What needles are best for embroidering T shirts? (2025)

What needles are best for embroidering T shirts?

The ballpoints are for stretchy fabrics, like knits, jersey, t-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, fleece, and anything with spandex or Lycra. Ballpoint needles have a rounded point and push the weave out of the way rather than pierce it.

(Video) Tips for Embroidering Performance Wear
(Melco Embroidery)
What is the best needle for embroidery shirts?

The medium ballpoints (SUK) are the most popular and used for your fleeces, t-shirts, sweatshirt fabrics, and heavier knit placket shirts. The heavy ballpoint (SKF) is used on heavy bulky sweaters and most types of elastics goods with the exception of spandex. I would use the light or medium ballpoint on spandex.

(Video) Embroidery Hub Ep. 34: Embroidery Needle Types | Which Needle for Which Fabric
(Ricoma TV)
What needle do you use for t-shirts?

A ballpoint needle is often recommended for sewing knit fabrics like t-shirts, as it helps prevent skipped stitches and snags. Additionally, using a walking foot attachment on your sewing machine can help with sewing through multiple layers of fabric, which is common when making a t-shirt blanket.

(Video) (EMBROIDERY FOR BEGINNERS) How to embroider on a t-shirt with an embroidery machine
(Bayar Embroidery)
What size needle do you use to embroider on cotton?

The most common size for embroidery is a 75/11, which would be used for average-weight quilting cotton, satin, or similar weight fabric. An 80/12 would be used for heavier cottons or fabrics with a finish like batiks, linens, and other garment-weight fabrics.

(Video) How to Embroider a T-Shirt - 6 Simple Steps
What is a 90 14 needle used for?

90/14 needles are great when you are starting to sew medium weight fabrics like poplin, broadcloth and muslin. Think printed quilting cotton. These three sizes come standard in a pack of Schmetz universal needles, which is a great pack to get you started.

(Video) Best Tips & Products for Embroidering A Shirt With NO PUCKERS - Group Project - Start to Finish
(Cristin Creates)
What size needle for shirt embroidery?

Needle Size Selection Information
Canvas80/12 sharp
Dress Shirt70/10, 75/11, 80/12 ball point
Golf Shirt70/10, 75/11, 80/12 ball point
Lace75/11 sharp point
Leather80/12, 90/14 sharp point 75/11, 90/14 wedge point
16 more rows

(Video) Selecting The Right Embroidery Machine Needles | Beginner's Guide
(Sewing Parts Online)
What needle do you use for cotton fabric?

What size sewing machine needle do I need?
Size 10 =70
No 70 =Cotton lawn, lining fabrics
No 80 =Cotton shirting, quilting cotton,
No 90 =Linen, linen union curtain fabrics, cushion fabrics, cotton sateen curtain linings,
No 100 =Denim
9 more rows

(Video) How to Embroider on Stretchy Fabric
(A-Dubb Productions Allan Wade)
What is the 80 12 needle used for?

Size 80/12 -use on lightweight woven fabrics. For use on Singer®, Brother®, Kenmore® and other quality sewing machines.

(Video) 5 MUST KNOW tips and tricks for embroidery (WATCH BEFORE YOU EMBROIDER)
(dane meddings)
How do I know what needle to use for embroidery?

My favourites to use are sizes 3, 5 and 9. Pictured above are the 3 needles, and from left to right are size 5, size 3 and size 9. Size 5 is a very commonly used embroidery needle because it's not super long, and the eye is a really good size for the embroidery thread.

(Video) 5 best Embroidery Machines For Shirts || Embroidery Machines || ZDigitizing
Can I use 100% cotton for embroidery?

Cotton. My favorite fabric to stitch on is 100% (woven) cotton. Cotton tends to have a nice, tight weave that lends itself to a variety of stitches and is great for beginners to work with. It comes in a huge variety of colors and prints and is fairly reasonable in price.

(Video) MY EMBROIDERY MACHINES! What to Consider When Buying a Multineedle Embroidery Machine
(Angela Jasmina)

Can I use a 90 14 needle for embroidery?

