›

Without thin socks, you can get painful corns and blisters. Lace your skates tight enough so that they fit is snug, but not painfully tight. Lacing boots too tightly can cause lace bite, a condition that causes sharp foot pain due to compressed tendons.

Should skates hurt your feet? ›

Skating should not be painful. If it is, it's a sign you are doing things wrong. But this can be easily rectified by following these Free classes. Learning to stop properly will help your body feel more relaxed.

Should I be able to wiggle my toes in skates? ›

For starters, your foot should feel snug and secure in the boot. Besides your toes being able to wiggle without touching the toe cap, there should be no movement. The skate should feel like an extension of your leg. The less movement of your foot in the skate, the better.

Should toes touch in skates? ›

Your toes should barely touch the front toe of the hockey skate. The skate is too small if your toes are bunched up or pressed hard against the front of the skate. Try a smaller size if your toe doesn't touch the front of the boot.

Should my toes touch the end of my skates? ›

Skates Are Just Right If: They feel snug and your foot is held securely. While standing, you can stretch your toe inside the boot and barely touch the end.

How many times can you sharpen your skates? ›

A rule of thumb is for every 15 to 20 hours of ice time, but let's go beyond the basics. The biggest factor is how often you skate, hence the rule of thumb based on ice time. It's not unheard of for some players to sharpen their blades before every game, and others once or twice a year.

Can you over sharpen skates? ›

Spending too much time sharpening the ends of the blade will cause it to gradually become more and more rockered over time, which limits the amount of blade on the ice and overall speed.

Which skates are better for beginners? ›

Quad skates have wheels that are arranged in a two-by-two configuration. This makes them more stable, and therefore better for beginners. Quad skates (or roller skates) are the perfect choice if you are interested in dancing on your skates (such as with artistic or jam styles) or if you are interested in roller derby.

Which roller skates are easier for beginners? ›

Inline skates are more commonly known as rollerblades, and have a single row of wheels down the middle of the skate. The arrangement of the wheels on quad skates gives them more stability, making them good for beginners who struggle with balance.

Does quality of skates matter? ›

The more you pay, the more advanced the skate, but the choice depends on your budget and also level of play. As a beginner, you may not need a top of the range skate, and in fact will likely benefit from a softer performance level skate, whereas a competitive player may choose to invest in a top-quality skate.

How do you clean skates after use? ›

It's easy to clean your skate wheels using just mild soap (like Dawn dish soap) and water. Just make sure to check your wheels first—if your wheels have metal cores, you need to keep them dry so they don't rust.

Should I oil my skates? ›

It is highly recommended to use oil on your bearings after every cleaning, but it is also important to keep an eye out for dry bearings. Skaters should apply lubricant once there are any signs of the bearings drying out.

How do you break in new skates fast? ›

Heat and Bake

One of the most popular in-store adjustments involves using heat. If they prefer not to do it at the store, some people use a hair dryer, which can be applied to the boot of the skate for 2-3 minutes before trying the skate on to mold it to their foot.

Do I need to sharpen brand new figure skates? ›

Yes. New figure skates need to be sharpened. When the brand is shipping the skates, they send dull blades so that there is no issue when in transit and there are no injuries when they are shipped. They are not sharp when sent, so you need to sharpen them before you begin skating.

Do all skates need to be sharpened? ›

Skates should typically be sharpened after 8-10 hours of use on an indoor rink. This timeframe shrinks when skating outdoors. If you find yourself struggling to skate smoothly or falling down doing a typical skill you'd be comfortable with it is a sign that you may need to get your blades checked.

Why do my feet hurt when skating? ›

Improperly laced or fitted skates

If your skates are too big or too small, you can end up with painful blisters and chafing, or even worse conditions like hammer toe. If your skates are the right size, but are laced too tightly, you can end up with lace bite.

Do figure skates come pre sharpened? ›

All skates come Factory Sharpened which is good for a one time use. All skates will eventually need to be professionally sharpened for best use.

How many times can skates be sharpened? ›

The rule of thumb is to sharpen ice skates after every 15-20 hours of use. This is typical for athletes who play hockey or figure skate multiple times on a weekly basis. This consensus is based on a few factors: First is how the skates are being used.

How tight should your skates be? ›

How tight should hockey skates fit? Hockey skates should be snug, but not uncomfortably tight. When unlaced, your toes should just barely touch the toe cap. When standing in your skates with them fully laced, you want your heel snug in the heel pocket, so your toes have a bit of space at the end.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.