Choosing the Perfect Turntable Stylus — Sumiko Phono Cartridges (2024)


Choosing the Perfect Turntable Stylus

For exceptional audio performance from a vinyl or a phonograph record player, consider the science behind the turntable stylus moving across the record and the energy created and heard through playback. Regardless of how much of an audiophile you are, you know that a turntable does not play vinyl records without a stylus. This component reads record grooves as the record spins.

What is the importance of the stylus? Well, it’s part of the turntable cartridge at the end of the tonearm on any record player. Often called the needle, this small part needs to be pristine so that it reads the music without any disruption.

Reasons to Change Your Turntable Needle

If you notice scratchy or raspy-sounding records, your record player stylus most likely needs to be replaced. Inspect the stylus tip to make sure there is no damage to the needle. Even if there is no noticeable damage on the tip, a new needle may be your best bet for getting optimal sound during playback. This is especially true if you recently cleaned your stylus needle.

Always get a diamond stylus replacement for your vinyl record player if:

  • The needle is damaging records.
  • There are noticeable differences in the sound quality.
  • Your vinyl records are skipping.

Set a Budget that Works

When it comes to styli, there are thousands of different options to select. The prices range between $15 and $15,000, so based on the cost of the rest of your equipment, find one that fits your needs without sacrificing that hi-fi sound you expect.

You don’t want to put a high-end stylus in a basic phonograph, but if you have high-end audio equipment, spending more on a replacement stylus is well worth it.

One of the most important things about the stylus is the material the tip is made out of. Higher-end needles are often made out of a pure diamond.

Often called a nude diamond stylus, this option provides the best quality you can get with analog music because it has a lower weight that more easily tracks the vinyl grooves. The needle will be more responsive to smaller vibrations, creating higher frequencies while still reducing the amount of distortion.

Lower-end models typically have a diamond tip resting on a small piece of metal that makes up the rest of the needle.

The metal adds weight to the stylus and affects the overall sound of a record. This is the case whether you use an amplifier for sound or wireless Bluetooth technology found in Pro-Ject, Victrola, and high-end turntables found on Amazon.

Choose a Turntable Stylus Shape

Choosing the Perfect Turntable Stylus — Sumiko Phono Cartridges (1)

A turntable stylus is available in many different shapes, and the design you select for your replacement needle will be a key factor in the sound your turntable produces. The turntable stylus types to consider include:

  • Spherical: A spherical stylus is the least expensive variation, making it the most common for record players that you purchase ready to use. They have a large radius that traces less of the grooves, so higher frequencies are easily heard. This stylus creates less overall wear but more in the two specific points of the vinyl grooves that the stylus touches.
  • Elliptical: An elliptical stylus is another option to consider that makes contact with a wider area of the vinyl because it has dual radii. This provides a better high-frequency response with lower distortion because the tracking is more precise. This stylus type tends to wear more quickly, so make sure your tonearm and cartridge alignment are always correct. ThePro-Ject Align Ittool is a simple way to make these adjustments.
  • Hyperelliptical: Also known as a shibata stylus, it takes the design of the needle one step further with a sharper tip that increases the contact with the grooves of the record. This stylus offers very high-frequency performance with improved tracking and less wear on the records, which adds tip life to the stylus. This stylus has a more complex design, so you will find that it typically has a higher price point than an elliptical stylus.
  • Micro-ridge: Also called a microline stylus, this is the highest quality tip that you’ll find, and it has the most advanced features. It has a multilevel ridge that is very close to the shape of the cutting stylus, so it creates the best hi-fi sounds. When aligned properly, the stylus and the records you play tend to last much longer because of minimal wear.

Cartridge Weight Matters

Entry-level turntables often use a phono cartridge that cannot be removed. This means that you will still be able to change the needle when it needs to be replaced, regardless of the model number.

However, the cartridge will not be replaceable whether the cartridge connects to the cantilever with a p-mount or a standard one. This means that a cartridge needle combo may not be an option it there are not screws on the headshell mounting.

Make sure that your turntable uses a moving magnet cartridge because a moving coil cartridge does not typically have a replaceable stylus. Many moving coil cartridges are made by hand, driving up the cost of these cartridges.

They also have differing weights, which ismoving coil vs moving magnetcartridge sound is often hotly debated amongst audiophiles.

Since the cartridge includes the needle, you want to select both parts so that they are light enough to not distort the sound too much during playback.

If the needle scrapes across the top of the record during playback, the weight may need adjustment. In fact, you can get an adapter to raise the tonearm a bit.

Expand the Lifespan of your Stylus

Most styli have a lifespan between 200 and 1,000 hours, but a high-end diamond stylus often lasts almost 2,000 hours before completely worn out. If the music’s sound begins to change, it may be time toreplace the record player needle.

Consider replacing the needle every few years. The lifespan will vary based on the quality of the stylus and how much it’s used.

Some tips to expand the lifespan of your stylus include:

  • Adjust the cartridge because too much weight on the stylus damages the stylus as well as the records.
  • Record cleaning will help keep dust from transferring to the stylus, preserving the condition of the stylus.
  • Never drop the stylus onto the record because it can blunt the tip.
  • Always put a fresh needle into a used turntable before using it so that you get the most out of your needle and don’t damage your records.
  • Brush the stylus after every use to remove the chance of unwanted tracking distortion.
Choosing the Perfect Turntable Stylus — Sumiko Phono Cartridges (2024)
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