How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (2024)

There are tons of ways to create a blog out there, but if you are looking to create a blog and actually make money from it, this is for you.

The sad truth is that many bloggers greatly limit their earning potential because of the blog platform they used to start it.

As bloggers who are pouring our heart and soul into what we write, we SHOULD be compensated for our work!

In this guide I am going to help you get set up on the right foot, so that you will be set up to succeed.

Why I think you should start a blog

In a lot of ways the playing field has been leveled with big media companies and bloggers.

You and I now have the ability to reach just as many (if not more) readersthan big media sites with our humble little blogs.

Additionally, I”m fully convinced that each of us has something to share. There”s something in each of us the world needs to hear. Without getting too “Tony Robbins” on you, you have a unique set of gifts, skills, and experiences that allow you to offer some insight on something that few others can.

I can’t even begin to tell you how many authors, bloggers, songwriters, poets, and other writers who have had an impact on my life. You can never underestimate the power of what you”re writing.

And there isn’t an easier or cheaper way to do that than by starting a blog.

And since it can be a source of supplemental income, it can help you reach your financial goals faster as well!

Not sure what to blog about?

That’s okay I got you covered, check out this video below where we chat about:

  • 4 ways to tell what you should blog about
  • How to know if the niche is one you can make money with
  • How to get blog post ideas to write

How to start your blog right now

If you want to get started now, I put together a free tutorial that you can follow here to get started:

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (1)Oh and did I mention that if you use this guide, I will give you my $77 “Start Your Blog Now” 20-lesson video e-Course for FREE?

Watch the video above for details.

Step-by-Step Blog Setup Instructions

I recommend watching the video above, but if for some reason you can’t we have step-by-step instructions for how to start your blog right here:

1. Go to

I recommend self-hosted WordPress for bloggers (via Hostgator) who want to make money from their blogs. Hostgator is the host I use on most of my blogs and have used them for years. They are the best option I know of for new bloggers.

Go sign up for a webhosting package at (using this link to get your 45% off discount). When the HostGator homepage loads, click the button labeled “Get Started Now!”.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (2)

2. Choose a Domain

Enter the domain you would like in the “Enter Your Domain” section.(If you have already purchased your domain name, you can enter itin the “I Already Own ThisDomain” section.)

If available, it will show up in the list.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (3)

You will see asection that says Domain Privacy Protection with the box checked – I recommend keeping this for your domain because it will protect your online privacy.

But if you would like to save $12.95/year, feel free to skip this.

QUICK TIP: How do I find a domain name that is available?

Go to and search until you find a domain name that is available (green ones are open, red ones are taken).If possible aim for one that has at least one of the keywords you would like to be found in the search engines for.

3. Choose a Hosting Plan

Now you will need to selecta hosting package. I recommend the Baby Plan – that offers you Unlimited Domains – but the Hatchling Plan will do as well.

You can save more money by signing up for a longer term but you can pay month to month as well.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (4)

After picking your package type, you’ll need to enter your preferred username and security PIN.

4. Enter Your Billing Info

You will enter your personal and billing information in this section – you can pay with credit card or PayPal.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (5)

5. Add Additional Services

In this section, you can pick any of the additional services that youwant but my recommendation is to move forward without anything additional at this time – you can always go back and add them on later.

Personally I don’t think you need any of these services.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (6)

6. Enter a Coupon Code

You’ll see your coupon code – SEEDTIME – is already entered to get you the 45% discount!

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (7)

7. Review Order Details

Review all of your details and make sure everything is accurate. If it is, check the box stating that you agree with the terms and conditions (after reading them, of course…) and click Checkout Now!

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (8)

Once your payment goes through, you’ll be redirected to this page:

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (9)

Then once your account is setup and your order is complete, you’ll be directed to this page:

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (10)

8. GoCheck Your Email

You should receive two emails ”“ one with login information for the billing and one with login information for your account.

When you receive the email with your account information (see below),click on the “Your Control Panel” link.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (11)

9.Control Panel Login

After clicking on Your Control Panel link, you will take your username and password from the email above and enter it into the cPanel to log-in to your control panel.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (12)

10.WordPress Installation

Once in the Control Panel, you will scroll to the bottom of the page and click on QuickInstall under Software.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (13)

You will find the WordPress install under Site Builders & CMS down on the page – click on WordPress.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (14)

You will pick your domain from the dropdown and click next.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (15)

You will fill out the Install WordPress form using your information – blog title, admin user, your name and admin email address.

