How do you get the smell out of hockey gear? (2024)

How do I stop my hockey gear from smelling?

The cleaning aisle at your local Target, grocery store or hardware store can also be used to help battle the hockey smell. There are multiple deodorizer and antibacterial sprays on the market that work to reduce odor and bacteria. Items such as Clorox wipes, rubbing alcohol, Febreeze, and Lysol all work great.

(Video) How to get the smell out of hockey equipment
(How To Hockey - Coach Jeremy)
How do you clean and deodorize hockey equipment?


Fill your sink or tub with warm water, detergent, and vinegar, and allow the equipment to soak for 45 minutes to an hour. Using a soft cloth or sponge, wipe down every piece of gear while it's in the water. Rinse thoroughly. Remove the gear from the water and allow it to dry completely.

(Video) Cleaning Equipment and Getting Rid of the Smell
(Ontario Minor Hockey)
How do you get the smell out of hockey goalie gear?

Here's how to clean hockey gear 101 (the quick version)
  1. Fill tub with hot water.
  2. Add OxiClean (stain and odor remover) to tub.
  3. Mix water and OxiClean.
  4. Put all gear you'd like washed in tub.
  5. Soak for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Remove gear from tub, drain water.
  7. Repeat.

(Video) How to Get the Smell Out of Hockey Equipment - How the Pros Do It
(Fresh Gear)
How do I make my hockey skates not smell?

Baking soda. Giving your skates a dose of baking soda after each game or perhaps even nightly can help reduce the smell of your skates. Baking soda works as a drying agent to prevent the festering of bacteria in wet skates.

(Video) How To Clean Hockey Equipment
(Coach Jeremy)
Is it OK to wash hockey equipment?

If your hockey equipment already smells though there is an easy way to clean it: Put it in the washing machine! Yes, it is that easy.

(Video) How to Properly Wash Your Hockey Gear
(Beer League Bender)
What can I use to clean hockey gear?

How To Clean Hockey Equipment - YouTube

(Video) Natural ways to clean sports equipment to reduce odors
What do you spray on hockey equipment?

Clear Gear Spray keeps hockey gear odor and bacteria free. To help prevent odor and infections, use Clear Gear Spray after every hockey game and practice on the following: Helmets, chin straps, and cages.

(Video) The Stain Saint Takes on Cleaning Smelly Hockey Gear!
(The Stain Saint)
How do I make my hockey gloves not smell?

Remove the gloves from your hockey bag and place them on a drying rack, clothesline, or equipment tree so air can circulate. Leave the gloves for a few hours or until they're completely dry. Airing the gloves can prevent bacteria from growing on the gloves and will reduce their odor.

(Video) How To Clean Your Ice Hockey Equipment Prevent Stinking - Wash Hockey Pads And Stop Bad Smell
(Hockey Tutorial)
What do you spray on hockey equipment?

Clear Gear Spray keeps hockey gear odor and bacteria free. To help prevent odor and infections, use Clear Gear Spray after every hockey game and practice on the following: Helmets, chin straps, and cages.

(Video) How to clean hockey gloves without ruining palms - do's and don'ts of washing
(Hockey Tutorial)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

Last Updated: 14/04/2024

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