Hands-On Learning (2024)

What is Hands-On Learning?

Hands-on learning, often referred to as experiential learning or learning-by-doing, is a pedagogical approach that immerses students in practical experiences, fostering a deeper connection with the subject matter.

This approach diverges from traditional learning methods, which often emphasize passive listening and memorization, and instead encourages students to take an active role in their education.

In this learning model, students are given the chance to interact with real-world materials, solve problems, conduct experiments, and participate in collaborative projects. This active engagement allows students to cultivate critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

While hands-on learning is often associated with science and art classes, its benefits extend to a variety of subjects. For instance, in an English class, students might participate in hands-on activities such as group discussions, role-playing, or creative writing exercises. Similarly, history, math, and even foreign language classes can incorporate hands-on learning methods to enrich students' learning experiences.

The ultimate goal of hands-on learning is to foster an interactive and dynamic learning environment where students can actively engage with the material, apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, and develop essential skills that will serve them beyond the classroom.

By offering students the opportunity to learn through hands-on experiences, education becomes a more meaningful and impactful process.

According to a study conducted at Massey University in New Zealand, project-based learning, a form of hands-on learning, increases student motivation and allows them to apply their theoretical knowledge in an interactive environment.

The study found that this method of learning enhances students' confidence in making design decisions and improves their understanding of how engineering principles relate to real-world problem solving1.

For example, in a project-based learning scenario, a group of students might be tasked with designing an environmentally friendly, durable, and low-cost roofing material using locally available resources. This project would require the students to apply their theoretical knowledge, work collaboratively, and think critically to develop a solution that meets the project's objectives.

As an expert in the field, Dr. Aruna Shekar, a lecturer in product innovation processes, methods, and management, states, "Learning to apply theoretical principles is much better done when given real problems and hands-on activities in projects.

This form of project-based learning calls for a different mode of interaction between staff and students."

Key insights and important facts about hands-on learning:

  • Hands-on learning encourages students to become active participants in their education.
  • This approach helps students develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Hands-on learning can be applied to a variety of subjects, not just science and art.
  • Project-based learning, a form of hands-on learning, has been shown to increase student motivation and confidence.
  • Real-world projects allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios.

The Benefits of Hands-On Learning

  1. Increased Engagement: Hands-on learning is a catalyst for increased engagement. It shifts the paradigm from passive reception of information to active participation, thereby making the learning experience more enjoyable and memorable.For instance, a science experiment that requires students to physically interact with materials can foster a deeper understanding of the concepts being taught.
  2. Enhanced Knowledge Retention: When students actively engage with the material, they form stronger neural pathways, leading to better retention of information and concepts. This is particularly evident in project-based learning where students are required to apply their knowledge in a practical context.
  3. Development of Problem-Solving Skills: Hands-on learning activities often involve real-world challenges, which require students to think analytically, critically evaluate situations, and come up with creative solutions. This kind of practical problem-solving helps students develop valuable skills that are applicable beyond the classroom.
  4. Promotion of Critical Thinking: The nature of hands-on learning encourages students to question, explore, and make connections, thereby fostering critical thinking skills.
  5. Physical Creation of Tangible Outcomes: Whether it's a science experiment, a piece of art, or a construction project, physically creating something reinforces learning as it requires students to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical manner.
  6. Improved Social Skills: Many hands-on activities involve teamwork, which can help students develop important social skills such as communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution.
  7. Increased Motivation and Enjoyment: Hands-on learning can make the educational experience more enjoyable and motivating for students. When students find learning fun, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged, which can lead to better academic outcomes.

Key Insights:

  • Hands-on learning increases student engagement and knowledge retention.
  • It fosters the development of problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  • It allows for the physical creation of tangible outcomes.
  • It can improve social skills and increase motivation and enjoyment in learning.

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin

According to a study by the National Training Laboratories, students retain 75% of what they learn when they practice what they learned, and 90% of what they learn when they teach someone else/use immediately, which underscores the effectiveness of hands-on learning.

