Instagram Reels Not Getting Views? Here Is How To Fix It (2024)

You are likely making these mistakes that limit your Reels reach

Instagram Reels Not Getting Views? Here Is How To Fix It (1)

If you’re active on Instagram, you have definitely noticed that Instagram Reels have taken the social media network by storm. Businesses, brands, and influencers have been making these short, vertical videos accompanied by music to share content with their audiences.

In many cases, the views and the reach have exploded! As a result, Insta Reels have become a preferred type of content to engage with audiences, get more followers, generate higher engagement, and grow accounts fast. The internet is full of great success stories about Reels.

Nevertheless, even if you’re creating Reels, it doesn’t mean that you will grow your account in no time. In fact, many users may be having a hard time getting views and engagement with their Reels.

So, if you have looked at your Instagram Insights after posting multiple Reels and see that the reach (views) is very minimal, this article is for you. I’ll share some of the main reasons why your Insta Reels may not be getting views and ways to fix it.

First, let me break the bad news — there is no quick or immediate fix. Instagram is not a sprint where you can expect to see spectacular results in no time. In most cases, unless you’re a celebrity, it will require some work and time.

Not getting views is pretty normal, especially if you run a small account. Unfortunately, Instagram often reduces the reach of smaller accounts, and the content posted is mainly shown to the followers only.

The reason for that is simple — Instagram is also trying to learn and better understand what your account is about to be able to deliver your content to the most targeted audience.

So, if you run a small account (less than 100 followers), don’t expect to have thousands of views. Instead, post consistently and try to grow the number of your followers in an organic way.

Don’t follow the quick hacks, such as the follow/unfollow strategies, as they will only harm your growth.

There are very few things that you can do to impact the reach of your Reels at this stage directly. Organic growth of your account is the key at this stage.

However, if you have a decent number of followers and you’re still getting minimal views, then this requires attention. The reason for you not getting views may be due to some of the mistakes that you’re making while posting them.

Let’s see what the most common mistakes in making Reels are:
1) You visibly recycle your Reels from other platforms (such as TikTok),
2) You post political content on your Reels,
3) Your videos are of poor quality,
4) You’re not using vertical videos in your Reels,
5) Your content doesn’t have a hook in the first 3 seconds,
6) You don’t use Instagram tools for Reels creations,
7) You haven’t posted enough Reels,
8) You don’t consume Reels yourself,
9) You don’t optimize your Reels.

Let’s discuss each of these mistakes one by one.

You recycle your Reels from other platforms

Instagram wants the content posted on the platform to be unique and beneficial to its users. Therefore, if you create your Reels using TikTok and then repost the same Reels on Instagram with the TikTok watermark, the chances are high that Instagram will lower your reach.

Instagram has a powerful AI in place that scans and detects what’s in your videos, and these TikTok watermarks don’t do any good.

If you want to use the same content that you post on other social media accounts, you can do so; however, play smart; instead of saving the video with the watermark of another platform, screen record it or use any app available to remove the watermark.

There are some exceptions, though. I am sure you’ve seen tons of viral Reels with TikTok watermarks. They seem to be doing just fine. Well, there might be two reasons for that:
1) the content is genuinely viral;
2) the user who posts them has tremendous following and engagement.

You post political content

Instagram wants to keep itself away from politics. As a result, it adds warnings to political content and limits the reach of any political posts, including Reels.

This is why Reels may not work for politicians and political parties, as Instagram will limit the distribution of such content.

Again, some politicians may have a tremendous following. Therefore, the content that they post may generate high engagement.

Your videos are low resolution and poor quality

At this age, there is no excuse for poor videos on social media. Instagram knows it and enforces it. With affordable smartphones equipped with good cameras, poor quality content has no space on Instagram.

This is an excellent initiative by Instagram as poor content can be very irritating and shouldn’t be spread easily.

You aren’t using vertical videos in your Reels

What is a vertical video? It’s a type of video that we usually see on social media by holding our smartphones vertically.

Instagram Reels Not Getting Views? Here Is How To Fix It (2)

The usage of vertical videos is essential on Instagram Reels. They are considered native-type of videos for social media consumption and, therefore, are prioritized by Instagram.

So, if you’re creating Reels using horizontal videos, the chances are high that Instagram is penalizing you for the choice of the format of your video. Next time, try filming and using a vertical video instead.

