Here's how to safely avoid thin ice this winter (2024)

Iced-over ponds in the winter can be great fun, but they can also be dangerous. Here's how to safely have frozen fun this season.

What You Need To Know

  • Never walk onto a frozen pond without knowing how thick the ice is

  • It takes, on average, four consecutive days below freezing for safe ice to form

  • Clear ice is stronger than white or gray ice

Winter is my favorite season. I love snow and I also have many memories of playing on frozen ponds and lakes while I was growing up.

As a meteorologist, though, the winter season and cold outbreaks make me nervous. It seems like every year that I see tragic stories about people who fall through thin ice.

Here's how to safely avoid thin ice this winter (1)

For ice to be safe to walk on, it needs to be at least four inches thick. To find the thickness of ice, you need special equipment to drill through the ice and then take a measurement.

Most of us don't have these tools or expert knowledge. To avoid an accident, you should only go on frozen ponds where experts have done measurements and deemed it safe.

Many towns and communities will do this in the winter. If you aren't sure, stay on shore.

Here's how to safely avoid thin ice this winter (2)

Ice may form quickly when temperatures tumble, but it takes more time than you might think for ice to reach the four-inch thickness that experts recommend. On average, it takes four days of below freezing temperatures to form ice that is safe.

Also, this guideline is for ponds and lakes. Frozen streams should never be walked on as they freeze unevenly due to the movement of the water.

Another thing to know is that clear ice is the strongest. White or gray ice is not as strong and should be avoided.

Here's how to safely avoid thin ice this winter (3)

If you do fall in the ice, try not to panic. Place your arms and hands on unbroken ice and use your legs to kick you forward.

If you do get out of the water, don't stand back up, roll away from the hole.

If your pet falls through the ice, don't go in after them. Call 911 for help. You can also try to reach them with a branch.

Many tragedies occur from people trying to rescue their pets. Also, be careful in the winter, and don't throw your pet a stick or a ball near frozen ponds.

If you see a person fall through the ice, try and reach them with an object like a ladder, a stick, or rope. Don't go out onto the ice. Again: Call 911 for help.

Stay safe this winter!

Here's how to safely avoid thin ice this winter (2024)


How do you keep ice from getting thinner? ›

Stay off the ice at night, especially during a snowfall or foggy conditions. If that's unavoidable, be extremely cautious and drive slowly since holes can open up quickly. Roll a window down and unlock doors or keep a door slightly ajar to speed escape. Don't wear a life vest while riding inside a vehicle.

How do you know if ice is too thin? ›

If it's clear and blue, it's likely safe. Opaque white ice is isn't quite as strong, while grey or black indicates that there's water present; the ice may be melting or have air pockets. Keep in mind that even if it is the ideal crystal blue, you'll still want to stay off the ice if it's less than 15 centimetres thick.

What causes thin ice? ›

Thinning of the ice layer is caused by heat transfer and by melting at the top or bottom surface (or both). Deterioration, sometimes called rotting or candling because of the similarity of deteriorating ice crystals to an assembly of closely packed candles, is caused by the absorption of solar radiation.

Is Thin ice Safe? ›

2 inches thick or less should be avoided completely. 4 inches or more is considered safe for ice fishing or other activities on foot. 5 inches is recommended for snowmobiles or ATVs. 8 to 12 inches is necessary for a small car.

How can I make my ice last longer? ›

One of the best ways to keep your ice colder for longer is by chilling your cooler before you place the fresh ice in it. You can do so by adding ice a couple of hours prior or even the day before and allowing the cooler to chill as much as possible.

How do you keep ice from melting too fast? ›

4 Tips and Tricks to Keep Ice from Melting
  1. Tip # 1 – Use Tin Foil to Line Your Ice Cooler or Bucket. ...
  2. Tip # 2 – Consider the Size of the Ice Before Ordering. ...
  3. Tip # 3 – Store Your Ice in a Cool, Shaded Area. ...
  4. Tip # 4 – Keep That Ice Box Stuffed!
6 Oct 2016

What is the best way to get back onto the ice if you fall into thin ice with your snowmobile? ›

Kick your feet as hard as you can, and pull yourself up quickly with your forearms. Do not put all your weight on your elbows. If the edge breaks off, move forward to the next solid edge and try again. Crawl up onto the ice, and then crawl or roll (but don't stand—you may break through again) until you're on solid ice.

Why should you not ice longer than 20 minutes? ›

Greater than 20 minutes of icing can cause reactive vasodilation, or widening, of the vessels as the body tries to make sure the tissues get the blood supply they need. Studies have also shown 30 to 40 minutes in between icing sessions are needed to counter this reaction.