Hands-On Learning (1)

A Catalyst for Cognitive Development

Hands-on learning serves as a catalyst for cognitive development by actively engaging students in the learning process. It has a significant impact on critical thinking skills and brain engagement, fostering deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.

In a hands-on learning environment, students are encouraged to make decisions and solve problems, which enhances their critical thinking abilities. By facing real-world challenges and working on projects, they learn to analyze situations, evaluate information, and come up with creative solutions. This practical problem-solving approach cultivates essential skills that are vital beyond the classroom.

Furthermore, hands-on learning activates multiple areas of the brain through multi-sensory activities. Instead of passively receiving information, students actively explore and manipulate objects, conduct experiments, and engage their senses.

This multi-sensory experience enhances brain engagement, leading to improved learning outcomes. By involving touch, sight, and physical movement, hands-on learning stimulates various neural pathways and reinforces learning.

Overall, hands-on learning serves as a catalyst for cognitive development by promoting critical thinking skills, fostering problem-solving abilities, and engaging multiple areas of the brain. By actively participating in the learning process, students gain a deeper understanding of concepts and develop vital skills for success in and beyond the classroom.

Hands-On Learning (2)

Examples of Hands-On Learning Activities

Hands-on learning activities can be implemented in various educational settings, such as classrooms, laboratories, and outdoor environments. These activities offer a range of benefits, from enhancing student engagement and retention to improving problem-solving skills.

  1. Science Experiments: Hands-on science experiments are a fantastic way to engage students and make complex scientific concepts more tangible. For instance, a simple experiment demonstrating the process of evaporation and condensation can help students understand the water cycle.
  2. Math Manipulatives: Using physical objects can help students understand abstract mathematical concepts. For example, using blocks or beads to demonstrate addition and subtraction can make these operations more concrete.
  3. Art Projects: Art projects not only foster creativity but also enhance fine motor skills. For instance, creating a collage related to a theme being studied can help reinforce learning.
  4. Historical Reenactments: Acting out historical events can make history come alive for students and can enhance their understanding and retention of the material.
  5. Geography Models: Building physical models of geographical features, such as mountains, valleys, and rivers, can help students understand these concepts better.
  6. Literature Dramatizations: Dramatizing scenes from books or stories can enhance students' understanding and appreciation of the literature.
  7. Music and Movement: Incorporating music and movement into lessons can make learning more fun and engaging. For example, a song about the parts of a plant, complete with actions, can help students remember the information.
  8. Cooking Lessons: Cooking lessons can be used to teach various subjects. For instance, baking a cake can be used to teach fractions (in measuring ingredients), chemistry (how ingredients interact), and even history and culture (if the recipe is from a specific time period or culture).
  9. Gardening Projects: Gardening projects can be used to teach science (how plants grow), math (measuring plant growth), and even literature (writing about the garden).

These activities not only make learning more engaging but also cater to different learning styles, enhancing the overall learning experience for students.

By incorporating hands-on learning activities in different educational settings, educators can create a more dynamic and effective learning experience for students, fostering their growth, curiosity, and motivation to learn.

Hands-On Learning (3)

Assessment in Hands-On Learning

Assessment in hands-on learning environments involves a combination of methods and strategies to measure student learning. These assessments not only evaluate practical skills but also gauge theoretical understanding gained through hands-on experiences.

One method commonly used in hands-on learning assessments is observation. Educators observe students actively participating in hands-on activities to assess their practical skills, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking. This direct observation provides valuable insights into a student's progress and performance.

Another assessment method is performance-based assessments. These assessments require students to demonstrate their practical skills and knowledge by completing specific tasks or projects.

For example, in a carpentry class, students may be assessed on their ability to accurately measure and cut wood to construct a project. This type of assessment allows educators to measure both practical skills and theoretical understanding.

