How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (2024)

Instagram introduced its reels featured back in August 2020. For which everyone wants to Get More Views On Instagram Reels. How to get more views on reels and how to get more likes on reels? Now, TikTok marked its presence in the market but Instagram Reels is also on the way to making a mark. Since the ban, Reels have taken a place that is steadily growing.

As we know, this attempt was made to compete against TikTok, which is a prevalent short video-sharing platform. And as time has passed, it has seen some great results too. Especially, In India when TikTok got banned, Reels was the first to capture that enormous market.

Instagram has been giving a lot of organic boost to their users through Reels, which eventually leads to the growth of these Instagram accounts. You can quickly gain many views on your Reels and grow your account if you have the right strategies. Here are some of the beneficial methods to get more views on Instagram reels.

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1. To Get More Views On Instagram Reels Create Valuable Content

How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (1)

Content is King, and it’s the most essential factor to help you grow on a platform like Instagram. You have to post the type of reels that delivers some kind of value to the viewers to Get More Views On Instagram Reels and how to get more likes on reels. You may see many reels going viral that have some informational content or some type of “How to’s” that help the people.

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Also, it highly depends on the niche you’re working in. Find out which type of content performs best in your particular niche. Then, you can try to replicate it and add a few of your own points to it to make it look fresh. Remember valuable content doesn’t always mean it should be filled with information. Make it short and crisp without giving an overflow of information.

You can take ideas from already successful reels and make something like that from you. If the algorithm has boosted those content, there is a high chance that you will get the benefit, too, and you will end up getting more views on Instagram reels and also answer to how to get more likes on reels.

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2. Post Reels Consistently

How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (2)

Consistency is one of the major factors to get better results with Instagram Reels. Reels is still a new feature for Instagram, and they are always keen to test more and more. So if you post regularly, then you might get the exposure from Instagram that you needed.

Posting more reels is also very important to Get More Views On Instagram Reels and more likes on reels. When you post more and more content, you have better chances to show up on the reels feed. And it also tells Instagram that you are actively using the feature. But always make sure to maintain consistency.

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For this, you can schedule your posts through any Instagram scheduler software or maintain a time and post at the same time regularly. After doing this for a few days, you may start seeing some results.

Another thing is that if you have an Instagram Business/Creator account. It can give you all the insights related to your Instagram account. It also includes the time on which your followers are the most active.

If you post the Reels at that particular time, they can Get More Views On Instagram Reels and how to get more likes on reels, which gives the initial boost to your post. This can also help you reach the Instagram Explore page and ultimately get more views on Instagram reels and more likes on reels.

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How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (3)

Instagram has a vast library of songs that users can use in their reels. But sometimes, a song becomes very popular, and many users make reels with that particular sound.

This is because when a user watches more and more reels from the same song, the Instagram algorithm makes sure to add more of the same videos to their feeds. So, naturally, this makes the song very popular.

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If you make reels with these trending sounds, your chances of Get More Views On Instagram Reels and engagement potentially increase as also more likes on reels. If you want to check whether a song is popular or not, you can do so by tapping on the song from the bottom of the video. The more videos it has, the better for you, and you get more views on Instagram reels.

Besides music, you also have editing tools and visual effects that you can use in your reels. Instagram also encourages to use them. Also, if you use any new feature that Instagram has rolled out, it gives you high chance of getting more exposure because it helps them too.

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4. Write an Engaging Caption to Get More Views On Instagram Reels

How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (4)

Writing a caption is one of the very underrated things with Instagram Reels. For most of the part, a user will consume your content through the Reels. But if you have an engaging caption to go with it, the chances of hooking the user on to your content increase a lot.

An engaging caption is something that matches the content you have in your reels. It should give some value to the user so that they can engage with your reels more. If your caption is engaging, they might save it too, and that counts as a bonus.

The more comments, likes, and shares you get, the more your content will be pushed by the Instagram algorithm. So, take some time to write a great caption for your IG Reels.

