What is a synonym for giving money?
Some common synonyms of donate are afford, bestow, confer, give, and present.
back bankroll fund guarantee promote sponsor subsidize support underwrite.
alms, benefaction, bequest, bestowal, boon, bounty, charity, courtesy, dispensation, fairing, gratuity, hand, hand-me-down, handout, honorarium, lagniappe, largesse, libation, oblation, offertory, philanthropy, pittance, presentation, provision, ration, remembrance, remittance, subscription, tax benefit, tax write-off, ...
amount, award, cash, deposit, disbursement, fee, outlay, pension, premium, refund, reimbursement, remittance, reparation, repayment, restitution, return, reward, royalty, salary, settlement, subsidy, sum, support, wage.
alms-giving, altruism, beneficence, benevolence, bounteousness, bounty, charitableness, charity, heart, high-mindedness, liberality, magnanimity, munificence, nobleness, openhandedness, philanthropy, profusion, readiness.
Some common synonyms of pay are compensate, indemnify, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, repay, and satisfy. While all these words mean "to give money or its equivalent in return for something," pay implies the discharge of an obligation incurred. paid their bills. When might compensate be a better fit than pay?
allowing, awarding, bequeathing, ceding, conferring, contributing, conveying, dispensing, distributing, donating, endowing, expending, furnishing, granting, imparting, permitting, presenting, remitting, supplying, transferring, yielding.
Should you wish to honor us with a gift, a contribution towards our future together would be sincerely appreciated. As we embark on this incredible journey together, your love and support mean the world to us. If you'd like to contribute to our dreams, a monetary gift would be cherished as we build our life together.
A philanthropist is a person who gives money or gifts to charities, or helps needy people in other ways. Famous examples include Andrew Carnegie and Bill & Melinda Gates. In English, the -ist suffix describes a person who does a particular action.
accept, collect, draw, earn, gain, get, hear, hold, make, obtain, pick up, pocket, reap, secure, seize, take, take in, win.
What is another word for gave money to?
subscribed | gave |
granted | pledged |
contributed | donated |
offered | promised |
paid | payed |
fund | finance |
subsidiseUK | subsidizeUS |
bankroll | support |
back | sponsor |
underwrite | endow |

Synonyms: pay , compensation , recompense, remittance , remuneration, deposit , retainer , payout, premium , installment (US), instalment (UK), payment in cash, payment in full, paycheck (US), pay cheque (UK), salary , wage , refund , award , financial reward. Sense: Noun: act of paying.
subscribing | giving |
granting | pledging |
contributing | donating |
offering | promising |
paying | sponsoring |
Some common synonyms of generous are bountiful, liberal, and munificent. While all these words mean "giving or given freely and unstintingly," generous stresses warmhearted readiness to give more than size or importance of the gift. Where would bountiful be a reasonable alternative to generous?
handout | charity |
payments | financial support |
free lunch | donation |
grant | gift |
allowance | gratuity |
droves | dozens |
exuberant amounts | hordes |
inexhaustible amounts | lavish amounts |
liberal amounts | overflowing amounts |
plenteous amounts | rich amounts |
Some common synonyms of give are afford, bestow, confer, donate, and present. While all these words mean "to convey to another as a possession," give, the general term, is applicable to any passing over of anything by any means.
(noun) in the sense of cash. Synonyms. cash. capital. coin.
bring | contribute |
give | present |
arrange | cater |
impart | offer |
produce | serve |
What is a synonym for give and receive?
give-and-take (verb as in come to an agreement) Strong matches. bargain barter collaborate come to terms compromise cooperate exchange find middle ground make concessions meet halfway reciprocate share swap trade off.
Recent Examples of Synonyms for granted. accepted. admitted. conferred. given.
Some common synonyms of donate are afford, bestow, confer, give, and present. While all these words mean "to convey to another as a possession," donate is likely to imply a publicized giving (as to charity). donate a piano to the orphanage.
Include a Heartfelt Note
No matter how you gift money—even if it's just a Venmo—make sure your recipient knows just how much they're loved and appreciated. "Include a note to the person that shows that you've given this some thought, and that there's meaning behind it," Swann says.
33 other terms for money gift. cash present. financial donation. currency contribution. monetary offering.