How to Shrink Clothes (2024)

By: Alia Hoyt|Updated: Oct 6, 2022

How to Shrink Clothes (1)

Ever bought a wool sweater that was too large? Or an oversized cotton T-shirt? Don't worry: There are ways to shrink clothes to your size. But not all methods work with all fabrics.

Different materials require different methods of shrinking, so it's important to determine what the garment is made of before you try shrinking it. For example, cotton shrinks the best, polyester shrinks less, while leather and fur will get ruined rather than shrink.


Let's take a look at some ways to shrink clothing. Note: For cotton, wool and polyester, if the process doesn't shrink the garment enough, follow the directions for pre-shrunk and older clothes later in this article.


  1. How to Shrink Cotton
  2. How to Shrink Wool
  3. How to Shrink Polyester
  4. How to Shrink Pre-shrunk and Older Garments

How to Shrink Cotton

Cotton is borderline notorious for its shrink potential. Many a person has been annoyed when a fitted T shrunk to teeny-tiny proportions, or those undies shrunk to the point of being unwearable. This is great news for people who actually want to shrink a garment, however. The even better news is that it's easy to do! Here's how [source: Whirlpool]:

  1. Wash the cotton garment in hot water. Cold water won't do a thing to shrink cotton.
  2. Put it in the dryer. Turn the dryer on high heat.
  3. Check the garment's size at various points during the drying cycle. This is especially important if this is the first time you're washing the garment, and it's not a pre-shrunk garment. If it looks small enough, set the dryer to low heat or air dry and let it run until the garment is dry.
  4. Do not put clothes in direct sunlight, as this causes fading.

Cotton shrinks more easily than other materials because it's made of plant fibers, which are not particularly elastic. When washed, the threads swell up with water, and as a result they get thicker, causing the fabric to shrink. Most manufacturers these days are wise to this risk, and often make garments with preshrunk cotton (as in, they shrink it themselves before making the clothes). However, even that variety is known to get smaller, albeit to a lesser extent [source: Britannica].


How to Shrink Wool

Wool is almost frighteningly easy to shrink, so it's important not to go completely wild with this one. Instead, take a slow and steady approach to shrink that wool sweater to the right size. In particular, steamy heat is the key to success in this venture.

  1. First, wash the wool garment in hot water.
  2. Then, put the garment in the dryer. Run the dryer on medium heat until the garment's dry. Check it periodically to ensure that it's not shrinking too much for your needs.
  3. If you don't have a dryer, you could lay the garment flat after washing and use a hair dryer set at high heat to dry it.

Interestingly, the reason that wool pieces shrink so much is that these animal hair fibers get all matted when they get wet. Add in some washing machine agitation and they rub together to form a much more condensed chunk of material than they started out [source: Herdy]. This is also true of cashmere, which is why such pieces come with very strict washing instructions.


If you overshoot the margin and shrink your wool sweater too much, it is possible to unshrink it a bit. One easy method is to use hair conditioner, which (as it does with human hair) helps wool fibers to relax away from each other. To do this:

  1. Fill a bucket or sink with clean water, then add about one-third of a cup of whatever hair conditioner you have lying around. Stir it well.
  2. Then, soak the affected wool piece for about 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, then press the garment to remove excess water. Do not wring it out.
  4. Get a clean, dry towel, and roll the wool piece up inside of it. This will dry it mostly out.
  5. Lastly, lay the garment flat to dry on another clean towel. Stretch it out carefully as needed [source: Silver Bobbin].


How to Shrink Polyester

Moving right along to a popular synthetic fabric, polyester is actually the most used fiber in the world. In fact, it makes up about half of all fibers used, and a whopping 80 percent of synthetic fibers! The material is actually a type of plastic, typically made from petroleum [source: CFDA].

Because of its makeup, polyester is more resistant to shrinking than many other fabric types. However, it can still be shrunk, whether accidentally, or on purpose. Here's how to do it:


  1. Wash the polyester garment in hot water.
  2. Put the garment in the dryer. Run the dryer on high heat until the garment's dry.
  3. To shrink it even more, iron the garment on a hot setting.

Anytime excessive heat is used on a garment, however, there is risk of burning the fabric, so iron at your own risk [source: Aanya Linen].

How to Shrink Pre-shrunk and Older Garments

Just because a garment is made from pre-shrunk cotton or has already been washed a million times doesn't mean that all hope is lost. It's still possible to shrink it down to the desired size, but it requires slightly more extreme methodology [source: MasterClass].

