6 Things You Can Do When Your Bumble Match Doesn't Message You Back (2024)

When your Bumble match doesn’t message you back – or worse – unmatches you, it can be frustrating, to say the least.If you’re a guy who has been agonizing over the lack of responses you receive when messaging on dating apps, you’re not alone.

For women, the challenge that often comes from online dating is sifting through an excess of creep-tastic messages in order to find quality, chivalrous guys to go out with.

But for quality guys (like you), the challenge comes from receiving nothing but crickets in response to messages you send out on dating apps like Bumble.

You want to get noticed, but how can you do so when you’ve got so much competition in the online dating world?

Lucky for you, there are several strategies you can put in place when your matches on dating sites like Bumble fail to message you back. Along with getting more responses, these strategies can help you increase your confidence,decreaseanxiety and set you on a path that will lead you to find an awesome girlfriend.

What To Do When Your Bumble Match Doesn’t Message Back

Tap Into Shared Interests

6 Things You Can Do When Your Bumble Match Doesn't Message You Back (1)

If your Bumble match doesn’t respond, it may be because you JUST missed the mark in standing out among other guys who carefully analyzed her profile and interests.

To up your game, take a look at any shared interests the two of you may have. When I’m advising my clients on the dos and don’ts of Bumble, I always recommend that they utilize Bumble’s option to connect to their other social media, like Instagram and Spotify.

With this option, you can easily see if you two have some shared interests and make that a topic in your follow-up message.

Examine the Time You Sent the First Message

6 Things You Can Do When Your Bumble Match Doesn't Message You Back (2)

They say that timing is everything, and online dating is no exception to this rule.

Sometimes yourBumble match will neglect to write you back simply because of the time of day you sent the first message. Remember, we all have work and personal obligations, and our schedules can vary. Plus, women are more likely to get bombarded by messages than their male counterparts, which runs you at a greater risk of getting buried beneath a bunch of other matches.

Take a look at the time you sent a message and wait until a different time of day to send your second message. If you sent the first message in the morning, pick the afternoon or evening to send the next one. If you chose the afternoon or evening to send the first message, send the second message in the morning.

You get the idea.

Examine the Day You Sent the First Message

6 Things You Can Do When Your Bumble Match Doesn't Message You Back (3)

We covered how time can affect reasons why your bumble match doesn’t message you back. Now, let’s take a look at specific days.

Let’s say that you decided to send a message during the weekend. That makes sense, right? She’s most likely not at work and has PLENTY of time to scroll through your magnificent prose and should respond promptly.

Well, not necessarily.

Weekends may be reserved for time with friends, other dates or just catching up on errands she hasn’t gotten to during the work week. And even the hardest of workers need a little break here and there (hi, Facebook, Twitter, and internet rabbit holes). Checking into her Bumble account might actually occur more frequently during the work week than the weekend.

Conversely, consider the fact that not everybody has a typical 9 to 5. She could work weekend shifts or have a flexible schedule. The digital economy has brought with it more opportunities where people can work from home or adjust their schedule based on their preferences and needs.

In short, if weekday messages yield crickets, try a weekend, and vice versa.

Move on to the Next Match

Don’t fall into the trap of getting stuck on one match.

If one singular Bumble match doesn’t message you back, try 3 times max, then move on to other matches. Your message cadence should look like this:

Step #1: Send the initial message (in response to her message).

Step #2: If she doesn’t respond in 24 hours, send a short follow-up message.

Step #3: If she still doesn’t respond in 24-48 hours, senda last ditch message.

A mistake that many people tend to make is getting fixated on one person rather than several at a time but it is also a mistake to give up after just one message doesn’t get a response. This can happen whether you are using a dating app or dating someone already.

One of the points I stress with all of my clients is the benefits of megadating. Megadatingkeeps your social calendar full, your dating stress level low, and can propel you closer toward your goal of getting a girlfriend.

When you megadate, you never fixate on one single person. You date several people at one time in order to learn more about what you want out of a relationship, to practice interacting with women, and— in turn— gain more confidence in yourself.

