Why does Joe leave Henry? (2024)

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Does Joe leave Henry behind?

So, instead, Joe decides to leave him in the good hands of Dante and Lansing. Because they have been trying to expand their family for years now, Joe knows that his child will be safe and taken care of. But, before leaving Henry, Joe promises their separation will not last forever.

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(Junmar Ellazo)
Who did Joe leave Henry within you?

Joe does make sure to leave baby Henry in good hands though. Joe chooses to leave his son with his blind co-worker Dante. We don't know a ton about Dante except that he's blind, he's a great friend to Marianne, he's ex-military, he loves kids, and he's married to a man named Lansing who has two teenagers.

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Why did Joe leave his son?

Realising that being the son of murderous parents would lead to Henry being placed in care and possibly having an awful childhood like he himself had, Joe leaves Henry in his baby carrier on Dante and Lansing's doorstep, with a note asking them to take care of him.

(Video) Joe Kills Love | You Season 3
What happens to Henry when Joe kills Love?

What happens to Henry in You season 3? In the final episode of You season 3, Joe poisons and kills Love, but before that he gives baby Henry away to a couple who is better fit to parent. He drops off Henry at Dante's (Ben Mehl) house, one of his co-workers at the library who seems like a good person.

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Was Henry Joes baby?

Henry "Forty" Quinn-Goldberg is the newborn son of Love Quinn and Joe Goldberg. He is named after Love's brother, Forty Quinn. Joe is insistent on calling his son, "Henry". Whereas, Love and Dottie Quinn are more eager to call him "Forty".

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Who has custody of Henry in you?

In the final moments of You season 3, we learn that Henry is with Dante and Lansing. Joe requested that Dante and Lansing become guardians of Henry to keep Dottie out of Henry's life. As narrator, Joe says that, after a lengthy battle in the courts, Dante and Lansing eventually gain custody of Henry.

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Does anything happen to Henry in you?

In the end, Henry is left with the best people to raise him while Joe leaves his young son a note which he will get to read once he's older.

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What does Joe do to Henry?

So, Joe gives himself an antidote shot before dinner, which ends up saving his life. He then fakes his death and sets their house on fire. Though his plan all along was to escape with his son and start a new life, he can't do that anymore. In the end, Joe drops Henry off with a couple who is better suited to raise him.

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Is Joe coming back to Henry?

Will Joe go back for Henry? Sadly, probably not. In a recent interview with Collider, Joe himself, Penn Badgley said, “I think, trying to give some reality to Joe, he's really, really mentally ill. I don't know that he has the capacity to hold onto anyone for that long.”

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What happens to Paco?

When Paco later goes to the bookstore and finds Beck attempting to escape the basem*nt, begging Paco to find the key and insisting that Joe is crazy and dangerous, Paco runs away leaving Beck to be murdered by Joe. Paco and his mother Claudia moved away from New York to start fresh.

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Why is Forty's name Forty?

Basically, the scoring for tennis is super wonky. Each player starts at zero, but they call it love. So if the score is zero-zero, it's actually love-love. The games only go up to forty, hence Love and Forty as names for two kiddos.

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What happens to Elle in you?

Instead, Joe goes to find Ellie and tell her that Delilah is dead. He sends her away with money he's taken from the Quinn business safe to start a new life in Florida before she can be taken away (we know she gets there safely as Joe receives a postcard from her before the end of season two).

Why does Joe leave Henry? (2024)
What did Love do with Candace body?

Candace is killed by Love.

Love uses the bottle to slit Candace's throat. This is more or less the same way she'd previously killed the au pair who was hooking up with her brother, Forty, when they were kids. Later, Love takes Candace's body to Anavrin where she presumably disposes of it.

How does Love poison Joe?

Love poisons Joe with a paralytic by coating a serving knife with it, having learned that skin absorption of wolfsbane is less lethal than feeding it to someone directly after accidentally killing her previous husband James this way.

What happens to love's husband?

We knew from season 2 that Love's late husband James (Daniel Durant) passed away after a battle of cancer, and we all thought that's how he passed away. However, when Dottie is talking to Joe about Love in season 3, she drops a major bomb that suggests Love actually killed James.

Why did Love name her baby Henry?

Love was under the impression the baby was a reincarnation of her brother and wanted to keep the name alive. However Joe, who came to the conclusion he wanted to stop murdering people in season two, chose a different name.

Why did Joe want a daughter in you?

