7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (2024)

Paying off student loans – it’s not something anyone looks forward in their life aftercollege, but it’s practically a necessity due to increasing tuition prices and fees.

Depending on what school you attended, you could be facing a few thousand dollars or tens of thousands of dollars. For some, the debt amount may seem extremely daunting and there may seem like there is no way out. Don’t fret! As a social services worker who doesn’t make a lot of money, I have student loans and understand your situation.

Although I can’t wave my magic wand and make your debt disappear, I can provide you with 7 tips for paying off student loans.

P.S. I have a post that explains how I earned extra money so I could pay off my student loans quicker.Check it out here:How I Paid an Extra $3,000 on My Student Loans in One Year.

7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (1)

1. Start Early

Depending on the types of student loans you have, you may be accountable for paying interest that accumulates while you are in-school or in deferment. The loans you will want to look out for are the unsubsidized loans as these are the ones which you are responsible for any accrued interest at any time.

Although no payment is going to be required while you are enrolled in school at least half time, you will still want to start paying off student loans early so that you won’t have to pay as much in the long run. Even if you can only contribute $10 each month to the bill, at least that’s $10 that won’t be accruing interest anymore!

Think about it – if you are in school for four years and you put $10 toward a subsidized or unsubsidized student loan each month, then you already have $480 paid off by the time you graduate!

Extra Tip: Ask your lender to apply your early payment to the loan that is accruing interest. If you don’t have any that fit this criteria, ask them to apply it to the loan with the highest interest rate or balance.

2. Shop Online to Earn Money

Getting cash back from your online purchases is an easy step you can take to pay off student loans. Ebates is my personal favorite because they have a wide range of store options, AND they offer double cash back days!

Upromiseis another program that allows you to apply your earnings directly to an eligible student loan, or you can create a college savings account if you have a child you would like to start an account for.

Finally, Swagbucks has expanded their services to allow members to earn cash back by shopping and eating locally! All you need to do is connect one of your credit or debit cards to your account. It may not seem like much at first, but every little bit counts when it comes to paying off your debt.

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3. Use the Debt Snowball Method When Paying Off Student Loans

The theory behind the debt snowball method is simple – pay off bills in the quickest way possible! The best way to describe how this works is to provide an example:

Joe needs to come up with a plan for paying off student loans. Listed below is the amount of each loan, the interest rate, and the minimum payment necessary.

Loan 1: $4,500

Interest Rate: 2.75%

Minimum Payment: $50

Loan 2: $1,000

Interest Rate: 5.75%

Minimum Payment: $25

Loan 3: $5,750

Interest Rate: 4.5%

Minimum Payment: $75

Joe has a monthly budget of $200 to put toward paying off student loans. He decides that the debt snowball method would work best for him. Here is how he divides his monthly budget:

Loan 1: $50

Loan 2: $75

Loan 3: $75

You will notice that Joe is paying the minimum balance on loans 1 and 3 but he is paying $50 extra on loan 2. The reason behind this is that with the debt snowball method, you want to start with the lowest balance first and then work your way up.

Now, let’s say that Joe has paid off his $1,000 loan and he is still budgeting for $200 a month for the loans:

Loan 1: $125

Loan 3: $75

Joe has taken the $75 that he was using to pay loan 2 and is now using it to pay off loan 1 quicker. The whole process will continue until Joe has paid off that loan and is using his full $200 each month to put toward the largest loan, the third one. The debt snowball method is used until all balances are paid completely. This is an aggressive approach to paying off student loans – You will have to get really good at budgeting and cutting back in some areas, but I promise that this method works and is worth the initial sacrifice!

4. Loan Forgiveness Programs

If you work in public services or are a teacher, you may not have to worry about paying off student loans forever because you could be eligible for one of the forgiveness programs (which typically require you to work ten years in the field before being eligible)

The key to taking advantage of these programs is to take part in repayment plans that are based on your income. If you stick with a standard repayment plan, your loan should be paid off in full after ten years, so that would be defeating the purpose. Also, graduated repayment plans aren’t accepted with loan forgiveness programs. More information about loan forgiveness programs can be found at the Federal Student Aid website.