How many inches of ice can hold a car? ›

According to the Department of Natural Resources, 12-15 inches of solid ice is needed to safely drive a truck onto a lake or pond. 8-12 inches is needed for normal passenger vehicles.

At what temperature does ice stop being slippery? ›

Thus, ice is most slippery when temperatures are near freezing (26-32F) and is much less slippery when temperatures reach the single digits and below.

Why should you crawl on thin ice? ›

The higher pressure exerted by walking or skating on the surface of the frozen pond can cause cracks or even break the thin surface of the ice. Hence, it is advisable to roll or belly crawl on a thin frozen pond.

What to do if ice cracks under you? ›

If on foot and you feel the ice begin to crack beneath you, remember these steps:
  1. Do not move suddenly. ...
  2. Stretch your arms over your head and bring them together.
  3. Roll away from the crack. ...
  4. Heavy clothes will not drag you down. ...
  5. Place your hands and arms on the unbroken surface.

How do you know if ice is safe? ›

Ice begins to be "safe" at around 4 - 6 inches thickness. Do not even walk on ice 3" or less in thickness. However, even at a 9" - 10" thickness, there may be unforeseen hazards such as a flowing current underneath that is ceaselessly weakening the underside of the ice.

What ice is the safest? ›

As a general rule of thumb, ice is safe to walk on when there is 4 inches or more of clear ice. It is important to understand that different types of ice varying in their strength. Clear blue or black ice is the strongest. This ice is formed from the lake water freezing.

What happens if you fall through thin ice? ›

Falling through ice can induce a cold shock response, where you gasp as you fall and accidentally inhale water. The panic can also cause you to hyperventilate, which can lead to unconsciousness. In both instances, drowning is a real possibility and can happen within minutes.

Does putting salt on ice make it last longer? ›

However, if you're using a cooler with less air space, like a Pelican Cooler with tightly packed ice, then salt can help to make the ice last longer. The science behind this has to do with the way that salt lowers the freezing point of water. When you add salt to ice, it causes the ice to melt.

Should I put salt in my ice bucket? ›

Water freezes at a lower temperature when salty, so putting salt on ice will make the ice cubes melt faster, liberating some really cold water drops on the bottle surface, faster. It is one thing to know this, another to use it in your ice bucket!

Does aluminum foil keep ice from melting? ›

Because of its chemical make-up, aluminum transfers heat better than both paper and cloth, so heat from the room reaches the cube more quickly. Also, paper and cloth have air pockets that trap heat and help keep it away from the cubes. The cubes stay frozen longer.

What is the best material to keep ice from melting? ›

Styrofoam is the best insulator for preventing ice from melting.

Does baking soda keep ice from melting? ›

Because baking soda is a kind of salt, it can lower the freezing point for ice, accelerating the melting process. Plus, it's less alkaline than calcium chloride, the salt commonly used for melting ice, which can corrode surfaces like bricks or concrete.

Does vinegar help melt ice? ›

The acetic acid in vinegar is a chemical compound that lowers ice's melting point, but it doesn't melt ice quite as well as rock salt and some of the above alternatives. Like isopropyl alcohol, vinegar can technically be used on its own, but it provides better results in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and hot water.

What to do if you fall in icy water? ›

  1. Stay calm. Don't let the shock of falling into the ice-cold water take over. ...
  2. Let your winter clothes act as a buoy. Keep your winter clothes on. ...
  3. Turn back toward the direction you came from and use the solid ice to pull yourself out of the water. ...
  4. Stay horizontal on the ice. ...
  5. Warm up, quickly and carefully.
24 Jan 2020

How can you fall on ice without hurting yourself? ›

Bend your knees

If you know you are going to fall, the best thing you can do is get closer to the ground. Think about it — falling from six feet off the ground will be more painful than falling from two feet off the ground. So bend your knees. It'll instantly reduce the distance of your fall.

What to do if you fall on your back on ice? ›

Seek post-fall medical attention

After someone falls on ice, it's a good idea to receive medical attention from a doctor. Even if it feels like the body is ok, it's possible to experience micro-fractions, which can lead to long-term injury and chronic pain. Be sure to seek a medical examination after a serious fall.

What happens if you keep ice on too long? ›

Keeping ice on an injury for too long — more than 20 minutes — can cause tissue damage and injure areas of poor circulation.