But before you can megadate, you actually have togetseveral dates lined up. And this is why it’s important to make sure you are putting in the time to match with lots of different women on Bumble, instead of twiddling your thumbs waiting for one person to message you back.

Relax and Switch to Another Dating App

I always recommend that my clients download several different dating apps in order to increase their number of dates. Bumble is obviously one of the extremely popular and recommended apps, but there is a bevy of other dating apps to choose from. So if your Bumble match doesn’t message you back, close it out and move on to a different app, such as:


Hinge is unique in that it puts a modern twist on meeting through “a friend of a friend.” The app finds potential matches for you by going through your Facebook friends list. Not only does this cut down on randoms, but when you see that you both have a mutual friend (or friends), it can be a great conversation starter.

Hinge also has some cool features, like videos and comments. Click here to learn more about getting more matches on Hinge.

Coffee Meets Bagel

Whodoesn’tlove coffee? Coffee Meets Bagel is an innovative dating app. As a guy, you’ll receive up to 21 matches (bagels). These bagel beauties will be given an option to “like” or “pass” on you, and if they “like” you, chatting commences! Like Bumble, women tend to gravitate toward this dating app since it puts them in control of taking the initiative, and their inboxes won’t get cluttered with creepers.

Although it might seem like a bummer that you don’t get to make the first move, this can actually be super beneficial. Matching with someone means they (at the very least) saw some potential for you two hitting it off. This prevents you from wasting time messaging woman after woman, even though said women may not have had an interest in messaging you (or anyone…we can all be guilty of forgetting to delete apps we no longer use) in the first place.

How About We

How About We takes the pressure off of yammering on about yourself and cuts right to the chase. The app allows you to connect by suggesting a specific dating idea and connecting with a match who is interested. What’s great about this app is that it gets you off your phone and out into the real world, face to face with a real woman PRONTO.

These are only a few of the dating apps out there that can get you on the road to meeting the right woman for you. For the most success in the app world, be sure to download my mega-message template. This tool has been strategically designed to get you more face time with your online matches.

Turn Your Phone Off

What’s the final thing you can do when your Bumble match doesn’t message you back? Turn off your phone.

There’s no single strategy when it comes to dating. Online dating has opened up several avenues that singles didn’t have before, but you can still find plenty of eligible, attractive women simply by getting out and active in the real world.

During my 100 date experiment, I learned A LOT about the modern dating world and how all of us can apply certain strategies to lead a happier, more fulfilled dating life.

In my career, I’ve helped men just like you (yes, YOU!) get more matches online, go on more and better dates, find long-term relationships, and I’ve also helped men find women that later became their wives.

Love isn’t something that is reserved for the lucky few. Book a New Client Zoomsession with me today to learn more.

During our session, we’ll discuss your dating roadblocks and goals in order to create an action plan that will guide you toward increased confidence and success in the dating world. We’ll also determine if my private coaching program, group coaching program, or matchmaking services is right for you.

6 Things You Can Do When Your Bumble Match Doesn't Message You Back (2024)


What to do if your Bumble match doesn't respond? ›

Avoid saying things like, “Why didn't you answer me?” Take a more casual approach, and see this as an opportunity for a friendly check-in without expectations of getting a response. Also, consider messaging just once—and after you send your message, give it some time.

How to get more responses on Bumble? ›

Tips for Getting Guys to Respond on Bumble
  1. Be Swipe-Happy. Revel in the judgemental nature of traditional dating apps. ...
  2. Start a conversation with EVERYONE you match with. ...
  3. Keep it simple. ...
  4. Bypass all boring chatter in the first few messages. ...
  5. Be flirty, but not outrageous.
Jun 11, 2022

Why is nobody messaging me back on Bumble? ›

They have notifications turned off

It's common for people to turn off notifications not just from Bumble, but from most apps on their phone. So don't assume your match actively decided not to message you. Maybe they just didn't see you in time!

