10 Tips For Beginner Skaters | Skateboarding Info (2024)

I’ve been skating for over a decade, and there are a lot of things that I’ve learned that I wish I would’ve learned a lot sooner.

When I was growing up skating, I didn’t have any older skaters to teach me this stuff, and I had to learn a lot of it on my own, so I figured I would make a list passing on some of this knowledge to hopefully help out any skaters out there who are just starting.

Be Comfortable With Your Skill Level

The first tip is to be more comfortable with your skill level.

This is one of the best tips for beginner skaters that I can think of, because it’s something a lot of people deal with. If you can relate to this, let me know in the comments, because I feel like this is something everyone goes through when they’re first starting out.

It seems like almost every beginner is super self-conscious of their skating, which really shouldn’t be the case no matter how bad you think you are.

I’ve heard stories of skaters avoiding going to skateparks or even just skating in front of other people because they were too intimidated, but going to parks and skating with other people is actually one of the best way for you to get better.

Everyone starts somewhere, and other skateboarders are really understanding of that. I promise you, 99% of the time no one cares if you aren’t good, so you shouldn’t let the thought of skating in front of other people scare you.

As long as you’re nice to everyone and you make sure to stay out of other people’s way, you shouldn’t have any problems.

Learn Skatepark Etiquette

The second tip on our list is to learn proper skatepark etiquette.

You might not be aware of it if you’re new to skating, but there are certain unspoken rules that come with skateboarding, and if you don’t follow them, then there’s a 100% chance that you’re going to rub other skaters the wrong way.

Now I don’t mean that there are actual rules written down on a piece of paper, but there are general things that are agreed on by most skaters.

Things like waiting your turn and staying out of other people’s way are some of the biggest, but it mostly just comes down to being a half-decent person.

When a lot of kids are new to skating, they tend to get in the way a lot, and they can be pretty obnoxious at the skatepark, which is always super annoying to all of the other skaters there.

All you really need to do is to stay out of people’s way and try to be somewhat courteous, and you should be fine.

Learn How To Ollie Properly

The third tip for beginner skaters is to learn how to ollie properly.

Now realistically this could be said about pretty much any trick, but ollies in particular are especially important. Since ollies are the foundation for almost every other skateboarding trick, every beginner should learn how to do them properly.

Now when you first learn them, they’re going to be bad and that’s completely normal, but as you start to get better you should really focus on getting a good ollie.

Most beginner skaters have rocket ollies, which again is fine when you’re still learning, but your goal should be to learn how to level and eventually even tweak them out. This will set the foundation for learning how to really control your board when you’re skating, and once you learn how to do proper ollies, it’s something that will start to carry over into all of your other tricks.

Learn How To Fall

The next tip is to learn how to fall the right way.

Believe it or not, there is a right way to fall and a wrong way to fall, and a lot of beginners don’t realize this, so they end up getting hurt a lot more than they need to when they’re first starting out.

It’s kind of hard to explain, but basically, whenever you fall, you should try your best to slide or roll, that way you aren’t just slamming into the ground. The goal is to try to slow down your fall as much as possible, so that when you do slam, it’s not as bad.

This is why people who have been skating for a while can fall a ton of times and still be fine, compared to when someone who doesn’t skate falls once and they’re done for the rest of the day.

Also, it’s good to learn when to commit and when to kick out. Beginners have a tendency to commit to tricks they should probably kick out of, and they also kick out of tricks they should probably commit to. This can lead to a lot of unnecessary slams, so learning when to commit and when to kick out will help you a lot.

Don’t Hate On Other Skaters

The 5th tip is to not hate on other skaters.

For as great as skateboarding is, sometimes skateboarders can be a little over the top when it comes to hating on other skaters, and for the most part it really isn’t necessary.

Now sometimes people can do some things that are lame, but a lot of times I think skaters get caught up in complaining about things that really aren’t important.

It doesn’t matter if some skaters like to wear helmets, or if other skaters like to wear yellow camo pants, if it doesn’t affect you personally, then you shouldn’t worry about it.

Skateboarding should be about keeping things positive, so that’s really all that you should focus on.

Skate As Much As Possible

Tip number 6 is to skate as much as possible.

When you’re first learning how to skate, there’s going to be a bit of a learning curve to get up to a functional level, so it’s good to spend as much time out skating as possible.

This is especially true if you’re younger, because as you get older, you don’t learn nearly as easily, so focusing on skating as much as you can while you’re young will allow you to progress a lot faster.

