Government - CK3 Wiki (2024)

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A government is the system that rules characters and land. It determines the laws available to a character as well as any obligations (taxes and levies) a vassal may have to their liege.


  • 1 Playable governments
    • 1.1 Feudal
    • 1.2 Clan
      • 1.2.1 Tax Jurisdictions
      • 1.2.2 House unity
    • 1.3 Tribal
  • 2 Unplayable governments
  • 3 References

Playable governments[edit | edit source]

There are three playable government forms: Feudal, Clan and Tribal. Tribal governments can change to Feudal or Clan government via decisions.

Feudal[edit | edit source]

Feudal governments can create new holdings and cadet branches. They also have access to the Government - CK3 Wiki (2) Crown Authority law. Each feudal vassal has Obligations included into its feudal contract, which can only be changed one step at a time. Obligations can be lowered at any time, but raising them will add +20 tyranny opinion unless the liege lowers the other obligation or provides the vassal a right. The liege can also use a hook on the vassal to avoid tyranny.

Obligations may be reduced if a character is not a vassal's rightful liege. By default, the reduction is 50%. If the liege holds the de jure title two ranks above the vassal (e.g. king over count), the reduction is only 25%. To be the rightful liege, a character must hold the direct de jure liege title of the vassal's primary title. Dukes whose liege holds the de jure empire title are exempt from the penalty.

Obligation typeExempt effectsLow effectsNormal effectsHigh effectsMassive effects
Government - CK3 Wiki (3) Taxes
  • Tax: 0%
  • Vassal opinion: +10
  • Tax: 2.5%
  • Vassal opinion: +5
  • Tax: 10%
  • Tax: 15%
  • Vassal opinion: −15
  • Tax: 25%
  • Vassal opinion: −25
Government - CK3 Wiki (4)Levies
  • Levies: 0%
  • Vassal opinion: +10
  • Levies: 10%
  • Vassal opinion: +5
  • Levies: 25%
  • Levies: 35%
  • Vassal opinion: −15
  • Levies: 50%
  • Vassal opinion: −25

Clan[edit | edit source]

Clan governments can create new holdings and cadet branches and have access to the Government - CK3 Wiki (5) Crown Authority law. All vassals will want to be in an Alliance with their liege and will gain -15 Government - CK3 Wiki (6)Opinion of their liege if they are not. The penalty is doubled for Powerful Vassals.

When clan rulers are at peace they can appoint a Vizier.

If a clan ruler is a Dynasty Head, their realm will be named after their dynasty rather than the primary title.

Tax Jurisdictions[edit | edit source]

Governments collect taxes and levies from clan vassals by creating Tax Jurisdictions and assigning vassals to them. Tax Jurisdictions are accessible via a sidebar tab only available to Clan governments, or from the bottom of the Realm sidebar, on the Vassals tab. Each jurisdiction requires a Government - CK3 Wiki (7)Tax Collector. Count and Duke rulers can appoint 1 Government - CK3 Wiki (8)Tax Collector while King and Emperor rulers can appoint 2. Cultures with the Enlightened Magnates or Legalistic tradition can each appoint an additional one, as can dynasties with the first Brilliance legacy. A Vizier, depending on its Stewardship score, can grant from 1 additional Government - CK3 Wiki (10)Tax Collector to 5. Two Innovations, Bailiffs and Court Officials, also each grant an additional one. Only unlanded courtiers can be appointed as Government - CK3 Wiki (11)Tax Collector. How much taxes and levies a Tax Jurisdiction provides depends on the Government - CK3 Wiki (12)Tax Collector's aptitude, which is the following:

  • +1 per Government - CK3 Wiki (13)Diplomacy (max 50)
  • +1 per Government - CK3 Wiki (14)Martial (max 50)
  • +1 per Government - CK3 Wiki (15)Stewardship(max 50)
  • +1 per Government - CK3 Wiki (16)Intrigue (max 50)
  • +2 per Government - CK3 Wiki (17)Learning (max 50)
  • +5 per 20 Government - CK3 Wiki (18)Opinion
  • +10 if Government - CK3 Wiki (19)Just
  • +10 if Government - CK3 Wiki (20)Administrator
  • +10 if Government - CK3 Wiki (21)Avaricious
  • +10 if Government - CK3 Wiki (22)Diplomat
  • +15 if culture has the Enlightened Magnates tradition
  • +20 if culture has the Family Business tradition
AptitudeGold ContributionLevies Contribution
Terrible (0-19)0%0%
Poor (20-44)2%4%
Average (45-74)6%12%
Good (75-109)12%24%
Excellent (110+)20%40%

