Kyndall (2024)


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 10
    • 1.2 Season 11
  • 2 Confessionals
    • 2.1 Season 10
    • 2.2 Season 11
  • 3 Commentary
    • 3.1 Season 10
    • 3.2 Season 11
  • 4 Office Visits
    • 4.1 Season 10
    • 4.2 Season 11
  • 5 End of Journey
    • 5.1 Season 10
    • 5.2 Season 11
  • 6 Other
    • 6.1 Season 10
    • 6.2 Season 11


Season 10[]


  • 24-years-old from Texas. She does marketing for a commercial real estate company. She needs her career to support herself. Working full-time and trying the memorize the dances is her biggest challenge. She’ll sneaks away during her lunch break to practice the routine and also practices in the bathroom. If she starts falling behind, she’ll have to sneak away for more “bathroom breaks.” She wouldn’t quit training camp, but she also wouldn’t quit her career. She’s just going to find how to balance it.

Season 11[]


  • [Kind of a joint biography with Jessika where they are both dancing in apartment] 25-years-old from Texas. Lives with her best friend, Jessika. They met in college and were on Texas State Strutters together. Both moved to Dallas for dream of becoming DCC’s. Last year got cut, and Jessika hugged me, and she realized it was because they were supposed to make it together, so she's hoping for this year. [Jessika’s main biography portion next] Kyndall says the hardest part of TC is getting the large amount of dances down in a short period of time and not having the amount of time you’d like to practice. If one of them gets left behind [since they practice them together], the other one is probably, too. [Jessika jokes about them being a two-for-one special]


Total: 33

Season 10: 12 (11th most)

Season 11: 21 (2nd most)

Season 10[]


  • I always dance in jazz shoes or barefoot, and this is my first day in tennis shoes, so I really have to work on pointing my toes.
  • Coming into this rehearsal, I’m a little bit nervous. I didn’t get enough time to practice because I was at work. So, I still wish I could have had a few more hours to feel totally confident.
  • Biography


  • I’ve never walked in a runway before. It’s just walking, right? Shouldn’t that be easier than dancing.


  • We all know that going into tonight, it’s going to be a cut night. I don’t see how it couldn’t be. There’s so many of us left, and they have to make decisions. So, everything’s on the line. It’s coming down to these last few moments.
  • [Before office] If tonight was my last night, I would feel sad. It’s hard to say that, “Oh well, I’ll be cut, but I’ll be fine.” That’s definitely not the case. I really want to wear those boots on that field really bad.


  • Having this rehearsal with Melissa is going to help us a ton because tonight is really important, and how I perform is make or break it.
  • I was dancing and I thought I was going to fall over and kind of just feel a little disoriented.
  • Yes, I got a compliment! I was thinking, “Okay, let’s go, let’s put me on the team then. Let’s go. I can do it, I promise.”
  • I’ve been thinking all night every time that I get up there that I’m dancing for my life. It’s like the “Hunger Games” of DCC, a little bit. I’d like to just tell Kelli and Judy that I know that I can do it. I want to walk in there right now and tell them, “I never have memory mistakes when I perform.” This is a new thing for me.
  • [Office visits announced] Oh, tonight’s definitely a cut night. It has to be a cut night. They’re making decisions and we know that and they know that. That’s why there’s so much pressure.
  • [After cut] I do feel like I belong on that field. I think it’s something that I can do. I really feel that way. I’m on their radar in a good way and they’d hope to see me back. So that’s really encouraging. One last shot. I think I can do it, one more time.

