Improve Your Vertical With This One-Week Jump Training Plan (2024)


By John CissikPublished On: 2020-11-27

Your vertical jump isn’t just useful on the field; it’s also good for showing your coach a result of all the strength you’ve developed in the weight room. If you want to have a massive vertical, you need to build a strong, explosive lower body, a powerful upper body and solid jumping technique. You can develop all three by:

  • Improving your lower-body strength through lower-body, multi-joint exercises
  • Learning how to use that strength through plyometrics, Medicine Ball Throws and Olympic lifts
  • Developing upper-body strength and power through Presses, Rows and Medicine Ball Throws
  • Improving your jumping technique with plyometrics

Learn a few key exercises that train the main things you need to do to jump higher, then put it all together in a sample workout.

Vertical Jump Exercises

Back Squat

The Back Squat builds lower-body strength while mimicking the movement of a vertical jump. To get the biggest jumping benefit from the Back Squat:

  • Set the bar on the back of your shoulders or at the base of your neck
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart
  • Keeping your weight on your heels, push your hips back and flex your knees
  • As you lower yourself, attempt to place your stomach between your legs
  • Go down a comfortable distance, then stand back up
  • To improve your vertical jump, aim for sets of 4-12 reps at 70-85 percent of your maximum

Hang Power Clean

In some studies, this exercise had the highest power output among the different Clean variations. It also mimics the jumping motion. When performing it, aim to be as explosive as possible.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart holding the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart
  • Keeping your arms straight, push your hips back and unlock your knees slightly so you lean forward
  • Allow the bar to slide down your body until it’s at mid-thigh level
  • Explosively extend your hips, rise up onto your toes and shrug your shoulders
  • When the bar reaches shoulder height, move into a quarter squat, bend your elbows and receive the bar on the front of your shoulders
  • When training for the vertical jump, aim for sets of 3-6 reps at 60-80 percent of your maximum

Behind-the-Back Medicine Ball Toss

This exercise mimics the jumping motion and teaches you to use your arms explosively. In some settings, coaches actually use it as a test instead of a prep for the vertical jump.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart
  • Hold a medicine ball in front with your arms straight
  • Move into a quarter squat and swing the medicine ball back between your legs
  • Without pausing, explosively reverse directions and jump straight up. As you do so, throw the medicine ball as far behind you as possible without leaning backward
  • This is normally done five to 10 times in a session

Squat Jump

This is a partial movement that makes the jumping motion more difficult.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Place your hands behind your back so that you cannot use your arms
  • Lower into a quarter squat and hold that position for a full count
  • From the bottom position, jump as high as you can
  • When you land, push your hips back and allow your hamstrings to absorb most of the impact
  • This is normally done ten times in a session

Box Jump

This exercise also makes jumping more difficult by giving you a tall target. Stay safe by choosing a secured box with a non-slip surface. Remember, you’re giving an all-out effort, so take your time between jumps.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart in front of a box
  • Quickly move into a quarter squat and swing your arms back
  • Without pausing, explode up and jump onto the box
  • Land softly on flat feet
  • Step down and repeat
  • This is normally done five to ten times in a session

Put all of the above exercises together into a one-week training program designed to improve your vertical jump.

One-Week Jump Training Plan

Day 1: Lower-Body Strength

  • Back Squats – 5×6-10 @ 75-85%
  • Lunges – 3×8-12 on each leg
  • Romanian Deadlifts – 3×8-12
  • Reverse Hyperextensions – 3×12-15

Day 2: Off

Day 3: Explosiveness

  • Hang Power Clean – 5×3-6@65-75%
  • Squat Jumps – 10x
  • Box Jumps – 5x
  • Behind-the-Back Medicine Ball Toss – 10x

Day 4: Off

Day 5: Upper-Body Strength

  • Bench Press: 3×6-10@75-85%
  • Pull-Ups: 3xMax
  • Military Press: 3×6-10


  • How toDunk This Year
  • Jump Training: How to Become Explosive

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By John CissikPublished On: 2020-11-27

