Great Expectations | (2024)

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Great Expectations

The Great Expectations® (GE) teaching/training model is guided by six basic Great Expectations | (1)principles and 17 classroom practices that allow students to become self-directed learners, productive citizens, critical thinkers, and contributors in the classroom as well as in society.

The Great Expectations Program is a scientifically-based research educational reform model that combines the best practices of instruction and character developmentby merging a culture of respect with academic excellence. The program helps children develop the social skills and character traitsthat nurture their hearts while the classroom practices used by teachers build their brains.

Great Expectations | (2)The basic principles of the program are: high expectations for students, a learning climate based on mutual respect between student and teacher, student self-esteem, a belief that all students can learn, positive teacher attitude, and highly skilled and knowledgeable teachers who inspire and enable students to achieve success.

Great Expectations recognizes schools that commit to implementation of the GE practices and tenets. This year Heritage is again striving to become a Great Expectations Model School, one in which 90 % of the staff is implementing 100% of the classroom practices daily.

8 Expectations for Living

Educators helping students achieve excellence guide them in adhering to the following expectations:

  • We will value one another as unique and special individuals.
  • We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.
  • We will use good manners, saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” and allow others to go first.
  • We will cheer each other to success.
  • We will help one another whenever possible.
  • We will recognize every effort and applaud it.
  • We will encourage each other to do our best.
  • We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.

17 Classroom Practices

Theclassroom practicesare as follows:

  1. Educators and learners model desired behaviors and attitudes such as those set forth in the Life Principles and the Eight Expectations for Living.
  1. Educators and learners speak in complete sentences and address one another by name, demonstrating mutual respect and common courtesy.
  1. Learners are taught thoroughly and to mastery, ensuring success for all. Whole group instruction is interwoven with flexible group instruction and individual instruction.
  1. Learning experiences are integrated, related to the real world, reviewed consistently, and connected to subsequent curricula.
  1. Critical thinking skills are taught.
  1. The environment is non-threatening and conducive to risk-taking. Mistakes are viewed as opportunities to learn and grow.
  1. Memory work, recitations, and/or writing occur daily. These enhance character development and effective communication skills while extending curricula.
  1. Enriched vocabulary is evident and is drawn directly from challenging writings, informational text, and/or wisdom literature.
  1. The Magic Triad, a positive and caring environment, and discipline with dignity and logic are evident.
  1. Learners’ work is displayed in some form. Positive and timely feedback is provided through oral and/or written commentary.
  1. Word identification skills are used as a foundation for expanding the use of the English language.
  1. Learners assume responsibility for their own behavior. Their choices determine consequences.
  1. A school, class, or personal creed is recited or reflected upon daily to reaffirm commitment to excellence.
  1. All learners experience success. The educator guarantees it by comparing learners to their own past performance, not the performance of others. Learners are showcased, and past failures are disregarded.
  1. Educators teach on their feet, thus utilizing proximity. They engage learners personally, hold high expectations of learners, and should not limit learners to grade level or perceived ability.
  1. Educators and learners employ effective interpersonal communications skills.
  1. Educators and learners celebrate the successes of others.
Great Expectations | (3)

Responsibility - Being accountable for your actions

“I am responsible for me. I can take care of what I need to.” – Vince Gill

Great Expectations | (4)

Self-Discipline - The ability to choose and control one's own actions

“If you take shortcuts, you get cut short.” – Gary Busey

Great Expectations | (2024)


Great Expectations |? ›

Great Expectations follows the childhood and young adult years of Pip a blacksmith's apprentice in a country village. He suddenly comes into a large fortune (his great expectations) from a mysterious benefactor and moves to London where he enters high society.

What is the story of Great Expectations about? ›

Great Expectations follows the childhood and young adult years of Pip a blacksmith's apprentice in a country village. He suddenly comes into a large fortune (his great expectations) from a mysterious benefactor and moves to London where he enters high society.

