What does Band 3 mean in housing?
You'll be placed in order of priority based on your housing need. There are five bands, with 1 being the highest, and 5 the lowest. You'll be put in band 3 if you have overcrowding and/or medical points.
Band A - Urgent Housing. Application Category. Urgent Housing Priority - An application where the life of a household member would be in immediate danger if they continued to live in their current accommodation and this has been substantiated by other agencies.
- Band A – for households with an urgent need to move.
- Band B – for households with a high priority to move.
- Band C – for households with an identified housing need.
- Band D – for households with no other housing need but interested in affordable social housing and Homebuy.
Applicants who will receive higher priority for housing: People whose current housing has a serious negative impact on their health. People who are living in severely overcrowded housing. People who are homeless as a result of domestic abuse.
Band 2: Medium priority – for example, people who are overcrowded because they lack 2 bedrooms, and people with severe medical problems.
A Band 2 is the NHS entry salary. It is the lowest salary on the scale. Band 2 jobs include Healthcare and Catering Assistants, Support Workers or other types of Assistants. An apprentice (after 1 year in the NHS) will usually start on a Band 2 payscale. There are many stories of people starting in the NHS as a Band 2.
If your situation changes
Let the council know if there is a change in your income, health or housing situation that puts you in more urgent need. Tell the council know immediately if: you're homeless or facing homelessness. your home is overcrowded or in very bad condition.
Band B is for people who urgently need to move, perhaps because of a serious medical condition that is affected by their existing housing situation.
Band A or 1: Emergency and top priority applicants. Band B or 2: Medium priority; applicants with an urgent need to move. Band C or 3: Low priority; reasonable preference. Band D: All other applicants (usually unable to bid for social housing)
If you want to know your position on the housing list, ask the local authority. Your position may go up or down depending on the circ*mstances of other people on the list and as your own circ*mstances change.
What is B1 housing band?
Bands B1 and B2 are for people who have an urgent need to move. This includes people who: have serious medical problems affected by their housing. are homeless and in 'priority need'
For example, you're likely to be offered housing first if you:
- are homeless.
- live in cramped conditions.
- have a medical condition made worse by your current home.
The waiting times for all bands can be up to 70 months, depending on what type of accommodation you are seeking. A studio or a four bedroom house will obviously have drastically different waiting times.
' You are classed as priority need if you are vulnerable because of your mental illness. You can also be classed as priority need for other things. If you are a priority need you should be offered emergency accommodation.
If you're pregnant and homeless, you qualify for emergency housing from the council as long as you meet immigration and residence conditions. You may need proof of your pregnancy from a doctor or other health professional. The council should find you emergency housing while it looks into your application.
NHS Band 3 roles vary from a clinical coder to recruitment advisors and secretaries. There are many Band 3 assistants in NHS therapy services, examples include assistants in Physiotherapy, Speech and Language, Dietetics (food), Podiatry (feet) and Occupational Therapy.
If you have been shortlisted, you will be informed via the Home Connections website once you log on to the website. You will also be contacted by text message, email or phone call depending on the preference stated on your individual application.
Once a bid is placed, you will be shown a queue position. This is an estimation of your current prioritisation, in regards to all other bids that have been placed. This number will change during the cycle in relation to all other bids subsequently placed.
Four band imagery, when delivered to a customer, typically contains red, green, blue, and near infrared bands. Only three bands can be viewed at one time in most software applications in use at present.
Band 6 = 90 - 100 marks. Band 5 = 80 - 89 marks. Band 4 = 70 - 79 marks. Band 3 = 60 - 69 marks.
What can a band 2 do?
Healthcare/Health and Social Care Assistant (Band 2) - providing direct care to patients on wards and in a variety of community settings.
The council must provide emergency housing if they think you might: be legally homeless. meet the immigration conditions. have a priority need because of children, pregnancy, domestic abuse, or anything else that makes you vulnerable or at more risk of harm.
Changes to your rent
This year, the rules say rents can be increased by last September's Consumer Price Index (CPI), plus an extra 1%. The CPI is a common measure of inflation and in September 2021 was 3.1%. This means that most rents will increase by 4.1% from April 2022.