Check the Terms of Service box and click the orange Install Now button.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (16)

Once your install is complete, you will see the page below which provides you with your URL Admin area, username and password.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (17)

You will also receive this informationvia email for safe keeping.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (18)

11.Accessing Blog Admin Area

If you see this page, it means your installation was successful and you can click on the green Admin Login page to get into your site. If you don’t see this, it means the DNS is still propagating through the internet. This can sometimes take up to 24 hours so if this is your situation, just jump on the chat box with HostGator (thats what you are paying them for) to see what’s going on and to make sure everything was installed correctly.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (19)

Once you are on this page, you will use your username and password from the Quick Install email that you received.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (20)

After logging in, you will be on your Dashboard! Mark this page as a favorite and save your log-in information – this is where you will go to update your blog, create blog posts, etc.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (21)

12. Learn the WordPress basics

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (22)If you used this guide to start your blog, just forward one of the emails you got from Hostgator (you can remove any login info before sending) over to Lauren (at) and we will give you FREE access to our Start Your Blog Now course (retails for $77).

If you are new to WordPress, this is the perfect next step as this coursewill teach you everything you need to know about how to use your new WordPress blog.

If you have more questions about this whole blogging thing, just keep on reading…

This is a crazy world we live in…

Think about it.

You and I have the opportunity to sit in our living rooms with a laptop in hand and publish something that can have life-changing impact on someone thousands of miles away.

And since this same technology can be used for bad (and often is) I kind of feel a moral obligation to use my gifts, thoughts, and ideas to help make the world a better place.

My last 10 years

Starting a blog 10 years ago was one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

I know that is a bold statement, but it is true.

5 things I have loved about it:

  1. It is the easiest way I know of to share the message that I had burning inside of me.
  2. It has a better earning potential than any other home-based business that I know of.
  3. It has allowed me to work from anywhere.
  4. It has helped me learn so much more about a topic I was already interested in.
  5. It has allowed me to get paid doing something I love while helping others in the process.

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (23)Is it too late to start a blog?

I get asked this a lot. Yes, there are a lot of blogs, but the reality is that while there is occasionally a benefit to getting in early, often it is a lot more work in the early stages.

This has certainly been the case. I have watched some of my blogging students go pro way faster than I did. And to be honest, the number of full-time bloggers that I know is staggering.

Additionally, when I started the tech was a lot more difficult – now you can run a blog an never even need to know a line of HTML code.

To answer the original question, I think it is more important to be your unique self with your blog today, but it is definitely NOT too late to start a blog.

And in many ways the opportunity for succeeding is far greater than it has ever been.

How to know if you should start a blog

Here are a few questions to consider:

Have you wanted to write a book?

If so, almost every book publisher is looking for authors who already have an audience. A blog is a perfect way to start building the audience while testing out ideas.

Do you have something that you just really want to share with the world?

A blog not only allows you to do this, but it can open up the door to other opportunities like: speaking gigs, consulting opportunities, book deals and a lot more.

Would you be okay giving up a few hours a week of Netflix?

I have seen many bloggers have tremendous amounts of success working only a few hours a week on their blogs.

Are you an expert or an enthusiast?

While this can help, more often than not I have found that “experts” don’t make the best bloggers. Typically, it is “enthusiasts” (someone who is really excited about a topic) rather than someone who knows a ton about it.

I think the reason is that many readers can better relate to an enthusiast who is a bit more like them.

For example, the biggest blogger in the Personal Finance niche admittedly knew little about Personal Finance when he started his blog. But he shared what he was learning as he was learning it and his readers loved it.

Are you a good communicator?

Lucky for us all, your writing ability doesn’t matter as much as one might think. I find it to be laughably ironic that English and Writing classes were always my worst subjects in school – and here I am writing for a living.

A more valuable skill is to be able to communicate ideas in a relatable way. There can be some overlap, but they are definitely different skills.

Can’t you start a blog for free?

Let me start by saying that there are definitely free options for starting a blog or website out there. Some of them are actually pretty good looking. And if you are just ‘testing the waters’ of this whole blogging thing, that may not be a bad route to go.

However,I strongly suggest once you get committed to the idea of blogging that you get a Self-Hosted WordPress site.

Here are 5 important reasons: (If you don’t need any convincing just skip this section)

1. You own it

When you have a Self-Hosted WordPress blog, you are paying for the hosting, but you also have full-control of your site. It is similar to the difference between owning your home and renting an apartment.