Why is Great Expectations so famous? ›

Great Expectations was also noted for its blend of humour, mystery, and tragedy. In the original ending of the work, Pip and Estella were not reunited, but Dickens was persuaded to write a happier conclusion. The novel was an immediate success upon its publication in the 1860s.

What is the main message of Great Expectations? ›

The moral theme of Great Expectations is quite simple: affection, loyalty, and conscience are more important than social advancement, wealth, and class.

What does the ending of Great Expectations mean? ›

The Revised Great Expectations Ending

Her abusive marriage and the subsequent death of her husband has softened her heart. She asks Pip for forgiveness and the two leave the ruins together.

What are the two endings of Great Expectations? ›

Dickens wrote two endings for the novel. In the first, Estella remarries and Pip remains single. In the second, Dickens suggests that the two will marry. There are arguments in favor of both sides in terms of which ending is more suitable for the novel.

Why did Miss Havisham's husband leave her? ›

Compeyson is a forger and manipulator who tried to deceive many people with his appearance as a gentleman from the upper class. Compeyson is the ex-fiancé of Miss Havisham, having left her at the altar after he and her half-brother, Arthur, conned her out of money.

What is the tragic flaw in Great Expectations? ›

In Great Expectations, Pip's pridefulness makes him lose his family and friends. Another tragic flaw is hamartia which is a tragic hero's wrong move and comes from ignorance.

What is the controversy with Great Expectations? ›

Fans defend controversial Great Expectations adaptations after BBC show was savaged for 'gratuitous' sex scenes and foul language. Fans have defended the BBC's latest adaption of Great Expectations after the show was savaged for it's 'gratuitous' sex scenes and foul language.

Which Great Expectations ending is the best? ›

The second ending has generally been published from Dickens's time to our own, so that it is the one which most readers know. Critics have been arguing the merits of both endings since the novel's publication.

What does Pip learn at the end of Great Expectations? ›

The most important lesson Pip learns in the novel—and perhaps the most important theme in Great Expectations —is that no external standard of value can replace the judgments of one's own conscience.

Did Estella undergo any change at the end of the story? ›

Finally, Estella's long, painful marriage to Drummle causes her to develop along the same lines as Pip—that is, she learns, through experience, to rely on and trust her inner feelings. In the final scene of the novel, she has become her own woman for the first time in the book.

Is Estella Black in Great Expectations? ›

The cast, which includes Olivia Colman as Miss Havisham and Fionn Whitehead as Pip, also features Shalom Brune-Franklin, a black actress, as Estella.

What happens to Miss Havisham at the end of Great Expectations? ›

In a tragic accident, Miss Havisham is horribly burned when her wedding dress catches fire and she dies shortly afterwards.

What is the significance of Mrs Joe's death Great Expectations? ›

Mrs Joe's death is significant because she represented a time when his life plan was clear and had set rules – he would become a blacksmith and work hard. Pip actually feels a fondness for his dead sister even though she was horrible to him because she is linked with a simpler time in his life.

What is the last line of the novel Great Expectations? ›

'I saw no shadow of another parting from her' has been the standard reading in editions since 1862, presumably authorised by Dickens, but the first editions read 'I saw the shadow of no parting from her', while the manuscript reads 'I saw the shadow of no parting from her, but one.

What happens to Estella at the end of Great Expectations? ›

Pip and Estella reunite after many years, and Estella isn't the bright star she once was. She was married to an abusive husband who died, and now she's married to a poor doctor. Pip isn't jonesingfor her anymore. They part peacefully, but as strangers.

Why does Estella reject Pip's love? ›

Why does Estella reject Pip's love? Estella likely rejects Pip's love because she is incapable of feeling true emotion, and doesn't understand what it means to love someone. Because of her lack of emotion, she prefers to marry Bentley Drummle, who can give her wealth and social position.

How did Pip lose his fortune? ›

Pip and Herbert hurry back to effect Magwitch's escape. They try to sneak Magwitch down the river on a rowboat, but they are discovered by the police, who Compeyson tipped off. Magwitch and Compeyson fight in the river, and Compeyson is drowned. Magwitch is sentenced to death, and Pip loses his fortune.