Why do guys match but not message? ›

Men, according to the researchers, are much less discriminating in who they attempt to match with – that is, they're far more likely to swipe right. But once they've got a match, they're also much less inclined to contact the other person, implying that the thrill of getting a match is satisfying enough.

How do you deal with rejection on Bumble? ›

Five Steps to Help Deal with Rejection in a Healthy Way
  1. Step one: Let yourself feel it. Feeling sad, angry, or disappointed? ...
  2. Step two: Accept it. It can be tempting to live in denial once you've been rejected—Maybe they didn't mean it! ...
  3. Step three: Reframe it. ...
  4. Step four: Boost your confidence. ...
  5. Step five: Get back in the game.

Why am I not getting matches on Bumble? ›

Follow this checklist to optimize your account: Add six high-quality photos - Having quality photos that clearly show your face can help you get the results you're looking for. Use portrait mode and the timer on your phone to work all your angles. Verify your profile - This shows users you're the real deal!

What's the best first message on Bumble? ›

How to Come Up With a Bumble Opening Line in Under 60 Seconds
  • Ask about their photos.
  • Connect over a shared interest.
  • Offer a compliment.
  • Describe them in emojis.
  • Ask a random question.

How do I improve my matches on Bumble? ›

Here are eight things you can do right now that could help you get more Bumble matches.
  1. Include all six photos. ...
  2. Take advantage of those profile prompts. ...
  3. Add the maximum number of badges. ...
  4. Fill out your bio. ...
  5. Get verified. ...
  6. Upgrade your membership. ...
  7. Make filters work for you. ...
  8. Use Spotlight and SuperSwipe.

What does it mean if you swipe right on Bumble and nothing happens? ›

If You're Interested: Swipe Right

This means that you've matched with them - congrats! Don't give up hope if you don't immediately match with someone. This could just mean that the person hasn't seen your profile yet (and therefore hasn't had the opportunity to swipe right). They may appear in your match queue later.

Does unmatching on Bumble delete messages? ›

After unmatching with someone, your conversation will disappear and they won't be able to message you or see your profile.

Why do people match and then not talk? ›

Seeking Validation: The Ego Boosters on Dating Apps

Some people are on dating apps just to feel good about themselves. FlirtyYetShy confessed, “Some people just want the validation of matching. They have no intention of talking.” Is this true? It's hard to say, but some do just what to chat.

How do I get more replies on Bumble? ›

Ask about something on their Bumble profile

One of the easiest ways to get a match talking is to ask them about one of their interests. Take a look at their Bumble profile to find a conversation starter: Does one of their Profile Prompts mention their favorite band? Ask them about it!

What to say after "hi"? ›

You might ask them how their day is going or comment on the weather outside. You could inquire about their weekend plans or simply express how glad you are to see them. If you're looking to really get the conversation flowing, you might share a funny anecdote or a recent news headline that caught your attention.

What openers do guys like on Bumble? ›

Top 14 Good Bumble Openers
  • A GIF or Meme. ...
  • Lemon Emoji + "Sorry, I couldn't find an opening lime." ...
  • "A [insert recipient's job]? ...
  • “I've seen everything on Netflix. ...
  • "To be honest, that first smiling pic knocked me out. ...
  • 5." Let's play two truths and a lie. ...
  • “I'm super hungry and need options.

Can you rematch if a guy doesn t respond on Bumble? ›

It happens! The good news is that Bumble's Rematch feature—available on Bumble Boost and Bumble Premium—was made for this. Rematch allows you to restart the 24 hours you have to message a match when they expire, giving you that crucial extra time to come up with an opening line and make the first move.

Why am I not receiving matches on Bumble? ›

Follow this checklist to optimize your account: Add six high-quality photos - Having quality photos that clearly show your face can help you get the results you're looking for. Use portrait mode and the timer on your phone to work all your angles. Verify your profile - This shows users you're the real deal!

How long does Bumble support take to respond? ›

Will someone from Bumble reach out to me after I've submitted a report in the app? How long will this take? We aim to resolve reports made in the app within 48 hours of filing. A member of the support team will send you a notification telling you whether action was taken or not.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.