When you own your home, you call the shots, you paint the walls the way you want, and you choose the color siding to use. Where as when you rent, you are very limited in what you can do since you are not the owner. And the owner can even decide to sell and then you need to find a new home. (owned by Google) has had multiple instances where the service was just down for 8+ hours. So if you used them then your site was down that whole time and you had no control. You just had to sit and wait. While unlikely, it is possible that Google could decide to shut down the blogger service or sell it to someone else and since you don’t own your blog with them, THEY have all the control and you really have no say in what happens.

2. Customization

If you don’t want to be limited to themes/templates/skins for your blog design, then Self-Hosted WordPress makes the most sense.

3. It is the biggest blog platform by far

According to WikiPedia there are over 60,000,000 WordPress blogs out there. Last update I heard was that over 30% of the entire internet is powered by it. Every blogger I am friends with uses WordPress. There is a reason that so many use WordPress.

4. Plugins

Another great thing about the WordPress platform is that there are tons of great plugins that you can use that will greatly increase the functionality of the site. There are plugins that will allow you to instantly convert your WordPress site into a store-front to sell your crafts, a membership site to teach students, a gallery for your photos, and a lot more.

5. Monetization

If you are interested in making money, Self-Hosted WordPress is the way to go. Many free options don’t allow you to run advertisem*nts or limit your ability. This is just another reason that all the bloggers I know use WordPress for their blogs. There are actually many more reasons why I think this is the best long-term solution, but lets save some space and just leave it at that.

How I make money with my blog

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (24)When I go to family functions or social events I often get a blank stare when I explain what I do for a living. I think people understand the part that I write articles and put them on a website, but when it comes to making money from it, they don’t get it.

In this section I will lay it out and hopefully it will help bring some clarity…

1. CPC Ad Networks

There are a few different ad networks that I use. The most successful one has been Google’s Adsense program. Basically what they do is read the article that I write and find ads that are relevant to it and display them next to the article. The great thing about it is that by having extremely relevant ads, it actually can be quite beneficial to the readers as well.

For example, if I write an article explaining how we travel for free, but didn’t mention where you could open the credit card that allows us to do it, Adsense would likely be displaying ads of travel rewards credit cards.

So as a reader, if I read that article and decided that I did want to open a rewards credit card, the ads would be providing options that the article did not.

2. CPM Ad Networks

While Adsense pays on a click basis (CPC), I use other ad networks that pay by the total # of impressions (CPM). So they might pay for $5 for every 1,000 impressions.

Generally you need a lot of traffic to your blog to earn well with CPM networks.

3. Affiliate Product Sales

Basically an example of an affiliate sale would be if you sold lawn mowers and I referred a customer to you, if they purchased you would pay me back a % of the sale for referring them. There are a million options for this on the internet now. The main programs I use are

4. Books & Course Sales

I also sell a few of our books and courses on our site as well.

5. Consulting

Running a blog is a great way to build a consulting business. In the past I have offered consulting services and every single client came as a result of my blog.

How long does it take to make money from a blog?

The second question that people normally ask after, “how do I make money with a blog?” is, “how long is it going to take?”. Well, let me just say this, if you are looking for a fast way to make money, blogging isn’t it. It takes time and hard work. As you can see from the chart below it took me a long time before I was able to do it full-time.

But, for more than a year I was working at it about 10 hours a week. And don’t forget I didn’t know anything about blogging, advertising, getting traffic, etc when I started. So, if you know that SeedTime is a blog, then you have a head start on me. 😉

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (25)

Get my blogging book for free

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (26)This book is my Amazon Best-Selling book that covers all the steps I took to make a full-time living from my blog.

It covers many blogging basics, primary ways to earn from your blog, how to get traffic to your blog, and much more!

Refuse to let fear stop you!

For those like me who always had dreams of starting a blog but had been held back by a fear of failure, I want to prod you to fight!

It is bigger than you!

The world needs what you have to offer and if you let fear hold you back, not only are you hurting yourself – but all the lives of those who you would have impacted in a positive way.

Never in a million years would I have dreamed of the number of people that we would be able to reach when I started my blog a few years back.

To be honest, it baffles me.

I had NO IDEA of the potential that laid dormant.

And might I suggest to you that you have NO IDEA of what could be as well?

Anyway, enough preaching for today. 😉

I am glad to be your #1 cheerleader and maybe this email will be the final push that you need.

The world NEEDS what you have to offer!

How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (27)

P.S. Got any questions I can answer for you about all this? Just leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP!