Your vertical jump isn’t just useful on the field; it’s also good for showing your coach a result of all the strength you’ve developed in the weight room. If you want to have a massive vertical, you need to build a strong, explosive lower body, a powerful upper body and solid jumping technique. You can develop all three by:

  • Improving your lower-body strength through lower-body, multi-joint exercises
  • Learning how to use that strength through plyometrics, Medicine Ball Throws and Olympic lifts
  • Developing upper-body strength and power through Presses, Rows and Medicine Ball Throws
  • Improving your jumping technique with plyometrics

Learn a few key exercises that train the main things you need to do to jump higher, then put it all together in a sample workout.

Vertical Jump Exercises

Back Squat

The Back Squat builds lower-body strength while mimicking the movement of a vertical jump. To get the biggest jumping benefit from the Back Squat:

  • Set the bar on the back of your shoulders or at the base of your neck
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart
  • Keeping your weight on your heels, push your hips back and flex your knees
  • As you lower yourself, attempt to place your stomach between your legs
  • Go down a comfortable distance, then stand back up
  • To improve your vertical jump, aim for sets of 4-12 reps at 70-85 percent of your maximum

Hang Power Clean

In some studies, this exercise had the highest power output among the different Clean variations. It also mimics the jumping motion. When performing it, aim to be as explosive as possible.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart holding the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart
  • Keeping your arms straight, push your hips back and unlock your knees slightly so you lean forward
  • Allow the bar to slide down your body until it’s at mid-thigh level
  • Explosively extend your hips, rise up onto your toes and shrug your shoulders
  • When the bar reaches shoulder height, move into a quarter squat, bend your elbows and receive the bar on the front of your shoulders
  • When training for the vertical jump, aim for sets of 3-6 reps at 60-80 percent of your maximum

Behind-the-Back Medicine Ball Toss

This exercise mimics the jumping motion and teaches you to use your arms explosively. In some settings, coaches actually use it as a test instead of a prep for the vertical jump.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart
  • Hold a medicine ball in front with your arms straight
  • Move into a quarter squat and swing the medicine ball back between your legs
  • Without pausing, explosively reverse directions and jump straight up. As you do so, throw the medicine ball as far behind you as possible without leaning backward
  • This is normally done five to 10 times in a session

Squat Jump

This is a partial movement that makes the jumping motion more difficult.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Place your hands behind your back so that you cannot use your arms
  • Lower into a quarter squat and hold that position for a full count
  • From the bottom position, jump as high as you can
  • When you land, push your hips back and allow your hamstrings to absorb most of the impact
  • This is normally done ten times in a session

Box Jump

This exercise also makes jumping more difficult by giving you a tall target. Stay safe by choosing a secured box with a non-slip surface. Remember, you’re giving an all-out effort, so take your time between jumps.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart in front of a box
  • Quickly move into a quarter squat and swing your arms back
  • Without pausing, explode up and jump onto the box
  • Land softly on flat feet
  • Step down and repeat
  • This is normally done five to ten times in a session

Put all of the above exercises together into a one-week training program designed to improve your vertical jump.

One-Week Jump Training Plan

Day 1: Lower-Body Strength

  • Back Squats – 5×6-10 @ 75-85%
  • Lunges – 3×8-12 on each leg
  • Romanian Deadlifts – 3×8-12
  • Reverse Hyperextensions – 3×12-15

Day 2: Off

Day 3: Explosiveness

  • Hang Power Clean – 5×3-6@65-75%
  • Squat Jumps – 10x
  • Box Jumps – 5x
  • Behind-the-Back Medicine Ball Toss – 10x

Day 4: Off

Day 5: Upper-Body Strength

  • Bench Press: 3×6-10@75-85%
  • Pull-Ups: 3xMax
  • Military Press: 3×6-10


  • How toDunk This Year
  • Jump Training: How to Become Explosive

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Improve Your Vertical With This One-Week Jump Training Plan (2024)


How to increase vertical jump in 1 week? ›

10 Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump
  1. ½ Kneel to Single-Leg Hop. ...
  2. Drop Squats with Posterior Arm Throws. ...
  3. Broad Jump to High Jump. ...
  4. Lateral Bound to Jump. ...
  5. 180º Jumps. ...
  6. Back Leg Elevated Single-Leg Jumps. ...
  7. Tuck Jumps. ...
  8. Mountain Climbers.

