Kalli Fullerton (2024)


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 6
  • 2 Confessionals
    • 2.1 Season 6
  • 3 Commentary
    • 3.1 Season 6
  • 4 Office Visits
    • 4.1 Season 6
  • 5 End of Journey
    • 5.1 Season 1
    • 5.2 Season 6
  • 6 Other
    • 6.1 Season 6
  • 7 Misc.


Season 6[]


  • [Many flashbacks playing throughout] 24 years old and from Texas. Five years ago, she auditioned to b­e a DCC and made it into training camp. She was cut two days before the squad photo was taken. She’s auditioning – her head is in it, and she’s not just here for the experience; she is here to win it.


Total: x

Season 6: 33 (4th most)

Season 6[]


  • Biography
  • Right now, I’m just gonna read and hopefully get my mind off of it and just wait until they bring out the numbers and not think about it till then.
  • All I know that I’m making it back here for next week. I’m excited.
  • [Semifinals] I hate this round. I have been nauseous all morning. This learning it and then performing it ten minutes later is not my forte.
  • I feel concerned, I look concerned. I think I have it, but you know, you never know.
  • I didn’t nail it by a long shot, but I was able to smile, which is most important.


  • Five years later, here I am. It’s definitely surreal to be back at finals.
  • My solo went pretty well. I definitely had a few steps that I missed. And, of course, everyone’s going to do that.
  • So, now the solos are over, but the pressure is still on. And we’re gonna have to perform the dance that we learned at semifinals, plus the kick line.
  • Wow, they’re seeing every hair, every eyelash, every freckle, every everything. So, that’s a lot of pressure.
  • I’m definitely not their caliber, and I know that they know that. I hope they’re willing to take me to training camp so that I can have a chance to get there.
  • We are waiting for the judges to come back and tell us who made it to training camp this year. There’s so many questions and so many possibilities going on right now for everyone, that we’re just talking and trying to pass the time.
  • It means so much. I’m so excited to be back. I can’t wait to start the process again. I’m ready, I’m ready to play ball this time. I’m ready to bring it. I want this bad, so I’m really ready.


  • So, tonight is our very first meeting as training camp candidates.
  • So, we will be joined by the returning veterans and we will get our binders full of all the Cowboys and cheerleader information that we need to be prepared for.
  • It is incredibly hard to do the kicks across the floor. It’s definitely the way I remember it being as tough as nails.
  • We just got done with the kick line, going across the floor. And now we’re about to start learning our very first dance at training camp.


  • Training camp is an incredibly difficult time. It’s definitely difficult to balance your life and be able to stay centered and not really break down. You have to be prepared that Kelli and Judy are going to get onto you. That’s what they’re here to do. I wish I felt more prepared and confident. Unfortunately, I don’t but hopefully I’ll get them.
  • I was so terrified that they were going to make me try on the uniform I had on [during my first training camp], which they did.


  • I have been growing my hair out since five years ago. I am hoping they will be easy on me and just give me a trim.
  • They cut about three inches off of my hair and I think it looks great.
  • Being one of the girls that’s called out every time, which that’s me, feels like everyone looks at you and everyone watches you the most because they expect you to mess up. So, it puts even more pressure on myself and others who continually get called out.
  • [Before office] I would be very upset if Kelli and Judy brought me in, and brought me to training camp again through the process, and then cut me without giving me a warning. So, I’m hoping that this will just be a warning and it will be something I can improve on.
  • [After office] I feel much better now. And I think that’s a part of being mature and knowing where you are on the chopping block and being able to work to move yourself higher up the list.