Applying for help from social services
You should call your local councils' social services department and explain your circ*mstances and ask them to assess your need or your family's need for housing. Make sure you tell them that you're homeless. If you have health problems explain how they affect you.
Instead of receiving points, applicants for housing will be placed in the band which reflects their level of need and priority as follows: Band A is for those applicants who have the most urgent or critical housing need. Band B is for those applicants who have a high priority housing need.
Priority Homeseeker (PH) – this group contains applicants whose circ*mstances fulfil one or more of the 'reasonable preference' criteria defined in s166A Housing Act 1996 (see below). Applicants in the PH group retain their position and accrue waiting time until they no longer hold a reasonable preference.
Those who have a local connection (as set out in this policy), or have been given a Main Housing Duty, and who have been accepted as homeless, or threatened with homelessness. This includes those whose duty has ended but they are still considered to be homeless.
If you are in band D, you will only be able to bid in certain limited situations. Why are the banding categories A,B, C etc? By law councils and housing associations must let most of their vacant homes (“social rented housing”) to the people who are in the most housing need.
It means that you are in the top 20 bidders for that property, out of however many (sometimes more than 1,000) others who expressed an interest in that property. So you are getting near your goal of being successful on Locata provided you bid for the right properties.
Local connection
full birth certificates. evidence of any name changes, such as marriage certificate, deed poll, decree nisi.
What is the meaning of Band 3 NHS?
Healthcare/Health and Social Care Assistant (Band 3) - providing patient care with advanced clinical skills whilst supervising other Healthcare Assistants (HCAs)
Band 2: Reasonable Preference categories. People who need to move and fall within one of the reasonable preference categories. All applications in this band will be reviewed after twelve months. Band 3: Non-priority and intentionally homeless, 1 bed overcrowding.
Band B is for people who urgently need to move, perhaps because of a serious medical condition that is affected by their existing housing situation.
Once a bid is placed, you will be shown a queue position. This is an estimation of your current prioritisation, in regards to all other bids that have been placed. This number will change during the cycle in relation to all other bids subsequently placed.
Examples of roles at band 2 - domestic support worker, housekeeping assistant, driver, nursery assistant, domestic team leader, security officer, secretary/typist and healthcare assistant. Band 3. <2 years' experience £21,730. 2+ years £23,177.
“A band two healthcare assistant should be focusing on personal care tasks like bathing, toileting, feeding and brushing hair. Band three HCAs take on more clinical care duties and patient observations, such analysing urine, doing a pregnancy test, taking blood and doing simple wound care.”
Band two – £18,870 to £20,270. Band two (two years' experience) – £19,918 to £21,318. Band three – £20,330 to £21,730. Band three (two years' experience) – £21,777 to £23,177.
Band 3: Households one bedroom overcrowded and certain homeless households (those with a reasonable preference but who do not qualify for a Band 2 award). are 1 bedroom short in accordance with the bedroom standard.
How long does it take to get a council house in Birmingham? According to the city council, in some areas the average applicant will wait over 20 years to secure a property.
Exceptional circ*mstances
You can be away for up to 8 weeks if it is due to the death of a partner, child or young person for whom you or your partner are responsible, you or your partner's close relative, or a close relative of a child or young person for whom you or your partner are responsible.
Is mental health a priority for housing?
' You are classed as priority need if you are vulnerable because of your mental illness. You can also be classed as priority need for other things. If you are a priority need you should be offered emergency accommodation.
Band A or 1: Emergency and top priority applicants. Band B or 2: Medium priority; applicants with an urgent need to move. Band C or 3: Low priority; reasonable preference. Band D: All other applicants (usually unable to bid for social housing)
For example, you're likely to be offered housing first if you:
- are homeless.
- live in cramped conditions.
- have a medical condition made worse by your current home.
If you have applied for council housing and have 120 points or more, you can bid for council and housing association properties.
If you have been shortlisted, you will be informed via the Home Connections website once you log on to the website. You will also be contacted by text message, email or phone call depending on the preference stated on your individual application.
It may take up to 12 weeks to exchange contracts but can take longer, and this can be a frustrating time because either you or the seller can still back out before contracts are exchanged.