And there are several reasons why. Joe's past shows why he wants a daughter. Both Joe and his mother suffered from abuse by his father, and it was bad enough that his mom even hid a gun for protection. A You season 2 flashback showed Joe using the weapon to kill his father and protect his mother.

What happens to Joe's mom in you?

A flashback in the finale revealed that Joe's mom moved on and started looking after another child after abandoning her son. Effectively, she left Joe behind for good, much to the chagrin of our antihero. But the maternal influence in Joe's life might be back for future installments of the series.

Does Dr Weaver get custody of Henry?

The custody situation was eventually settled when the Lopezes and Weaver agreed to her having primary custody, with the Lopezes taking care of Henry while Kerry was at work.

Did Peter Pan switch bodies with Henry?

Sadly, not before Pan has had a chance to switch bodies with Henry, unbeknown to anyone on board the Jolly Roger. So Henry is the one who ends up in Pan's body in Pandora's Box. Pan does reveal his switcheroo to his most loyal underling Lost Boy Felix, though.

Does Emma get full custody of Henry?

New – In 2001, Emma finally gives birth to Henry at the prison hospital. However, the outcome takes a different twist: Instead of giving up Henry, she decides to keep him instead after she sees her son for the first time and she holds him, thus altering the outcome of her destiny thanks to Regina's spell.

What sickness does Henry have in you?

A few days later, their son Henry was diagnosed with measles and was critically ill in hospital, fighting for his life. At the end of Episode 3, it is revealed Henry had contracted measles from Gil's (Mackenzie Astin) unvaccinated daughters.

What did Henry get sick with in you?

But the Quinn-Goldbergs can't worry about any of that when they get the news that little Henry's sick with the measles.

Does Love get pregnant by Theo?

Being pregnant was the thing that saved Love's life, so maybe, because of that, she thinks that being pregnant again could solve her problems. What a wild, wild show. Although there was a short pregnancy scare in episode 5 and episode 6, Love does not get pregnant in You season 3.

Does Jo find out about Henry?

The quickest of recaps: A confrontation in an abandoned subway station led to Adam being paralyzed and Henry dying/disappearing; though Jo didn't see the moment of truth take place, she found Henry's pocketwatch and a 1940s-era family photo of him at the scene — and then confronted him with the items at the end of the ...

Was Joe a good guy?

While we rationally know Joe is an evil human being, the inclusion of his empathetic relationship with characters like Paco, Ellie and, eventually, Theo, paired with Penn's good looks and society's relationship with 'playing the chase', means that some viewers can't help but romanticise him.

Does Joe bond with the baby?

That is, until Joe finally forms a connection to his infant son. Joe struggles to bond with Henry in the first episode, afraid the infant will sense Joe's violent past or worse: grow up to be just like his father.

Is Joe in Love with Marianne?

Joe and Marienne almost get together, but Love halts their budding romance. They pretty much did everything a couple would do, such as flirt, kiss, and even sleep together. But they never officially got together because Joe was in a relationship with Love, and Marienne refused to be a homewrecker.

Did Joe hurt Mr Mooney?

Not only was the angry old man still alive, but he was also severely physically disabled. Joe confessed to Beck, in what seemed like an emotional moment at the time, that Mr. Mooney had a debilitating stroke that left him paralyzed and mute.

Who does Joe marry on You?

Season 3 finds Joe and Love living in the suburb of Madre Linda, married and giving birth to their son, Henry Forty-Quinn Goldberg. Joe was expecting a girl and was disappointed when they had a boy instead.

Will Paco ever return to You?

The character of Paco does not exist in the books You and Hidden Bodies and was purely created for the Netflix adaption, so really anything could happen. It is highly likely that Paco will feature in season two of You, given the dramatic ending of the final of season one.

Why is Love obsessed with forty?

For all her physical tells, the key to Love is embedded in her relationship with her twin brother, Forty (James Scully). The twin connection between Forty and Love runs deep: They grew up with abusive and neglectful parents, so they clung to each other for support throughout childhood and into adulthood.

Why is Love Quinn named Love?

Love and Forty's names are a not-so-subtle homage to the point scoring system in tennis which says "Love" is equivalent to 0 and "40" denotes 3 points in the game. For instance, a tennis game where the score is 0-0 would be termed "love-love".

How did forty figure out Joe?

During season two, Forty goes to New York to visit Dr. Nicky in jail and he tells him the truth about Joe. Dr. Nicky confirms that Joe is the patient who Forty couldn't find any contact info for, proving that Joe was involved with Beck in the past.