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How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (5)

But, if you’re still new to the platform, hashtags can be an excellent method to get some organic views to your content. These hashtags tell the Instagram platform what the video is about and pins/tags the content to that hashtag. Hence, Instagram shows the content to the most relevant people, and you can get more views on Instagram reels and more likes on reels.

Some people say hashtags don’t work well with Instagram now. And It really doesn’t matter to use hashtags now. However, the real story is somewhat different. Hashtags might not work for a page with a big following, but adding some trending hashtags is always a good idea if you are a beginner.

So, always make sure to add only relevant hashtags to your reels that really correspond to your content. Also, remember to use the most popular hashtags that have over a million followers, and you are good to go. You can even use online Instagram Hashtag generator tools to generate the best-suited and trending hashtags.

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6. Create a Custom Thumbnail For Your Reels

How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (6)

You may have seen YouTube videos with high quality and engaging thumbnails. Sometimes these thumbnails are the reason that entices you to click on the video. The same goes with Instagram Reels too.

You can design a custom thumbnail that goes with the content you have in the Instagram reels. It should increase the viewer’s curiosity, but it doesn’t mean you have to do any clickbait.

You can create a high-quality thumbnail through any platform, but we would recommend you to use Canva. After creating the thumbnail, you can add it through the Cover option while posting the Reels. A custom thumbnail can also be a great way to get more clicks to your Instagram Reels and more likes on reels.

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7. Use Sizzling Sounds

How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (7)

What is Instagram Reels? Embrace the current sounds. Instagram’s algorithm takes note of popular sounds and adds more of them to users’ feeds. This increases your chances of getting more views and maybe more followers. Not sure what’s hot? Tap on a sound to see how many times it’s been used and how many times it’s been seen.

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8. Trends with a Twist

How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (8)

Aside from that, don’t copy someone else’s Reel. Adding a specialised spin to your Instagram Reel is one of the most remarkable ways to attract views. For example, a famous sound in the fitness industry asks, “Is this friend? Are we pals? Oh, you’ll be my friend.”

If you’re not a fitness influencer, Consider how this sound relates to your speciality. For instance, you may use it to hear your dialect while overseas if you travel. By tying trends to your work and audience, you can think outside the box, remain on brand, and yet have pleasure.

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How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog (2024)


How To Get More Views On Instagram Reels? | Cashify Blog? ›

To get more views on reels, add your Instagram videos feed to your Products page in your website. This way, your visitors can view your reels right on your site, even if they're not your followers yet. Adding an Instagram video feed to your site is easy.

How do you get 100k views on Reels? ›

  1. Add more Instagram reels. ...
  2. Make Reel Eye Catchy and add humor. ...
  3. Add hashtags. ...
  4. Increase your use of video. ...
  5. Make use of supplemental resources and marketing tools. ...
  6. Don't Stop making Fun but be Patient.
Sep 10, 2022

How do you make a reel go viral? ›

12 Tips for Going Viral With Your Instagram Reels Videos
  1. Focus on a Specific Niche or Topic. ...
  2. Include an Attention-Grabbing Hook. ...
  3. Make Reels the Right Size. ...
  4. Do Not Include TikTok Watermarks. ...
  5. Include Text in Your Video. ...
  6. Center Text in the Middle So That It's Viewable in Grid Mode. ...
  7. Include a Call to Action. ...
  8. Use Viral Elements.

Can I repost a reel to get more views? ›

You can't repost a Reel directly in the Reels function but what you can do is repost an Instagram Reel to your story and it will direct your followers there. You do this by clicking on the little arrow button on the bottom right-hand side of your Reel.

Why do Instagram Reels drop views? ›

A new report claims that Instagram Reels views are plummeting while photos are finally performing better on the social media platform. According to a report from Adweek, views on Reels are falling as Instagram attempts to correct its overfocus on video for the past few years and improve engagement on photos.

Is 1k views per day good for a reel? ›

How many views do you need on Reels to get paid? The target view count varies for each creator but at the bare minimum, you need to hit at least 1,000 views on each Reel to get paid for those Reels.

