Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (2024)

For the past four months, my college-aged brother has been studying in South Africa. This means, in addition to feeling like I’m losing control of my life every time our schedules line up, we mostly communicate via instant message. A while back, we were talking about an idea I had regarding the possibilities of liberal politics in cartoons (coming soon), so I wasn’t terribly surprised, yesterday, when he asked me what makes a cartoon character black.

The topic has been addressed to some degree, using both history and close readings of coded clues found in certain works. Vox explains that the earliest cartoons descend from minstrel shows, and that, specifically, the gloves many early cartoon characters wear are a holdover from that racist past. Similarly, Black Girl Nerds, Black Nerd Problems, and Vice/Noisey have all weighed into the debate, citing characters who are Otherized, like Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z, films with R&B soundtracks, such as A Goofy Movie, and even characters who don’t get the credit they’re due, like Panthro from Thundercats, as examples of black cartoon characters.

Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (1)

After more research, I confirmed what I already knew; there simply are not a lot of black cartoon characters. Much like most American art forms, blackness was integral to animation’s creation and development, but black bodies themselves were left out of most productions. As a result, black cartoon fans have latched onto many characters that while not explicitly black, were not definitively coded white either (Skeeter from Doug comes to mind).

After some thought, we mostly agreed on a set of criteria that made cartoon characters black. To be black, a character must be one or more of the following: a) the original trickster characters that were pulled from minstrel shows or descendants thereof (Bugs Bunny, Tweety, and Jerry, but not Mickey Mouse, because he starred in a cartoon playing an actual minstrel); b) characters that were not explicitly black, but Otherized through backstory and cartoon skin colors (Piccolo and Skeeter, but not The Simpsons from the eponymous show, because they are explicitly white in their universe); c) actual black cartoon characters (like most of The Boondocks and Jodie & Mac from Daria); d) characters the black community has claimed over time (the race of anthropomorphic dogs in Disney cartoons and Panthro). So, my brother asked me, is Plankton, from SpongeBob SquarePants, black?

It’s a fair question. SpongeBob is one of the most memed pieces of media ever, and memes are inextricably linked to both Black Twitter and 21st century black culture as a whole, so we thought it wasn’t a total waste of our time.

Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (2)

We went back and forth for a while, and eventually decided that Plankton’s blackness was entirely predicated on the racial identities of the rest of Bikini Bottom. So, the first thing we had to figure out was what the racial make-up of Bikini Bottom was. Bikini Bottom, according to the SpongeBob wiki is located directly under Bikini Atoll, which would make the SpongeBob universe Polynesian. We doubted this pretty strongly, since all examples of society in the show seem to more closely reflect the Western world. Besides, after US nuclear tests, Bikini Atoll has a population of five. My brother pointed out, in the SpongeBob movies, the characters surface and interact with humans. The nearest habitable land to Bikini Atoll is either Papua New Guinea or Hawaii. After reviewing the scenes in question, and noting that most people were white, and no one spoke with an Australian accent, we determined they must be set in Hawaii.

This means that Bikini Bottom is most likely based on an American town. This makes sense, as the creators are American. The definitive proof for us came in the episode “The Lost Mattress”, where Mr. Krabs is ejected from his hospital bed for not having insurance. The US is the only Western country where that would ever happen. Bikini Bottom supposedly had a medieval period in its history, and the God-King Neptune appears to function as a head of state for the ocean. But, given that the town also has a period reminiscent of the American frontier, Bikini Bottom has a mayor, and several parodies of American cities exist in-universe, it seems that Bikini Bottom functions mostly like America, if it were a constitutional monarchy. This would mean whites are probably the largest ethnic group. So, now that we knew what the norm was, we had to figure out which characters, if any, deviated from it.