  1. Bring a pot of water to boil on the stove.
  2. Turn off the heat. Add the garment to the boiling water.
  3. Soak the garment in the hot water for five to 20 minutes. Be sure the water covers the entire garment.
  4. Safely remove the garment from the water (it will still be hot). Tongs or a spoon are a good way to do this. Allow it to cool.
  5. Either air-dry or machine dry the garment on high heat.
  6. Once dry, check the size of the garment. If it's still too large, repeat steps 1-5 until the garment shrinks enough.

There's always some risk involved in shrinking clothes on purpose, whether it's shrinking too much or otherwise damaging the fabric. Take your time, follow the steps and don't attempt the process on anything too valuable because dealing with textiles is always a little bit risky.


Originally Published: Apr 19, 2011

How to Shrink a Shirt FAQ

Does 100 percent polyester shrink?

Polyester does not shrink under regular circ*mstances because its synthetic fibers resist shrinkage.

What shrinks more – cotton or polyester?

Cotton is prone to shrinking and wrinkling. On the other hand, polyester is cheaper, durable and resists shrinkage at all costs.

How do you shrink a shirt with a design?

Turning the shirt inside out before washing it with cold water can protect the design on the shirt. Put it in a dryer at high speed after it is thoroughly washed to shrink it and protect the design.

Can you shrink a shirt without washing it?

To shrink a shirt, you need to wash it with hot or cold water, depending on the fabric. Without this step, the process cannot be completed.

Lots More Information

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  • Aanya Linen. "Does 100% Polyester Shrink?" Jan. 5, 2020 (Oct. 3, 2022)
  • Britannica. "Understand why cotton fabric shrinks." Transcript. 2022 (Oct. 3, 2022)
  • Council of Fashion Designers of America. "Polyester." 2022 (Oct. 3, 2022)
  • Herdy. "What is Felting & How Does it Work?" Nov. 6, 2019 (Oct. 3, 2022)
  • MasterClass. "How to Shrink a Shirt: 3 Methods for Different Fabrics." Nov. 5, 2021 (Oct. 3, 2022)
  • Silver Bobbin. "How to unshrink wool." 2022 (Oct. 3, 2022),can%20also%20unshrink%20wool%20garments.
  • Whirlpool. "How to shrink your clothes -- on purpose." 2022 (Oct. 3, 2022)

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How to Shrink Clothes (2024)


What makes clothes shrink fast? ›

What causes clothes to shrink? Agitation and high temperatures in the washing and drying cycles can distort fabric and cause clothes to shrink. Washing fabrics, such as cotton, linen or wool, too vigorously can cause the fibers to tighten together and yield a shrunken garment.

Can you shrink clothes by just drying them? ›

However, if you machine dry the clothing, it can indeed shrink for good. “When water is removed from the fiber with the help of mechanical action (i.e. tumbling), additional shrinkage called 'drying shrinkage' can occur,” Fossumsaid.

How many sizes can you shrink clothing? ›

You'll most likely shrink your clothing between 1 and 3 percent, or up to two sizes. That means a dress that's 35 inches long can lose up to one inch in length.

What temperature shrinks clothes? ›

Unfortunately, certain fibers can shrink and weaken in hot (above 130 degrees Fahrenheit) water, but won't get a deep, thorough cleaning in anything considered too cold (between 60 to 80 degrees).

How do you shrink clothes that are too big? ›

For example, both cotton shirts and denim jeans will shrink more in a warm or hot wash, followed by a high heat drying cycle. Steam heat will effectively shrink wool clothes, and some fabrics will even shrink when soaked for long periods in warm water.

Does cold water shrink clothes? ›

Cold-water washing means clothing is less likely to shrink or fade and ruin clothes. Cold water can also reduce wrinkles, which saves energy costs (and time) associated with ironing.

Will 10 minutes in the dryer shrink clothes? ›

A good rule of thumb is that after ten minutes of being in the wash, it will have shrunk about 1% in each direction. If it's in the wash for ten minutes and then ten minutes in the dryer, you're looking at 2% shrinkage in each direction.

Will putting your clothes in the dryer for 10 minutes shrink it? ›

The first myth debunked: Dryer heat does not shrink garments.

How do you purposely shrink a shirt? ›

Place your shirt in a washing machine and wash it in hot water on a high agitation setting. At the end of the wash cycle, remove the shirt from the washer and tumble-dry it using the dryer's highest heat setting. If you want to shrink the shirt further, you can repeat this process more than once.