Can you ice too many times a day? ›

Over-icing can lead to stiffness and poor circulation. Allow 30 to 40 minutes between each time you ice your injury. Use the RICE method for home treatments on injured joints.

How many times can you ice in a day? ›

Apply an ice or cold pack to the injured or sore area at least 3 times a day for as long as you have pain, swelling, and inflammation. For the first 72 hours, ice for 10 minutes, once an hour.

Do heavier cars do better on ice? ›

Lightweight: Lighter cars are more likely to slip and slide on snowy roads than heavier vehicles. Low ground clearance: It's easy to damage the undercarriage of vehicles with low ground clearance when driving in wintery weather. They're also prone to get stuck in the snow, potentially leaving you stranded.

How do I make my car ice thicker? ›

It's quite simple, if you can get into the car. Start the engine and turn on the heating and defrosting system. Set it on highest heat and low speed. Once the defroster starts to melt the ice you should be able to at least slide a big chunk of the ice off the car.

Is a heavy car better on ice? ›

All other things being equal, a heavier vehicle will have more traction than a lighter vehicle. They also tend to have longer wheelbases (the distance between the center of the front and rear wheels) than passenger cars.

What material does not slip on ice? ›

Non-slip rubber typically makes the best soles for snow and ice. Soles with larger treads offer plenty of grip. They'll help you avoid slipping when you're walking in wintry conditions, as well as keeping your feet waterproof. Specialised snow boots or hiking boots are a good option.

How do you not slip on ice when walking? ›

How can I avoid slipping and falling on snow or ice?
  1. Find a path around snow or ice when you can.
  2. Learn how to Walk Like a Penguin (video)​—walk slowly, take small steps, and point your toes out slightly to be more stable on icy paths.
  3. Keep your head up and don't lean forward.

Does sand prevent slipping on ice? ›

Sand basics

One alternative to salt for protection from slippery ice is sand. While it does not melt the ice, sand is an abrasive material that increases traction between ice and tires or shoes.

What should I put down to walk on ice? ›

Helpful Hints When Walking on Snow or Ice
  1. Footwear made of rubber and neoprene composite provide better traction than plastic and leather soles.
  2. Wear flat-soled shoes. Avoid shoes with heels.
  3. Products are available with abrasive soles or cleats that provide special traction for walking on snow and ice, such as Yaktrax.

What is the safest thickness of ice to walk on? ›

Minimum ice thickness should be:

15 cm for walking or skating alone. 20 cm for skating parties or games.

What is the safest way to walk on ice? ›

Spreading your feet out slightly while walking on ice increases your center of gravity. ❅ Bend slightly and walk flat-footed with your center of gravity directly over the feet as much as possible. ❅ Extend your arms out to your sides to maintain balance. ❅ Keep your hands out of your pockets.

What does unsafe ice look like? ›

Ice that is colored light gray to dark black is unsafe and you should avoid this type of ice as it may not hold a load. Mottled and slushy or what some people refer to as “rotten” ice – because of its texture. This ice is thawing and slushy and may look good at the top but is compromised through the ice layer.

Why does my ice rink crack when I water it? ›

A change in water level causes ice sheet to move from where it's anchored to shore. This results in a significant amount of wet cracks, which can be dangerous and form pressure ridges due to processes described above.

Are cracks in ice safe? ›

Look for any cracks, breaks, holes, weak spots or abnormal surfaces such as pressure ridges caused by currents- If you see any of these, do not go onto the ice.

How safe is 7 inches of ice? ›

Less than 4 inches: Stay off the ice. 4 inches: Walking, ice fishing, ice skating, or other activities on foot are permitted. 5 to 7 inches: Snowmobiling or riding ATVs are safe. 8 to 12 inches: Driving a car or small pickup is allowed.

How much ice does it take to cause problems? ›

One-quarter-inch: Dangerous

A quarter-inch of ice can quickly turn into a big problem for many people, causing tree branches and powerlines to become weighed down, and causing possible isolated power outages.

How much weight can 10 inches of ice hold? ›

Loads on Ice
Required Minimum Ice Thickness in inchesDescription of Safe Moving Load
7A single passenger automobile
8A 2-1/2 ton truck
9A 3-1/2 ton truck
10A 7 to 8 ton truck
4 more rows

Is bagged ice sanitary? ›

Their packaged ice in any form – bag of ice cubes or block Ice – is always made from filtered water and produced in a ​food grade environment (untouched by human hands) for a safe and sanitary food product for the consumers.

What kind of ice should you not hold in your hands? ›

Holding dry ice in your bare hands is not recommended and will likely result in severe frostbite.