How much Instagram pay for 10k views on reels? ›

Instagram Reels Make it Easy to Hit $100 Per Promo

So if you've noticed that you make an impressive amount of money on your first few Reels in any given bonus round, only to find it fall flat at a certain point, you're likely having the same issue affect you. My data looked like the following: 10k views = $50 earned.

What is the best time to post a reel on Instagram? ›

Our data shows that Reels can get up to 300% more engagement than regular Instagram videos. At Hootsuite, we've been posting Reels to our Instagram audience of 170k followers for over two years. Over that time, we've learned that the best post time for Instagram Reels is 9 AM and 12 PM, Monday to Thursday.

Why are my reels suddenly not getting views? ›

You don't post enough Reels

Don't expect to post one Reels and reach hundreds of thousands of people. Quite the opposite, the more you post, the higher your reach and engagement grow over time. For starters, you can try posting one Reels every week, gradually increasing the number.

How many reels should I post in a day to get viral on Instagram? ›

As Reels become increasingly important, marketers are asking themselves “How many Reels should I post in a day?” The industry standard is to post 4 to 7 Reels per week to increase your follower count as much as possible.

Can a reel go viral days later? ›

This can happen days or even weeks after posting and it can last for weeks or even months. You need to follow these steps when posting on Reels: Share your Reels on the Instagram Grid.

Should you post the same reel twice? ›

A good rule of thumb is to treat reels like they are a part of your feed. You don't want to overload your followers' feeds with multiple reels a day, hoping that something lands with them. Create and post thoughtful and entertaining reels, but no more than once a day if you can help it.

Does watching your own reel decrease views? ›

So if the the video loops, for instance, it counts every single time. One caveat, though: watching your own videos won't be counted. 2️⃣ Instagram Reels apply the same measures as TikTok, only, in Instagram, watching your own Reels actually influences the view count 🧐.

Does deleting reel affect views? ›

In case you wish to update any particular video or post a follow-up or simply post a correction then the delete function is a great feature for you. Though, you should keep in mind that the comments, likes, and views of that particular Reel will be lost forever.

How many likes on a reel is good? ›

1.5% may not seem like much, but most social media marketing experts agree that between 1-5% is a good engagement rate. The more followers you have, the harder it's likely to be to achieve a decent engagement rate.

How do you get 1m views on a reel? ›

Another excellent way to increase views on your reels is to use relevant hashtags. By adding targeted hashtags to your reel, you increase the chances of more users watching your Instagram video. Make sure to add a maximum of 10 hashtags only. Anything more than this can be considered as spam by Instagram's algorithm.

How to get 5000 views on reel? ›

How To Get Instagram Reels Views Free?
  1. Create an interesting and engaging content.
  2. Make sure to use hashtags and relevant tags.
  3. Post consistently and regularly.
  4. Repost your reels on other social media platforms.
  5. Share engaging stories relating to your brand or content.
Apr 27, 2023

How many likes do I need on a reel to get paid? ›

Since launching Reels, Meta tested numerous ways for creators to monetize their projects, including the Reels Play bonus program, which pays a “bonus” to anyone whose Reels get at least 1,000 views over a 30-day period. The Reels Play bonus program pays creators up to $35,000 per month, but it's an invite-only feature.

How many views do I need to make money on reels? ›

Getting ad money requires at least 10,000 followers, five (or more) Reels videos, and 600,000 minutes of viewership over the last 60 days. Creators can also team up with brands they support to get paid for posting Branded Content.

How much Instagram pays for 1 reel? ›

To attract more content creators, Meta-owned photo-sharing platform Instagram is now paying bonuses of up to $10,000 to those who post videos on Reels. According to 9To5Mac, creators will now have the chance to earn up to $10,000 by posting these short videos called "Reels" as part of the Reels Play bonus programme.