Season 11[]


  • [Refresher with flashbacks] Cut on last night of training camp last year. Took Kelli and Judy saying she should come bank to heart and worked really hard. Knows if she doesn’t make the team this year, the dream is over.
  • For a split second I forgot my number but it was there.
  • [Semis results] If I hear my name at the end of the list, may have heart attack, so hope to hear it, and hopefully early on
  • [During announcement of finalists] Want it so bad, have a lot of pressure on myself, it’s kind of do or die
  • I was the last one to be called in, and I’m speechless


  • Everything comes down to right here, right now. Going to do a few 8-counts and the kickline
  • After being so close last year, I hope I did enough, the wait is killing me


  • Been a week since finals and back at AT&T Stadium today for our first meeting. Excited, ready to get started.
  • For Judy to finally say ‘that was better;’ it was like the angels were singing


  • I was expecting going in and getting refitted for my uniform and Lisa hands me my actual uniform from last year.
  • [About Denise Dicharry’s choreography] The dance is really different from what we are normally used to. I’m really out of my element. Probably look a hot mess.
  • [Before office visit] Last time I was in the office was last year getting cut. So, as much as I like to hear Kelli and Judy’s one-on-one feedback, that’s not exactly where I was hoping to be tonight.
  • [After office] Hopefully I can keep dancing up and make Kelli and Judy impressed while finding a job. Stakes are very high.


  • For the entire past year, I’ve been thinking about being able to put this uniform back on. Hope tonight is the last time I have to turn this uniform back in.


  • All of us know that there are still cuts that have to be made. Maybe six? Maybe more? And we know that every night, it’s kind of a fight for your life out there.
  • I keep telling myself, one sequence at a time. One dance. One kick. This is it. This is everything riding on the end of training camp.


  • Tonight is the start of the last week of training camp. They are going to announce the team, and all of last summer, all of this summer, and the work in between comes down to tonight.
  • Tonight’s rehearsal is really intense. When they say “and Kyndall, and Kyndall”, you know, “come up and dance Kyndall”, the pressure is on, and I just have to do my best.
  • [Before office] Tonight’s been really long. I feel like overall; it’s been a really positive training camp up until these last few practices. I don’t know what happened, and I hope I didn’t let it slip through my fingers again.
  • [After cut] This is an incredibly emotional process. This is my dream. It’s a lot of work I’ve put in. When I put on the uniform, I feel like it’s right and I feel like everything I’ve ever wanted and here I am standing in this locker room, looking at all of these beautiful girls, and, you know, you just want to be one.


Season 10[]


  • [Misses a kick] Uh oh. – K


  • Control your feet.
  • Remind me why we picked Kyndall? – K/ Because she’s pretty. – J
  • I know you have the disadvantage of trying to work and race here. Still have mistakes and a way to go. – J


  • [Kyndall messes up the jump split] That’s gonna blow out someone’s knee. That’s the one mistakes, all eyes in the stadium will go to that person. – J


  • This one’s a mess. – J
  • Next time you get up there, I want you to demand our attention. Take my focus off Amy or Courtney or Holly to you. – K
  • She looks more comfortable on the runway that she does in the dance studio. – J


  • I would not put you on the field, right now. – J
  • You were in and out for me. There would be moments that you were really drawing me in and you were really confident. And there were moments that I could see you pull back into your head and question yourself. I always say the mark of a great dancer is when you can be thinking a million things, but not showing us any of that. – Bree Hafen