  • [Cameo shoot] The room is filled with jitters and excitement and butterflies. I can feel it flying around all over. I think most of them are coming from me.
  • Starting to feel how Kelli and Judy kind of see me on the dance, and I kind of feel like I’m in the bottom pool, and my chances of making the actual team are slimmer than for some of the other girls.
  • I get out there, and it’s a dance that I feel comfortable with, but you know, my body just doesn’t do what I want it to do.
  • [Before office] Tonight I definitely felt way below my own bar. I got discouraged and even though I was telling myself, “keep pushing through,” I know the things I was showing on my face, and I anticipated being called in tonight.
  • [After office] The next time we will all be together is on the field and so, I have a very short amount of time to come leaps and bounds. So, I’m going to have to put every ounce of my energy that Brittany is able to give me.


  • Kelli wanted me to work one-on-one with Brittany ‘cause I am messing up a little bit of the footwork. [Clip of her working with Brittany shown] Even though I know the dances, I’m still having a little memory lapse and some style issues. So hopefully today I can get those solved before we get on the field.
  • [About being called into the office] For me, hearing my name, I knew it was coming, and so I think I was a little more prepared. And if I get to stay another night, I’ll come back tomorrow, and I will try to show them again that this is what I was made for.
  • [Before office] Kelli calling my name is now second nature. If I go in there and tonight’s my last night, I will be very proud of what I came here and did and accomplished.
  • [After cut] It’s okay that I’m not a perfect match for DCC. I am a perfect match for other things in my life, and I have 20 others dreams that are waiting in line, and I’m ready to tackle the next one.


Season 6[]


  • [Preliminaries judging] She was my little teacher’s pet six years ago. – K/ She had short hair? – Charlotte/ Yeah, short blonde with big chocolate-brown eyes. – K/ She’s okay. She’s not as strong as some of the others, but I thought… – J/ I had her, I gave her… – K
  • Kalli’s right on the beat. – K/ Her kicks are snappy. – J/ She’s winded… I still think Kalli’s cute as a button. – K
  • [Semifinals judging] Thought she was pretty lost on the combination, but she held it together. By looking at her, you never knew that she was the one who was really lost. – Charlotte


  • [Finals deliberation] I put her down for a yes, but I struggled with it because I didn’t like her appearance at all. – Jay/ I share your struggle. I adore her. Want her to be a yes, and I saw a maybe today. – K


  • I have not liked Kalli Fullerton all night. – K


  • Hey, watch Kalli. – J
  • Kalli concerns me. She may not be as in shape as she was five years ago. She’s not the strongest dancer in the room. – K
  • Your body’s just not doing the right thing. – J


  • [Cameo shoot] Kalli’s not giving us any sex appeal. – K
  • Kalli is not showing a lot of experience on camera, so she’s not developed there and she’s not necessarily developed in the dance studio either. She needs to find something exciting. Kalli could be in trouble. – K
  • Lots of mistakes already. – J/ With Taylor or Marie? – K/ Kalli. She just got my attention. – J/ I mean, she’s… – K/ Out of control wrong. – J
  • Kalli, lots of mistakes, and I couldn’t really write them all down. – J
  • [Confessional during office visit] Kalli, she’s not put on, she’s not fake. And I want her to be successful because having girls that are that genuine, it’s hard to find that. – K


  • Kalli, don’t skip and don’t pass up the yard line. – J
  • Kalli’s smile is big enough for this stadium. Her legs can reach the yard lines. She still has this uncomfortable and awkward look in the way she moves. – K
  • Look at Kalli, all bent over. – J/ To me her stamina is a problem. – K
  • Kalli, your kicks are high enough to where you don’t have to hunch over. And you’re hunching over. – J
  • Kalli’s making a lot of mistakes. – J/ Yeah, for long legs and blonde hair, Brittney far outperforms Kalli. – K/ Yes. – J
  • Oh my gosh, Kalli fell. – J
  • Kalli really fell apart. Maybe the pressure of a football game just might not be what Kalli is good at. – J
  • It was very hard to cut Kalli. She was so gracious about it all. She actually, I felt like she was trying to make it easier on me. At the end of the day, we both have mutual respect for each other. – K

Office Visits[]

Season 6[]