Use needle 75/11 for embroidery. It is recommended that a 90/14 needle should be used when embroidering on heavyweight fabrics or stabilizing products (for example, denim, puffy foam, etc.).

(Video) How I Use My Ricoma Embroidery Machine
(Big Brandoh)
What is a 75 11 embroidery needle used for?

A 75/11 needle is designed for use on high speed commercial embroidery machines. It is an ideal all-purpose needle size that can be used with standard threads like polyester and rayon, as well as heavier threads like metallic.

What needles are best for embroidering T shirts? (2025)
What is the difference between 80 11 and 90 14 needles?

Size 11 (European 80) – Use these with light-weight fabrics such as silk, muslin, and calicoes. Size 14 (European 90) – Choose when sewing medium-weight fabrics such as rayon, gabardine, satin, chino, linen, denim; thick quilts. Use ballpoint size 14 for light to medium-weight knits such as tricot or jersey.

Which needle is used in most embroidery?

Answer: Crewel needles are used for general surface embroidery work and any embroidery technique that requires a sharp tip.

How do you get an embroidery pattern on a shirt?

To transfer an embroidery pattern to fabric can be done in several ways. Some common transfer techniques include carbon paper, water soluble pen, iron-on pen, solvy paper and friction pen. You will choose how to transfer your pattern based on the design and fabric.

What is the difference between a needle and an embroidery needle?

Embroidery needles work better with embroidery thread than sewing needles. If you have standard sewing needles around the house already, they won't generally work for this kind of crafting. Embroidery needles are usually less sharp than sewing needles, with a larger eye.

What size needle do you use to embroider a sweatshirt?

Use clips to keep the excess sweatshirt out of the way. Embroider the design. Use a size 11 or 75/11 sewing or embroidery needle.

What is the difference between embroidery needles and sashiko needles?

Sashiko needles are longer and smooth for running stitching. The larger eye of needle is especially for sashiko thread which is larger than embroidery needles. These needles have a large needle eye and are flexible and warp resistant. Runs smoothly through fabric.

What size needle is best for 100% cotton?

I just don't think it makes as nice a stitch. As a beginner, use an 80/12 size needle. This will work for any of the quality 50 wt 100% cotton threads (Aurifil, Masterpiece, Prescenia). It's a good, general all-purpose size.

What is a 60 8 needle used for?

Needle Sizes
60/8Used for the thinnest threads and finest detail work.
65/9Smallest of the more common needles. Used for fine fabrics, 60-weight thread, and delicate design details and tiny lettering.
5 more rows

What are 110 18 needles used for?

Denim/ Jeans Heavy wovens and denims 70/10 – 110/18 These needles have a thick, strong shaft and a very sharp point. They are used for stitching denim, canvas, duck and other heavy, tightly woven fabrics. They are also ideal for stitching through multiple fabric layers without breaking.

Can I use an 80 12 needle for embroidery?

For most embroidery projects on average-weight fabric, a 75/11 needle works great. For heavier cottons and linens, you might go up to an 80/12 size, and for heavy denims and fleeces you might use a 90/14 needle. Please note that the thinner your thread, the smaller the needle should be.

What is a 70 needle used for?

Quick Reference Chart
Sewing Machine Needle TypeNeedle SizeFabric Type
Universal needles70 (10)Voile, sheers, delicate silk
80 (12)Shirtings, poplin, rayon, light wool
90 (14)Medium - heavy, calico, linen
100 (16)Heavy fabric, upholstery, bag making
18 more rows
Dec 8, 2022

What is a 70 9 needle used for?

Size 9/70Suitable for light fabrics, silk and taffeta
Size 11/80Suitable for medium fabrics, cotton, linen and satin
Size 14/90Suitable for medium to heavy fabrics, this is an ideal in between needle
Size 16/100Suitable for heavy fabrics, denim, tweeds, curtain fabrics and soft furnishings

What stabilizer is best for embroidering sweatshirts?

The answer is: a cut-away stabilizer! This embroidery stabilizer can be used for any fabric, but is essential for knitted and stretchy fabrics. Because the fabric is stretchy, the embroidery design would also expand during embroidery.

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Author: Trent Wehner

Last Updated: 09/26/2024

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.