Hockey fan etiquette, from how to dress to how to heckle | CBC Life (2024)


You're just attending the game, but trust us, there are rules

You're just attending the game, but trust us, there are rules

RJ Skinner · CBC Life


Hockey fan etiquette, from how to dress to how to heckle | CBC Life (1)

This article was originally published October 27, 2017.

Whether you're an avid fan ready to drop your life savings on season tickets or your job hooks you up because they like your gumption, chances are you'll attend at least one hockey game this season. If you've been watching for decades or have never seen a whole game before, we could all be better fans inside the arena, so there's some etiquette you should brush up on before you go.

Dress For Your Team (or not at all)

Hockey fashion can be very controversial, so short of painting your face and chest, there are some rules to follow. If you're going to wear team apparel, make sure it's one of the two teams that are in the game (leave your 1982 Hartford Whalers jersey in the closet, it's time to move on). If you don't have any, don't bother - we can tell when you stole your uncle's Leafs hat - and just dress to stay comfortable and somewhat warm (though you can always spruce it up CBC style).

Don't Bang On The Glass

If you can't do it at an aquarium, you shouldn't do it at a hockey game. Behind-the-glass seats are a privilege, a great responsibility to set the example for the entire crowd. You on camera but players can be inches away from your face; not only does banging on the glass make you look like a disgruntled zoo orangutan, but players have enough to worry about with their opponents poking, slashing and checking them, the last thing they need is the "moral support" of clanging hands.

Give Up The Puck

This isn't baseball, so the chances of catching of catching a puck are rare (please don't bring your glove). On the off chance a puck is flipped over the boards in your direction, a bare-handed puck catch is a beautiful thing to behold, sure to earn the adulation of the crowd and plenty of camera time. But if you want to take your heroic moment one step further, maybe give the puck to a kid? Of course you want to put that puck on your mantle for the rest of your life, but what would be better than making a kid's night and getting yourself plenty more applause and camera time?

Keep Your Heckling Witty

It takes a lot of gumption to yell in a crowd, believing everyone around you needs to know your thoughts. Simply yelling "Shoot the puck!" provides little insight (the players are already aware of the object of the game) and "Oh come on, ref!" is not likely something the officials can hear or care about. If you have an amazing one-liner that'll bring the house down, please proceed, otherwise just cheer and react like everyone else. And please don't swear, the kid you gave the puck to will be so disappointed.

No Phone Calls

The beauty of a hockey game is that you can talk freely and text without a scornful reaction. While you shouldn't text the whole night away, you absolutely mustn't have a full fledged conversation on your phone. If your buddy left to buy beer and forgot what section you're in, fine, but no one around you needs to hear the status of your grandmother's psoriasis.

Get Back To Your Seat

Why are the most expensive seats always empty at the beginning of a game? If you're "so busy" you show up that late, maybe don't come at all and give the seats to someone who wants to be there. Get there before the national anthem and, during intermission, if you need a beer and a trip to the bathroom, fine, but be back before the puck drops on the second and third periods. There's ample warm up time and even a clock on the video screen so you have no excuse.

Know When To Leave

A poorly timed exit is more distracting than streaking nowadays. There's always one guy in the middle of a row who decides to clumsily squeeze by everyone else in the middle of a play causing you to miss that goal. If you want to score a beer, from your seat or the concessions, there's ample time to do it between plays and periods, while returning in the same manner. And if you're one of those "It's 18-2, let's leave now and beat the traffic" people, that never works, just enjoy the game.

Hockey fan etiquette, from how to dress to how to heckle | CBC Life (2024)


How do you look cute in a hockey game? ›

You can wear duck boots and leggings too with a vest for the hockey game. But make sure to match your shirt with the vest. Another option is cowboy boots with skinny jeans. Sweater, skinny jeans tucked in high knitted socks paired with cowboy boots is sure to make you look attractive.

How should I dress to watch a hockey game? ›

What do I dress to go watch a hockey game? If you are going to watch a professional game, the temperatures are quite pleasant at about 65F (18C) so a sweater or light jacket is required. However, games at a local recreational arena are cooler at 55C (12C) or less and require a heavy jacket, gloves and ski hat/toque.

What's Rule Number 5 of the unwritten rules of hockey? ›

5. Don't Shoot The Puck After The Whistle. Breaching this rule will agitate the goaltender being shot at, as well as annoy his teammates and the officials.

What do hockey fans wear? ›

Most hockey fans wear a jersey with layers underneath or will wear winter clothes with team-matching colors.

What is the ideal body type for a hockey player? ›

Physical characteristics of elite players show that defensem*n are taller and heavier than forwards probably due to positional demands. Hockey players are mesomorphic in structure. They are relatively lean since excess mass is detrimental to their skating performance.