Can you shrink an XL shirt to a medium? ›

Simply heat up a pot of water, then shut off the stove as soon as it reaches a boil. Drop the T-shirt in the water immediately and let it sit for about five minutes. If you're looking for a more serious degree of shrinkage, you can leave the shirt in the water for up to 20 minutes.

Does hot water shrink clothes? ›

Does hot water shrink clothes? Yes, hot water can shrink clothing. While both hot and warm water can shrink clothes, hot water shrinks clothes after just one wash. Warm water shrinks clothes little by little over multiple washes.

Can you shrink a XXL to a large? ›

“Machine washing and drying could cause some shrinkage in the length,” Gagliardi says, but it's not possible to make an item shrink a full size.

Do clothes shrink in hot or cold? ›

Generally, high temperatures are more likely to shrink susceptible fabric types. Friction and heat may cause shrinkage, so to help prevent this, use dryer cycles with low temperatures or no heat and delicate tumbler settings if recommended on an item's care label.

Does low heat still shrink clothes? ›

Use the lowest heat setting on your dryer.

The less heat, the less shrinkage. If you forget to change this setting, and leave the temperature on medium or high, there is a chance you may shrink your clothes. Some dryers even have the option to air dry.

Is it hot or cold water that shrinks clothes? ›

There is a rumor that cold water can sometimes cause shrinkage. But we would argue that the exact opposite is true. The reality is that when you wash items in hot water, especially items that have a lot of cotton in them, those items are much more likely to shrink.

How do you shrink a large to a medium? ›

The fastest way to shrink a shirt is to wash is to first place it in cold water, then put it in the washing machine in a very hot setting. Then put it in the tumble dryer, again on a high setting.

How do I shrink my clothes after losing weight? ›

To shrink something that is made of 100% cotton, all you need to do is run the garment through your clothes washer in a hot-water setting. From there, toss the item into the dryer and put it on high heat. Keep a close eye on the garment as it dries, and be sure to remove it as soon as it has achieved your ideal size.

Will 100% cotton shrink in cold water? ›

Washing 100% cotton with cold water can cause shrinkage so if you want the cotton to be shrunk deliberately use cold water otherwise normal water is the best. While washing cotton in the machine, a gentle cycle and chemical-free detergents are recommended. For heavy dirty clothes, you can use hot water.

How much do clothes shrink after first wash? ›

Bedding and clothes may shrink as much as 5% in the wash. However, if the label says an item is pre-shrunk, you might not notice any shrinkage. And if you're careful, you can avoid it altogether.

Is 20 minutes enough for dryer? ›

Generally, it takes about 30 to 40 minutes to dry an average load of laundry on a medium setting. However, some loads will only take 20 minutes, and others may require 60 minutes or more.

How much do clothes shrink when dried? ›

It's absolutely normal for clothes made from 100% cotton to shrink, especially if they haven't been pre-shrunk. Pre-shrunk cotton will generally only shrink 2-5%. Non pre-shrunk cotton, on the other hand, can shrink as much 20% if you're not careful. This is only true for 100% cotton, however.

How do you shrink something without ruining it? ›

No matter what type of fabric you're attempting to shrink, there are only three effective methods for shrinking:
  1. Washing and drying on medium to high heat (depending on fabric).
  2. Ironing the clothes while damp.
  3. Soaking clothes in warm to boiling water and drying with a blow dryer.
Apr 2, 2022

Does boiling a shirt make it smaller? ›

Drop the shirt in once it's come to a boil. Turn off the heat. Let the water cool down, allowing the shirt to soak for anywhere between 5-20 minutes. The longer it soaks, the more it'll shrink, but it'll never shrink more than 20 percent.

Can a large shirt be made smaller? ›

Can a Shirt Be Made Smaller? A shirt can certainly be made smaller and shorter by a tailor or DIY sewing techniques. Any garment can be made smaller by inserting tucks, darts, sewing new side seams or hemming. these are all techniques a tailor would use but there are other ways in which to make a shirt smaller.

How do you shrink a shirt 2x to a large? ›

To shrink a shirt, machine wash the shirt on the hottest water setting since heat makes clothes shrink. Then, dry the shirt in the dryer on high heat. If you're worried about damaging your shirt, try soaking it in a sink or tub filled with hot water for a few minutes instead of machine drying it.

How many pounds does it take to shrink a size? ›

You can drop a dress size (anywhere from 10 to 15 pounds, or about an inch or two from your bust and hips) and be special-occasion slim in only six weeks. Our simple exercise and eating plan will show you how. The secret? A combination of and strength training.