5. Make Extra Payments When Possible

Look, student loan debt isn’t going to go anywhere, so you might as well get rid of it as fast as possible. Although no one wants to use their spending money on bills, it may be wise to take at least a portion of those extra funds and put them toward a high balance loan or one that has high interest.

Do you want to be paying off student loans for the next ten or more years? I didn’t think so!

6. Avoid Default

You may have heard of default before. Trust me, it’s not something you want to have on your record. I’ve worked with students in the past who have been in default and they were unable to get additionally funding to go back to school. Also, their credit was typically affected, and not in a good way.

Remember, this is the government’s money that you have borrowed and are now not paying back! Because of that fact, the government could withhold some of your tax return money or even take money from your paychecks if they want to. Don’t let yourself get to this point! If you know you are experiencing a financial hardship and you just can’t make the payments right now, call your lender and see what you can work out with them. It’s better to put a loan in forbearance for a short period of time than to have a tarnished credit report.

7. Continue to Look for Scholarships and Employers Who Pay for Your Education

Certain companies offer scholarships to help you with paying off student loans. There are also employers who will pay their employees to go to school.

If the free money is there for you, go after it!

Even if your employer is only able to pay for any education that you do in the future, it could still be well worth your time because advanced education typically means a higher paycheck in the end. As for scholarships, keep doing your research and make it a goal to seek out those that specifically are available to students who have debt from being in school.

Final Thoughts

I highly recommend keeping a budget sheet to help you track all of your bills and expenses. By doing so, you may find some extra money that you can use for paying off your student loans!

For more financial aid and student loan tips, check out the following:

  • College Budget Template: Free Printable for Students
  • How Long to Pay Off Student Loans – The Basics
  • Money Saving Tips for College Students: Save Thousands


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  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (4)


    February 23, 2015 at 11:36 am

    I remember the feeling I had when I finally paid my 18k student loan… These are great tips! Thanks for sharing ;o)

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (5)

    Suz @ 2 cats & chloe

    February 23, 2015 at 11:38 am

    I am SO thankful that my parents did that pre-paid education thing when I was in kindergarten! I am definitely blessed to not have student loans. But this blog post is spot on! It’s so true to start early!

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (6)


    February 23, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    Great post – I know people that owe up to £30,000 (about $46,000) from going to Law school and they are struggling so bad!

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (7)

    Courtney harris

    February 23, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    I graduated college two years ago, and this was a great reminder that steps can be taken to get rid of debt faster. Thanks for letting us know about SmarterBucks. I’m excited to try it out! Rock on, firework! 🙂

    • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (8)


      February 23, 2015 at 2:05 pm

      Let me know how it works for you! 🙂

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (9)

    Jessica Doll

    February 23, 2015 at 12:13 pm

    I am a big fan of the snowball method. I use it to pay off credit card debt and it always works out and is more satisfying for me because you can pay off more as time goes on.


    • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (10)


      February 23, 2015 at 2:06 pm

      It truly is amazing how well the snowball method works 🙂

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (11)


    February 23, 2015 at 12:53 pm

    Fabulous tips! My husband and I are working on paying down ours while simultaneously cash flowing the rest of my tuition. Something that has truly motivated us has been dreaming of what we can do together when we are debt free! We’ve talked about working at Disneyland for a year and even teaching English in Japan too! It really gets you motivated.

    • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (12)


      February 23, 2015 at 2:04 pm

      All the little efforts made now can definitely pay off in the long run!

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (13)


    February 23, 2015 at 1:07 pm

    I am SO glad that my student loan is paid off, but now we have my boyfriend’s to worry about! Starting early is definitely key.

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (14)

    Gema Diaz

    February 23, 2015 at 1:26 pm

    AAhhh Im so not looking forward to paying for my loans after graduation day. I never had loans for my undergraduate, but so now for graduate is it something I dread. I love all the tips, Im going to start paying some of the interest early like you suggested. Definitely saving this post for future reference. THANKS!

    • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (15)


      February 23, 2015 at 2:03 pm

      Glad it was helpful for you! I really do wish there were more grants and scholarships for graduate students.

