What is a summary of Galsworthy's play strife?
In the play, there is a prolonged unofficial strike at a factory; as the trade union and the company directors attempt to resolve the affair, which is causing hardship among the workers' families, there is a confrontation between the company chairman and the leader of the strike.
Strife by John Galsworthy is a 1909 play about a strike at a tin plate factory in England. The factory workers go on strike, demanding better working conditions and pay. The factory's owner, John Anthony, refuses to compromise, and the workers are forced to endure months of hardship.
The story deals directly with the issues of worker rights, especially as they concern the right of workers to strike for better conditions.
As Prof. Nicoll rightly says, Galsworthy has given a new dimension to tragedy by showing the waste caused by the destruction of innocent and well-meaning social beings by malicious social forces which are as strong today as the gods and the destiny were in the past.
Thus, we can conclude that the social problems of his time are the main theme of most of Galsworthy's plays.
Strife destroys unity and it robs us of peace.
Living in unity is beautiful to the Lord (Psalm 133:1). God wants us all to be united. But when strife enters we are divided. God wants us to have peace with one another!
strife emphasizes a struggle for superiority rather than the incongruity or incompatibility of the persons or things involved. conflict usually stresses the action of forces in opposition but in static applications implies an irreconcilability as of duties or desires.
Strife can be defined as bickering, discord, antagonism, or quarreling.
She then summarily dismisses Madge Thomas (Rosie Sheehy), a striker's wife, who she feels has no business there. Act 3 takes place in Enid's home, and she has some wonderful lines on “The working class” who she has now lost sympathy with.
strife in American English
1. the act of striving or vying with another; contention or competition. 2. the act or state of fighting or quarreling, esp. bitterly; struggle; conflict.
What are the two natures of strife?
The ancient Greek poet Hesiod wrote in Work and Days that there are two kinds of strife: destructive and beneficial.
Some common synonyms of strife are conflict, contention, discord, dissension, and variance. While all these words mean "a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony," strife emphasizes a struggle for superiority rather than the incongruity or incompatibility of the persons or things involved.

Justice, a drama written by John Galsworthy aimed to bring reforms in the British system of Justice. The play is not just about bringing reforms in solitary confinement but about the judicial process and the broader relationship of punishment to crime.
Galsworthy was a representative of the literary tradition, which has regarded the art as an instrument of social debate. He believed that it was the duty of an artist to examine a problem, but not to provide a solution.
The title of the play is a deliberate choice of Galsworthy who intends to make it sound ironical. In fact, the main tune of the play deals with the crux of justice, or rather the edifice of justice that appears majestic and awe-inspiring, but in the name of justice it crushes the poor under its wheel.
Thought is the reason behind a character's actions; this is often referred to as the drama's theme. Thought is the message that the protagonist is trying to communicate to the audience. Each drama has at least one underlying idea carried throughout the plot.
Themes. The major theme, as the name of the book suggests, is Loyalty. Every person in the play, and otherwise also, is loyal to something or someone and whatever they do, they do it to serve their loyalties.
Theme is especially essential to give your characters and events meaning, a meaning that often leads to great spiritual or emotional involvement and release by an audience. Great themes create great drama.
You can easily cause people to talk about being threatened and stir up civil strife. I have tried very carefully not to get into party strife over this. I do not see that this will avoid the racial strife which they are out to prevent. We have so much to lose through strife.
So Empedocles argued that the world is underpinned by love and strife. Love is the force that unites things, that brings them together. Love mixes and blends and combines. Strife is the counter-force that separates things out.
What does troubles and strife mean?
Trouble and Strife is cockney rhyming slang for wife. We chose this name because it acknowledges the reality of conflict in relations between women and men. As radical feminists, our politics come directly from this tension between men's power and women's resistance.
strife. bitter conflict; heated or violent dissension. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes. A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, Whose misadventured piteous overthrows.
noun. vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or antagonism: to be at strife.
Meaning of strife in English. violent or angry disagreement: What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between the Christian minority and Muslim majority?
What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want.
Explore 'strife' in the dictionary. (noun) in the sense of conflict. Synonyms. conflict. battle.
In James 3:16, the Bible says, “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” I want you to notice the word “envy” in this verse. It is taken from the Greek word zelos, and it denotes a fierce desire to promote one's own ideas and convictions to the exclusion of everyone else.
The play largely centers about the two dominant figures: John Anthony, the President of the Company, rigid, autocratic and uncompromising; he is unwilling to make the slightest concession, although the men have been out for six months and are in a condition of semi-starvation.