FTC Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above may be affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, we only recommend products or services we use personally and/or believe will add value to readers. Read more here.

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How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course] (2024)


Can I start a blog for free and make money? ›

Using WordPress, you can start a blog for free (you'll just need a web hosting plan to get your blog live) and it's really the only option worth considering if you're starting a blog with the eventual goal of making money in some way, shape or form.

How do beginners start blogging for free? ›

How to Create a Blog for Free
  1. Step 1: Choose a Home for Your Blog. ...
  2. Step 2: Get a Custom Domain. ...
  3. Step 3: Design Your Blog. ...
  4. Step 4: Write Your First Blog Post. ...
  5. Step 5: Drive Traffic to Your New Blog. ...
  6. Step 6: Create a Blogging Schedule. ...
  7. Step 7: Plan Ahead with Blog Analytics. ...
  8. Step 8: Promote Your Blog.
Feb 20, 2024

How can I make $100 a month blogging? ›

In fact, you could make your first $100/mo from affiliates with just 1k pageviews! (Although it typically takes longer since you're brand new to blogging.) Another option is to create a digital product and sell it. This could be a membership, a newsletter subscription, an ebook, or a video course.

How much money per 1000 views on a blog? ›

While the amount of money that bloggers can make varies widely depending on the niche, industry, and quality of the website, bloggers with 1,000 views usually make an RPM of $20-35 on average.

What type of blog makes the most money? ›

The best blogs to make money include finance blogs, travel blogs, food and recipe blogs, fashion and beauty blogs, and technology blogs. The profitability often depends on niche, audience engagement, content quality, and monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertisem*nts.

Does blogging really pay? ›

While it's not easy to make money from blogging, it's possible. There are a number of ways to monetize your blog, such as through advertising, affiliate marketing, and selling products or services.

How do I start an anonymous blog and get paid? ›

Anonymous bloggers can make money through methods like affiliate marketing, ad revenue, selling products or services, and sponsored content. However, it may be more challenging to build trust and credibility when you blog anonymously.

What is the best platform to start a free blog? ›

The best free blogging sites of 2024 in full
  • Best overall. (Image credit: Wix) Wix. The best free blogging site. ...
  • Best for personalization. (Image credit: WordPress) ...
  • Best support. (Image credit: Site123) Site123. ...
  • Best for analytics. (Image credit: Blogger) Blogger. ...
  • Best for audience. (Image credit: Medium) Medium.
Mar 3, 2024

What is the easiest site to start a blog? ›

Best overall blogging platform: Wix

Whether you are looking for a basic free website or a more advanced paid option, Wix offers everything you need to start a blog. Paid plans start from $17 per month, which gets you 2GB of storage space, a free domain, and the removal of Wix branding.

How to earn $10,000 per month from blogging? ›

Bloggers who sell digital items like online courses or guides often earn up to $10,000 per month or more. Affiliate marketing is an additional opportunity for a blogger to supplement their income. Christine Wang from, for example, currently earns six figures each month from affiliate marketing.

What is a realistic income from blogging? ›

According to ZipRecruiter, bloggers can make $37,652 per year or $3,137 per month on average. The amount of money a blogger makes depends on a lot of factors, such as their niche, traffic, and revenue streams. Some make very little money, while other bloggers make millions of dollars per year.

How quickly can a blog make money? ›

In most cases, you should expect it to take at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) of consistent blogging & promoting your content to start earning something from your blog.

How much does Google pay for Blogger? ›

It's a question every blogger asks, and the answer is more complex than you might think. Earnings can vary from $0.5 to $2.5 per 1000 views, but several factors influence this, including your blog's niche, audience location, and ad technicalities.

How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money? ›

Once you're logged into your Google account, visit Blogger ( and click on the “Create your blog” button. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your blog, choosing a title, domain name, and template. One popular and accessible way to do this is by starting your own blog.

Does Google AdSense really pay? ›

Google AdSense provides a way for publishers to earn money from their online content. AdSense works by matching ads to your site based on your content and visitors. The ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products.

How many blog views do you need to make money? ›

Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month. Sponsored articles range in price from $25 to $750 for each post, depending on the size of the audience, genre, and individual sponsorship agreement.

How much does it cost to start a blog? ›

If you create a website on your own, a basic blog can cost as little as $16 per month. However, more complicated websites or ones that require the assistance of professionals like photographers, copywriters or designers, can cost upwards of $10,000.

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Article information

Author: Frankie Dare

Last Updated:

Views: 6073

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.