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (16)


    February 23, 2015 at 2:17 pm

    This is great advice. My husband and I just started paying back my student loan at the beginning of the year (about 19,000) and we first consolidated all my loans to reduce interest and then opted for the graduate payment plan. We are paying smaller amounts now for the first three years while my husband finishes school; then will be able to pay a little more after!

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (17)


    February 23, 2015 at 2:26 pm

    I knew someone who defaulted on their student loans because they just didn’t want to pay them back. So stupid, their credit is basically ruined for life!

    • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (18)


      February 23, 2015 at 4:17 pm

      Ugh, that sounds terrible! I can’t imagine having my credit ruined forever 🙁

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (19)


    February 24, 2015 at 8:57 am

    This is a fantastic post!! It’s so important for people to understand how to really pay of their student loans instead of just ignoring them and acting like they will magically go away!!

    • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (20)


      February 24, 2015 at 9:09 am

      Thank you for stopping by, Kati! I agree… I think that people need to take a more proactive approach to handling student loans.

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (21)

    Kendra {Open Spaces}

    February 24, 2015 at 2:41 pm

    Great tips! My husband and I recently graduated and are having to face the dreaded repayment process.

    • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (22)


      February 24, 2015 at 3:04 pm

      Ah yes, never a fun time. I hope you guys can knock them out quickly!

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (23)


    February 27, 2015 at 10:18 am

    Thanks for these great tips! My parents initially said they would pay for all of my loans but when I got my big girl job and was making more than they thought I would, it suddenly became my burden.

    I love the snowball idea. I had recently started doing something similar, but was paying off highest interest first. I didn’t think to go for the lowest amount one. That’s a brilliant idea!

    • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (24)


      February 27, 2015 at 10:45 am

      Student loans are just the worst to pay off! I like tackling the small debt first because they it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something once it’s gone!

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (25)


    February 12, 2017 at 12:34 pm

    Totally agree one of the biggest mistakes I made with leaving on campus. The amount they can is crazy. I found out from a friend that I could easily find a decent off campus living arrangement through livably.com. I have saved so much just from making this one change. It has reduced my student loan drastically.

  • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (26)


    April 11, 2019 at 9:41 am

    nobody ever talks about paying off $80k in student loans early… that’s the article I want to see.

    • 7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (27)


      April 14, 2019 at 12:54 pm

      Hi Rebekah,

      These tips can apply to any loan amount. Yes, $80k is definitely going to take a lot longer to pay down, but any extra money you can put toward your loans could take years off its lifespan. Hang in there!

    7 Tips for Paying Off Student Loans (2024)


    How to pay off student loans most efficiently? ›

    Take control of your loans
    1. Know what you owe. ...
    2. See if your loans fit into your budget and pay schedule. ...
    3. Make sure your federal repayment plan is the best one for you. ...
    4. Set up direct debit (aka autopay) for 0.25% off your interest rate. ...
    5. Stay in touch with your servicer. ...
    6. Keep good records.

    What do I need to know before paying off student loans? ›

    Repaying Student Loans 101
    • Understand What You Owe.
    • Repayment Plans.
    • Make a Payment.
    • If You Can't Afford Your Payments.
    • Learn About Loan Forgiveness Options.
    • Your Loan Servicer, Explained.
    • Get Support.

    How can I pay off my student loans smartly? ›

    9 tips for paying off student loans fast
    1. Make additional payments.
    2. Set up automatic payments.
    3. Get a part-time job in college.
    4. Stick to a budget.
    5. Consider refinancing.
    6. Apply for loan forgiveness.
    7. Lower your interest rate.
    8. Take advantage of tax deductions.
    Feb 28, 2024

    How can I make sure my student loans are forgiven? ›

    If you work full time for a government or nonprofit organization, you may qualify for forgiveness of the entire remaining balance of your Direct Loans after you've made 120 qualifying payments—i.e., 10 years of payments. To benefit from PSLF, you need to repay your federal student loans under an IDR plan.

    How to aggressively pay off student debt? ›

    Make paying off your student loans a priority.
    1. Pay more than the minimum payment. ...
    2. Get on a budget. ...
    3. Cut back your spending. ...
    4. Increase your income. ...
    5. Refinance your loans (only if it makes sense). ...
    6. Avoid income-driven repayment plans (IDRs). ...
    7. Don't bank on student loan forgiveness.
    Apr 23, 2024

    Is it worth it to pay off student loans right now? ›

    Key takeaways. Paying off student loans early can benefit you financially, but it should typically come second to building your emergency fund and retirement savings. People with private student loans or without other debt tend to benefit more from paying off student loans early.