  • The girls coming here today are all lacking in power, and so I think it’s time these girls get put into a real-life scenario. They’re going to act like it’s game day, and I’m gonna see what they’ve got. – Melissa Rycroft
  • You’re not a count behind; it’s like a half a count behind and it’s just ‘cause you’re like swooping in to get there. You almost need to think every movement as a picture. There’s camera’s there, and it’s “Moment! Moment! Moment!” Not, “Moment, two, this one and down.” Some moves you are supposed to kind of liquefy though. You liquefy through like 95% of the routines. – Melissa Rycroft
  • Kyndall is hitting her lines. That’s a pleasant surprise, Judy. – K/ It is. – J
  • You are a pleasant surprise. – J
  • Kyndall is going to be our dance risk. – K/ She doesn’t know it. – J
  • I’m not enjoying Kyndall or Courtney on this, are you? – K
  • Wow, Kyndall’s falling apart on this. – K
  • I don’t really like watching any one of them [Courtney, Kaleigh, and Kyndall] – K/ All three of them are falling apart. – J
  • Kyndall just walked up and is apologizing about all the mistakes she made in this last few sets of routines. She kind of wants another chance, so I’m going to give her another chance – a real game situational chance. – K
  • [Repeating dances] She’s trying. – J/ …To me, it just looks like she needs more dance classes. – K/ … She’s kind of awkward. – J/ She’s pretty. – K
  • It didn’t go so well. She was having a hard time following Jacie. It was songs that she wasn’t familiar with, but it was choreography that we had taught her. – K
  • What is your gut? Because I don’t know if another dance is going to tell you anything different. – J/ My gut is she’s not game ready and I want her to be. – K/ I know. – J/ But I love her persistence. – K/ I know. – J/ I like that she’s pretty. I like that she’s smart. I like that she looked good in the uniform. She supports herself, full-time job. – K/ I know. – J/ Impressive young lady. – K

Season 11[]


  • [Prelims] “I loved her last year, she had an adorable personality… she should be stronger this year.” – K
  • [Semifinals] “Do you think Kyndall’s stronger than last year?” – K, “I don’t know. I want her to be better.” – J
  • “So adorable. She gave good face during the routine.” – Judge
  • “Did you see improvement from last year?” – Ramos, “I tried to.” – K, “Not completely” – J


  • She’s still kind of messy


  • Good. – J
  • Kyndall’s a lot more fun to watch this year. Seems happy and more confident and makes me want to watch her more.


  • “Kyndall’s okay. She’s not great at this routine tonight. She’s still trying so hard to be big that she’s dancing her way out of control.” – K


  • “Gee, she’s pretty.” – K, “Yeah.” – J [cameos]


  • She does her own thing every now and then. She dances like a little girl, and I want her to look like the pretty girl that she is. – Pickler
  • “I don’t know if you’re a little bit ahead or a little bit behind, but every now and then I lose you just for a second. You find your way back in there. You know what you’re doing. Just do it and own it. You’ve got it baby.” – Pickler
  • “Kyndall was ahead.” – Romo, “Oh, was that what it was?” – K
  • “On the throw and cross. The first time when you’re facing front, you did it really fast, and then you’re tapping early.” – J
  • I think she’s got a beautiful look. She’s better than last year. – K/ I like her a lot. – Romo/ I think she’s weak. – J/ Who’s stronger? Her or Amy? – K/ Her. – J
  • [K’s end of episode confessional] We’ve got Kelsey, Kyndall, and Amy on the bubble, and they’ve got such strong qualities.


  • “Judy and I have now studied the film, and we have some concerns with Kyndall, Kelsey, Amy, and Yuko.” – K
  • [Doing entrance] “Kyndall bothers me from up here.” – K, “Oh my God, is she marching?” – J, “You see what I’m saying?” – K
  • “Kyndall, you need to start kissing your feet together and making them prettier.” – J
  • “I don’t get the same energy out of Kyndall on the field.” – K, “I don’t think it’s just mistakes.” – J
  • “That dance had a lot of mistakes in it. It’s not game ready. Do you know that you made a lot of mistakes?” – J [Kyndall nods]

Office Visits[]

Season 10[]


  • [End of episode, second of three] Kelli states that Kyndall’s a puzzle for them because she’s very pretty and pleasant, and could make the team. However, it’s just not there, yet, and she’s way behind the curve on power. Kyndall knows she can do it. She hasn’t performed out there for them like she knows she’s capable. She’s always been the person whose had power and showmanship. Judy is shocked to hear that, because they’re seeing the complete opposite. Kelli’s afraid is that when they go to the field, it’s going to swallow her. Kyndall knows for a fact she can do it. Kelli asks if Kyndall’s saying there’s more, and Kyndall knows that there is. Kelli says they can watch her one more rehearsal on the field and see if she shows them what she’s saying is in there. But Kelli just wants to be honest, they’re not seeing it in the studio. Kyndall says she’ll show them, and they’ll be like “Oh my gosh. She finally showed up!” Kelli tells her they’ll be on field on Monday, so that may be more familiar for her. [Kyndall leaves] Judy remarks the Kyndall has a lot of confidence, more than she thought she would, and that she sold her a little bit more.