Who cheated Miss Havisham? ›

Compeyson is the main antagonist of Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations, a 'George Wickham'-esque man, whose criminal activities harmed two people, who in turn shaped much of protagonist Pip's life. Compeyson abandoned Miss Havisham at the altar, and later got Abel Magwitch arrested.

What were Miss Havisham's last words? ›

The last words she speaks in the novel are (in a delirium) to Pip, referencing both Estella and a note she, Miss Havisham, has given him with her signature: "Take the pencil and write under my name, 'I forgive her!' "

Was Miss Havisham a drug addict? ›

Miss Havisham, the atrophied bride, isn't just corrupting young Estella spiritually; here she's an opium addict (her father's fortune derives from slaves and opium, obviously) who takes Pip's education as a gentleman in hand to the point of hiring Mrs Goodwin to sort out his sexual initiation.

What crime did Molly commit in Great Expectations? ›

She was charged with strangling a woman of whom she was jealous, and Mr. Jaggers got her acquitted. As Wemmick tells the story, a key point in Mr. Jaggers' argument was that Molly was too physically delicate to have committed the crime of which she was accused.

What is the irony in Great Expectations? ›

Great Expectations mostly employs the use of situational irony, where both the reader and the characters in the story are unaware of certain realities. For example, Estella, the ultimate snob, turns out to be the daughter of a gypsy and a convict.

Is Pip abused in Great Expectations? ›

Pip is possibly the first of her victims. Although only a child herself, she ridicules his background and lack of education. When she grows older, however, she seems to have developed a soft spot for Pip. She repeatedly warns him that she cannot love him in return but he will not listen.

Who is the most tragic character in Great Expectations? ›

Although not a constant presence in Great Expectations, Miss Havisham casts a long shadow over the whole novel, not understanding the error of her ways until shortly before her tragic (and violent) death near the novel's end.

Why is the original ending of Great Expectations better? ›

Although Dickens may have inadvertently been plagiarizing, the original ending is the way that Dickens felt the novel should end, as opposed to the way Bulwer-Lytton felt it should end. Another reason that the original is preferable is because it seems to flow better with the overall themes of the novel.

Who does Pip marry in Great Expectations? ›

Pip rushes home to reconcile with Joe and decides to marry Biddy when he gets there.

Does Pip lose his virginity in Great Expectations? ›

Miss Havisham, one of the greatest creations in English literature, is now a smackhead. And the nadir: a seemingly respectable lady from the church is revealed to be a prostitute, hired by Miss Havisham to take Pip's virginity on his 18th birthday.

What is the most important conflict in Great Expectations? ›

The major conflict of Great Expectations revolves around Pip's ambitious desire to reinvent himself and rise to a higher social class.

What is Mrs Joe unable to do after her injury? ›

Mrs. Joe is gravely wounded by this attack and for the rest of her life, she is an invalid, unable to walk and mostly unable to speak. This brain damage also seems to transform Mrs.

What is the climax of Great Expectations? ›

Climax A sequence of climactic events occurs from Chapter 51 to Chapter 56: Miss Havisham's burning in the fire, Orlick's attempt to murder Pip, and Pip's attempt to help Magwitch escape London. Antagonist Great Expectations does not contain a traditional single antagonist.

Why does Pip love Joe Great Expectations? ›

Why does Pip live with Joe Gargery? Pip lives with Joe Gargery in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations because both of Pip's parents die when he is young. Though Joe Gargery is Pip's brother-in-law, Joe serves Pip as a strong father figure.

Why is Pip happy at the end of Chapter 36? ›

Summary: Chapter 36

He feels a great sense of excitement because he hopes that his entrance into adulthood will cause Jaggers to tell him the identity of his mysterious benefactor.

Why did Miss Havisham adopt Estella? ›

With a kind of manic, obsessive cruelty, Miss Havisham adopts Estella and raises her as a weapon to achieve her own revenge on men.