Written assessments can also be adapted to measure student learning in hands-on environments. Students can be asked to reflect on their hands-on experiences, write reports or essays explaining the concepts they have learned, and even create portfolios showcasing their work.

These assessments measure theoretical understanding and enable students to communicate their learning effectively.

In addition to these methods, specific assessment tools and techniques can be used in hands-on learning activities. Rubrics can be developed to assess student performance based on predefined criteria and provide valuable feedback for improvement. Self-assessment and peer assessment activities allow students to reflect on their progress and provide constructive feedback to their peers.

In conclusion, assessment in hands-on learning environments involves a combination of observation, performance-based assessments, written assessments, and specific assessment tools. By adapting assessment methods, educators can effectively measure both practical skills and theoretical understanding gained through hands-on learning.

Hands as a Learning Tool: Embodied Cognition

Embodied cognition, a concept in cognitive psychology, suggests that our cognitive processes are deeply intertwined with our physical and sensory experiences.

This idea highlights the important role that our bodies play in shaping our thoughts, perceptions, and understanding of the world around us. In the context of hands-on learning, this concept becomes especially relevant.

When students actively use their hands as a learning tool, they engage in embodied cognition. By physically manipulating objects, conducting experiments, or creating something tangible, students are able to enhance their cognitive development and more effectively grasp the subject matter.

This hands-on approach goes beyond mere observation or listening, as it allows students to actively participate in the learning process.

Sensory experiences and tactile feedback also contribute to the effectiveness of hands-on learning. By directly experiencing the texture, weight, and shape of objects, students receive valuable sensory information that deepens their understanding.

The tactile feedback received from hands-on activities strengthens neural pathways and aids in memorization and retention.

Through hands-on learning, students not only acquire knowledge but also develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. By integrating physical engagement into the learning process, educators create opportunities for students to learn in a holistic and impactful way.

In conclusion, hands-on learning as a form of embodied cognition offers numerous benefits in enhancing cognitive development and understanding of subject matter.

By actively using their hands as a learning tool, students engage in sensory experiences and receive tactile feedback, leading to a deeper grasp of the material and increased cognitive engagement.

Hands-On Learning (4)

Hands-On Learning in Neurodiverse Settings

In neurodiverse settings, hands-on learning can be particularly beneficial for students with diverse learning styles and needs. The interactive nature of hands-on activities can engage and support learners who may struggle with traditional teaching methods.

By offering a variety of hands-on learning opportunities, educators can create a more inclusive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of neurodiverse students.

Hands-on activities allow for a multisensory approach to learning, accommodating different learning styles such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

Neurodiverse learners often have unique ways of processing information, and hands-on learning provides them with the opportunity to engage with the material in a way that suits their learning style. For visual learners, visual aids and manipulatives can be incorporated into hands-on activities, while auditory learners can benefit from oral instruction and discussions.

Specific examples of hands-on learning techniques that can be effective for neurodiverse learners include building models, conducting experiments, and using interactive technology. For instance, building a model can help students with spatial awareness challenges understand complex concepts in a tangible way.

Conducting experiments allows students to observe cause-and-effect relationships, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Interactive technology, such as educational apps or virtual reality simulations, can provide a hands-on experience in a controlled and engaging manner.

In conclusion, hands-on learning in neurodiverse settings is a powerful tool that can engage different learning styles and create a more inclusive learning environment. By incorporating hands-on activities into the curriculum, educators can promote active engagement, boost comprehension, and support the diverse needs of neurodiverse students.

Hands-On Learning (2024)


How effective is hands-on learning? ›

Hands-on learning increases student engagement and knowledge retention. It fosters the development of problem-solving and critical thinking skills. It allows for the physical creation of tangible outcomes. It can improve social skills and increase motivation and enjoyment in learning.

How do you explain hands-on learning? ›

Hands-on learning is another term for experiential learning, where individuals immerse themselves in a subject to learn. Students learn from partaking in activities rather than passively reading a book or attending a lecture.