Is size 16 considered extra large? ›

While a size XL is designed to fit a size 16/18, she may prefer to wear a size 1X which equates to a size 14/16.

How many pounds is a size XL? ›

S90 - 105 lbs
M100 - 125 lbs
L120 - 135 lbs
XL135 - 160 lbs
20 more rows

What clothes shrink most? ›

Cotton is by far the easiest fabric to shrink during the laundry process. During the construction of cotton clothing, tension is applied to its fabrics and then the tension is released by heat from the washer or dryer, which causes the cotton to revert to its natural size.

Can shrunken clothes be unshrunk? ›

It is effortless to unshrink many clothes . Take a bucket of warm water, add half a cupful of hair conditioner and a squirt of washing up liquid and mix. Add clothes and stir until hair conditioner has covered all fibres. Squeeze clothing to expel excess liquid.

What fabric shrinks in hot water? ›

Fabrics that will shrink the most in hot water include 100% cotton, silk, wool, linen, and hemp. Clothes made from natural fibers tend to shrink more than clothing made from synthetic fibers. Garments made from synthetic fibers such as polyester (can you shrink polyester), nylon, and spandex are resistant to shrinkage.

What clothing shrinks the most? ›

Cotton. Cotton is by far the easiest fabric to shrink during the laundry process. During the construction of cotton clothing, tension is applied to its fabrics and then the tension is released by heat from the washer or dryer, which causes the cotton to revert to its natural size.

Which clothing materials shrink the most? ›

What Types of Fabrics Shrink Easily? Fabrics that shrink easily include cotton, wool, silk, linen, and hemp. Fabrics made from natural fibers are more prone to shrinkage than clothes made from synthetic fibers, such as nylon and polyester. However, spandex will shrink in the dryer.

How quickly do clothes shrink? ›

A good rule of thumb is that after ten minutes of being in the wash, it will have shrunk about 1% in each direction. If it's in the wash for ten minutes and then ten minutes in the dryer, you're looking at 2% shrinkage in each direction.

Does warm water shrink clothes? ›

Washing cotton in hot water

Washing cotton in hot water can cause shrinkage. While cotton fabrics tend to have a maximum shrinkage capacity, heat can cause your cotton items to permanently shrink. Avoid this by using cold water when washing cotton, or alternating between warm and cold washes.

Can clothes shrink a whole size? ›

“Machine washing and drying could cause some shrinkage in the length,” Gagliardi says, but it's not possible to make an item shrink a full size.

How can I shrink my clothes without washing them? ›

You can soak it in hot water, use a hot iron, boil the shirt or use a dryer machine on the hottest setting to shrink a shirt without washing. Simply soak it in a sink or tub with hot boiling water for 30 minutes. The fibers of the shirt are more likely to shorten if saturated for a long time with extremely hot water.

How do you shrink a shirt with boiling water? ›

Simply heat up a pot of water, then shut off the stove as soon as it reaches a boil. Drop the T-shirt in the water immediately and let it sit for about five minutes. If you're looking for a more serious degree of shrinkage, you can leave the shirt in the water for up to 20 minutes.

How much smaller do clothes shrink? ›

Bedding and clothes may shrink as much as 5% in the wash. However, if the label says an item is pre-shrunk, you might not notice any shrinkage. And if you're careful, you can avoid it altogether.

How much do clothes really shrink? ›

It's absolutely normal for clothes made from 100% cotton to shrink, especially if they haven't been pre-shrunk. Pre-shrunk cotton will generally only shrink 2-5%. Non pre-shrunk cotton, on the other hand, can shrink as much 20% if you're not careful. This is only true for 100% cotton, however.

How long do you leave clothes in hot water to shrink? ›

Boil Your Shirt in Hot Water

This method is just about as simple as it sounds. If you're only looking for slight shrinkage, take it out after about five minutes. For more than that, try it for ten to fifteen minutes. If you'd like your tee to shrink as much as possible, let it boil for up to twenty minutes.

Is it hot water or the dryer that shrinks clothes? ›

Heat has the potent ability to shrink clothes, so avoid washing your clothes in hot water or tumble drying them in high heat if you do not want shrinkage to occur. Your best course of action to make sure your clothes don't shrink when cleaning them is to take them to a dry cleaner instead.

What makes clothes shrink cold or hot water? ›

Washing clothes in hot water (or drying them using hot air) shrinks the fabric. Although fibers of polymer are naturally short, they are stretched out when made into clothes. Applying heat releases that tension, making the fibers return to their natural state. Hence the miniaturized shirts and shorts.

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