What training increases vertical jump? ›

Squats are a great exercise for improving lower body strength and power, which can help you jump higher. You can perform squats with your own bodyweight. To progress, you can do squats with VertiMax and/or other equipment like a barbell, squat rack, kettlebells.

How to increase vertical in 10 days? ›

Perform calisthenics every day to increase flexibility.

Because you don't need any equipment, you can do calisthenics anywhere to build strength and agility. To improve your vertical leap, do calisthenics that target your leg muscles. Some examples of calisthenics include push-ups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, and lunges.

Can you dunk at 5'7"? ›

There are a lot of people who can dunk while having an average height. For example, Nate Robinson, an NBA player who has a height of 5' 7" (about 170 cm), was able to dunk over many NBA players who are way taller than him.

How much vertical to dunk at 6 feet? ›

You'll need to get at least 8″ over depending on how well you can palm the ball so you'll need about 128″. Assuming a 92″ standing reach, you'll need about (at least) 36″ of vert. That's not that hard to get to although, you may have to work at it for a while.

How do NBA players jump so high? ›

The secret to jumping high is found in physics. Increasing your vertical jump comes down to one simple concept: Increase your overall power-to-body weight ratio. If you can do this, your vertical jump will scientifically have to increase.

Does stretching help you dunk? ›

The things we do for preparation and recovery are not just warm up and cool down, they also have a direct bearing on your vertical leap. For example, we stretch our hip flexors religiously, because tight hip flexors reduce our ability to explosively extend the hip, thereby reducing our vertical leap.

Do squats help you jump higher? ›

It has been proven that squats make you run faster, jump higher, and increase explosiveness. A study conducted by Wisloff et al. (2004) showed direct correlation of maximal squat strength with sprint performance and vertical jump height in elite level athletes.

How can I jump higher in 2 weeks? ›

Exercises to try
  1. Jumping jacks. Jumping jacks are a type of plyometric exercise that can help you jump higher by building lower body strength. ...
  2. Single-leg deadlifts with jump. This advanced exercise builds stability as you explosively jump up using one leg at a time. ...
  3. Burpees. ...
  4. Forward linear jumps. ...
  5. Squat jumps. ...
  6. Rebounding.
May 28, 2020

How can I dunk in 2 weeks? ›

Instead 2-3 times a week (with a minimum of 48 hours in-between try this mini jumping workout:
  1. Roll, stretch, activate to warm up.
  2. 2x3 Ninja landings.
  3. 10x1 Max ring touches (with lots of rest between reps)
  4. 3x10 Squats.
  5. 3x10 Glute Bridges.
  6. 3x30 DL calf raises.

What is the best muscle to train for vertical? ›

But if you want to jump higher, it's equally important to awaken and strengthen assisting muscles—your calves, the muscles around your hips, and your glutes. What it does: Helps you jump higher by powering up your calf muscles and helps extend your hips by loosening your hip flexors and ankles.

How long will it take to improve vertical jump? ›

If you're intermediate (have trained for 1-2 years), you can realistically increase your vertical jump by around six inches over the next 6 months. For someone who's advanced, (training for more than 2 years), training can get you somewhere around 4 more inches on your vert.

What does your vertical have to be to dunk at 5'8"? ›

If you are 5′8 this means that your standing reach is about 7′4 which is about 2.23m. If you calculate there is 0.77m to reach the rim. For you to be able to dunk you'll have to jump 0.92m high , that is, if you add the 6″.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.