Is a Chemical-Free Pool Possible? (2024)

Everyone loves the idea of a chemical-free pool. After all, swimming in chemicals does not sound like the best way to spend a summer day. When a homeowner fantasizes about having a pool in their yard they are usually picturing clear, fresh water that they can dive into without worrying about the long-term health impacts of pool chemicals on their skin and lungs. For those who only eat organic and stay away from GMOs and BPAs, a chemical-free pool is the only kind of pool that seems worth having.

The Truth About Chemical-Free Pools

The reality is that a completely “chemical-free” pool does not exist, even in nature. Technically all matter, including human beings, is made up of chemicals. When people use the term “chemical-free pool,” we can assume they are talking about added chemicals that are not naturally occurring. Even by this definition, a chemical-free pool is not realistic or even desirable. Even from a health standpoint, it is simply not safe to operate a pool without some added "chemicals" to combat bacteria and contaminants in the water. A pool without chemicals is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

Concentration is Important

Chemicals can be totally safe, or they can be fatally toxic. Even our drinking water contains chemicals such as liquid chlorine, fluorosilicic acid, aluminum sulfate, calcium hydroxide and sodium silicofluoride. What’s really important is not always which chemicals are in your water, but the concentration of those chemicals. For example, tap water can have up to 4 ppm (parts per million) of chlorine, which is the maximum amount deemed safe by the EPA. Despite drinking all of these chemicals every day, we hardly notice the taste and rarely experience any negative effects from them. In fact, these chemicals are often the only thing preventing us from getting seriously ill. Chemicals are not the enemy - they can actually be our friend, as long as we use them intelligently and in moderation.

Residual Sanitizers are Necessary

Every pool requires a certain level of residual chemicals to be safe to swim in. Safety is much more important than the romantic idea of “chemical-free,” and should always be the first priority when it comes to maintaining a pool or spa. Almost any (sane) person would prefer a pool with chemicals that are safe from harmful bacteria and contaminants rather than an unsafe pool without added chemicals. This is the reason chlorine has been so commonly used in pools for generations, and people wouldn’t use it if it weren’t necessary for safety. Some companies will market their pool products as “chemical-free,” but those companies are either misleading the consumer or they are unsafe. The fact is, it is impossible to maintain safe pool water without at least some low-level residual of chlorine or another sanitizer.

The Dangers of an Untreated Pool

Many people will see pool water that is clear and assume it’s safe to swim in. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. While organic growth, like algae, is easy to spot it’s the tiny, invisible microorganisms that pose the biggest threat to pool water safety. Bacteria, viruses and parasites can be present in pool water and are not always easy to detect. These can spread from person to person through inhalation, touching or swallowing, and can cause serious illness or in the worst cases, death.

Waterborne Illnesses

1. E-Coli

E-Coli is one of the most commonly known types of bacteria responsible for water-related illnesses. It lives in the digestive systems of humans and animals and is spread through fecal matter. Swallowing water contaminated with E-coli can cause diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps.

2. Legionella

This bacteria thrives in warm water and is the cause of Legionnaires disease, which is a form of pneumonia. Legionella can spread through inhalation and can cause fever, abdominal pain, headaches andunhealthy weight loss.

3. Cryptosporidium parvum

Cryptosporidium, or Crypto, is a diarrheal parasite that lives in human and animal intestines and can survive for many days in water, even when that water is treated with chlorine. When Crypto is swallowed, it can cause diarrhea, cramps, fever and even death in worst cases.

4. Pseudomonasaeruginosa

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is spread through the airand can cause a rash, conjunctivitis, sore throat, nausea and other harmful symptoms.Getting sick from pool water is not fun, and it can be enough to scare someone away from swimming for the rest of their life. It's important to get ahead of the problem and take necessary precautions to make sure your pool water remains sanitary and free of nasty microorganisms such as these.

Waterborne Illnesses Prevention

In order to ensure that your pool is safe from any disease-causing microorganisms, it's crucial to have an effective disinfection system that acts quickly. Traditionally chlorine has played this role, and it's a very powerful sanitizer, but even chlorine does not protect swimmers against some illnesses, such as Crypto. Chlorine can also cause irritation of the skin and eyes, damage to clothing and canlead to respiratory disorders, such as asthma. While some chlorine is necessary for safe pool water, it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of chlorine needed and eliminate many of the problems it causes, without compromising on safety.

A Pool That’s Safe For Kids

People with families might not want their children being exposed to chemicals in the pool. This is a legitimate concern, and studies have shown that pool chlorine increases the risk of bronchiolitis, a lung infection, for young children and infants. On the other hand, kids are more likely to leave human waste and bacteria in pools, which leads to the spread of parasites and viruses. Making matters worse, children have weaker immune systems when it comes to fighting off viruses. This means it is even more essential to have a properly disinfected pool when you have small children.When it comes to allowing toddlers to play in swimming pools, it seems like a catch-22. A pool that is not properly sanitized is unsafe, and a pool with too much chlorine, or more importantly chloramines, can also be dangerous. However, once again, it is not the chemical that is the problem, it is the concentration of a chemical that causes health problems. Fortunately, today there are solutions that allow children to safely play in pools by lowering chemical concentration without sacrificing sanitation quality.