When you’re younger you generally have more free time available, so you should try to use it to skate as much as you can.

It might be fun to play video games and watch Netflix, and there’s nothing wrong with doing that, but I promise you once you get older you’ll never look back and wish you spent less time skating.

Invest In Good Gear

The 7th tip for beginner skaters is to invest in good gear.

Now I realize that most skateboarders can’t afford new boards every week and a million-dollar skatepark in their backyard, but buying good gear as much as you can will definitely help you out.

I’m mostly talking about boards and shoes here, but it really applies to just about any skateboarding product. Not only will good quality skate product last you longer, but skating fresh boards and shoes will also help you progress faster.

Beginners have a tendency to buy the cheapest boards and shoes possible, which usually ends up breaking way sooner, so they end up spending way more money in the long run.

Also whenever beginners do buy good boards or shoes, they end up milking it for way too long instead of just buying new ones, which can end up making it a lot harder to progress.

Again, I realize a lot of skaters just can’t afford new stuff all the time which is completely fine, but if you have the option between spending your money on AirPods or a new board, you’re probably better off getting the board.

Skate A Variety Of Things

Tip number 8 is to skate a variety of things.

When you’re new to skating, it can be easy to fall into a pattern of only skating the things that you’re comfortable with, but by doing that you’ll end up limiting yourself long-term.

Skating a variety of things will allow you to figure out what you like and don’t like, and it’ll also help you progress more.

It’s okay to have certain things that you prefer skating, because everyone does, but it’s good to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, especially when you’re first starting out.

A good way to force yourself to do this is by going to new street spots and skateparks, and just making an effort to skate things that you normally wouldn’t skate. If you usually only skate quarter pipes, try skating some ledges for a while. If you usually only skate rails, then spend some time trying some manuals.

The more things you learn how to skate, the larger variety of tricks you’ll have, and the better off you’ll be long-term.

Get Involved In Your Local Scene

The 9th tip for beginner skateboarders is to get involved in your local scene.

Since skateboarding can be a pretty individual thing, it’s easy to stick to yourself or just stick to your close group of friends, but it’s good to make an effort to be active in your local scene.

Showing up to events or even just making an effort to talk to other skaters is a great way support your scene, which is something that ends up helping everyone.

If you’re a new skateboarder, you probably don’t know a lot of other skaters, and this is one of the best ways to get out there and meet other people. Even if you’re new to skating, other skaters can be really welcoming, especially if they see that you’re a genuine person who really loves skateboarding.

Whether it be supporting your local skate shop, going to whatever events are happening, or even hosting your own events, I think most skaters, and especially beginners should try to get more involved in their local skate scene.

Have Fun

Tip number 10 is to have fun while you skate.

Skateboarding can be really hard and really frustrating at times, but learning to just have fun with it will make skating in general much more enjoyable.

Don’t worry about what other people are thinking, don’t get annoyed every time you can’t land a trick, and just focus on having fun skating.

Obviously there are going to be times when you get mad, but the point is to try your best to just have fun with it as much as possible.

This is a good tip for not just beginner skaters but also more experienced skaters, because it’s something that a lot of skateboarders forget over time.

Tips For Beginner Skateboarders

So those are my 10 beginner skateboarding tips. Some of these took me a pretty long time to learn, so hopefully they help you out at least little.

10 Tips For Beginner Skaters | Skateboarding Info (2024)


How can I be a good skater? ›

Six keys to improve skating speed & efficiency
  1. Longer skating strides = wider strides. ...
  2. For acceleration, nothing compares to short off-ice sprints. ...
  3. Less equipment means faster skating practice. ...
  4. Strength workouts must incorporate explosive movement of your body, not just slow strength alone. ...
  5. Practice skating on your own.
Dec 9, 2020

How to be a cute skater girl? ›

Graphic tees, sneakers, baggy pants, and hoodies are part of the surf and skate fashion style. Put together trendy outfits with functional, loose, and comfortable clothes for maximum freedom of movement. You can also wear jumpsuits, playsuits, rompers, and overalls.

What are skating basic skills? ›

Skills learned in Basic Skills 1-6

Basic 1: Sit on ice and stand up, March forward across the ice, Forward two-foot glide, Dip, Forward swizzles — 6–8 in a row, Backward wiggles — 6–8 in a row, Beginning snowplow stop on two feet or one foot, Two-foot hop in place (optional).