How did Estella end up with Miss Havisham? ›

Like the protagonist, Pip, Estella is introduced as an orphan, but where Pip was raised by his sister and her husband to become a blacksmith, Estella was adopted and raised by the wealthy and eccentric Miss Havisham to become a lady.

What does Estella do to Pip? ›

Estella's actions cause Pip to dislike himself as a person. He 'catches' the 'contempt' for himself and starts to judge himself and his background cruelly. Estella does this because she has been brought up to think less of those around her.

Why did Pip kiss Estella? ›

Estella has clearly been excitedly spying on the fight (which explains her flush) and allows Pip to kiss her because his win elevates her opinion of him.

Why does Estella slap Pip? ›

When Estella asks Pip what he thinks of her he tells her that she is very pretty and not as insulting as the last time. She decides to put him in his place by slapping him.

Who is Estella's real mother? ›

Estella The beautiful and haughty adopted daughter of Miss Havisham who taunts and attracts Pip. She does not know she is the daughter of criminals — Molly and Magwitch.

How old was Miss Havisham when she died? ›

Forty. Years. Old. The world was reminded of this important fact via a tweet from Victorian literature PhD candidate Kristen Hanley Cardozo, who discovered it after wondering about Miss Havisham's age and doing a little digging.

What mental illness does Miss Havisham have? ›

Miss Havisham suffers from depression. She has had problems all her life after she was left. People that suffer from depression are “Likely to have physical and emotional problems”(“Health Matters” 73).

Did Miss Havisham lose her fortune? ›

Anyway, the point is that Miss Havisham loses her fortune and her boyfriend/ fiancé—and she decides to take it out on the entire male sex.

What were Mrs. Joe's last words? ›

Pip asks to hear the particulars of Mrs. Joe's death and Biddy tells him her last words were "Joe," "Pardon," and "Pip." Pip asks her about Orlick and hears that he is now working in the quarries and that he lurked by the forge the night Mrs. Joe died and still follows Biddy around. Mrs.

Why did Joe marry Pip's sister? ›

When she was twenty, before this story begins, she was left alone with a helpless infant brother who was not even weaned. By the time the reader is introduced to her, she has already buried two parents and five brothers and has no husband, and hence, no means to support herself. Joe solves that by marrying her.

Why does Pip get angry with Biddy after the funeral? ›

After Mrs. Joe's funeral, Pip declares that he will of course look after Joe, and Biddy seems to disbelieve him. Pip is highly offended that she would doubt his sincerity.

What are the two endings to Great Expectations? ›

Dickens wrote two endings for the novel. In the first, Estella remarries and Pip remains single. In the second, Dickens suggests that the two will marry. There are arguments in favor of both sides in terms of which ending is more suitable for the novel.

What is the main message of novel Great Expectations? ›

The moral theme of Great Expectations is quite simple: affection, loyalty, and conscience are more important than social advancement, wealth, and class.

Does Pip marry Biddy in Great Expectations? ›

Do Pip and Biddy end up together? No, Pip and Biddy do not end up together in Great Expectations. Instead, Biddy marries Joe, Pip's father figure in the novel.

What happened to Pip's Great Expectations? ›

Pip decides to go abroad with Herbert to work in the mercantile trade. Returning many years later, he encounters Estella in the ruined garden at Satis House. Drummle, her husband, treated her badly, but he is now dead.

What is the main climax of Great Expectations? ›

Climax. The climax occurs when Pip learns the identity of his benefactor. In that moment, all his great expectations dissolve into shame of the convict and disgust with himself for his gradual change.

How does Pip lose his innocence? ›

Pip may be innocent, but by supplying the convict with a file he loses just a little bit of his innocence. For the first time ever, he has to lie to Joe—and this moment sets the whole novel in action.

Who does Pip end up with? ›

Pip, at the end of the story, is united with Estella. Joe Gargery, Pip's brother-in-law, and his first father figure.

Is Pip happy at the end of Great Expectations? ›

Pip says, "I saw no shadow of another parting from her" (59.46), and we are led to believe that Pip and Estella live happily ever after.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.