Supplemental Systems

For those looking for complete protection with the least amount of added chemicals and irritation, it is possible to combine a supplementary sanitation system with a trace amount of residual chlorine. Such systems include ozone, AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) or UV (ultraviolet) systems. These sanitation solutions can allow you to lower the level of chlorine residual in your pool to around 0.5 ppm, which is as low or lower than most tap water and hardly noticeable while swimming.

1. AOP Pool Systems

Relatively new to the pool industry, AOP pool systems work by creating hydroxyl radicals, which are short-lived, but extremely powerful oxidizers that kill pathogens and microorganisms, and destroy contaminants in the water. AOP pool systems are probably the most effective, safest and most environmentally-friendly method of sanitizing pool water. They also provide the cleanest, clearest pool water with the least amount of chlorine required. However, in order to work as effectively as possible, they require a pump running 24 hours a day to continuously treat the water.Some AOP systems produce hydroxyl radicals by combining UV and ozone systems. Others, such as Clear Comfort’s system, use hydroxyl-based AOP that uses one system instead of two. Clear Comfort's AOP works by pulling in andtreating oxygen molecules (O2) from ambient air to makeoxygen atoms (O1) and inject them into the pool plumbing. This causes a natural chemical reaction, where the oxygen atoms (O1) combine with hydrogen atoms in the water (H2O), forming high amounts of hydroxyl radicals (OH-) which sanitize the water.

2. Ozone Pool Systems

Ozone pool systems inject ozone gas into water to destroy contaminants. Ozone is a stronger oxidizer than chlorine and can be effective in destroying pool contaminants. However, ozone is also a toxic gas that can only treat water in the pipes, and not in the pool itself. Ozone pool systems actually produce very little ozone, and it can take weeks to completely ozonate a swimming pool.

3. UV Pool Systems

UV pool systems use powerful ultraviolet lights to destroy microorganisms in the pool. They can be used with a chlorine residual, but keep in mind that UV rays degrade chlorine, which means that more chlorine will need to be added to replace the chlorine that is dissipated. Oils in the pool can also foul up the protective sleeves around the UV lamps, making them less effective. Additionally, UV lamps are high-intensity light that requires a significant amount of energy to operate, which is another factor to consider.

A Low-Chemical Pool Beats a Chemical-Free Pool

In order to safely maintain a pool, you certainly need to have some added chemicals, such as chlorine, in order to destroy microorganisms and prevent illness. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy all of the benefits of a “chemical-free” pool system without any of the risks. By using supplementary sanitation systems, keeping a low chlorine residual, running your pump 24 hours a day to continuously treat the water, maintaining proper water balance and periodically shocking your pool, you can create the ideal pool environment that feels chemical-free without sacrificing your health or safety.

I'm a pool water treatment expert with extensive knowledge in maintaining safe and sanitary swimming environments. My expertise stems from years of hands-on experience, research, and a deep understanding of the complex chemistry involved in pool water management.

The article you provided discusses the concept of chemical-free pools and sheds light on the necessity of maintaining a certain level of chemicals in swimming pools for safety and hygiene. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Chemical-Free Pools:

    • The idea of a completely "chemical-free" pool is not realistic, even in nature, as all matter, including humans, is made up of chemicals.
    • When people refer to a "chemical-free pool," they likely mean added chemicals that are not naturally occurring.
  2. Concentration of Chemicals:

    • Emphasizes that the safety of chemicals depends on their concentration.
    • Drinking water, for example, contains chemicals like chlorine within safe concentration levels.
  3. Residual Sanitizers:

    • Underscores the necessity of residual chemicals in pools for safety.
    • Chlorine is commonly used due to its effectiveness in combating harmful bacteria and contaminants.
  4. Dangers of an Untreated Pool:

    • Highlights the risks associated with untreated pools, emphasizing the potential presence of invisible microorganisms that can cause serious illnesses.
  5. Waterborne Illnesses:

    • Lists specific waterborne illnesses such as E-Coli, Legionella, Cryptosporidium parvum, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
    • Emphasizes the importance of preventing these illnesses through proper pool water treatment.
  6. Chlorine and Safety Concerns:

    • Acknowledges that chlorine, while effective, may have drawbacks such as skin and eye irritation, damage to clothing, and respiratory disorders.
  7. Pool Safety for Children:

    • Addresses concerns about children's exposure to pool chemicals.
    • Discusses the balance needed to maintain a sanitized pool without compromising safety.
  8. Supplemental Systems:

    • Introduces alternative sanitation systems like AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process), ozone, and UV systems.
    • Emphasizes the benefits and considerations of each system.
  9. Low-Chemical Pool Solutions:

    • Advocates for maintaining a low chlorine residual using supplementary sanitation systems.
    • Highlights the importance of continuous water treatment, proper water balance, and periodic shocking for an ideal pool environment.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and considerations in achieving a safe and enjoyable swimming pool experience while addressing the common desire for a "chemical-free" pool.