In this, his very blackness is in question and situational…

Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (3)

Eugene & Pearl Krabs

One thing we knew right off the bat was that Mr. Krabs had a daughter of a different species, so at least one of these characters was a person of color. Eugene is a crab man with a whale daughter. Pearl has a mother, but she’s never appeared on screen. It’s implied Mrs. Krabs (AKA the Mother of Pearl, the joke for which she is named and Eugene’s exclamation of surprise) is a whale, as no mention is made of adoption or that Eugene is her stepfather, so we can reasonably assume Pearl is mixed race (her presentation as fully whale could be attributed to a sort of undersea “one drop rule”). We also know that Mr. Krabs was born in 1942, and he served in the Navy. If Bikini Bottom’s history is anything like ours, this would mean Krabs likely fought in Vietnam (or an equivalent) and met a wife (or sexual partner) while he was over there. Whether she came back to Bikini Bottom, or stayed wherever she was, is unclear. Bikini Bottom is occasionally portrayed as a large city, but it has a population of about 538, according to the wiki, so it’s more of a small town. It’s very plausible that there’s only one sperm whale in town, as we have never seen another one. This makes Mr. Krabs likely white (He’s also probably Irish/Italian/Eastern European. He grew up poor, and speaks with an accent. He’s likely new to whiteness) and Pearl Southeast Asian, probably Vietnamese.

Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (4)

Squidward Tentacles

Mr. Krabs and Pearl were the easiest, because Pearl is very nearly the only whale in the show, and we worked backwards from there. For the rest of the characters, we had to look at their species at large to see how race could be determined. Squidward was probably the simplest of these cases. One of the only real-life parody characters in SpongeBob is Kelpy G. a professional saxophonist, based –of course– on Kenny G. who is Jewish in real life. If this weren’t enough, most octopi in Bikini Bottom live in their own neighborhood where they can be solely amongst each other. They seem to mainly wish to date each other, as evidenced in “Love that Squid”. They also have a social club based around being cephalopods. This is without even mentioning their obvious affluence and their noses. Squidward is a Jew who moved away from his segregated community to live in Bikini Bottom and make it as an artist.

Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (5)

Sandy Cheeks

We’re going to get intertextual with this one. Sandy is explicitly from Texas, and she came to Bikini Bottom to study sea creatures. She is often coded as Other by herself and the other characters as a ‘land mammal’, or just ‘mammal’, but we weren’t sure that this was enough to prove anything without any discernible movement IRL for her to be seen as black. SpongeBob the Musical, however, changed our minds. I happened to see it a few months back, and Pearl, Mrs. Puff, and Sandy were all black. We’d already come up with a pretty convincing reason why Pearl wasn’t black, but Mrs. Puff and Sandy definitely could be, the latter especially. The musical characterizes her as smart, strong, and hyper-competent, yet never listened to by anyone in charge. If that doesn’t sound like a black woman, I don’t know what does.

Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (6)

Patrick Star

We got Patrick the same way we figured out Squidward. In “Pest of the West” Patrick reveals that he’s related to Patrick Revere, a parody of Paul Revere who was white in real life, making Patrick almost certainly white as well. Furthermore, he’s has relatives named Cletus and Maw, so I feel safe in assuming he’s coded white. He could theoretically have some other ancestry mixed in, but his family tree provides no evidence of this. We double checked with the musical, where Patrick was white, and we also remembered that he’s definitely gay. It’s long been a fan theory that Patrick was gay, even one espoused by queer theorist Jeffrey P. Dennis, and this was all but confirmed when the musical treated Sandy like SpongeBob’s best friend and Patrick much more like a love interest. The two even share a breakup song.

Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (7)

SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob, was harder to categorize, but at the end of the day, we mostly agreed with Vice. SpongeBob is a light-skinned black character who may be able to pass as white in some situations. Why? SpongeBob hits my first criterion for a black cartoon character almost to a tee. He is a trickster directly descended from minstrelsy, but with one key difference. Like a minstrel character, he can do some light bending of reality when he’s the antagonist of the story, such as when he bothers Squidward or Mrs. Puff. Also true to form is a near-total suspension of his powers when he’s the protagonist. This is called toon physics, first explicitly addressed in the 1988 classic, Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Toons (here referring to those descended from minstrelsy) can warp reality, but only when it’s funny to do so. The difference is in how he does it.