When should I start skating? ›

Although there is no fixed age to start skating, skating experts recommend that children be at least 3 years old to start skating. From the age of 3, children have already developed basic motor skills that allow them to move with greater ease and balance.

How old is skater girl? ›

Set in a village in Rajasthan, the film revolves around 15-year-old Prerna (played by Rachel Sanchita Gupta), who is left in complete awe of the new sport after it's introduced to her by Jessica (played by Amrit Maghera).

What is a skater chick? ›

A big part of being a skater girl is looking like one. That means wearing shoes and clothes from skater brands. Other skaters tend to wear these clothes and they're also tailored to allow for skaters' movement. Some great skater brands are Vans, DC, Nike (especially their basketball line), and Etnies.

Is skating good for girls? ›

Roller skating mostly works the muscles of your hips and legs. Your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves will all get a good workout. Skating also gives your backside a few unique advantages.

What is level 4 ice skating? ›

Level 4: Forward Outside edges on a circle (Left and right) Forward Inside edges on a circle (Left and right) Basic forward Slalom (basic outside/inside edges)

Can I teach myself how do you skate? ›

Most people teach themselves to skateboard through practice and watching others. You can learn to balance, push, fall, and do simple tricks without hiring someone to teach you. All you need is a skateboard, a flat quiet area to practice on, some safety gear, and patience and persistence.

What is the hardest thing about learning to skate? ›

Whether they spent more time upright and cruising around, holding onto a trainer for support, or falling down, our Kindergarten and Grade 1 students have had a great time challenging themselves to improve their ice skating over the past month.

How to skate without fear? ›

How to Conquer Fear of Skateboarding
  1. Take Your Time. A lot of the time, fear of skateboarding comes from pushing yourself too hard. ...
  2. Fall a Few Times to Reduce Fear. That might sound weird, but falling actually helps build confidence in skateboarding. ...
  3. Ramp Up Slowly. ...
  4. Practice. ...
  5. Commit Yourself.
Jan 18, 2019

How do you skate fast without falling? ›

This is no coincidence: wearing wrist guards and knee pads can actually reduce the frequency of your falling. This is because wearing wrist and knee protection makes you more likely to reach your hands in front of you when feeling a wobble, to position to fall forwards rather than backwards.

How do skaters stop spinning? ›

That's because they have conditioned their bodies and brains to quash that dizzying feeling, experts say. American figure skater Mirai Nagasu, who won a bronze medal at the Winter Olympics in South Korea in 2018, says she feels the rotations but has learned how to recenter her focus over the years.

How do you relax when skating? ›

If you're tense, it will be harder to skate. A couple of ways to relax include listening to chill music, taking deep breaths, and stretching for 15 minutes before you skate. Stretching is incredibly good for your body! When you stretch, you're loosening up your muscles and preparing them to be used.

How can I increase my stamina for skating? ›

Practice Roller Skating in Intervals

Pacing yourself is key to increase your endurance. While you're skating at Wheels Skate Center, try roller skating very fast for about one minute. Afterward, give yourself a five-minute break where you glide around the rink. Then, try roller skating fast again.

How do you get a skater body? ›

Ice Skater Workout & Exercise Routine
  1. Squats: 3 sets of 8-12 reps with weights to build lower body strength.
  2. Leg presses: 3 sets of 8-12 reps to target the quads and glutes.
  3. Lunges: 3 sets of 8-12 reps, both forward and backward to work on balance and stability.
  4. You can purchase a set of adjustable weights here.
Apr 7, 2022

How do skaters dress? ›

Skaters wear clothes that are durable to cope with regular wear and tear. Baggy shirts and hoodies are comfortable and don't restrict motion. Hardwearing trousers will last and offer protection from minor injuries. Skate shoes need tough uppers and grippy soles.

Where is skate like a girl? ›

Our mission is to create an inclusive community by promoting confidence, leadership, and social justice through the sport of skateboarding. Founded 20 years ago, we currently operate chapters in Seattle, Portland and the San Francisco Bay Area.

What style is skater? ›

Skater shirts tend to lean towards thick, long-wearing materials and a loose fit that provides a wide range of motion. Cotton and flannel are the name of the game, while checks and stripes are very popular on the skater park too.

Can you skate in a skirt? ›

Short or tight dresses or skirts should also be avoided as they are too restrictive. Whatever you wear, you'll need to be able to freely bend your knees. Of course, you also don't want to wear clothing so loose that it can get caught in your skates.

