How to decide if you should refinance your mortgage (2024)


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By Lauren Bowling Sponsored by Credible - which is majority owned by our parent, Fox Corporation, and is solely responsible for its services.

Four ways to determine if a mortgage refinance is right for you. (iStock)

With the Federal Reserve rate at almost zero, it has never been cheaper for Americans to borrow money.

For current homeowners, now is a good time to refinance your mortgage, especially as a way to keep more money in your bank account amid the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. But just because mortgage rates are low doesn’t mean refinancing is the right move for all.

There are a few clear-cut ways to determining if you should refinance your mortgage now or wait a bit longer. But before you do your research, it's always a good idea to visit a multi-lender site like Credible to compare mortgage lenders and see what kind of mortgage rates are currently available. See if you qualify for a lowrate today.

4 ways to determine if it's time to refinance

Below are four quick ways todetermine if you should refinance yourmortgage loans now.

  1. You have a good credit score and debt-to-income ratio
  2. You've compared mortgage rates and mortgage lenders
  3. You've crunched the numbers
  4. You're planning to stay put

1. You have a good credit score and debt-to-income ratio

​The higher the score and the lower the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, the more likely a borrower is to get the best loan term and mortgage rates.

If you're confident in your credit score, then you canplug in some of your information into Credible's free online toolto find out what kind of mortgage refinance rates you qualify for today.


In order to do the math on what you could potentially save, you’ll need to know these numbers first before actually shopping. Do you know your credit score? Can you calculate your DTI?

How to check your credit score and debt-to-income ratio

Your credit score is easy enough to find using one of many online free credit score websites and it is easy to find a rough measure of your debt-to-income ratio.

  1. First, take your monthly pre-tax take-home income
  2. Then, add up all debt payments (mortgage, car payments, student loans, credit cards)
  3. Then, divide your debt by the gross monthly income to get a percentage

According to the credit bureau Experian, lenders typically like to see a credit score of 620 or above on a mortgage refinance. When it comes to the debt-to-income ratio on any type of mortgage loan, most lenders prefer borrowers to have less than 40% DTI.

2. You've compared mortgagerates and mortgage lenders

The only way to know if you’ll receive a rate lower than the one you have now is to shop interest rates with multiple lenders. By rate shopping, you can casually see what rates you may qualify for currently and if lenders are offering any incentives like low closing costs for refinancing.

To shop with multiple lenders at once, use Credible to compare refinance rates and loan options from the comfort of your homein minutes.


3. You've crunched the numbers

Dust off your math hat; the best way to determine if refinancing puts cash back in your pocket is to utilize all the freeonline tools available to you.

Credible can help you crunch the numbers. In just three minutes, you can get prequalified rates from multiple home mortgage lenders without impacting your credit score. See how much refinancing could save you now.

Using arefinance calculator with your own numbers -- loan balance, interest rates, closing costs -- allows you to see how much you can save, how long it will take to pay off closing costs, and how much interest you’ll now pay over the life of the loan. With powerful calculations in your hand, you can decide if now is the best time to refinance in addition to finding out how much refinancing can lower your monthly payment.


4. You're planning to stay put

Many homeowners are surprised with the fees that come with refinancing a mortgage.

After all, you’re taking out a completely new loan, so the closing costs are much the same as they were when you first purchased the home. Fortunately, homeowners can roll these costs into the newly refinanced loan, but these costs could offset the benefits of a refinance, at least in the short-term.

To research interest rates and to vet multiple lenders at once, visit Credible to get in touch with experienced loan officers who can answeryour mortgage refi questions.


In order for refinancing to make sense, you have to be willing to commit to staying in the home for as long as it takes to recoup your closing costs (your “breakeven” point) and recognize some savings. Depending on the closing costs and the amount you are refinancing, this could take a year or even longer.

The bottom line: if you are potentially considering a move in the short-term, (the next two to three years, say), a mortgage refinance may not make sense for you.

After evaluating the four action items above, you may determine you are ready for refinancing and that you’d save a lot of money by doing so. But don’t wait too long – while industry analysts predict interest rates to remain low for another year or so, even a slight variance in interest rates can cost thousands.

  • For example, the average interest rate for October 2020 is 2.625% on a 30-year fixed rate. This means someone with a $500,000 loan would pay $80,000 in interest over 30-years.
  • Another individual waits a month until December 2020 and gets an interest rate of 2.825%. Even though this is only slightly higher, the difference costs an additional $47,000 over 30-years on the same $500k loan.
How to decide if you should refinance your mortgage (2024)


How to decide if you should refinance your mortgage? ›

One rule of thumb is that refinancing may be a good idea when you can reduce your current interest rate by 1% or more. That's because you can save money in the long-term. Refinancing to a lower interest rate also allows you to build equity in your home more quickly.