While most toons use no logic at all to warp reality, SpongeBob mostly does so through his unique biology. His porousness allows him to absorb water, he can regrow limbs, and a litany of other toon-like abilities. This logic adds a verisimilitude, if only a small amount, to his antics. This places him somewhere between a character like Bugs Bunny and one who operates more on conventional logic. In this, his very blackness is in question and situational, possibly even making him mixed race. What is clear, however, is that SpongeBob is black.

This was clinched for me when I remembered Rock Bottom. Rock Bottom is a neighboring town to Bikini Bottom, introduced in the first season. The town is south of Bikini Bottom, and the inhabitants are considered scary by Bikini Bottomites. The town’s buses run infrequently, and everyone speaks a language that seems to be like English, but slightly different. On his first visit, SpongeBob is fearful of this obviously coded ghetto, but the lesson he learns in that episode is that the people of Rock Bottom are good people, if you give them a chance. He even learns to speak their dialect (a coded African-American Vernacular English). The city returns in the tenth season, when Squidward is forced to make a delivery there. He attempts AAVE, but the inhabitants (living in a literal hole in the ground, surrounded by barbed wire) don’t buy it. SpongeBob shows up to save the day by code-switching between the white Squidward and the black Rock Bottomers.

Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (8)

Sheldon J. Plankton

Our final entry caused the fiercest debate. My brother initially thought that Plankton had to be black, thinking that there were no other plankton that appear in the series, but I reminded him of the cousins that are featured in “Plankton’s Army”. These cousins are, to an organism, country folk. So, I argued that Plankton had to be white. He was surely Otherized, but I chalked that up to an urban-rural divide rather than a racial one.

We were ready to call it, when he noticed that in addition to cousins named Doug and Enis, he has two named Julio and Rainchild. If Plankton has both Latino and Native American cousins, then he’s likely at least part LatinX himself (and possibly from Texas). This would also make him, likely, the only LatinX character in Bikini Bottom proper.

So we’re almost two thousand words in, and you might wonder why I’ve spent so much time telling you all of this. Is SpongeBob SquarePants actually a woke masterpiece? Is it really a story about a community of marginalized people living under Bikini Atoll, a literal expression of the US’ abuse of people of color, in a community made of scrap and found items trying to make lives for themselves in the shadow of power? Maybe, but whether it is or not, I thought this exercise was useful for two reasons.

Firstly, because representation is important. People need to have characters that look like them in media, so they can feel like they are a valued group within society. But more than that, this piece is about how art can be interpreted in a myriad of ways. With only a few clues, we were able to come up with reasonably plausible racial codings of these characters, based only on evidence SpongeBob’s creators provided for us. What matters isn’t if my brother’s and my analyses are what the creators intended, but that these interpretations are valid ones that a marginalized fan could reasonably hold.

All art exists in a context, even a silly one, and just because the Other is not explicitly depicted in a work, does not mean that It won’t be coded in one way or another, consciously or not. I chose a piece of art where no character explicitly has a race, to show that this phenomenon is everywhere. So, in works that do use real-world races, it behooves creators to represent a diverse range of characters, and to do so explicitly. This is doubly true in cartoons, where race is totally malleable.

Marginalized people are going to latch on to characters they see as representative of their experience either way, but examples like Jodie from Daria or the characters of Black Panther deeply resonate with audiences and enrich the experience for everyone.

[Post Script Did you know Gary is Patrick Star’s first cousin? I know it was for a one-off joke, but that’s even worse than the Goofy/Pluto thing. SpongeBob owns Patrick’s cousin. I don’t even know what to do with that.]

All images: Nickelodeon Animation Studios & Rankin/Bass Entertainment

Is Plankton Black? The Ethnic Identities of Cartoon Characters (2024)


What ethnicity is Plankton? ›

If Plankton has both Latino and Native American cousins, then he's likely at least part LatinX himself (and possibly from Texas). This would also make him, likely, the only LatinX character in Bikini Bottom proper.