Is skateboarding a risk? ›

Head injuries, including concussions, pose the greatest danger to young skateboarders. These can involve time in a hospital, permanent impairment, and — in extreme cases — even death. Hand, wrist, or shoulder injuries may occur when skateboarders lose their balance and fall on an outstretched arm.

Does skateboarding hurt your hips? ›

Case studies have also highlighted that injuries to the knees and hips can occur while skateboarding. The cause of such injuries is down to the high impact nature of the sport and the repeated stress on the lower body. ACL and MCL injuries are sighted as the common types of knee injuries.

How do you know if you're a poser in skateboarding? ›

A poser is about a person who does not belong to the skateboarding world, and who only appropriates the style of the skater just for his image.

Why can't I get good at skateboarding? ›

Most skateboarders stop progressing at some point. You don't seem to get better and learning new tricks seems impossible. Often this has to do with skipping the basics or you're getting too frustrated and over-focussed. To get better at skateboarding you need to slowly build up and make sure you master the basics.

Is it too late to start skating at 13? ›

There is never an age that it is too late to begin figure skating, but to be able to learn to land double and triple jumps does take time.

Is it too late to start skating at 15? ›

If you just want to learn to skate, then 15 is not too old. Realistically starting at 15, you're not going to make it past the test level. You might (depending on a host of factors including time spent and natural talent) be able to land a double or two and some high level tests might be achievable if you work hard.

Is it too late to start skating at 22? ›

You're never too old to learn skateboarding, at least when you're still healthy and in reasonable physical shape. There is no age limit, whether you're in your twenties, thirties, forties or even fifties. It might be a little embarrassing when you start skateboarding at your 30's or 40's but practice makes perfect.

What do you need to be a figure skater for beginners? ›

The basic equipment you require for figure skating are boots, blades and comfortable, warm clothing. As for all sports, you'll also need to plan for hydration and, if you are skating outdoors, don't forget your sun protection too.

Is it okay to start figure skating at 14? ›

Is 14 too late to start skating? No, never. But you have to be realistic with your expectations. Expecting to start at 14, when you are also unable to practice every day and have private coaching, and still make GP/Nationals/Olympics, is NOT a realistic expectation.

Is it okay to start figure skating at 13? ›

There is never an age that it is too late to begin figure skating, but to be able to learn to land double and triple jumps does take time.

How do skaters spin without getting dizzy? ›

Although they occasionally tumble upon landing, figure skaters mostly spin through the air without losing their balance. That's because they have conditioned their bodies and brains to quash that dizzying feeling, experts say.

What is the youngest age for figure skater? ›

German figure skater Maxi Herber is the youngest Olympic figure skating champion (at the age of 15 years and 128 days) when she won gold in pair skating together with Ernst Baier at the 1936 Winter Olympics. American figure skater Scott Allen is the youngest Olympic medalist in figure skating.

What age do girls start skating? ›

Although there is no fixed age to start skating, skating experts recommend that children be at least 3 years old to start skating. From the age of 3, children have already developed basic motor skills that allow them to move with greater ease and balance.

How old can you be a figure skater? ›

The International Skating Union approved gradually raising the figure skating age minimum from 15 years to 17 years for Olympic-level competition before the next Winter Games in 2026, which will impact the women's singles event.

When should I start ice skating? ›

Somewhere between the ages of three and five, kids are ready to start on skates, says De Vito, a professional skating coach who's been in charge of the preschool program at the Kitchener-Waterloo Skating Club in Waterloo, Ont., for five years. But, she adds, parents need to be patient.

Is it hard to be a figure skater? ›

Figure skating is a hard skill to learn. If it was easy, everyone would do it. That means that if you want to get good, or even just be okay, you'll need to figure skate a lot. It will take time to get to where you want to be and there are no tricks around it.

When can you call yourself a figure skater? ›

To be a competitive figure skater in the USA, you must pass eight Moves In the Field (MIF) tests, which closely examine your basic skating skills, edges, and ability to master speed, power, flow, turns, and spirals.

How do I start ice skating again? ›

First, get fitted for a good pair of skates if you haven't already. Find a coach who works well with adults and do regular lessons if you can. Classes are also a nice way to get back into skating. A friendly warning--adult skating is one step forward, two steps back.

Does skateboarding hurt your back? ›

What we tend to see with skaters is due to constantly adopting a flexed position when skating which allows us to effectively look down at our boards it often limit's the T spine's opposite job of achieving full extension, leading to pain or irritation in the lower back (lumbar spine) as this area try's to take over to ...

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.