  • [End of episode, second of three] Kelli thinks she’s stronger than she was five years ago. She thinks she attacks the dances stronger. Judy says that last time in training camp, she had a deer in headlights look. Kelli says she is a true “maybe.” Maybe she could make this squad, but maybe they’re not sure. She’s fun to watch waist up, but everything’s not going on yet. They really want to see a dynamic performer out of Kalli. She’s smart, she’s beautiful. She can learn this choreography. The question is can she perform next to Ashton or Whitney or Kelsi or some of the big performers in the room. Kalli is glad to know where she stands. [Kalli leaves] Kelli says she’s smart and pretty, Judy adds “sweet” and Kelli says that she’s trying really, really hard. Judy says that if she wasn’t dancing, they could send her out on an appearance tomorrow.


  • [End of episode, second of three, with Brittany Evans] Kelli tells Kalli that she’s not field ready yet, and that there’s something awkward in her style of dance. She has wonderful long legs and long arms – Kelli says she reminds her of a newborn colt because of her long legs. Judy adds that also, baby colts don’t know what to do with them. Kelli continues that Kalli needs stylized dance attention that they don’t have in time for these rehearsals. She adds that Brittany is a brilliant dancer and a brilliant teacher. When they say something looks awkward, Brittany almost needs every step, step by step, move by move. Brittany says she’s willing to help Kalli. Brittany wants her to make the team, and promises she will come before and stay after every night. Kelli says this is what this is about, and they’re giving Kalli homework. They want her to be on this team and they’re willing to give this one more go. Kalli says she’s ready for it. Kelli says she’s excited, and they will do this and regroup.


  • [Mid episode, first of two, takes place at Cowboys Stadium] Kelli says that the best way to describe what they saw today is that the field still makes her look awkward. It appeared like she’s not comfortable out there dancing, and it is unavoidable now. Kelli tells her she’s followed her dream and given it her all, and she’s done a great job doing it. Judy says they both didn’t want to do this to Kalli again because she is such a great person. And everything else is there. Kalli says they gave her another shot, and she can’t believe she made it this far again, so she loves them and is proud of what she did. She’s going to need to give them hugs because she’s going to miss them. Kelli says they’ll miss her too, and they’ve been her biggest fan for six years. [They have a group hug] Kalli tells them they have a great squad. [Kalli leaves and Kelli gets teary] Kelli says it’s harder when they’re that nice, and she wishes Kalli would have just told them to get lost. Judy says that after two times, a lot of people would have done that, but Kalli has too much class.

End of Journey[]

Season 1[]


  • Cut from training camp

Season 6[]


  • Cut from training camp during week seven of training camp (5th out of 11, 40 left after cut)


Season 6[]


  • Holds up her number at prelims (403), and talks to the camera about how 4 is one of her lucky numbers, so this is a good sign
  • Shown introducing herself to the judges at preliminaries: next week she’ll be graduating with her master’s degree from Cal State Long Beach.
  • Fifth-to-last shown being invited to finals


  • She’s shown being invited to training camp


  • Makeover glamour shot


  • x

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Kalli Fullerton (2024)


Did Kalli Fullerton ever make the DCC? ›

Five years ago, she auditioned to be a DCC and made it into training camp. She was cut two days before the squad photo was taken.

What did Chelsea say in the locker room DCC? ›

Kelli brings up her “explosion” in the locker room. Chelsea apologizes, saying she didn't explode, but saw her friends hurting and wanted to cheer them up and let them know it would be okay. She apologizes again if it came off wrong. Kelli tells her that is “B.S.” and she doesn't buy it.

Why did Courtney Cook leave DCC? ›

[“Where are they now?” segment] She was a DCC from 2011 to 2012. Says we may remember her having to leave training camp in Season 8 for an unexpected medical reason. She had a big setback, but she's rebounded.

What happened to Brooke from DCC? ›

After cheering, Brooke got married and traveled the country with her husband who was a professional baseball player. Since Brooke has traveled so much, she decided to open an online boutique that her friends from everywhere can enjoy.