Does Joe keep Henry in you?

In a heartbreaking moment of clarity, Joe realizes that despite finally forming a meaningful connection with Henry, it's in his son's best interest (and, yes, his own best interest) to abandon his child. He leaves Henry, alongside a goodbye note, with Dante, his co-worker at the library.

Does Delilah survive in you?

While she's trapped and Joe tries to figure a way out of the mess he's in, Love discovers Delilah in the cage and kills her so that she won't be a threat to her relationship with Joe. Delilah was just a very likable character, and one who, like many on this list, deserved much better.

Who is Joe sending money to on you?

In the final episode of You season 2, Joe sends Ellie off to Florida with a stack of cash to protect her from Love who, unbeknownst to Ellie, killed her older sister Delilah.

What did Jo do to Candace?

We learn that Candace cheated on Joe and later left him, telling him she never loved him. In an attempt to restore their love, Joe kidnapped her and drove her to a remote area where they had previously spent time together.

What did Love find in Natalie's box?

Although her husband 'technically' didn't fully cheat on his wife, Love finds a hidden box containing Natalie's underwear, scarf and a tampon… yeah a tampon!

Is Candace a Joe hallucination?

Candace is just a hallucination.

After he injured his head in a car wreck, Joe began hallucinating Candace, and a lot of fans seem to think that after murdering Beck he became so unhinged that the hallucinations returned.

What mental illnesses does Joe and Love have?

Goldberg shows signs of antisocial personality disorder, narcissism, and codependency in season 1. In season 2, however, flashbacks to Goldberg's past suggest he could actually be none of those and have an attachment disorder.

Why does Joe Break Up With Love?

After Love finds Joe's bloody shirt after murdering Ryan, Marienne's boyfriend, Love makes her move, but not before Joe asks for a divorce. So, yes, technically, Joe and Love do break up in You season 3.

Does Joe find out about Love and Theo?

In any case, Love eventually does tell Joe about Theo — kind of. She says that Theo kissed her, and then she conducts a plan so she can get closer to Theo but make Joe believe it's for another reason.

What did Love's husband lie to her about?

Or did he? In an episode six flashback, we see that Love had wanted to start a family, but when she pestered him about it, James revealed he had a stomach problem he'd been keeping secret for eight weeks. And it wasn't the type that's cured with a few spoonfuls of Pepto Bismol.

What illness did Love's husband have?

Love accidentally used too much of the paralytic (she injected James with the poison rather than having it absorb through the skin like she did to Joe in the finale of Season 3) and, though it wasn't Love's intention, James died as a result.

Is Love's Baby Joe's?

The real father is Milo.

Yes, Love told Joe that Milo wasn't the baby's father, but Love could have been lying and desperate, knowing that Joe would not have stayed (or may have even killed her) if he knew that she was pregnant with someone else's child.

Does Joe still have Henry?

In the end, Henry is left with the best people to raise him while Joe leaves his young son a note which he will get to read once he's older.

Is Henry okay in you Season 3?

She knocked Gil out with a rolling pin and dragged him into the glass cage in the basem*nt of her bakery. Henry ends up being okay, but we can't say the same for Gil. So Henry ended up being one of the lucky ones who didn't die this season. As a result, we get to see him throughout the rest of the season.

What happens to Joe's ex in you?

She was killed by Joe, before he could then met Guinevere Beck, she also doesn't play an important role in the second book, Hidden Bodies, and wasn't Amy Adams, that was a completely different character Joe meets, taking that role over Candace, due to her death.

Does Joe abandon Ellie?

Unfortunately, Joe's brief affair with Delilah ends with a jealous Love murdering her, leaving Ellie alone.

Why did Joe and Love name the baby Henry?

Love was under the impression the baby was a reincarnation of her brother and wanted to keep the name alive. However Joe, who came to the conclusion he wanted to stop murdering people in season two, chose a different name.

What happens to Theo in you?

After discovering Theo in the bakery, Love attempted to kill him - but he was later saved by Joe. While Joe at first thought he was dead, he decided to take him to hospital after hearing him stir, and the end of the series saw Theo recovering from his injuries.

Will Joe ever get caught?

The author has not currently written/published the third book in the series that the show will likely draw inspiration from. But, in the end of the second book Hidden Bodies, Joe has been arrested and it ends with him in jail (engaged to Love) NOT in suburbia like the show. So, in the books, he has already been caught.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

Last Updated: 08/09/2024

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.