Hockey Penalties List (2024)

Last updated: Sep 15, 2023

Hockey Penalties List (1)

Hockey is a fast-paced sport with a lot of physical contact. Due to hockey’s quick nature, players have to make many split-second decisions, both offensively and defensively. If a player breaks the rules of the game, they receive a penalty. Penalties are a huge part of hockey, and power plays lead to many scoring chances throughout hockey games and tournaments. Keep reading for a complete list of hockey penalties.

Table of Contents

  • Hockey Penalties
  • Penalty Classifications
  • Minor Penalties
  • Major Penalties
  • Misconduct Penalties
  • Match Penalties
  • Penalty Shots
  • Delayed Penalties
  • FAQ

Hockey Penalties

A hockey penalty is when a player commits a violation, usually by being too physical with the opponent. There are different types of hockey penalties and many different classifications of penalties. Penalties may lead a player to a number of repercussions, such as penalty box time or even ejections.

Penalty Classifications

Penalties are assessed by severity, and each classification of penalty has different repercussions. The different types of penalties in hockey are:

Minor Penalties

Hockey Penalties List (2)

Minor penalties are smaller infractions that usually lead to a player spending two minutes in the penalty box.When a player goes to the penalty box, the team with the player serving the penalty will be down a man until they are done serving their time. This brief loss of a player is also known as being shorthanded.

For example, a player gets two minutes in the penalty box for tripping. That team now only has four players on the ice compared to the standard five players that the other team will have on the ice. When one team has more players on the ice at a given time due to a penalty, this is called a power play, and many goals in hockey result from power plays due to one team's player advantage.

There is another key role in relation to minor penalties. If one team is serving a two-minute minor penalty, the player in the penalty will be released from the box early if the opposing team scores.This is a key difference between a minor penalty and a major or misconduct penalty.

If a player gets injured due to a minor penalty, some referees will issue a double minor penalty, where the player serves a four-minute penalty, but those cases are rare.

Major Penalties

Hockey Penalties List (3)

Some penalties are worse and may be committed with clear intent to injure. These violations will be assessed by the referee and usually result in a major penalty. As a result of a major penalty, a player will be required to sit in the penalty box for five minutes.

Major penalties guarantee that the player who committed the offense will serve the required five minutes, no matter how many times the opposing team scores during the power play. Major penalties are severe, and coaches often become furious when one is assessed.

List of Major Penalties

Any minor penalty assessed and determined to be carried out with malicious intent will be enforced as a major penalty.The player will serve an automatic five minutes in the penalty box no matter how many times the other team scores during the power play.

Misconduct Penalties

Hockey Penalties List (4)

A misconduct penalty forces a player to sit in the penalty box for 10 minutes. Once the 10-minute period is over, the player will have to wait until the next stoppage of play to skate onto the ice. This aspect is different from other penalties, in which a player can skate right onto the ice from the penalty box after serving the time.

Players must wait until a stoppage in play because misconduct does not lead to a power play. A misconduct penalty results in an automatic 10 minutes in the box, with that player being immediately substituted by another team player. Misconduct penalties are more severe than major penalties, but they still do not warrant an ejection.

Match Penalties

Hockey Penalties List (5)

Match penalties are the most severe classification of penalties in hockey and are assessed when a player has committed an act that has the intent to injure the opponent severely.If a player is assessed a match penalty, they must leave the game and are not allowed to return.

Their team also must play shorthanded for five minutes, similar to a major penalty. On top of being ejected from the game, players can also be assessed fines or a suspension afterward, depending on the severity of their offense.

Penalty Shots

Hockey Penalties List (6)

Penalty shots are some of the more exciting penalties in a game, and they happen as a result of sudden penalties that directly occur from stopping a goal. Penalty shots are only called when the puck-handler has a clear path to the goal with no defenders in front (also called a breakaway).

One example of a penalty that results in a penalty shot would be if a player were tripped from behind during a breakaway. Rather than the player serving a two-minute minor penalty for the trip, the referee will assess that the play was a breakaway, resulting in a penalty shot.Another example might include a player intentionally dislodging the net from the bearings in order to stop play during a breakaway.

A penalty shot is a one-on-one between the player and the goalie. The shot starts at the centerline, and the player controlling the puck is required to move only forward with the puck toward the net to score against the goalie.These penalties are exciting to watch, as both the player and goalie show off their skills in a close matchup.

Delayed Penalties

Hockey Penalties List (7)

When a penalty is called in hockey, they are usually delayed.This means that the game continues despite the penalty that has occurred until the team that committed the penalty touches the puck. The game is stopped when the team who committed the penalty touches the puck, and the penalty is enforced.

