How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks? Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat | GQ India (2024)

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How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks? Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat | GQ India (4)

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You know there are a number of things to blame for that marshmallow middle and you're now probably asking how to lose weight and how to lose belly fat. Drinking a beer too many, feeling lazy to wake up and hit the gym and treating every day like it's a cheat day are just some of the reasons why you aren't losing weight. So, if you really want that beach body with those six-pack abs you've been dreaming about, it's time you got started on that weight loss diet you've been only thinking about. Good for you, we've rounded up 22 incredibly effective ways that won't just help you lose weight but also burn belly fat.

How to lose belly fat: 22 effective ways to lose 2 inches in 2 weeks

Visceral fat, or what is commonly known as belly fat, is often one of the main causes for heart diseases and diabetes among other lifestyle diseases. So when you're asking yourself how to lose weight, also consider how to lose belly fat. Here are 22 simple yet effective ways to help you lose belly fat.

1. Include tart cherries in your diet

Cherries have several health benefits. They are a good source of antioxidant pigment resveratrol, a substance that helps you lose weight, lowers rates of macular degeneration among older people as well as the risk of dementia. According to the data collected from a study at the University of Michigan, rats that were provided with high-fat food along with tart cherries lost nine per cent more body fat than those in a control group did over just 12 weeks.

2. Increase calcium intake

The reason these calcium-rich foods help you lose weight is because calcium stimulates the fat burning process. The best way to include calcium in your diet is by including dairy sources, nuts, seeds, fatty fish and leafy green vegetables.

3. Include more vegetables in your diet to lose weight fast

According to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, non-starchy vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and cucumber helped kids who were overweight shed 17 per cent of their visceral fat. It also helped improve their insulin sensitivity over a period of five years. Still need a reason to eat more veggies?

4. Add some acidic foods to your meals

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Research suggests that acidic foods like vinegar help you considerably reduce belly fat by increasing the human carbohydrate metabolism by 40 per cent. According to a 12-week study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, obese subjects who included vinegar as a part of their diet shed more belly fat than those in a control group. Apple cider vinegar is extremely beneficial for your health if included in your routine diet, since it contains a compound called acetic acid which has been proven to reduce abdominal fat storage. It is advisable to consume one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day if you want to know how to lose belly fat fast.

5. Include more grains in your diet

A low-carb diet could go a long way to help you shed fat and lose weight. But you don't necessarily have to ditch your carbs if you want to know how to lose weight. Include more whole grains in your diet to help you burn belly fat faster. According to researchers at Tufts University, consuming three or more servings of whole grains on a daily basis, could reduce as much as 10 per cent of visceral body fat. If too much of visceral fat is accumulated in your body, it could increase your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

6. Consume more fish

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Proteins are one of the best ways to help you lose weight since they help you keeping full for longer. But if you want to lose belly fat fast, you need to consume your proteins from fish. This is because fish is lower in calories as compared to an equivalent amount of beef or chicken. According to a study published in Obesity, people who included fish in their diet which contains Omega3 fatty acids, shed more weight and maintained it easily as opposed to those who didn't.

7. Add more garlic to your food

Garlic doesn't just act like a strong flavor that enhances the taste of your food, but it also helps lose belly fat considerably. According to one research subjects who were provided with a high-fat diet supplemented with garlic, lost significantly more weight and fat around their abdomens as compared to the mice that just consumed fatty food. Garlic also helped them improve their liver health.

8. Consume more nuts [#image: /photos/5cdc55767813c486552fab81]||| |||

If you've read about these 21 healthy snacks to help you lose weight, you would know that nuts are recommended to be one of the best options to snack on, by experts. Nuts are high in fat but they could prove to be extremely effective in helping you lose belly fat. A research conducted at the Reina Sofia University Hospital reveals that participants who consumed a rich diet of mono-saturated fats in the form of healthy nuts over a period of 28 days, experienced lesser weight gain as compared to their counterparts who consumed saturated fats. They also improved their insulin sensitivity in the process.

9. Ditch ketchup, bring in salsa

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Ketchup has very little nutritional value as compared to the fruit from which it is derived. But if you're looking for an alternative for ketchup, salsa is just the sauce to help you lose weight fast and retain the tangy taste. A study conducted at China Medical University in Taiwan suggests that since salsa is made from fresh tomatoes which contain lycopene, it doesn't just help reduce fat overall but also specifically around the belly. If you like your salsa spicy, it's even better because the capsicum in hot peppers like jalapenos and chipotle will help you boost metabolism and in turn reduce weight.