Your content doesn’t have a hook in the first 3 seconds

This is one of the most common mistakes that Instagram users make. They don’t catch the attention of their audience fast enough. There have been millions of Reels created every day, which makes it essential for creators to catch the attention of their audiences quickly.

People scroll on Instagram at lightning speed; sometimes, there’s just an eye blink to make someone stay and watch your Reels. Therefore, if you have no hook within the first seconds of your Reels and your audience doesn’t engage with it enough, Instagram will de-prioritize your Reels and show it to a smaller audience.

A hook is essential, and it can make it or break it for you.

You don’t use Instagram tools to create Reels

Instagram wants its content to be as native to the platform as possible. Therefore, the social media network created a bunch of tools that can help you create powerful, interesting, and engaging Reels.

Some of the tools you should use are music, text overlay, and effects that are native to Instagram. If you do the editing on other platforms, Instagram may reduce the reach of your Reels.

You don’t post enough Reels

If you don’t post enough Reels, you may also be disfavoured by Instagram’s algorithms, and sometimes the engagement and reach need to gain momentum throughout the time.

Don’t expect to post one Reels and reach hundreds of thousands of people. Quite the opposite, the more you post, the higher your reach and engagement grow over time. For starters, you can try posting one Reels every week, gradually increasing the number. However, don’t forget to post other types of content, such as carousel posts or Stories as well.

You don’t consume Reels yourself

Reels is all about trends. Therefore, if you don’t watch and engage with Reels yourself, you may miss out on the latest trends. Watching Reels can teach you how other accounts approach editing, presentation, what music they use, and how they create their content.

It can be a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with what’s available on the platform and how to maximize it.

But, there is one more thing. Instagram is a social media platform and you’re expected to engage with other accounts. You should consume the content that’s posted by the others in order to get others to consume yours. It’s a simple game.

You don’t optimize your Reels

I know it can be tempting to just post Reels without any captions or hashtags, expecting people to discover your content and engage with it. But you should treat Reels as any other type of Instagram content.

Therefore, don’t forget to write engaging and personal captions, add relevant hashtags, tag people when needed, and use geolocation in your Reels. Don’t treat this type of content any differently.

Secret formula for successful Reels

If you’re still here, I’d like to share a secret formula that I discovered during my experience in advising businesses on their Instagram strategies. Instagram is all about high-quality content, and with time, I have discovered that the best content must fall into one of these pillars:
1) entertaining
2) educational
3) inspirational

There are the content pillars that will make your audience engage with your Reels. Next time you watch a popular Reels, think about which pillar it belongs to. I’m sure that it’ll fall into one of these three.

The purpose of Instagram has changed. We consume content on it to be entertained, educated, or inspired. Instagram knows it and will push for the content that falls onto these pillars.

I’m sure after you implement the strategies shared in this article, your Reels will gradually increase reach and engagement. Continuously keep an eye on your Instagram Reels insights.

Don’t downplay the importance of Reels. They are pivotal in your accounts and business growth. Even the smallest account can grow tremendously over time and generate spectacular results in a much shorter time than before.

Keep working on your Reels strategy, be smart about how you create your content, keep on experimenting and enjoy the results.

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Grab my eBook “Your Instagram Strategy May Be Sh*t… and this is why you’re not getting the results you want” to perform a self-audit on your Instagram and tap into the top six strategies that will help you grow!

Instagram Reels Not Getting Views? Here Is How To Fix It (2024)


Instagram Reels Not Getting Views? Here Is How To Fix It? ›

You can easily solve this issue by keeping your Instagram reels under 10 seconds. As long as you've added an engaging hook at the beginning of your short reel, your viewers are more likely to watch your video completely since it's just less than 10 seconds.

Why is my reel not getting enough views? ›

You can easily solve this issue by keeping your Instagram reels under 10 seconds. As long as you've added an engaging hook at the beginning of your short reel, your viewers are more likely to watch your video completely since it's just less than 10 seconds.

Why do only some of my reels get more views? ›

Content quality: Reels that offer high-quality, visually appealing content that is relevant to your target audience are more likely to get views and engagement.

How do you increase reel views on Instagram? ›

Search about trending and popular topics and create content on the same to gain more views. Use the appropriate hashtags on your reels to make it easily discoverable on people's Instagram feed. Try to use the relevant hashtags and maximize them to increase your viewer base.