The art of writing true dramatic dialogue is an austere art, denying itself all license, grudging every sentence devoted to the mere machinery of the play, suppressing all jokes and epigrams severed from character, relying for fun and pathos on the fun and tears of life.
ˈstīf. dialectal, British. : a stifling fume or smell.
What is free from strife?
At peace, free from stress or worry. stress-free. stressless.
the beat of a song or poem. Swinging. lively dancing. 3.
Strife is clearly important to the war narrative that the Iliad recounts; but it is equally central to the tale of the homecoming of Odysseus, who is constantly striving to return home and then, once home, must overcome his opponents on Ithaca.
Heraclitus says that strife, conflict is the spiritual (not-a-being) engine of coming into being. Strife seems to be a state of affairs before things come into being, since they come into being through strife. Unless we are talking about a recombination of things into other things.
As an ancient writer, Hesiod is second only to Homer. And there are still a few things he can teach us. Almost three thousand years ago, Hesiod wrote that there were two kinds of strife. The first strife would “foster evil war and battle.” But the other strife would spur men, and societies, to greatness.
Strife means bitter conflict of some form. It refers to a form of antagonism. Whenever I get stressed it is often because I feel frustrated with the gap between how I wish things would be and how they actually are. In many ways this is a form of bitter disagreement that leads to stress.
- accord.
- agreement.
- concurrence.
- harmony.
- peace.
- calm.
- conformity.
- truce.
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for strife
Strife = str + ife; st are with knife i.e the quarrel. Strife = str + ife; st are with knife i.e the quarrel. Strife = str + ife; st are with knife i.e the quarrel.
Justice is the pursuit to find the truth but is often affected by people's views and biases. Justice is what the people want it to be. To find the truth you must listen to both sides of the story. In the court room Tom Robinson, through Atticus, tries to tell his side of the story but the jury doesn't listen.
What is a social justice theme?
Social justice refers to a political and philosophical theory that focuses on the concept of fairness in relations between individuals in society and equal access to wealth, opportunities, and social privileges.
As Prof. Nicoll rightly says, Galsworthy has given a new dimension to tragedy by showing the waste caused by the destruction of innocent and well-meaning social beings by malicious social forces which are as strong today as the gods and the destiny were in the past.
Falder is a weak and nervous youngman who works as a clerk in a lawyer‟s firm. He is good at heart and morally up right. He is in love with a woman, Ruth, whose husbands treats her brutally and even tries to strangulate her.
In Quality by John Galsworthy we have the theme of commitment, determination, loyalty, honesty, dedication and loss. Narrated in the first person by an unnamed man the reader realises after reading the story that Galsworthy may be exploring the theme of commitment.
John Galsworthy's Justice (1910) is a problem play with its deep insight on the penal system and solitary confinement of his time. It is a story about a man who forges a cheque to flee with a woman. She is tortured by her husband and finds no solace in her married life and wanted to settle abroad with Falder, clerk.
Justice, a drama written by John Galsworthy aimed to bring reforms in the British system of Justice. The play is not just about bringing reforms in solitary confinement but about the judicial process and the broader relationship of punishment to crime.
The action takes place on February 7th between the hours of noon and six in the afternoon, close to the Trenartha Tin Plate Works, on the borders of England and Wales, where a strike has been in progress throughout the winter.
The title of the play is a deliberate choice of Galsworthy who intends to make it sound ironical. In fact, the main tune of the play deals with the crux of justice, or rather the edifice of justice that appears majestic and awe-inspiring, but in the name of justice it crushes the poor under its wheel.
Roberts, the leader of the striking workmen, was just as unyielding on his side as Anthony was on his. Both sides faced a deadlock. Conditions among the workers were so terrible that many of them were ready to give in, but Roberts remained adamant. Mrs.
Who is Madge in strife?
She then summarily dismisses Madge Thomas (Rosie Sheehy), a striker's wife, who she feels has no business there. Act 3 takes place in Enid's home, and she has some wonderful lines on “The working class” who she has now lost sympathy with.
In Quality by John Galsworthy we have the theme of commitment, determination, loyalty, honesty, dedication and loss.
John Galsworthy's 1910 play, Justice, is a satire on the unfair practices of the judicial system all over the world that tend to give the rich and privileged an edge over the poor and destitute, causing the latter to suffer and pay for the crimes they did not even commit at times, and are put behind the bars for some ...
In Justice Falder is technically the hero of the play. He is the pivot around whom the whole play revolves. He is the centre of all events;the centre of attraction, the centre of pity, and the centre of our sympathy.
During these travels, he met Joseph Conrad in 1893, then the first mate of a sailing-ship moored in the harbour of Adelaide, Australia, and the two future novelists became close friends.