How do I decide whether to refinance? ›

An often-quoted rule of thumb says that if mortgage rates are lower than your current rate by 1% or more, it might be a good idea to refinance.

At what point is it worth it to refinance? ›

As a rule of thumb, experts often say that it's not usually worth it to refinance unless your interest rate drops by at least 0.5% to 1%. But that may not be true for everyone. Refinancing for a 0.25% lower rate could be worth it if: You are switching from an adjustable-rate mortgage to a fixed-rate mortgage.

How do I know if I have enough equity to refinance? ›

Conventional refinance: For conventional refinances (including cash-out refinances), you'll usually need at least 20 percent equity in your home (or an LTV ratio of no more than 80 percent). This also helps you avoid private mortgage insurance payments on your new loan.

What is a good rule of thumb for refinancing? ›

It's a good rule to refinance if you can reduce your interest rate by at least 1%. Mortgage rates naturally rise and fall. But, when the economy struggles, mortgage rates usually fall. Just because interest rates are low, though, doesn't mean it's the best choice for you to refinance.

What is not a good reason to refinance? ›

Refinancing can save you money if you get a lower interest rate, but you could also end up paying more if you refinance simply to extend the loan term. Refinancing can help you consolidate debt or tap your home equity for extra cash for renovations, but it can also lead to more debt.

Is it worth refinancing for 1 percent? ›

Share: Just how much does a 1% difference in interest savings stand to save you on a 30-year mortgage – and is it worth refinancing your home mortgage for 1% in savings gains? The typical answer is that if you can save 1% or more, you should refinance.

Does refinancing hurt your credit? ›

Refinancing will hurt your credit score a bit initially, but might actually help in the long run. Refinancing can significantly lower your debt amount and/or your monthly payment, and lenders like to see both of those. Your score will typically dip a few points, but it can bounce back within a few months.

How long should you keep a house before refinancing? ›

With a standard rate-and-term refinance, you'll need to wait at least 210 days from your original loan's closing date. If you're looking to take cash out with your refinance, you'll need to have lived in the home for at least one year and made on-time mortgage payments for the last 12 months.

Will I owe more if I refinance? ›

In most scenarios, a refinance will affect your monthly mortgage payment. But whether the amount goes up or down depends on your personal financial goals and the type of refinance you choose.

What is the 80 20 rule in refinancing? ›

The LTV limit (known as the loan-to-value ratio limit) for a single-family property is 80%. That means you need to keep a minimum of 20% equity in your home when you do a cash-out refinance.

Do I lose equity when I refinance? ›

The bottom line. You don't have to lose any equity when you refinance, but there's a chance that it could happen. For example, if you take cash out of your home when you refinance your mortgage or use your equity to pay closing costs, your total home equity will decline by the amount of money you borrow.

Can you refinance a mortgage without 20% equity? ›

The 20 Percent Equity Rule

However, if your equity is less than 20 percent, and if you have a good credit rating, you may be able to refinance anyway. In this case, the lender may charge you a higher interest rate or make you take out mortgage insurance.

How much lower should interest rate be to refinance? ›

A rule of thumb says that you'll benefit from refinancing if the new rate is at least 1% lower than the rate you have. More to the point, consider whether the monthly savings is enough to make a positive change in your life, or whether the overall savings over the life of the loan will benefit you substantially.

How low should interest rate be to refinance? ›

If you have a mortgage with a higher balance and rate, a drop of 0.5% interest could be worth refinancing, according to Dell. "For a lower balance, rate and term refinance, it may be at least 1% or more to be worth your time and money," Dell says. It's also important to consider how long you plan on living in the home.

Are mortgage rates going down in 2024? ›

Will mortgage rates go down in 2024? In Fannie Mae's latest rate forecast, the government-sponsored enterprise said it expects 30-year fixed rates to end 2024 at 6.4%. So while rates will likely go down in 2024, the drop might not be as drastic as people were expecting at the end of last year.

Should I refinance when rates are high? ›

Bottom line. A mortgage refinance can be an excellent way to save money. But if the rates are too high — or you've been turned down — it might not be something you can take advantage of. Explore other ways to bring down your mortgage payment and see which makes the most sense for your situation.

Do you lose equity when you refinance? ›

How does a refinance affect the equity you have in your home? Usually, it doesn't. If your home appraises for $300,000 and you owe $150,000 on your mortgage, refinancing that mortgage does not change the fact that your home is worth $300,000.

Will interest rates go down in 2024? ›

In its latest forecast, the Mortgage Bankers Association predicted that rates could drop to 6.1% by the end of 2024. We could even see rates start trending down in just a couple of months.

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