Why do reels get fewer likes? ›

The number of likes that Instagram Reels receive can vary depending on various factors, including the quality of the content, the relevancy of the content to the audience, and the overall engagement rate of the account.

How do you make a reel go viral? ›

12 Tips for Going Viral With Your Instagram Reels Videos
  1. Focus on a Specific Niche or Topic. ...
  2. Include an Attention-Grabbing Hook. ...
  3. Make Reels the Right Size. ...
  4. Do Not Include TikTok Watermarks. ...
  5. Include Text in Your Video. ...
  6. Center Text in the Middle So That It's Viewable in Grid Mode. ...
  7. Include a Call to Action. ...
  8. Use Viral Elements.

Why can't I boost my reel? ›

While Instagram Reels can be up to 90 seconds long, you're only allowed to boost Instagram reels that are 60 seconds or shorter. If your boost is getting rejected because of length, it's time to put on your editor hat and get to chopping. Go back and edit your Reel down to 60 seconds and try boosting it again.

How do you change the algorithm on a reel? ›

How to Benefit from the Instagram Reels Algorithm
  1. Ensure Your Content Is Fun and Engaging. Make your viewers laugh. ...
  2. Play by Instagram's Rules. Ensure you stick to the rules for whatever content you create. ...
  3. Keep Your Content Civil. ...
  4. Give Your Reels Visual Panache. ...
  5. Deep-Dive Into Tags. ...
  6. Follow Up On Your Reels.
Dec 30, 2022

Do longer reels get more views? ›

Best Instagram Reels length for views (3-15 seconds long)

That's why short videos get more views overall in social media marketing, including Instagram Reels. Maxing out the 90-second time limit for Instagram Reels may discourage viewers from watching the entirety of your videos.

What time is the Instagram reels algorithm? ›

Our data shows that Reels can get up to 300% more engagement than regular Instagram videos. At Hootsuite, we've been posting Reels to our Instagram audience of 170k followers for over two years. Over that time, we've learned that the best post time for Instagram Reels is 9 AM and 12 PM, Monday to Thursday.

How do you get 1000 views on a reel? ›

2. Instagram Reels hacks to get more views
  1. 2.1 Share your Reels in-feed. ...
  2. 2.2 Don't replicate content from other apps. ...
  3. 2.3 Choose an attractive thumbnail. ...
  4. 2.4 Pay attention to your text alignment on-screen. ...
  5. 2.5 Experiment with transitions. ...
  6. 2.6 Create an interesting hook. ...
  7. 2.7 Use short captions and relevant hashtags.
Jun 14, 2023

How Instagram reels algorithm works? ›

The subject or topic of a previous Reel or post is taken into account by Instagram and served up as comparable content if you've liked or engaged with it in the past. The algorithm deciphers the topic of your content through hashtags, plus an analysis of the audio, frames, and even the quality of the video.

Is 1k views on reels good? ›

Since launching Reels, Meta tested numerous ways for creators to monetize their projects, including the Reels Play bonus program, which pays a “bonus” to anyone whose Reels get at least 1,000 views over a 30-day period. The Reels Play bonus program pays creators up to $35,000 per month, but it's an invite-only feature.

Can a reel go viral weeks later? ›

If that happens, you'll get seen by thousands or millions of accounts and you'll get new followers as a result. This can happen days or even weeks after posting and it can last for weeks or even months.

Does deleting reels effect on Instagram? ›

What happens when you delete a Reel? Just like any other platform, deleting reels and posts on Instagram permanently removes them from your news feed and Instagram servers. There is no way to recover your deleted content and there is no way to trace them back to you as well.

Why am I getting low views on my Instagram story? ›

Finally, having low Instagram Story views could simply be the result of posting content that isn't engaging. Maybe you're posting the same thing over and over again with no variation or change in style. Or perhaps you're posting content that isn't relevant or interesting to your target audience.

How to get 1,000 views on Instagram Reels? ›

Remember, you have to post at a specific time, engage with your audience, follow the trends, and add 6–10 hashtags. These will increase the visibility of your posts, and soon you will be able to hit the milestone of getting 1000 views on Instagram. Congrats in advance!

What time should I post Instagram reels? ›

Our data shows that Reels can get up to 300% more engagement than regular Instagram videos. At Hootsuite, we've been posting Reels to our Instagram audience of 170k followers for over two years. Over that time, we've learned that the best post time for Instagram Reels is 9 AM and 12 PM, Monday to Thursday.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.