What is protrusive movement? (2024)

What are the movements of the mandible?

[6] There are primarily 6 types of mandibular movement, including opening, closing, rightward jaw translation, leftward jaw translation, protrusion, and retrusion. Variability in jaw movement allows for mastication of different textures and consistencies.

(Video) lateral and protrusive movements
(Zerodonto Dentistry)
What is protrusive occlusion?

pro·tru·sive oc·clu·sion

(prō-trū'siv ŏ-klū'zhŭn) Occlusion that results when mandible is protruded forward from centric position.

(Video) Eccentric mandibular movements (Lateral & Protrusive Movements)
(Dr. Mahmoud Ramadan)
What is an Excursive movement in dentistry?

Movement occurring when the mandible moves away from maximum intercuspation.

(Video) Mandibular movements: Rotational, Translational, Protrusive, Retrusive & Functional
(Dental Symphony)
What is translation movement of mandible?

Translation can be defined as a movement in which every point of the moving object simultaneously has the same direction and velocity. In the masticatory system, it occurs when the mandible moves forward, as in protrusion. The teeth, condyles, and rami all move in the same direction and to the same degree (Figure 4-5).

(Video) How to record protrusive movement ? Enjoy it with Dr.Mohammed sghaireen.
(أمجد البليهد AMJAD)
What are the 2 jaw movements?

TMJ Movements. Normal movements of the jaw during function, such as chewing, are known as excursions. There are two lateral excursions ( left and right ) and the forward excursion, known as protrusion, the reversal of which is retrusion.

(Video) Checking lateral and protrusive movements with 40 microns paper
(Zerodonto Dentistry)
What 4 movements are provided by the TMJ?

Movements. A variety of movements occur at the TMJ. These movements are mandibular depression, elevation, lateral deviation (which occurs to both the right and left sides), retrusion and protrusion.

(Video) Checking lateral and protrusive movements with 40 microns paper
(Zerodonto Dentistry)
What is Bennett movement?

The Bennett movement is part of this group of movements (23). It is a complex lateral movement or lateral shift of the mandible resulting from the movements of the condyles along the lateral inclines of the mandibular fossae during lateral jaw movement.

(Prakash Gadhiya)
What is protrusive bite?

Instruct your patient to push their mandible forward, hold it forward, and bite down. The patient's lower teeth are now ahead of their upper teeth – otherwise known as a protrusive position.

(Video) Mandibular Movements Simplified
(Dr Teeth)
What is translation movement?

"Translational motion is the motion by which a body shifts from one point in space to another." http://www.g9toengineering.com/resources/translational.htm. PS. "Translation means motion along a path. Rotation means motion around a fixed axis."

(Video) Occlusal Adjustment - Protrusive Movement
What is the meaning of translation movement?

a written text. 2 the act of translating or the state of being translated. 3 (Maths) a transformation in which the origin of a coordinate system is moved to another position so that each axis retains the same direction or, equivalently, a figure or curve is moved so that it retains the same orientation to the axes.

(Video) Mandibular Movements in 3D | SUPER EASY
(Dr Teeth)

Which type of movement is found in the jaw?

Pronation is a term used to describe movement of the jaw. Synarthroses are freely moving joints or articulations.

(Video) Protrusive Bite Registration.MOV
What are the 4 joint movements?

Synovial joints allow bones to slide past each other or to rotate around each other. This produces movements called abduction (away), adduction (towards), extension (open), flexion (close), and rotation.

What is protrusive movement? (2024)
What are the 4 body movements?

The body movements in humans are of the following types:
  • Flexion.
  • Lateral Flexion.
  • Dorsiflexion.
  • Plantarflexion.
  • Extension.
  • Hyperextension.
  • Abduction.
  • Adduction.
1 Dec 2020

What movement causes the mandible to open the mouth?

The lateral pterygoid muscle depresses the mandible and opens the mouth when assisted by the anterior belly of the digastric muscle and the mylohyoid muscle.

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