How do you clean foggy plexiglass?
We suggest using cleaning wipes with at least 70% alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, isopropyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol, or other acrylic approved disinfectants. Use a microfiber cloth in order to avoid leaving scratches in your plexiglass panels, which would give harmful bacteria more nooks to hide away in and grow.
For removing and buffing out scratches and haze, use a plastic polish, car polish, or automobile wax with a clean, microfiber cloth. If the acrylic is still hazy, carefully sand the acrylic using a number of different grits, followed by a more abrasive polish.
Plexiglass is sensitive to ammonia, high pH, and products with Quaternary ammonium salts that will cause clouding or fogging. Always check your labels before using them on plexiglass. I've always found household dish soap works wonders. I've always preferred Dawn dish soap, but almost any will do.
Fill up your kitchen sink with a few cups of white vinegar and hot water, separate your plastic pieces and let them soak for at least 10 minutes. Then, drain the sink and rinse everything with more hot water. Another way to clean cloudy plastic is to use a paste of baking soda plus vinegar.
The most important thing to understand before cleaning acrylic or plexiglass shields is to never use harmful solvents. Especially refrain from using alcohol such as methyl, ethyl, isopropanol, or acetone.
Alcohol can cause cracks and microfractures in the surface of the acrylic. Ammonia can eat into the surface of acrylic and leave it looking cloudy.
Acrylic's number one enemy is ammonia. So when it comes to cleaning Lucite and acrylic pieces, "don't use any cleaner that has ammonia—ever!" says Von Furstenberg. The ingredient causes acrylic and Lucite to become cloudy, something you won't be able to reverse.
Use mineral spirits for removing the white residue left behind on plastic trim. Car polishes and waxes contain a cleaner that will leave a haze on plastic trim. You may need to use a tooth brush or an applicator like a tooth brush that can get into the deep pores in the plastic.
NEVER use vinegar-based products for cleaning acrylic. Just like glass cleaners, the acidic nature of vinegar will permanently damage your acrylic. A mild soap and water can be used as a natural way to clean acrylic.
Once excess grime has been removed, spray a nonabrasive acrylic cleaner, such as Brillianize (buy on Amazon) or Novus No. 1 (buy on Amazon), onto a one- or two-foot-square section of plexiglass. (For an on-hand alternative, a solution of mild dish soap and water works well too.)