Who is the longest veteran on DCC? ›

VonCeil and Vanessa Hold the record for longest tenured DCC at 8 years each. Vanessa fondly recounts the special memory of receiving her Master of Science degree on the Cowboys field during a 1977 matchup against the Broncos.

Did the deaf girl make DCC? ›

Christina Murphy also made it, is profoundly deaf, and an amazing dancer. So good, she made their dance teacher, Kitty Carter, cry.

Why did Holly get fired from DCC? ›

Holly resigned after she was confronted for having a relationship with a player. They told her she wasn't going to Canton and was on probation.

What medical condition does Courtney Cook have DCC? ›

Courtney Cook showed every classic symptom of borderline personality disorder as a child—but wasn't diagnosed until years later because many believed she'd “grow out of it.” She's not alone in this experience—many other people in the United States with BPD feel as if their experience with the condition is misunderstood ...

Does jinelle Esther work for DCC? ›

She performs for the final time as a DCC at the NFL Draft. Although retired, she comes back as a staff member.

What does KaShara Garrett do now? ›

Event Sales and Presentation Coordinator - Cheerleading.

Who is suing DCC? ›

Erica Wilkins sued the Cowboys last year, noting that the team's mascot made more than the cheerleaders. “I remember I did an out of town appearance. It was my first year on the team meaning I'm making $100 flat rate for that appearance,” Wilkins explained.

Is DCC Maddie Mormon? ›

As for Maddie Massingill, a current cheerleader on The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleading team and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, she helps us to learn how we can become one as we learn what modesty means for her.

Which player did Holly fraternize with? ›

The “no fraternization” rule is strict for the cheerleaders, but it gets broken from time to time. One former Cowboys cheerleader tells the story behind her epic encounter with Danny White, in a picture that was quashed for 25 years.

Do DCC wear bras? ›

10) They wear their own bras. "The girls bring their own bras in," says Finglass. "We tie the blouse around the bra and keep everything in place.

Can a boy try out for DCC? ›

You must be at least 18 years old on Day 1 of auditions, but there is no maximum age. We've had ladies in their 50's tryout (even a 62-year old, if I remember correctly). There is also no rule regarding gender.

Has a DCC ever dated a player? ›

Third baseman and former shortstop Will Middlebrooks dated DCC girl Ann Lux and the two were engaged for some time, but broke up in late 2012.

Who is the most famous Dallas Cowboy cheerleader? ›

Notable DCC alumni
  • Tina Hernandez (1977–78), actress, CHiPs TV Series (1982–1983)
  • Tami Barber (1977–80), actress.
  • Janet Fulkerson (1980–82), actress.
  • Judy Trammell (1980–84), Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders' current choreographer, mother of DCC Cassie Trammell (2008-2012)

What is the DCC controversy? ›

In February, scandal hit the Dallas Cowboys when ESPN broke the story that the team's number one PR guy, Richard Dalrymple, had been accused of using his phone to film four cheerleaders in their dressing room back in 2015, resulting in a $2.4 million settlement.

Was DCC making the team Cancelled? ›

'Making the Team' is no more, but as the cheerleaders seek a new platform, observers say they're likely to find one.

How much do DCC girls make? ›

Some cheerleaders are professional, and they can make up to $75,000 a year according to various reports, but the majority are not and are either in college or have just graduated.

How much does a DCC cheerleader make a year? ›

That is, if you're a popular, well-known squad. For instance, Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, aka America's Sweethearts, who happen to be one of the most popular groups in the NFL, earn about $15-20 per hour, or $500 per match. Therefore, their yearly salary comes out to about $75,000.

What DCC cheerleader passed away? ›

Suzanne Mitchell, 73, Dies; Made Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders a Global Brand - The New York Times.

What happened to Yuko from DCC? ›

After three seasons with the DCC, Yuko is retiring. Leave a 💙 in the comments to let her know how much you'll love and miss her!

