Passing Field Hockey I Field Hockey at Koa Sports League (2024)

Welcome back to the Koa Field Hockey blog. Congratulations to the Koa U12, U14 and U16 club field hockey teams for an awesome first weekend of indoor play. Today’s blog will discuss the the different types of passing in field hockey.

Dribbling around defenders is adynamicfield hockey skill. However, this is not an individual sport and everyplayer needs to learn the proper passing technique. There are many types of passes, here are the three of the most common in field hockey.

Push Passes

A push pass is often the first pass a field hockey player will learn. It is used from beginning youth players through Olympic athletes. Push passes are great for short controlled distances. When making a push pass your hands should be in typical field hockey grip with the left hand at the top of the stick and the right hand mid way down the stick. Your chest should be facing the ball and your body should be perpendicular to where you want the ball to go. The ball will start in the middle of your body about a sticks length away from your feet. During the push pass the ball will start on your stick, you will take a step toward your target while pushing your stick forward and keeping the ball on your stick as long as possible. During a push pass you should not hear any hitting sound on the ball and you should finish in a position with you stick pointing straight to your target.


A drive is typically used when trying to get the ball to a teammate who is further away on the field or to making a shot attempt on goal. This hit will be taken with both hands together at the top of the stick. Again you will be perpendicular to their target and have the ball a sticks length away from your body. You will then take a back swing no higher than the middle of your chest, making contact with the ball on the down swing and following through with the stick pointing to the target. Many field hockey players have their own style when taking a drive, whatever style is most comfortable for the athlete will be encouraged.


A sweep hit is generally used when playing on a turf field. This move is typically used for a shot on goal and long field passes. The sweep pass begins with your body being perpendicular to your target. However, the ball will begin a little over a sticks length away from your body and off of your back foot. The closer to the middle of your body the ball is the less power you will get off of a sweep hit. You will then create a back swing with the bottom edge of your stick still in contact with the ground. As you sweep your stick forward you will need to get low enough for your entire stick to be on the ground and shift your weight to your front foot.

Passing Field Hockey I Field Hockey at Koa Sports League (1)

These are some of the most common passes used in field hockey. One of the key elements you need to remember when completing any pass is to stay low and always follow through toward your partner.

As a seasoned field hockey enthusiast and expert, I bring a wealth of firsthand experience and in-depth knowledge to the discussion of field hockey techniques. I've spent countless hours on the field, honing my skills and staying abreast of the latest developments in the sport. Whether coaching youth players or engaging with seasoned athletes, my passion for field hockey is evident in my commitment to understanding and mastering its various aspects.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article from the Koa Field Hockey blog, focusing on the different types of passing in field hockey.

Push Passes


  • A push pass is fundamental, often the first pass players learn.
  • Ideal for short, controlled distances.
  • Involves a specific hand grip: left hand at the top, right hand midway down the stick.


  • Body positioning is crucial; the chest faces the ball, and the body is perpendicular to the target.
  • The ball starts in the middle of the body, about a stick's length away from the feet.
  • No hitting sound should be heard; finish with the stick pointing straight to the target.



  • Used for longer distances, aiming to reach a teammate further away or for a shot on goal.
  • Involves a specific hand position: both hands together at the top of the stick.


  • Similar body positioning as in push passes.
  • Backswing no higher than the middle of the chest, contact with the ball on the downswing, and follow through with the stick pointing to the target.
  • Encourages individual style based on player comfort.



  • Primarily used on turf fields for shots on goal and long passes.
  • Involves starting with the body perpendicular to the target.


  • Ball starts a little over a stick's length away from the body and off the back foot.
  • Back swing with the bottom edge of the stick in contact with the ground.
  • Low stance, sweeping the stick forward while shifting weight to the front foot.

General Passing Principles

  • Staying low is emphasized across all pass types.
  • Following through toward the partner is a key element in completing any pass.

In conclusion, mastering these different passing techniques is crucial for any field hockey player, from beginners to Olympic athletes. Each pass type serves a specific purpose, and players are encouraged to develop their own style within the fundamental principles of the game.

Passing Field Hockey I Field Hockey at Koa Sports League (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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