What is the minimum payout for Instagram reels? ›

With most monetization products, you will be paid once you've earned at least $25. For Charities, this threshold is $100. Note: There is no minimum payout for branded content projects on the creator marketplace that are paid through Instagram.

How many hashtags on reels? ›

Instagram limits the number of hashtags you can use in Reels to 30. The Instagram @creators account recommends using 3 to 5 hashtags in Reels and says that using 10 to 20 hashtags won't do you any good.

Should I post reels in the morning or at night? ›

Generally, the best time to post reels on Instagram is between 9 AM and 12 PM from Monday to Thursday.

How many hashtags should I use on Instagram? ›

How Many Instagram Hashtags Should You Use On Your Posts? As we've mentioned, Instagram advised creators to use between 3-5 hashtags on their posts, despite allowing up to 30.

How does Instagram Reels algorithm work? ›

The algorithm deciphers the topic of your content through hashtags, plus an analysis of the audio, frames, and even the quality of the video. So, if you're watching cat content daily, Instagram tops you up with even more cat content on your Reels, ads, and suggested media content.

Why are my Reels only seen by my followers? ›

For private accounts: Only your approved followers can see and share your reels. When someone shares your reel, only your followers will be able to see it. No one will be able to record a reel using your original audio or text or remix your reel.

Why did my reel flop? ›

Your account may not have a large enough following. The more followers you have, the more people are likely to see your content. You can try engaging with other users and using hashtags to reach a larger audience. Your content may not be showing up in the "Explore" tab or the "Reels" section.

What type of reels go viral? ›

When you're creating an Instagram Reel, look for songs that are popular and trending. If you know of a song that is trending and is likely to go viral online, use that song. If you can't find a song like that, simply choose one that fits your theme.

How do you go viral on Instagram overnight? ›

How To Go Viral On Instagram: Tips For Creating Viral Content
  1. Get To Know Your Target Audience. ...
  2. Use Instagram's Built-In Analytics. ...
  3. Recreate Viral Content. ...
  4. Post More Instagram Reels. ...
  5. Collaborate With Popular Creators in Your Niche. ...
  6. Engage With Your Audience and Other Creators. ...
  7. Post Consistently To Keep Audience's Attention.
Apr 19, 2023

How many reels views is considered viral? ›

Instagram videos with more than 100,000 views are considered to be viral.

What is the best length for a reel to go viral? ›

Goal: stop and get attention

If your goal is to create a hook for the user to stop and pay attention to your video now, then the recommended Instagram Reel length is 2-10 seconds. The content should be short and sweet.

What is the best length for viral reel? ›

However, a good rule of thumb when it comes to the ideal Instagram Reel length is roughly 7 to 15 seconds. As we mentioned previously, Instagram Reels were created in response to the boom in short-form video content, which predominantly stemmed from TikTok.

Should I post a Reel on Sunday? ›

Sunday is also not a good time to post on Instagram because, on that day, most people prepare themselves for the upcoming week, so they will not likely come across your post. However, this research does not have a lot of data to back up this claim.

How often should I post on Instagram to gain followers? ›

Generally, we recommend posting at least once a day to maximize your visibility and engagement. However, if you have more time and resources, you can post multiple times a day, or even several times a week. Experiment to find the posting schedule that works best for you and your followers.

What is the most viewed Instagram Reel? ›

Discover The Most Viewed Reels On Instagram

Taking cues from this, his 2021 reel 'Learn from Khaby' holds the record for being the most-viewed Instagram reel to date. It features Lame checking an iron multiple times to ensure he has plugged it off and it is cold.

Do hashtags actually help Reels? ›

Instagram hashtags help you connect with your target audience. People often search hashtags to find the content they desire. Hashtags help your Instagram reels show up for more search terms. New posts show up on the top of hashtag search results.

Do hashtags boost Reels? ›

Your Reels will appear in search results and in the Explore feed. Hashtags are one of the most effective ways to expand your reach on Instagram and grow your audience.