Where is the best place to sit at hockey game? ›

Close to the Glass

Some of the most coveted seats are right up against the glass. Of course, many people are after these because it makes you feel like you're almost right on the ice yourself. If you want to feel like you're part of the game and want to be right next to everything, these seats are perfect for you.

What should you not do at a hockey game? ›

8 unwritten hockey game etiquette rules every fan should know
  • Don't miss puck drop. ...
  • Glass-slapping? ...
  • Dress for your team – or don't bother. ...
  • Watch your feet – or at least your kid's. ...
  • Keep your eyes on the game, not your phone. ...
  • Don't be a puck-hog. ...
  • If you're going to heckle, keep it classy.
Jan 20, 2020

Can you wear leggings to a hockey game? ›

If you're looking to dress up for your next hockey game, you might be wondering if you can wear leggings. The answer is yes, you can! Leggings are a great way to stay comfortable while watching your team play. They are also perfect for keeping warm on cold days.

What should girls wear for hockey? ›

A: Girls should wear comfortable clothing in which they can play and have fun! We recommend a loose fitting shirt on top. On the bottom, some girls like to wear tights or leggings with their shin guards over the tights, all covered by hockey socks which we loan players for free.

What is Rule 46 in hockey? ›

Rule 46 regulates fighting in hockey

According to Rule 46, “A fight shall be deemed to have occurred when at least one player punches or attempts to punch an opponent repeatedly or when two players wrestle in such a manner as to make it difficult for the Linesmen to intervene and separate the combatants.”

What is Rule 56 in hockey? ›

In 1922, the NHL introduced Rule 56, which formally regulated fighting, or "fisticuffs" as it was called in the official NHL rulebook. Rather than ejecting players from the game, as was the practice in amateur and collegiate hockey, players would be given a five-minute major penalty.

What is Rule 42 in the NHL? ›

Rule 42 of the NHL rulebook dictates that charging "shall mean the actions of a player or goalkeeper who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner.

Why do hockey fans waving towels? ›

The tradition started in the 1982 Campbell Conference Finals when Vancouver played the Chicago Blackhawks. During game two of the series, head coach Roger Neilson waved a white towel on the end of a hockey stick in a mock surrender after being upset with the officiating. Neilson was ejected and the Canucks lost 4–1.

What is the average age of a hockey fan? ›

Table: Where are the kids?
SportAvg. age in 2000Avg. age in 2016
College basketball4452
13 more rows
Jun 30, 2017

What are hockey girl fans called? ›

A puck bunny is a term used to describe a female ice hockey fan whose interest in the sport is purported to be primarily motivated by sexual attraction to the players rather than enjoyment of the game itself.

What is the most important muscle in hockey? ›

Muscles used in Hockey

The most important muscles during a game are the core muscles. Core muscles include the rectus abdominus and transverse abdominus, which are the abdominal muscles, and both internal and external oblique muscles. The strength and flexibility of the lower body is also very important.

What is a good body fat for hockey players? ›

So the million dollar question is, what's the ideal body fat percentage for hockey players? Answer: No higher than 12% for males, and 18% for females. Ideally for males, you should be anywhere from 8-10% body fat. Up to 12% is acceptable though – Any higher than this is likely a performance trade-off.

What age do hockey players peak? ›

Our best estimate of the scoring peak age is between 27 and 28 for forwards and between 28 and 29 for defencemen. Both forwards and defencemen exhibit near-peak performance over a wide range, going from about 24 to 32 and 24 to 34, respectively.

What state has the best hockey? ›

Minnesota is, without a doubt, the state that has produced the most pro players in recent history. Not only have they produced dozens and dozens of pro players over the years, but their high school and college systems are the most dominant in the country.

What is the best city for hockey? ›

Best Hockey Cities
Overall RankCityTotal Score
1Boston, MA59.51
2Pittsburgh, PA53.33
3Detroit, MI49.56
4St. Louis, MO46.79
68 more rows
Jun 2, 2022

How early should I arrive to a hockey game? ›

Pre-Game Logistics

The pre-game warm-ups begin 30 minutes before the start of the game, and generally lines for food and beer build up right around the start of warm-ups as well. So if you want to take it all in, including warm-ups, a meal, and grabbing a beer, arriving a minimum of an hour before is a must.

What's the hardest thing to do in hockey? ›

Goalie is more physically taxing than other positions

Now, there is no way that an NHL goalie will ever play 82 games. It would be simply to physically demanding on the goalie to do so. For the most part a top tier goalie will play about 60-65 games a year.

What are the 5 major rules for hockey? ›

Basic Rules
  • Legal teams are 5 skaters and a goalie. ...
  • All Leagues: Games are 30 minute straight play. ...
  • No over-time during the regular season; tie games will be recorded as such.
  • No slap shots (shots taken from above the waist) at all - not during warm-ups or games.
  • Offside & icing is called in the Granite League only.