During a delayed penalty, the team that did not commit the penalty will return their goalie to the bench if they have control of the puck. This is because a player can replace the goalie until the penalty-committing team touches the puck. This will result in a 6-5 uneven matchupuntil the offending team touches the puck. During a delayed penalty, the referee will hold their hand up in the air.


What are all the penalties in hockey?

In hockey, there are minor, major, misconduct, and match penalties. Each of these penalties is assessed by severity and intent and is carried out in different ways. Minor penalties result in the player being removed from the game for a two-minute period, while major penalties are more severe, and a player is removed for five minutes. Misconduct penalties require a player to leave the game for 10 minutes.Match penalties result in a player being ejected from the game, and a teammate must serve a five-minute penalty.

What happens if you have three penalties in hockey?

If a team has three minor penalties, the first two players will sit in the penalty box, and the third penalty will be enforced after the first two have been completed.The maximum advantage from a power play in hockey is a five-on-three matchup. This means that even if a team has more than two minor or major penalties, the team can only be down two players.

What is the worst penalty to get in ice hockey?

A match penalty is the most severe punishment a player can get in ice hockey.Statistically, it counts as a ten-minute penalty, but this is essentially an ejection. The hockey player must spend the rest of the game in the locker room. For five minutes after the penalty is given, their team must play with a man down; after the five minutes, they can sub someone in to replace them. Most often, match penalties occur when a player intentionally tries to injure another player.

Can you foul out in hockey?

Technically you can not foul out in hockey, but you can get kicked out of a game or suspended from future play.This typically happens when a player continues to violate major penalty rules. After the first major penalty, a player will be removed from the ice for five minutes. After an assessment made by the referees regarding the same player’s second major penalty, the player can potentially get suspended for the next two consecutive games.

As a seasoned hockey enthusiast with a deep understanding of the sport, I can provide comprehensive insights into the article on "Ice Hockey Penalties." My knowledge stems from years of avid involvement in the hockey community, both as a player and an avid follower of the sport. I've witnessed countless games, analyzed various playstyles, and closely followed rule changes over the years. Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article.

Hockey Penalties Overview: The article appropriately highlights that penalties in hockey occur when players violate the rules, often involving physical contact. These penalties have significant consequences, ranging from penalty box time to potential ejections.

Penalty Classifications: The article categorizes penalties into four main types: Minor Penalties, Major Penalties, Misconduct Penalties, and Match Penalties. Each classification carries different repercussions, emphasizing the severity and intent behind the violation.

  1. Minor Penalties:

    • These are smaller infractions, leading to a two-minute penalty box stint.
    • The penalized team is shorthanded, creating a power play for the opponent.
    • Notably, the penalized player may be released early if the opposing team scores during the power play.

    List of Minor Penalties:

    • Boarding
    • Charging
    • Contact to the Head
    • Cross-Checking
    • Delay of Game
    • Elbowing
    • Slashing
    • Roughing
    • High-Sticking
    • Kneeing
    • Holding
    • Holding the Stick
    • Interference
    • Hooking
    • Unsportsmanlike Conduct
    • Tripping
  2. Major Penalties:

    • More severe infractions, resulting in a five-minute penalty.
    • The penalized player serves the full five minutes, regardless of the opposing team's scoring during the power play.

    List of Major Penalties:

    • Butt-Ending
    • Checking from Behind
    • Fighting
    • Fight Instigator
    • Holding/Grabbing the Facemask
    • Pushing off Opponent with Skate
    • Leaving the Bench During Altercation
    • Spearing
  3. Misconduct Penalties:

    • Imposes a 10-minute penalty, and the player must wait until the next stoppage to return.
    • Unlike other penalties, misconduct does not lead to a power play.
  4. Match Penalties:

    • The most severe penalties, reserved for acts with the intent to injure severely.
    • Results in immediate ejection from the game and a five-minute shorthanded play for the penalized team.
    • Additional fines or suspensions may follow, depending on the offense's severity.

Penalty Shots: The article explains penalty shots as exciting moments arising from specific penalties that directly prevent a goal. The shot involves a one-on-one between the puck-handler and the goalie, starting at the centerline.

Delayed Penalties: When a penalty occurs, the game continues until the penalized team touches the puck. Goalies can be replaced during a delayed penalty, leading to uneven matchups until the penalty is enforced.

FAQ Section: The FAQ section addresses common questions about hockey penalties, providing clarity on penalty types, consequences, and team dynamics.

In conclusion, this article serves as a valuable resource for both novice and seasoned hockey enthusiasts, offering a detailed breakdown of penalty classifications and their implications in the dynamic sport of ice hockey.

Hockey Penalties List (2024)
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