    Is there a downside to paying off student loans early? ›

    Con: You May Be Short On Cash

    Allocating all of your extra cash toward your debt can cause you to fall behind in saving for retirement or building an emergency fund, so it's important to find a balance between paying off student loans early and pursuing other financial goals.

    Can you negotiate student loan payoff? ›

    Absolutely. But before you begin negotiating, your loans will probably need to be either in default or near default. Some lenders may suggest an alternative repayment plan, but if your loans are far beyond hardship assistance, you can start trying to negotiate a student loan settlement.

    Why are student loans so hard to pay off? ›

    Interest can make student loans more expensive, while inflation can make that debt harder to manage alongside other bills. Paying off some of your debt during your studies could ease the burden later on and save you money on interest.

    How to pay off $10,000 in student loans fast? ›

    Here are eight more ways to pay off student loans fast.
    1. Organize your student loan debt and make a repayment plan. ...
    2. Pay more than the minimum due. ...
    3. Make additional payments. ...
    4. Apply for loan forgiveness. ...
    5. Take advantage of interest rate discounts. ...
    6. Leverage tax deductions and credits. ...
    7. Make biweekly payments.
    7 days ago

    How to pay off student loans when you are broke? ›

    If you find yourself unable to pay your student loans because times are tough, here are some student loan repayment options to consider.
    1. Contact your loan servicer to discuss your options.
    2. Change your repayment plan.
    3. Look into consolidation.
    4. Consider deferment or forbearance.
    5. Look into loan forgiveness.
    6. Hear from an expert.
    Feb 1, 2024

    How long does it take to pay off $100 K student loans? ›

    How long does paying off $100K in student loans take? Although the standard repayment plan is typically 10 years, some loans and repayment plans have longer terms, so you could be repaying for 20 or even 30 years.

    How to get $10,000 loan forgiveness? ›

    If you received a Pell Grant in college and meet the income threshold, you will be eligible for up to $20,000 in debt relief. If you did not receive a Pell Grant in college and meet the income threshold, you will be eligible for up to $10,000 in debt relief.

    Who qualifies for student loan forgiveness now? ›

    Cancel student debt for borrowers who entered repayment a long time ago. Borrowers with undergraduate debt would qualify for forgiveness if they entered repayment 20 years ago or more, and borrowers with graduate school debt would qualify for forgiveness if they entered repayment 25 years ago or more.

    What types of student loan forgiveness are there? ›

    Public Service Loan Forgiveness is available to government and qualifying nonprofit employees with federal student loans. Eligible borrowers can have their remaining loan balance forgiven tax-free after making 120 qualifying loan payments.

    How to pay off $100K in student loans in 5 years? ›

    7 Ways To Pay Off $100K Student Loans
    1. Ask Your Employer for Help. ...
    2. Apply for Student Loan Forgiveness. ...
    3. Consider an Income-Driven Repayment Plan. ...
    4. Start a Side Hustle and Make Extra Payments. ...
    5. Use Your Tax Refund To Pay Down Debt. ...
    6. Tap Into Unused 529 Funds. ...
    7. Refinance Student Loans.
    Aug 29, 2023

    How to pay off $40,000 in student loans? ›

    How to pay off student loans fast
    1. Make extra payments. ...
    2. Make biweekly payments. ...
    3. Consolidate and refinance. ...
    4. Avoid capitalized interest. ...
    5. Pick the right repayment plan. ...
    6. Enroll in autopay. ...
    7. Use a cash windfall. ...
    8. Find a job that offers student loan forgiveness.
    Jun 20, 2023

    Is it better to aggressively pay off student loans? ›

    There are many benefits to paying off your student debt early. You will save on student loan interest and get out of debt faster while improving your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. With a higher DTI ratio and more disposable income, you could pursue other financial goals, such as buying a house or saving for retirement.

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    Name: Laurine Ryan

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    Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.