Did Kashara retire from DCC? ›

[Retrospective] "I've decided to retire after four years because I feel like there's other places for me to give my talents and passions to. My journey as a DCC has been like a semi-truck on the side of a mountain, hanging onto the side.

Why was Vivian cut from DCC? ›

[Cut] "I got let go because my bottom half is too big for the uniform.

What happened Bridget DCC? ›

Last August, she moved to Dallas, and she currently works as a veterinary technician.

What happened to Daphne on DCC? ›

Back in the season premiere of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team, DCC veteran Daphne was called into the office to talk about an ACL injury that she was recovering from. Sadly during the week three practice, her other leg buckled and she ultimately had to remove herself from training camp. Why? Kicking.

What happened to Caitlin on DCC? ›

Season 6. [End of episode, third of three, she's not seen being called in, but it is functionally an office visit] Kelli asks her what happened, and Kaitlin says she got pulled over in a construction zone for speeding and didn't have her license, so the cop followed her home so she wouldn't get an extra ticket.

Who is Dayton's mom on DCC? ›

Her mother, Shelly used to be a DCC. [Scene with her and Shelly, who works for the DCC] Shelly cheered for DCC for 5 seasons.

What happened to Tasha from DCC? ›

She's going on her third season as a DCC. She got into clothing modeling about eight years prior. She works for Closet Candy Boutique, a clothing company. She helps with marketing in addition to modelling.

Why did Kashira leave DCC? ›

[Retrospective] "I've decided to retire after four years because I feel like there's other places for me to give my talents and passions to. My journey as a DCC has been like a semi-truck on the side of a mountain, hanging onto the side. You're gonna get there, but it's gonna be a rough climb.

Who was the director of DCC before Kelli? ›

Suzanne Mitchell, the director of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders from 1976 through 1989, passed away Tuesday evening at the age of 73 following a long and brave battle with pancreatic cancer. Under Mitchell's stewardship, the DCC rose to international fame and iconic status.

When was Kelli DCC? ›

Career. Finglass was a member of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders from 1984 to 1989, where she was the first cheerleader to be invited back without having to go through the customary audition process. After leaving the squad in 1989, Finglass was hired by Jerry Jones as an assistant director to the DCC from 1989 to 1990 ...

Who was the first black DCC cheerleader? ›

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders were the innovators of professional cheerleading, and among the seven women that were chosen for the 1972-73 season was Vonceil Baker. Vonceil had no idea that she was making history as one of the first African American professional cheerleaders.

What does Kashara do for DCC now? ›

Event Sales and Presentation Coordinator - Cheerleading.

Who was the most famous Dallas Cowboy cheerleader? ›

Notable DCC alumni
  • Tina Hernandez (1977–78), actress, CHiPs TV Series (1982–1983)
  • Tami Barber (1977–80), actress.
  • Janet Fulkerson (1980–82), actress.
  • Judy Trammell (1980–84), Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders' current choreographer, mother of DCC Cassie Trammell (2008-2012)

When did Holly quit DCC? ›

Season 12. At the very start of the episode, Kelli reveals that Holly submitted a letter of resignation.

Are Kelli and Judy friends? ›

The camaraderie we'll see on the show between the hopefuls is arguably a true mirror reflection of the friendship between Trammell and director Kelli McGonagill Finglass, who've been in the trenches together for 27 years. “We do have a great, unique relationship,” Trammell says of her friendship with Finglass.

Did Kelli and Judy cheer together? ›

Following her graduation in the '80s, Kelli joined the cheerleading squad for the Dallas Cowboys in 1984. Her Making the Team co-star, choreographer Judy Trammell, was also a cheerleader for the organization.

Where is KaShara DCC from? ›

We caught up with KaShara – a 2013 EKU graduate and native of Irvine, Kentucky – to get an inside look at the organization, the game day experience and what this DCC holds close to her heart – EKU! EKUSports: What was the process like trying out for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC)?

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.