Is a Chemical-Free Pool Possible? (2024)


Is a chemical free pool possible? ›

Some companies will market their pool products as “chemical-free,” but those companies are either misleading the consumer or they are unsafe. The fact is, it is impossible to maintain safe pool water without at least some low-level residual of chlorine or another sanitizer.

How long can a pool go without chemicals? ›

If the water is left without chlorine or other sanitizers, bacteria and algae can start growing, which may be harmful to health. Here's a general idea: In warm temperatures and sunlight: If it's hot and the pool is exposed to sunlight, bacteria and algae can start growing within 24 to 48 hours.

What happens if you don't put chemicals in pool? ›

There's nowhere for that algae to go, so left untreated, it breeds some more, and can become a breeding ground for some seriously nasty bacteria like deadly e-Coli. Then you've got your white and pink slimy molds, which can clog the filter, reducing its performance and leading to — you guessed it — more bacteria.

Is there a way to keep a pool clean without chemicals? ›

The best way to naturally keep your pool sanitized is to reduce the amount of oils or bacteria that enter your pool by showering before swimming. One way to sanitize your pool without adding chemicals is to create your own chlorine with a salt water generator.

What is the healthiest pool system? ›

Ultraviolet systems provide the healthiest water available for pools & spas by dramatically reducing chlorine and other chemicals we have traditionally used. Chlorine used to disinfect swimming pools is widely recognized as a health hazard.

How to build a chemical free pool? ›

Natural swimming pools use gravel stone and clay in place of concrete or fiberglass, and aquatic plants instead of harmful chemicals and complicated mechanical filtering systems.

Does a pool need chemicals every week? ›

You should aim to keep the chlorine level at between 1 and 3 ppm. We suggest shocking the pool every week to two weeks; with hot weather or increased use, you may need to shock more often. When tabs run out, replace them.

Can you keep a pool without chlorine? ›

Copper ionization is an effective option for a chlorine-free pool. There are no residual chemicals which can cause irritation to eyes and skin. It is more cost effective and produces healthy pool water. The copper ionization system comes with an electronic control unit, test kits, and a copper electrode.

Does a pool need chlorine everyday? ›

Typically, you will need to add chlorine tabs or granules to your pool on a constant basis. About every two weeks, you will need to shock your pool with a higher dose of chlorine. This raises the pH levels quickly and is especially important in sunny weather when the chlorine can break down.

How bad are pool chemicals for you? ›

Chlorine can irritate the eyes, skin, hair, and teeth. Occasionally swimming doesn't cause significant side effects, but people who swim frequently are more likely to experience chlorine side effects. Pools with too high chlorine levels and built-up chloramines can also irritate the respiratory system.

Is Vaseline bad for your pool? ›

Some pool advice that has circulated over the years is that certain types of petroleum – like vaseline – can be used to oil the o-rings in a pool's filter. However, any petroleum-based product will eventually destroy both your o-rings and filter and should never be used.

Why do pools have so many chemicals? ›

The benefits of swimming pool chemicals are numerous. They kill germs that can make swimmers sick. They balance the pH level, ensuring that the water is not too acidic or too alkaline. And they improve water quality by preventing algae growth and corrosion or clogging of pool equipment.

What is the easiest pool to keep clean? ›

The smooth, non-porous surface of a fiberglass pool makes it very difficult for algae to gain a foothold. Consequently, it makes it very easy for you to keep it clean. Corrosion resistant. Fiberglass resists corrosion, so it is an excellent option for popular salt sanitation systems.

Can you use Dawn dish soap to clean a pool? ›

Squirt Dawn down the middle of the pool and all of the dirt, suntan lotion, etc. will move to the edges of the pool for easy clean up and a sparkling pool. Use Dawn as you would shampoo to remove excess oil from your hair, product build up, and even greasy product your kids may get into like Vaseline and baby oil.

What are natural swimming pools? ›

Natural swimming pools are the latest trend in pool construction. They require no chemicals to maintain — instead, natural pools benefit from perennial plants and water flora, which help keep them clean.

Can you maintain a pool without chlorine? ›

Mineral Sanitizers

Another one of the great alternatives to chlorine for pools is the mineral sanitizer system. A mineral sanitizer enhances a pool's cleanliness by introducing small amounts of copper and ionic silver into a pool's water—greatly reducing bacteria and algae.

Is there a chlorine free pool? ›

Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet Pool Disinfection

The most effective method of achieving a chlorine free pool is the powerful combination of ultraviolet disinfection and hydrogen peroxide.

Can you swim in an above ground pool without chemicals? ›

You can also suffer health impacts if you are swimming in pool water that does not have any chemicals or not enough chemicals, and so on. The health impacts range from mild to serious, including: Itchy skin. Burning eyes.

Do natural pools need chemicals? ›

Natural swimming pools are the latest trend in pool construction. They require no chemicals to maintain — instead, natural pools benefit from perennial plants and water flora, which help keep them clean.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.