Is Patrick from SpongeBob black? ›

The Medium article claimed the characters of the show are Polynesian as Bikini Bottom is located under Bikini Atoll, according to a SpongeBob Fandom page. Bikini Atoll is a coral reef located in the Marshall Islands. Ezer claims Spongebob is black, while Patrick is white and villain Plankton is from Latin America.

What is SpongeBob's nationality? ›

SpongeBob SquarePants (also simply referred to as SpongeBob) is an American animated comedy television series created by marine science educator and animator Stephen Hillenburg for Nickelodeon.

What is sponge bobs race? ›

In The SpongeBob Musical, his exact species of animal is identified: Aplysina fistularis, a yellow tube sponge that is common in open waters. He resides in the undersea city of Bikini Bottom with other anthropomorphic aquatic creatures.

Are planktons asexual? ›

Asexual reproduction can also occur in planktonic forms but seems to be less common in marine invertebrates. Asexual reproduction usually occurs through fission, or budding.

Does plankton have DNA? ›

DNA is a nearly invisible, tiny string of chemical instructions for how organisms grow and live. All living things have DNA, we all have DNA in us and so do plankton.

What race is Sandy SpongeBob? ›

Sandy Cheeks
HometownHouston, Texas
BornNovember 17, 1985
15 more rows

What race is SpongeBob's dad? ›

Father SquarePants
Harold SquarePants
Family:SpongeBob SquarePants Sherm SquarePants Grandma SquarePants Grandpa SquarePants Mother SquarePants Uncle Cap'n Blue SquarePants Sherm SquarePants Todd SquarePants (Seen in a book) Cousin BlackJack SquarePants Cousin Stanley S. SquarePants
3 more rows
Mar 17, 2021

What is Patrick Star's gender? ›

Patrick Star
Voiced byBill fa*gerbakke Jack Gore (Young; Sponge on the Run)
In-universe information
8 more rows

Is Squidward blue or green? ›

Role in SpongeBob SquarePants

Squidward is depicted as a grumpy and bitter turquoise octopus. He lives in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom in a moai situated between SpongeBob SquarePants' pineapple house and Patrick Star's rock.

What race is Pearl from SpongeBob? ›

Pearl is a teenage sperm whale who lives in a hollow anchor with her father Eugene "Mr." Krabs, the greedy founder of the popular Krusty Krab restaurant.

What religion is SpongeBob? ›

Unable to find a religion suited to him, SpongeBob decides to create his own religion, based on Happy Days, calling his newly-founded Church The "First United Church of the Fonz".

What color is Squidward? ›

Squidward is a PMS 333 colored octopus with purple suction cups at the end of his tentacles.

What is SpongeBob's Chinese name? ›

Chinese translations of cartoon names are adorable – Spongebob is affectionately called 海绵宝宝 – which literally translates to 'sponge baby'. In the series, there are 265 episodes currently and the show is still being produced – meaning you won't have to watch any repeats just yet!

Why do Bobs Burgers have 4 fingers? ›

Maybe they chalk it up to tradition or didn't give it much thought, but the AV Club explains that there's a very good reason for it that goes back to the old days of animation. Before computers, you see, artists drew cartoons by hand. By sketching characters with only four digits, it saved time — and money.

Can plankton have a gender? ›

Planktonic copepods have sexual reproduction and the role in mate finding differs between sexes. Copepod males typically play the role of searching for females (“active partner”) whereas the females act as “passive partners” (Ohtsuka and Huys, 2001; Kiørboe, 2008b; Fromhage et al., 2016).

Is plankton a poop? ›

DVM also has important implications for global climate change because when zooplankton migrate to deep waters, they are transporting carbon to the deep ocean through their defecation and excretion (yes, zooplankton poop and pee!).

What gender is plankton? ›

The other male characters in SpongeBob SquarePants include Squidward, Patrick Star, Mr. Krabs, and Plankton, while the predominant female characters include Pearl Krabs, Sandy Cheeks, and Karen.

