3 Least-Watched Sports In India [1 min read] (2024)

General News | Apr-16-2023

A wide range of sports is practiced and watched all over India, which has a rich sporting culture. However, not as many people participate in certain sports because viewership can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the popularity of individual athletes or teams, access to television and the internet, regional and cultural differences, and so on. However, the following three sports are generally thought to have a lower viewership in India, based on a variety of sources and observations:

Swimming: Despite its popularity as a leisure activity, swimming is not widely practiced as a competitive sport in India. The sport's low profile in the country is due to a lack of support for swimmers, proper training facilities, and infrastructure.

Hockey on ice: In India, ice hockey is a niche sport that is rarely played or watched. It is difficult for the sport to gain popularity in the country due to the relatively high cost of equipment and the lack of adequate ice rinks and facilities.

Archery: Despite the country's rich cultural history of archery and its inclusion in ancient Indian warfare, archery is not a popular sport in India and has a small following. The country's growth and popularity of the sport have been limited as a result of the sport's lack of adequate support and infrastructure.

In conclusion, India is a diverse nation with numerous sports-related passions. Swimming, ice hockey, and archery are the three sports that get the least amount of attention in India. The public, the media, and the government pay little attention to or support these sports. However, these sports may become more popular in the future due to the expansion of sports infrastructure and growing interest in sports.

By : karan
Anand School for Excellence

3 Least-Watched Sports In India [1 min read] (2024)
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