Each Tax Jurisdiction has a Tax Decree, which determines what all vassals assigned to the jurisdiction pay. Each Tax Decree can only be changed once every 5 years and the menu will show current taxes and levies and taxes and levies should the Tax Decree be changed. Existing vassals will be removed as taxpayers if the new Tax Decree does not allow them.

Tax DecreeGovernment - CK3 Wiki (23) TaxesGovernment - CK3 Wiki (24)LeviesLiege effects per vassalVassal effectsRequirementsDescription
Basic TaxesNormalNormalA standard tax. Taxpayers pay no more, and no less, than what they are expected to.
Zakat+25%NormalGovernment - CK3 Wiki (27) +1% Domain Taxes
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (28) +10% Monthly Piety
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (29) -30 Opinion of Liege
Zakat is a luxury tax, usually enforced upon the wealthy as a means to provide additional income for the state and to help those in need.
Iqta Grant-20%-20%Government - CK3 Wiki (31) +1% Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (32) -10% Men-at-Arms Recruitment Cost
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (33) -10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (34) +15 Opinion of Liege
Iqta is a tax farming system where local magnates are given wide authority to collect taxes on behalf of the state. In return they must provide significant amounts of soldiers for their liege.
Ghazi StatusNormal-20%
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (36) +1% Monthly Income while at War
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (37) +2% Monthly Piety
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (38) +5% Monthly Income while at War
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (39) +10% Monthly Piety
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (40) -50% Holy War casus belli cost
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (41) +25% Other casus belli cost
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (42) Only vassals of same faith can be taxpayers
Warriors of the faith and the frontier, the Ghazi collect income from plunder and brigandage, and wage a never-ending war against the religious enemies of the state.
ji*zya Status+50%-75%
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (44) Liege cannot Demand Conversion
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (45) Liege cannot Revoke Title
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (46) Different faith is not a title revocation reason
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (47) Liege cannot convert the faith in the vassal's realm
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (48) -0.2 Monthly Prestige
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (49) Only vassals of different religion can be taxpayers
Tax Nonbelievers tenet or ji*zya special doctrineji*zya is a special tax assigned to dhimmis, religious minorities, in return for the privilege to practice their errant faith in peace.
Muqata Status-30%-30%Government - CK3 Wiki (51) +0.1 Monthly Prestige
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (52) +10% Development Growth
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (53) +30 Opinion of Liege
Legacy of Persia DLCMuqata is a tax system where distant lands are given greater autonomy and taxed less, to promote stability and long-term development.
Dehqan+15%+15%Government - CK3 Wiki (56) -2% Monthly PrestigeGovernment - CK3 Wiki (57) +20% Monthly Prestige Enlightened Magnates traditionPersian magnates within an ancient, decentralized tax collection system, the deqhans closely manage their lands to promote productivity - and their own prestige.
Maguh Status-10%NormalGovernment - CK3 Wiki (60) +1% Development Growth Brilliance dynasty legacy level 4An old Sassanian form of district administration, the maguh promote local development in exchange for reduced taxes to the state.

House unity[edit | edit source]

If a House Head has Clan government then its house will have an additional mechanic called House Unity, representing how well members of a house tend to get along with each other. House Unity is increased by taking Unifying Actions towards them and decreased by taking Divisive Actions towards them. House Heads also gain access to the Extol Virtuousness and Accuse of Decadence interactions with other house members as well as the Steer House Unity decision.

Unifying actionsDivisive actions
  • Extol Virtuousness
  • Abandon hook
  • Ask to join holy order
  • Gift artifact
  • Negotiate alliance
  • Offer guardianship
  • Offer to join war
  • Pay ransom
  • Stop vassal war
  • Restore inheritance
  • Swear oath of true friendship
  • Sponsor inspiration
  • Accuse of Decadence
  • Blackmail
  • Break betrothal
  • Claim liege title
  • Declare war
  • Expose a secret
  • Force to join faction
  • Imprison
  • Join independence faction
  • Move to dungeon
  • Revoke title
  • Denounce
  • Disinherit
  • Accuse of violating sumptuary law

House Unity ranges from 0 to 200 and is divided into 5 levels. All house members who use multiple heirs succession are forced to use the succession law with the same name.