Is plankton pure evil? ›

Plankton is shown to be an evil mastermind through and through, with signs of having a napoleonic complex due to his very short stature. His plans always involve technological devices and weapons, all for the sake of the formula. Although sometimes, he merely wants to expand his business or ruin the Krusty Krab.

Do plankton actually have one eye? ›

Scientists have discovered a tiny, humanlike eye in single-celled plankton called warnowiids, The Telegraph reports.

Why is it called plankton? ›

The word “plankton” comes from the Greek for “drifter” or “wanderer.” An organism is considered plankton if it is carried by tides and currents, and cannot swim well enough to move against these forces. Some plankton drift this way for their entire life cycle.

What race is Gary SpongeBob? ›

Gary the Snail
Portrayed byTom Kenny
Full nameGerald Gary Snail Wilson Jr. Squarepants
Speciessea snail
6 more rows

How old is plankton wife? ›

Karen Plankton
JobSolving problems
HometownBikini Bottom
14 more rows

What is Squidward's full name? ›

Squidward Tentacles, despite his name, is actually an octopus in the "SpongeBob SquarePants" universe, according to creator Stephen Hillenberg.

What is SpongeBob's IQ? ›

Most low IQ characters
RankAverage ratingName
194.6Patrick Star (SpongeBob SquarePants)
290.4Michael Kelso (That 70's Show)
390.1Karen Smith (Mean Girls)
489.3Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
21 more rows
Dec 2, 2022

What is Patrick Star's ethnicity? ›

Patrick Starrr (born Patrick Simondac) is a Filipino-American make-up artist, and social media influencer. He launched a collection in collaboration with MAC Cosmetics in 2017, and a clothing collection in 2021.

Does Patrick have Down syndrome? ›

I just learnt that every character on SpongeBob has it's own disorder😳 . I was today years old before I realized that Spongebob characters represent different disorders. Spongebob: ADHD, Patrick: Down syndrome, Squidward: depression; Mr. Krab: Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Plankton: Bipolar, Mrs.

Why does Patrick Star wear a turban? ›

When I started losing my hair, I began wearing head-wraps and then turbans, which I like to have match the rest of my look. I also work with my hair stylist to craft the turbans – it's beautiful when it all comes together.

What is Squidward's name backwards? ›

If you want to see what a word is backwards, you just need to write down that word and reverse the letters. If you do this you will see that Squidward would be D-R-A-W-D-I-U-Q-S.

What does the Q stand for in Squidward's name? ›

Squidward has two middle names. First in the show (and according to the voice actor) his middle initial J, which stands for Johannsson. However after the episode "Professor Squidward", his middle initial is Q which is said to stand for Quentin.

Is Mr. Krabs red? ›

When designing Mr. Krabs, Hillenburg drew inspiration from his former manager at a seafood restaurant. According to Hillenburg, his manager was redheaded, muscular, and a former army cook; these three traits were adapted into Krabs' character, with Krabs' red color standing in for hair.

Did plankton make Karen? ›

Role in SpongeBob SquarePants

Karen is Plankton's own invention, assembled from a calculator and a mass of wires. She was Plankton's first invention when he was in grade school, and they dated before he became evil.

What are Krabby Patties made of? ›

Ingredients. The Krabby Patty is made out of a frozen meatless burger with buns, the patty, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, ketchup, mustard, and onions and with other elements according to a Krabby Patty secret formula, though said secret formula has never been revealed in the series.

Does Pearl have a gender? ›

One fascinating discovery about the sex of pearl oysters is its influence on pearl quality. Males produce high-valued pearls compared to females. They also produce pearls with good features such as luster, smoothness and evenness, while the pearls produced by females have scratches and are uneven.

Is SpongeBob straight? ›

I hate to be that person, but Spongebob isn't gay.

Back in 2005, creator of Spongebob Squarepants Stephen Hillenburg firmly said that Spongebob is neither straight nor gay. “It doesn't have anything to do with what we're trying to do,” he said to Reuters, according to People.

What religion is Squidward? ›

By attempting to convert Squidward, she soon exposes that Squidward is an atheist, and the family is shocked and appaleed at this.