How long does it take for 4 inches of ice to freeze? ›

If you aren't sure, stay on shore. Ice may form quickly when temperatures tumble, but it takes more time than you might think for ice to reach the four-inch thickness that experts recommend. On average, it takes four days of below freezing temperatures to form ice that is safe.

How do you get off thin ice? ›

First, flop your arms onto the ice. Stab ice claws, trekking pole tips, or a pocket knife blade into the surface (keep tools in hand when crossing), kick hard, and haul yourself out.

How do you warm up after falling through ice? ›

After you are out of the cold water, move to a warm place. Remove any wet clothing and dry off. Warm up slowly by wrapping yourself in blankets or by putting on dry clothing. Drink warm liquids.

What can you put on ice to keep it from melting? ›

The reflective surface of aluminum foil is scientifically proven to keep ice from melting longer than other materials. Before you put the ice for the party in the cooler or bucket, place one layer of aluminum foil in the container.

What materials can keep ice from melting? ›

Good insulators are materials that do not conduct or transfer energy well and keep your ice from melting. Things like polystyrene, bubble wrap and cotton wool are good insulators.

Does salt help ice last longer? ›

When ice melts, water and ice coexist. Because salt particles make it harder for water particles to freeze back onto the ice, the ice that is in contact with dissolved salt melts faster.

How to keep an ice cube from melting for 24 hours without a freezer? ›

Simply procure a plastic container, cover it fully with aluminium foil (shiny side facing outwards) and then insulate the inside of the box with foam to keep the temperature from seeping out of the container. The thick material will insulate the box, preventing the coldness of the ice from seeping out.

Is vinegar good for melting ice? ›

The acetic acid in vinegar is a chemical compound that lowers ice's melting point, but it doesn't melt ice quite as well as rock salt and some of the above alternatives. Like isopropyl alcohol, vinegar can technically be used on its own, but it provides better results in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and hot water.

Does Styrofoam keep ice from melting? ›

Styrofoam is the best insulator for preventing ice from melting.

What can you put down on ice instead of salt? ›

7 (Better) Alternatives to Salt for De-Icing
  • Sand. Sand not only absorbs sunlight, which can help snow and ice melt, but it also adds traction so that your friends and family don't slip and fall.
  • Kitty Litter. ...
  • Vinegar. ...
  • Sugar Beet Juice. ...
  • Alfalfa Meal. ...
  • Coffee Grinds. ...
  • Calcium Chloride.
29 Dec 2014

Is bubble wrap a good insulator for ice? ›

We've blogged about a bubble wrap “stained glass window” before, but bubble wrap also works as a great insulator when it's cold. See how to use leftover packaging to decrease your heating bill, after the jump…

How do you make an insulator for ice? ›

How to Build a Container Where Ice Will Not Melt for 4 Hours
  1. Cover a Box in Aluminum Foil. Procure a cardboard or plastic box to hold your ice. ...
  2. Line the Box with Foam or Fabric. Line the inside of the box with foam or thick fabric, such as nylon. ...
  3. Seal the Ice Box. Seal the box completely.
13 Mar 2018

Can you use table salt to prevent ice? ›

We can Verify: You can absolutely use table salt instead of specifically-branded ice melt salt. Table salt, rock salt, and salt made for ice are the same.

Do you put ice on top or bottom of cooler? ›

The layers in your cooler will create zones that go from really cold down at the bottom to chilled up at the top. Start your layers with block ice down at the bottom of your cooler. Then add any frozen goods and the goods you need to keep very cold, like raw meat.

Do you put salt down before or after ice? ›

Rock salt is meant to be put down before snow falls, and keeps it from sticking to the surface, says Nichols. "But most people shovel, get it clear, then put down the salt. If you salt and then get snow on top it can turn to mush underneath and then it gets hard to shovel."

What does adding salt to ice do? ›

When added to ice, salt first dissolves in the film of liquid water that is always present on the surface, thereby lowering its freezing point below the ices temperature. Ice in contact with salty water therefore melts, creating more liquid water, which dissolves more salt, thereby causing more ice to melt, and so on.

Does rock salt keep ice from melting? ›

Rock salt is a staple for most winter maintenance deicing programs, but at what temperature does it become ineffective? Salt will “work,” i.e. it will melt ice, all the way down to its eutectic temperature of -6 0F.

What can I store ice in? ›

For ice that you're going to be storing, I recommend either Ziplock style sealed bags or Tupperware-style containers. Those keep it sealed from sublimating and from absorbing smells.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.