LevelUnityInvasion CBCB costClaimant faction acceptanceLifestyle experienceDread decayChallenge house headOther effectsHouse unity decisions
Antagonistic0-39Unlimited-30%+40Government - CK3 Wiki (63)
  • Casus Belli requires one Level of Fame less
  • +15 House Vassal Opinion for 10 years from Enforce Demands
  • -10 House Vassal Opinion for 10 years from White Peace
  • -20 House Vassal Opinion for 10 years from Surrender
  • Reinforce Army with Loyal Officers
  • Organize House Members for War
  • Establish Futuwaa Lodges
  • Demand Shared Army Logistics
Competitive40-79Every 10 years-15%+20+5%Government - CK3 Wiki (66)
  • House members can use the Fabricate Hook scheme on each other
  • Enforce Intrigue Network
  • Organize House Members for War
  • Establish Futuwaa Lodges
  • Demand Shared Army Logistics
Impassive80-119Once per lifetime+10%Government - CK3 Wiki (69)
  • Consult House Members
  • Improve Taxation
Friendly120-159Government - CK3 Wiki (71)+15%-20+5%-20%Government - CK3 Wiki (72)
  • Unlocks the Rescue House Members casus belli for House Head
  • Unlocks the Unify the House casus belli House Head
  • Send Bailiffs
  • Encourage House to Improve Economy
  • Promote Development
  • Educate Youth in Mosques
Harmonious160-200Government - CK3 Wiki (76)+30%-40-40%Government - CK3 Wiki (77)
  • Unlocks the Rescue House Members casus belli for House Head
  • Unlocks the Unify the House casus belli House Head
  • Placate Vassals
  • Encourage House to Improve Economy
  • Promote Development
  • Educate Youth in Mosques

Depending on House Unity, the House Head can use the following House Unity decisions. Each decision can only be used once every 20 years.

Reinforce Army with Loyal OfficersGovernment - CK3 Wiki (80) Scaled gold
Government - CK3 Wiki (81) 200 piety + 20 per landed house member
House gains the Loyal Army Officers modifier for 10 years Antagonistic house unity
Organize House Members for WarGovernment - CK3 Wiki (84) 100 piety House gains the Organized for War modifier for 20 years Antagonistic or Competitive house unity
Enforce Intrigue NetworkGovernment - CK3 Wiki (88) Scaled gold
Government - CK3 Wiki (89) 200 piety + 20 per landed house member
House gains the Intrigue Network modifier for 10 years Competitive house unity
Consult House MembersGovernment - CK3 Wiki (92) 100 pietyGovernment - CK3 Wiki (93) +10% Base progress and skill impact on councilor tasks for house member councilors Impassive house unity
Improve TaxationGovernment - CK3 Wiki (95) 200 piety + 20 per landed house member House gains the Improved Administration modifier for 10 years Impassive house unity
Send BailiffsGovernment - CK3 Wiki (98) Scaled gold
Government - CK3 Wiki (99) 200 piety + 20 per landed house member
House gains the Enforced Bailiffs modifier for 10 years Friendly house unity
Encourage House to Improve EconomyGovernment - CK3 Wiki (102) 100 piety House gains the Encouraged Economy modifier for 20 years Friendly or Harmonious house unity
Placate VassalsGovernment - CK3 Wiki (106) Scaled gold
Government - CK3 Wiki (107) 200 piety + 20 per landed house member
House gains the Placated modifier for 10 years Harmonious house unity
Establish Futuwaa LodgesGovernment - CK3 Wiki (110) 100 piety House gains the Established Futuwaa Lodges modifier for 20 years Antagonistic or Competitive house unity
Government - CK3 Wiki (114) Culture has the Futuwaa tradition
Educate Youth in MosquesGovernment - CK3 Wiki (115) 100 piety House gains the Established Madrasas modifier for 20 years Friendly or Harmonious house unity
Government - CK3 Wiki (119) Culture has the Beacon of Learning tradition
Government - CK3 Wiki (120) At war
Demand Shared Army LogisticsGovernment - CK3 Wiki (121) Scaled gold
Government - CK3 Wiki (122) 200 piety + 20 per landed house member
House gains the Shared Army Logistics modifier for 10 yearsLegacy of Persia DLC
Antagonistic or Competitive house unity
Government - CK3 Wiki (127) Iranian heritage
Promote DevelopmentGovernment - CK3 Wiki (128) Scaled gold
Government - CK3 Wiki (129) 200 piety + 20 per landed house member
House gains the Promoted Development modifier for 10 yearsLegacy of Persia DLC
Friendly or Harmonious house unity
Government - CK3 Wiki (134) Iranian heritage