Who is god in SpongeBob? ›

In the universe of SpongeBob SquarePants, Neptune is the god and supreme ruler of the sea.

What color is Patrick? ›

Patrick Star Pink, a warm and inviting coral pink is the perfect companion color to SpongeBob SquarePants Yellow. Spirited and affable, a light hearted pink hue is ideally suited to the fun and laughter of being with your best friend.

What color is plankton? ›

So, the ocean over regions with high concentrations of phytoplankton will appear as certain shades, from blue-green to green, depending upon the type and density of the phytoplankton population there.

What is squidward in Chinese? ›

Known as 'Brother Octopus' (章鱼哥) in China, Squidward is a main character in the SpongeBob cartoons who hates his job as a cashier at the Krusty Krab restaurant — a stark contrast from his cheerful coworker SpongeBob.

What is SpongeBob called in Mexico? ›

Bob Esponja is the Latin American Spanish dub of SpongeBob SquarePants.

What is the Chinese name for Patrick? ›

帕特里克 : Patrick (name)... : Pà tè lǐ kè | Definition | Mandarin Chinese Pinyin English Dictionary | Yabla Chinese.

Are the Belchers black? ›

Appearance. The Belcher family share most of their physical traits, signifying strong genetic makeup. The family patriarch Bob has black hair, olive skin, and a great deal of body hair. Since Linda shares some of these qualities, it is typical that their children would inherit their parents' physical appearance.

What is Bob Belcher allergic to? ›

Bob has an allergy to lobster and cat fur. He also suffered an allergic reaction after getting his legs waxed in Mother Daughter Laser Razor.

Is Bob Belcher straight? ›

Bob's Burgers — Bob Belcher is actually bisexual (and always has been) Bob Belcher, aka the bi beef-artist.

What ethnicity is Patrick Star? ›

Patrick Starrr (born Patrick Simondac) is a Filipino-American make-up artist, and social media influencer. He launched a collection in collaboration with MAC Cosmetics in 2017, and a clothing collection in 2021.

Where does plankton come from? ›

Plankton can be found in saltwater and freshwater. One way to tell if a body of water has a large plankton population is to look at its clarity. Very clear water usually has less plankton than water that is more green or brown in color.

Is Patrick from SpongeBob straight? ›

Cohen. SpongeBob SquarePants creator Stephen Hillenburg announced in 2005 that he never intended for SpongeBob or his best friend Patrick Starfish to “be gay.” “We never intended them to be gay. I consider them to be almost asexual,” he told Reuters at the time.

What mental disorder does Patrick Star have? ›

I was today years old before I realized that Spongebob characters represent different disorders. Spongebob: ADHD, Patrick: Down syndrome, Squidward: depression; Mr. Krab: Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Plankton: Bipolar, Mrs.

Is Patrick Star pure Filipino? ›

As mentioned, Patrick is pure Filipino who is born in the US (his real name's Patrick Simondac, FYI). In a “Get to Know Me” video, he talked about growing up Filipino and thinking that he would end up as a nurse in the States.

What is plankton based on? ›

Plankton are marine drifters — organisms carried along by tides and currents. The word “plankton” comes from the Greek for “drifter” or “wanderer.” An organism is considered plankton if it is carried by tides and currents, and cannot swim well enough to move against these forces.

What are three facts about plankton? ›

They're named for the Greek word planktos, meaning to drift or float. Plankton don't swim on their own—they're carried by tides, currents, and other forces, which determine where they go. Plankton are an important food source for many large and small ocean creatures.

What is plankton's full name? ›

Sheldon J. Plankton is a pint-sized microbe with an evil plan… to steal the Krusty Krabs' secret Krabby Patty recipe! Along with his computer wife, K.A.R.E.N., Plankton is always scheming to rule the restaurant business… and the world.

Who is plankton married to? ›

She is a waterproof supercomputer who lives in the Chum Bucket laboratory. She is Plankton's wife and sidekick who supplies him with evil plans to steal the Krabby Patty formula. Karen and Plankton both debut in the episode "Plankton!"

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