10. Increase your fibre intake

Including fibrous foods in your diet could also help you lose weight because it keeps you feeling full for longer. According to researchers at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, every 10-gram increase of soluble fibre on a daily basis leads up to 3.7 per cent decrease in visceral fat, over a period of five years. If you are active and exercise regularly, the results will be faster and more effective.

11. Avoid artificial sweeteners

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While you're refraining from sugary foods to help you lose weight, you also cannot turn to artificial sweeteners. Researchers at Yale link artificial sweeteners to abdominal obesity and weight gain. Artificial sweeteners also tend to trigger sweet cravings and also spike insulin levels.

12. Lift more weights

While diet plays an important role in helping you lose weight, exercising is an essential part of weight-loss. If you want to know how to lose weight, perform resistance training on a regular basis. According to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health, an increased weight training in adult male subjects' workouts considerably reduced their risk of abdominal obesity through a multi-year period of study. On the other hand, the same amount of cardio during that period had no effect. Weight training can even boost your rate of metabolism. According to a research from University of Maryland, 16 weeks of weight training led a 7.7 per cent increase in metabolic rates in subjects, which stimulated belly fat loss.

13. Break (sprouted) bread

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Bread isn't exactly diet-friendly. Refined grains in white bread makes you pack on more kilos. But if you switch to the right kind of bread, it may actually help you lose weight. Sprouted bread contains inulin content which is a fibre that has been linked to multiple health benefits. A study published in Nutrition & Metabolism revealed that pre-diabetic study subjects who included inulin in their diet cut down more belly fat as opposed to those who didn't.

14. Add berries to your diet

Berries contain antioxidants that help reduce inflammation throughout the body. According to a University of Michigan research, rats who were fed a diet rich in berries, shaved off a substantial amount of belly fat in comparison to a control group. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries are loaded with resveratrol, the antioxidant pigment which is known to help you lose weight.

15. Stay away from Hydrogenated oils

Trans fats are found in partially hydrogenated oils in foods. These foods not only prevent you from losing weight but also increase your risk of high cholesterol, heart diseases and obesity.

16. Start your day early

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According to a study, people who snoozed past 10.45 am were more likely to consume 250 extra calories in their meals throughout the day. Additionally they leaned towards sugary, salty and trans-fat laden foods as compared to their early bird counterparts. Researchers from Northwestern University revealed that early risers received an additional metabolic boost and people who were exposed to just a short period of early morning sunlight had lower BMI compared to people who woke up late.

17. Expose yourself to sunlight

Waking up early also means you can actually soak in some morning sun and give your body the Vitamin D it needs.

18. Practice HIIT

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has tremendous effects on weight-loss and if you're looking for a way to lose belly fat, this is the exercise routine you need to be following on a regular basis. According to a study conducted at McMaster University in Ontario, adult male subjects who performed high intensity work outs for a single minute perspired equally to those who performed slow pace workouts for nearly an hour.

19. Brush more often

According to a study conducted on a sample of over 14,000 subjects, brushing after every meal considerably helped reduce weight. Not only does the minty flavor of your toothpaste keep your teeth clean and get rid of the strong belly-slimming garlic stench, it also triggers a Pavlovian response that signals to your brain, indicating the kitchen is closed.

20. Hit the track

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Running keeps your heart beat racing and helps you burn a considerable amount of calories, ultimately leading to weight loss. But even a moderate rate jog which you can definitely spare for a few times a week, helps in belly fat loss. Data collected from a study conducted over a period of eight months at Duke University Medical Center revealed that overweight adult participants who jogged about 19 km a week lost the most belly fat, burning 67 per cent more calories than participants who performed an equivalent amount of resistance training or a combination of cardio along with resistance workouts.

21. Get sufficient sleep

If you have to ensure to wake up early, you have to ensure to go to bed early too. Getting sufficient rest is important because it gives you more energy to exercise the next day and will also prevent mid-night craving for food.

22. Keep the kitchen off boundaries after dinner

One of the reasons you're piling those inches on your waist is because you treat your kitchen like a 24x7 diner. A study published in Cell Metabolism revealed that mice who had access to food only eight hours a day stayed slimmer than those who consumed the same amount of calories during the course of sixteen hours. So, when you're done with your meal at night, resist from entering the kitchen again to grab something to munch on. You'll be surprised at how much difference it makes.


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How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks? Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat | GQ India (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.