Should you add topics to Reels? ›

Instagram added a new way to categorize your Reels by adding Topics to help the algorithm better prioritize Reels to its users. Not only will Topics help your Reels find the right audience, but it also in turn drives conversions.

Does music affect reel views? ›

So if you create Reels with trendy songs, that increase your chances of getting more views. If you want to check whether a song is popular or not, you can do so by tapping on the song from the bottom of the video. The more videos it has, the better for you, and you get more views on Instagram reels.

What happens if I buy reel views? ›

As we said earlier, the views you buy for your Instagram reels are from fake accounts run by bots. Unlike real people, these bots can't actually engage with your brand, so you're not getting any return for your investment.

Do 90 second Reels get less views? ›

That's why short videos get more views overall in social media marketing, including Instagram Reels. Maxing out the 90-second time limit for Instagram Reels may discourage viewers from watching the entirety of your videos. Even if they watched till the end, they might already be disinterested at that point.

Does liking your own Instagram post help? ›

If you like your own post, you will likely get many many more views. But instead of being worried about whether people will think you are weird or whether you feel weird doing it. Do it, trust me. Let me give you an example of the traction you can get by liking your own post.

Should you delete and repost a reel? ›

Do not delete your post and repost it. Doing this absolutely kills engagement, so don't do it.

What happens when you get 1,000 views on Reels? ›

Instagram pays out Play Bonuses based on the views you get on your Reels. Eligible creators with a business or creator account can earn money on Reels that generated at least 1,000 views within a 30-day period.

How do you get 100K views on Reels? ›

  1. Add more Instagram reels. ...
  2. Make Reel Eye Catchy and add humor. ...
  3. Add hashtags. ...
  4. Increase your use of video. ...
  5. Make use of supplemental resources and marketing tools. ...
  6. Don't Stop making Fun but be Patient.
Sep 10, 2022

How many views do you need on Reels to get paid? ›

Instagram Reels users with larger followings may be eligible to have ads placed over their Reels videos. Getting ad money requires at least 10,000 followers, five (or more) Reels videos, and 600,000 minutes of viewership over the last 60 days.

Is 100 000 views viral on Instagram? ›

Instagram videos with more than 100,000 views are considered to be viral.

Why are my Reels only getting 100 views? ›

You don't post enough Reels

Don't expect to post one Reels and reach hundreds of thousands of people. Quite the opposite, the more you post, the higher your reach and engagement grow over time. For starters, you can try posting one Reels every week, gradually increasing the number.

How many reels should I post a day to get paid? ›

As Reels become increasingly important, marketers are asking themselves “How many Reels should I post in a day?” The industry standard is to post 4 to 7 Reels per week to increase your follower count as much as possible.

How do you get millions of views on reels? ›

  1. Use popular and engaging audio tracks. You can add popular songs or music to your reels to get more views. ...
  2. Create engaging content. Create creative reels that bring a wider audience to your reels. ...
  3. Use appropriate hashtags. ...
  4. Upload Reels on a consistent basis. ...
  5. Write engaging captions.
Jun 14, 2022

How many hashtags for a reel? ›

Instagram limits the number of hashtags you can use in Reels to 30. The Instagram @creators account recommends using 3 to 5 hashtags in Reels and says that using 10 to 20 hashtags won't do you any good.

What happens when your reel goes viral? ›

In reality, going viral simply means that your piece of content is reaching more people than it normally does. Say you have 5000 followers and your Instagram post normally reaches 3000 people. But you post a reel that reaches 10,000 people and has over 10,000 plays–that reel has gone viral for you.

Why are my reels not getting views lately? ›

It is possible that you are publishing reels at the wrong time, and your audience has a different routine. For example, we publish corporate reels on our Waffle Bytes Instagram account, and since most of our followers are working people, it's highly likely that they don't use social media while in the office.

Why are my reels not monetizing? ›

Your reel is claimed by another rights holder. You receive 3 strikes for reels violations, which will result in you being unable to earn money from Reels Play bonuses for a minimum of 30 days.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.