  • [End of episode, second of four] Kelli tells her that she’s really fun and cute to talk with. She has the look and a great personality. She should make this team. However, she’s just not ready this year. She’s not game ready, but they’ve made a very positive impression on them. Kyndall says she knows they’re down to the end, but asks for one more day. She would give everything she has. Kelli says they’ve made the decision, and tonight’s her last night. Kyndall says she doesn’t want to leave, and then asks to see her cameo one last time. They let her look at it, and Kyndall remarks she wants that so badly. Kelli says she could make this team and should come back, and she doesn’t think she’s told that to anybody else yet this year.

Season 11[]


  • [End of episode, first of three called in] Kyndall thinks tonight she was really out of her element. Never done any hip-hop like that. Judy says it was out of a lot of people’s elements and asks her if she has less stress outside of training camp. Kyndall says she was released from her real estate job Friday due to too much time commitment at training camp. That’s a new stress. Kelli says her advice would be anything she can do to leave that at the door so she can enjoy and entertain here. Says she is stronger this year than last year. They will help as much as they can.


  • [After final practice in first half of show, only one called] Kelli asks her how tonight went. Kyndall says she’s not sure, just feels frustrated with herself and thinking about 100 things. Knows that translates to her performance. Kelli agrees it’s translated to the performance, and they feel she’s stumbling on the field and a little bit stompy. Kyndall says she tried to be stompy so it looked precise. Thought it would translate as confident and precise and that she’d look like she knew what she was doing. Kelli says this isn’t just about tonight, but about all of training camp. Kelli thinks she’s beautiful – doesn’t think she’s fierce on the field. At a time when they have to make these decisions. Kyndall says not to say it. Kelli says she doesn’t want to say it. Kyndall says two years in a row on the last night will devastate me. Kelli says she has been fun to watch in the dance studio. Only when they moved to the field, they saw the less confident, most stompy, less fierce performer. She’s made progress, but not enough to be game ready. Tonight's going to be her last night. Kyndall laughingly says this is the most brutal thing she’s ever gone through. Kelli says the consistency between both years is when she hits the field. And she’s close. Sorry it’s not this season. Kyndall asks if they think she should come back. Kelli says yes. Kyndall says she looks forward to next year, and if third year’s a charm, then 4th year is good, too. Kelli says we’ll see you next year.

End of Journey[]

Season 10[]


  • Cut at the end of week 7 of training camp on the final night of cuts (10th of 12, 36 left afterwards)

Season 11[]


  • The last one cut from training camp on the final night after one final practice (last of ten cuts)


Season 10[]


  • At panel interviews, she correctly answers that a linebacker is a defensive player, and when asked their role, she says they take the quarterback’s head off.


  • She has a shot where she asks Holly P. about her living situation, who says she’s living with her mom and little brother (who have come down).


  • If you pause, you can see a list of the scores she received at auditions: she was ranked #36 and received 8 yeses, 1 maybe, and 7 no’s


  • She’s one of five TCC’s to attend the Melissa Rycroft session at AT&T Stadium
  • She’s one of six that Judy has repeat the field entrance
  • She’s one of three that Judy makes repeat a dance.
  • During a break in the episode’s last rehearsal, she goes up to Kelli and Judy and tells them she never makes memory mistakes like she just did. They then allow her to dance alongside her group leader (Jacie) to redeem herself

Season 11[]


  • Last one shown invited to finals


  • Shown being invited to training camp


  • Final cameo shot shown on screen


  • One of four TCC’s made to repeat a dance in practice
  • Final spot said to be between her and Kelsey

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Kyndall (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.