What should hockey players avoid eating? ›

Hockey players should avoid eating too much protein-based food. This is because protein-based food takes longer for the body to digest. Examples of protein based food include lean poultry, fish and meat. Other examples include, nut butters, cashews, eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese.

Do hockey players shower between periods? ›

Some players will take a shower during the intermission to feel revitalized for the upcoming period. Other players choose to meditate, closing their eyes, staying silent and visualizing their success for the remainder of the game.

Do you wear a girdle under hockey pants? ›

You'll need to wear a cup and supporter under traditional hockey pants. The best hockey pants are loose, except at the belt. The pads are built into and move with the shorts. They're a much more traditional look than girdles with hockey shells.

Can you wear a shell over hockey pants? ›

What are Hockey Shells and Breezers? Hockey shells, as previously mentioned, are lightweight nylon shorts that are worn over girdles. But they can also be worn over traditional hockey pants, which happens when a player is on more than one team and one team wears different color pants.

Do girls wear jocks in hockey? ›

Yes—most girls wear a jock, known as a jill, in hockey. There are a number of women who don't use a jill, but it is highly recommended for every female hockey player to wear one for extra protection.

Can girls body check in hockey? ›

For those unfamiliar with the rules for the women's game, while body contact is allowed and happens quite regularly, bodychecking is not. Delivering a bodycheck constitutes a two-minute minor penalty.

Do girls wear cups in hockey? ›

Women and girls in hockey don't wear cups as commonly as their male counterparts — and in fact, they're not referred to as cups but as Jills. However, they're an option and some opt to wear them before hitting the ice.

What are 3 rules in hockey? ›

Hockey players can only hit the ball with the flat side of their stick. Hockey players (other than the goalkeeper) are not allowed to use their feet, or any other parts of the body, to control the ball at any time. A goal can only be scored either from a field goal, a penalty corner, or from a penalty stroke.

What is the blood rule in hockey? ›

If the player who was hit is bleeding, this will usually result in a major penalty being called on the guilty player. This will result in a penalty ranging from two to five minutes, in which the guilty player is not allowed to leave the penalty box, regardless of if the opposing team scores a goal.

What is Rule 14D in the NHL? ›

There's just one problem. NHL Rule 14D states that “[n]o playing Coach or playing Manager or goalkeeper shall be permitted to act as Captain or Alternate Captain.”

What is the first unwritten rule in hockey? ›

Don't Touch the Stanley Cup Until You Win It

Perhaps the ultimate unwritten rule in the NHL is that players don't touch the Stanley Cup until they win it. Until then, you can look, but you can't touch.

What is rule 48 in the NHL? ›

Rule 48 formally appeared in the NHL rulebook for the 2010-11 season. Illegal checks to the head were now defined: "A lateral or blindside hit to an opponent where the head is targeted and/or the principal point of contact is not permitted."

What is rule 83 NHL? ›

NHL Rule 83 (Off-side)

The updated language for NHL Rule 83.1 follows. 83.1 Off-side – Players of the attacking team must not precede the puck into the attacking zone. The position of the player's skates and not that of his stick shall be the determining factor in all instances in deciding an off-side.

What is NHL rule 63? ›

The Official NHL Delay of Game Rule Text (Rule 63)

A player, goalkeeper, or a team may be penalized when, in the opinion of the referee, is delaying the game in any manner.

What is NHL rule 74? ›

A player substituting too early is called for a minor penalty under Rule 74 – “too many men”. They can also be called under Rule 71 – Premature Substitution. With the substitute on the ice, the player leaving the ice is considered to be off-ice.

Can you wear 69 in the NHL? ›

Fun fact: Desjardins and forward Melvin Angelstad (two games with the Washington Capitals in 2003-04) are the only players in NHL history to wear No. 69.

Do fans like fighting in hockey? ›

Fighting draws fans and increases the game's entertainment value. A majority of hockey fans oppose a fighting ban and think the on-ice scuffles are a significant part of the game at the pro level, according to a poll in the Toronto Star newspaper.

Why do hockey players chase and dump? ›

The primary objective for a defenseman is to prevent the team with the puck from scoring on their net. So, when the puck possessing team is skating through the neutral zone, the defensem*n will often time step up and prevent them from taking it into their defensive zone. This is where the dump and chase comes in.

What do hockey players sniff during games? ›

More recently, athletes have begun to use smelling salts with the belief that their use will keep them more alert. The use of smelling salts is particularly popular among football and hockey players who believe this reflex will counteract the effects of concussion.

What age is too late to play hockey? ›

It is never too late to start playing hockey. Players have joined hockey programs at 12-13 years old and still made varsity hockey teams. More importantly, the expansion of college intramural and adult teams have made hockey a lifetime sport.

