Can footballers really 'hang' in midair? (2024)

It's because at the top of the leap the player is momentarily stationary as the initial upward velocity of the jump has been removed by the gravitational acceleration but the downward movement is yet to begin. At that moment the player has the maximum power and control over the header and seems to hang in the air.

Footballers aren't the only sportsmen to take advantage of this. A climber using momentum to extend their reach and reduce the strength needed for a move will aim to reach the hold at this "deadpoint", just as a cricketer going for a catch above their head will try to reach the ball at that point, and a basketball player going for the basket will dunk at that point.


It's more about timing. As a (not very good) player, on the rare occasions I have managed to achieve what felt like hanging in the air. It's down to timing your jumps so that at the absolute top of the jump you are in the correct position to head the ballso it appears that you have more time than your opponents. Michael Jordan used to have phenomenal timing in this respect ("hang time" in basketball).

I would also suggest that there is a period just before and after you reach the apex of your jump that you are ascending/descending slowly so that there is an optical illusion.


I am sorry to say that this phenomenon is rarely seen among the players of Stockport County.


What's the scariest film – The Exorcist?

The first time I saw Don't Look Now (Nicolas Roeg, 1973) it left me frightened in a way no other film has ever quite done. I knew something awful was going to happen. It is obvious from the whole tone of the film that this is not going to be a happy ending – but when it comes, there is a feeling of horrible inevitability and total shock at the same time. The remarkable thing is that it has the same effect over and over, at least for me; I've seen it six or seven times and I still find my heart in my mouth as the ending approaches. The whole film has a horrible cold and clammy feel to it, and the opening scene in particular is a masterclass in cinema.


For me, Alfred Hitchco*ck's 1940 film Rebecca has to be one of the scariest. The intimidating Mrs Danvers and the spookiness of Rebecca's bedroom with massive drapes billowing in the breeze means I am unable to watch one of my favourite films alone.

Linda Aspin, Darwen, Lancs

Ghosts, aliens, vampires etc had already been done before (Nosferatu, by the way, freaked me out as a kid) but the subject of exorcism was relatively unknown at the time, at least on film: The Exorcist still ranks as scariest in my book.


If you want a really scary movie don't go past Tomas Alfredson's Let the Right One In. Don't watch it alone. You have been warned.

Jim and Jan Rayner, Lincoln

Why can I only find things in my workshop when I give up looking for them?

Is that you, darling? I keep telling you, standing in the middle of the room while asking me if I've seen the item doesn't constitute a search. You need to systematically go through the various locations in the room and try to recall when you last handled the item. You don't eventually "find" the item, having done nothing rational to locate it, you just come across it where you left it.


The only sure way to find any missing item is to almost tear the house to pieces looking for it. Then, weeping with frustration, go to a shop and buy a new one. You're guaranteed to find the original within 20 seconds of returning.


More to the point: why do I find things in the last place I look?


Can footballers really 'hang' in midair? (2024)


What is the player without the ball doing? ›

Running in behind without the ball is extremely valuable because it steers players into dangerous areas of the pitch. Constantly offering different threats to the opposition defence is important, but this move also helps us retain possession, which is vital.

Are football players allowed to give their shirts away? ›

Some players keep their shirts, some swap them with opponents and some donate them via the club. Answer: The kit man takes three shirts per player to each game – one per half, plus a spare for emergencies.

Can you surround the ball in football? ›

To be obstructed a player must already be in possession, otherwise it is no offence to shield the ball with your body, as defenders often do when a ball is running into touch.

Why are footballers paid so much? ›

Successful teams make more money from broadcasting rights, merchandise and ticket sales. Clubs have to compete for the best players by offering the highest wages. If a particular club was to offer lower wages, other clubs would simply outbid them.

Who is the only player that can touch the ball? ›

if the ball is in play, the the designated goalkeeper is the only player who can legally touch the ball with his hands and only in his own penalty area. If it's a throw-in then all the players can use their hands to take the throw.

What sport has no ball? ›

Swimming, track and field, artistic gymnastics, diving, fencing, archery, shooting, weightlifting, wrestling, triathlon, rowing, canoeing, cycling, badminton, boxing, judo, taekwondo, sailing, rock climbing, surfing, skateboarding, figure skating, speed skating, curling, skiing, snowboarding, ski jumping, bobsled, luge ...

Do footballers get a new shirt every game? ›

Most professional footballers do receive new club or national team jerseys for each game. Professional teams typically have the finances to allow for new gear every game, which cuts back on the time and effort needed to wash jerseys after every single match.

Do football players wear new boots every game? ›

they tend to wear a different pair to train in (mainly moulded boots) and then they either wear a brand new pair for every game or they have a pair of boots they use for matches that get changed every few games. But players like David Beckham have a brand new pair of boots for each game. hope that helps!

Do NFL players change clothes at halftime? ›

each player gets 4 minutes to do whatever they want. Most of them use it to get a snack, use the bathroom, get looked at by trainers. But if it's raining, they also change their socks, cleats, and jerseys.

Why do referees check players boots? ›

The check at the start of the game is a simple safety check. There are no specific rules governing types of footwear except that they "should not be dangerous".

Can NFL players keep footballs? ›

If an NFL player gives a fan the ball, do they get to keep it? Typically, yes. There have been some times where a ball was asked back by the team. If the QB has an affinity for a certain ball, they may swap it out.

Can a QB run the ball? ›

In gridiron football, a dual-threat quarterback, also known as a running quarterback, is a quarterback (QB) who possesses the skills and physique to rush (run with the ball) if necessary.

Who is the highest paid footballer? ›

Cristiano Ronaldo is the highest-paid soccer player in the world with an estimated $260 million income in 2023.

Do football players get paid if they don't play? ›

Injury guarantee

This is the best-known form of guaranteed money, which is activated when a player is cut from the team but is unable to play ball or pass a physical. The player is entitled to the money in his contract that is protected against injury.

Who is the highest paid NFL player? ›

The Cincinnati Bengals' Joe Burrow is the highest paid player in the NFL. The San Francisco 49ers' Nick Bosa is the highest paid defensive player in the league.

What to do without the ball in basketball? ›

Here are some universal tips to help you move without the ball and score more points:
  1. Set your man up before using the screen. ...
  2. Run off screens shoulder to shoulder. ...
  3. Read the defense! ...
  4. When cutting, vary your speed. ...
  5. Know where your teammates are at. ...
  6. Never stand still for more than two seconds.

Is the team without the ball on defense? ›

The team with the ball is called the offense. The team without the ball is called the defense. They try to steal the ball, contest shots, steal and deflect passes, and garner rebounds.

Can you foul a player without the ball? ›

Any player whose actions against an opponent cause illegal contact with yet another opponent has committed the personal foul. A personal foul committed by the offensive team during a throw-in shall be an offensive foul, regardless of whether the ball has been released.

Who was the ball player that collapsed on the field? ›

With 5:58 to go in the game's first quarter, Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins, who was running the ball, hit Hamlin, a 24-year-old safety, in the chest with his helmet during a play. Hamlin dragged Higgins down to the ground. Hamlin stood up right after — but a few seconds later, collapsed.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.