What is the strategy for hands-on learning? ›

Try studying with a friend so that you can talk out loud and hear the information. When memorizing, pace or walk around while reciting to yourself or looking at a note card, and also try writing the information on a desk with your fingers. Keep something in your hand that is malleable.

Is hands-on the best way to learn? ›

For example, sharing something they learned through a presentation, experiment, activity, or vision board. Hands-on learning is one of the most successful ways students learn and the most successful method of teaching.

What are the negatives of hands-on learning? ›

Hands-on activities require kids to juggle many things at once, and they may not remember the important stuff. When kids are being organized into groups, trying to use forceps as bird “beaks,” counting up the moths that are “eaten,” etc., they may not have the cognitive capacity to focus on the point of the lesson.

Who benefits from hands-on learning? ›

The hands-on learning benefits that students experience in the classroom helps children of all ages retain knowledge and grow. Children in all stages, from preschool age through their teenage years, are continuously developing and growing.

Why is hands-on experience important? ›

Hands-on experiences allow students to learn by doing things and solving problems for themselves. It is also known as experiential learning. The general idea behind hands-on learning is that it allows student the opportunity to construct their own knowledge through their experiences.

Why is hands-on learning better than online learning? ›

Hands-on Learning

This learning type helps reinforce concepts and skills by allowing learners to apply them in real-world situations. Hands-on learning can also improve retention and comprehension as students are more likely to remember information they have actively experienced or practiced.

What are hands-on skills? ›

What are hands-on skills? Hands-on skills are abilities acquired through active engagement and practical learning rather than the typical classroom lectures or books. People can enforce these skills by practicing what they're learning immediately.

What type of learning style is hands on? ›

Kinesthetic learning style

Kinesthetic learners are individuals who prefer to learn by doing. They enjoy a hands-on experience.

What are the 4 learning strategies? ›

Perhaps the most simple way of describing 'learning styles' is to say that they are different methods of learning or understanding new information, the way a person takes in, understand, expresses and remembers information. There are 4 predominant learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinaesthetic.

What are the three main learning strategies? ›

Everyone processes and learns new information in different ways. There are three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The common characteristics of each learning style listed below can help you understand how you learn and what methods of learning best fits you.

Why is hands-on training more effective? ›

Hands-on training immerses learners in the subject matter. By working with actual equipment, they can engage all their senses, creating a more immersive and memorable learning experience. This tangible interaction helps individuals grasp complex concepts more readily and retain knowledge for the long term.

How many students prefer hands-on learning? ›

A survey by Harris Interactive for Everest College revealed that 52% of participants said that “Active participation through hands-on training” was the learning method that worked best for them. The next highest ranked category was “Visual demonstrations shown by an instructor,” which 28% said they preferred.

What percentage of people learn better hands-on? ›

According to data released today in the 2014 Learning in America Survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Everest College, 52% of Americans listed active participation through hands-on training as the best learning method.

What percent of students learn better hands-on? ›

A survey by Harris Interactive for Everest College revealed that 52% of participants said that “Active participation through hands-on training” was the learning method that worked best for them. The next highest ranked category was “Visual demonstrations shown by an instructor,” which 28% said they preferred.

What is better, rote learning or hands-on learning? ›

Answer: Hands-on learning has more advantages and effectiveness than rote learning, but to get the best learning experience and results, you should combine rote learning and hands-on learning. Students should memorize certain concepts, but they should also be able to know when and where to apply them appropriately.

How do students benefit most from hands-on activities? ›

Hands-on activities let the students' minds grow and learn based on the experiences and the environment they are exposed to. ELLs learn while discussing, investigating, creating, and discovering with other students.

Is interactive learning more effective? ›

Interactive instruction works well with adapting to student needs. Whether you learn better with scenario simulations, augmented reality (AR), gamified instruction or engaging videos, you'll find better outcomes when the teaching method makes sense for your learning style.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.