What age group watches the most hockey? ›

Most of those new fans are likely within the coveted 18-49 age demographic, too, since nearly 40% of all NHL fans are under 50.

Who watches hockey the most? ›

Ice hockey is a worldwide sport that is particularly popular in the United States and Canada thanks to the prominence of the National Hockey League (NHL). According to a survey conducted in December 2021, around 18 percent of male respondents in the United States were avid fans of the NHL.

What is a pizza in hockey? ›

Pizza: A brutal pass up the middle of the ice intercepted by the opposing team. "Bidini is serving up more pizzas tonight than Little Caesar's."

What is a muffin in hockey? ›

Muffin: a shot that should have been stopped after wavering back and forth in the air all the way to the net. Pillows: the goaltender's leg pads. Plumber: maybe not the best player on the team, but a hard working player who does the dirty work in the corners.

What does a squid mean in hockey? ›

Having eight arms, the octopus symbolized the number of playoff wins necessary for the Red Wings to win the Stanley Cup. The practice started April 15, 1952, when Pete and Jerry Cusimano, brothers and storeowners in Detroit's Eastern Market, hurled an octopus into the rink of Olympia Stadium.

How can I look cute while playing sports? ›

10 Ways To Look Great While Working Out
  1. Flatter your figure. ...
  2. Opt for breathable materials. ...
  3. Go for natural makeup. ...
  4. Wear a well fitted sports bra. ...
  5. Create your perfect silhouette. ...
  6. Opt for an updo. ...
  7. Blot away shine. ...
  8. Accessorise.

What is a beauty in hockey? ›

Beauty/Beautician: a player who is loved not only for his skills, but for his personality. He is one of the coolest guys on the team and usually has great stories. He might also have the best flow on the team.

How do you stand out in a hockey game? ›

Tips for Improving Your Hockey Play
  1. Practice Your Skating. You may be thinking to yourself, “I already know how to skate!” That's great. ...
  2. Possession and Passing. Speed, agility, stickhandling, and awareness are all combined together into puck possession. ...
  3. Shoot Your Shot. ...
  4. Position Yourself Effectively. ...
  5. Communication is King.
Apr 28, 2022

What sports do girl find attractive in guys? ›

As Extra Mustard's Certified Woman, I've taken it upon myself to review these sports and figure out what's sexy and not sexy about them.
The Ten Sexiest Male Sports According To Women
  • Surfing 23.4% ...
  • Football 16.2% ...
  • Swimming 12.5% ...
  • Baseball 8.9% ...
  • Tennis 8.4% ...
  • Motor Sport 7.3. ...
  • Rugby 6.4% ...
  • Basketball 6.3%
May 23, 2014

What sport makes you the most attractive? ›

The study compiled together by found that rugby and dancing were the most attractive sports for women and men respectively. In the social experiment, a male and female Tinder profile were both created and were designed to attract someone from the opposite sex.

How can I look cute when lazy? ›

Check out these 10 ways to make your lazy outfits look stylish:
  1. Go for monochromes. ...
  2. Match colors. ...
  3. Invest in quality basic pieces. ...
  4. Switch out one “cozy” piece for something more statement-making. ...
  5. Throw in another piece. ...
  6. Wear your oversized pieces as a shirt or a dress. ...
  7. Try something cropped.
Sep 21, 2020

What does pizza mean in hockey? ›

Pizza: A brutal pass up the middle of the ice intercepted by the opposing team. "Bidini is serving up more pizzas tonight than Little Caesar's."

What do you call a hockey girlfriend? ›

A puck bunny is a term used to describe a female ice hockey fan whose interest in the sport is purported to be primarily motivated by sexual attraction to the players rather than enjoyment of the game itself.

What does butterfly mean in hockey? ›

The butterfly position can be seen today in nets at all levels. Basically, it's when a goalie drops down to their knees and spreads their pads to cover the bottom of the net.

What is the golden rule in hockey? ›

1. Always back your partner — on the offensive blue line, in the neutral zone and especially in the defensive zone. 2. Always one defenseman in front of the net when the opposition has the puck in your zone or there is danger that they may gain possession.

What does pigeon mean in hockey? ›

Pigeon: a player who can't score on his own and relies on others to feed him the puck or pick up the garbage. Pipe: the goal post. Pinch: when a defenseman moves into the offensive zone in an attempt to keep the puck inside the zone.

What is hockey hair? ›

It can mean some seriously fashion-forward looks that could grace the cover of “GQ” just as easily as being featured in “The Hockey News.” Just as hockey players can consist of speedy forwards and bruising defensem*n, for example, hockey hair can describe a host of different styles — long, short or anything in between.

How do you get noticed by a hockey player? ›

The only way NHL scouts will notice you is by bringing your A-game every night and playing well at the highest level possible. Along with good play, you have to plan, train and position yourself for hockey scouts to notice you.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.