Most houses start at 100 House Unity and thus Impassive. The following houses are exceptions in 867:

  • House Abbasid starts at Antagonistic
  • House Samanid starts at Competitive
  • House Afrighid starts at Friendly
  • House Tahirid starts at Harmonious
  • House Umayyad starts at Harmonious

Tribal[edit | edit source]

Tribal governments have access to the Tribal Authority law, and can raise it without having to research innovations. If tribal authority is high enough, a tribal ruler can reform their government to become Feudal or Clan. They also have access to the Conquest casus belli, which can be used to invade a realm, with higher-rank realms allowed at higher levels of fame.

Tribal governments have the following unique effects:

  • Holdings cannot be created in counties ruled by a tribal ruler, even by a clan or feudal liege.
  • Development will only affect supply limit, as tax and levy development increase does not apply in counties ruled by a tribal ruler. (However, a certain level of development is needed to reform government.)
  • Development does not passively grow in counties ruled by a tribal ruler.
  • Tribal baronies only provide half of their supply limit to armies belonging to other governments.
  • Tribal rulers can only discover Tribal-era innovations.
  • For succession, tribal rulers are locked to Confederate Partition.
    • Tribal rulers can also be challenged by other tribal characters for their titles via personal combat (duel).
  • Tribal rulers pay for men-at-arms using prestige instead of gold.
  • Tribal rulers can raid (unless their religion forbids it).
  • Once per lifetime, a tribal Ruler can use the Subjugation casus belli.
  • Tribal rulers cannot prevent their vassals from declaring war.
  • Tribal rulers cannot imprison vassals or courtiers without passing level 2 tribal authority.
  • −50% Title creation cost.
  • +0.2 monthly Government - CK3 Wiki (141)prestige.
  • −20 Government - CK3 Wiki (142)opinion with feudal, clan, and republic vassals.
  • Tribal rulers have access to a generally inferior Royal court.

Tribal Vassals provide taxes and levies based on the Liege's Level of Fame.

Unplayable governments[edit | edit source]

The following governments are not playable as they do not use dynastic succession.

GovernmentRequirementsTithe as vassalDescription
RepublicCity holding as realm capital20% Taxes and 10% LeviesTowns are ruled by the privileged citizens of the burgher class, among whom one is chosen as mayor. While the mayor has significant influence, they depend on popularity to be re-elected.
  • Government - CK3 Wiki (143)Theocratic Clerical Tradition doctrine
  • Temple holding as realm capital
  • 10% Taxes and 10% Levies if different faith
  • Taxes and Levies based on the liege's level of devotion if same faith
In a theocratic government, all authority belongs to a religious institution. It is ruled by a priest or priestess who carries out the will of the divine on Earth.
Holy OrderHoly Order titleCan hire their armies for freeThe holy warriors of the orders have dedicated their life to fighting infidels and serving their faith. They may hold castles given to them by pious landholders. The order leader is chosen within the order ranks.
Mercenary CompanyMercenary titleGovernment - CK3 Wiki (144)Mercenary companies roam the lands in search of employment, and take up arms for the highest bidder. Loyalty is essential to a good reputation, but it only lasts until the end of their contract. The mercenary leader is chosen from within the company's ranks.

Realm Priests receive vassal income at a rate of 25% from Realm Priests belonging to their liege's direct vassals. They also provide up to 50% of their income from directly-controlled churches and their vassal priests to their feudal liege, scaled based on opinion.

References[edit | edit source]


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.