Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (2024)

Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe?

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (1)

    NBA history's highest vertical leaperRoss Kinnaird/Getty Images

    Michael Jordan "stomps the yard" when it comes to the highest vertical leap in NBA history. No wonder he was able to put basketballfans on the edge of their seats, holding their collective breadths, as he flew through the air. Just how high was Air Jordan's vertical leap? Where do other great NBAstars rank in this category while compared to His Airness?

    The vertical leap is the measurement of a player’s jump from a standing position. A high vertical leap usually transcends into a higher running leap. The higher the player can jump, the more ferocious and spectacular is his dunk.

    What made or makes talented jumpers like Jordan, Dr. J, and Vince Carter exciting to watch is the use of slow-motion replay. No other leagueis better suitedfor this amazing technologythan the NBA. The original jump happens too quickly to truly appreciate, but in slow-motion replay, the player appears to be gracefully soaring through the air as if taking off on a trans-atlantic flight. It is an allusion that drives fans crazy! Its electrifying!

    This slideshow is a tribute to Michael Jordan, and ten other NBA stars who were also phenomenal leapers in their own right. It also includes an "honorable mention" section that, low and behold, includes some NBA players (while not stars) could actually out jump some of the ranked NBA stars! Be warned however, becauseyou will experience high turbulence caused by a rollercoaster surprise ending.

    Are you ready? OK then, we have takeoff!


    Michael Jordan and the Lords of the Rings

#10 Julius Erving, AKA Dr. J

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (2)

    In the beginning there was Dr. J.Stephen Dunn/Getty Images

    Vertical Leap: 41 inches

    Height: 6ft 7

    Slam Dunk Titles: None

    Years Played: 1971 -1987

    Teams: New York Nets, Philadelphia 76ers

    Major Achievements 1 NBA championship, 1 MVP award, 1 of the 50 greatest players of all time, perennial all-star

    Bio and MoreStat's:

    You tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: Erving’s 41 inch vertical leap puts the top of his head a full 1 inch below the rim and a whole 7 inches lower than His Airness. Dr. J was the first spectacular "showoff jumper dunker" in the NBA. He was an inspiration to future NBA jumpers including Dominique Wilkins and Michael Jordan. I wonder if the good Dr. makes house calls to the International Space Station?

#9 Dominique Wilkins: The Human Highlight Film

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (3)

    After Dr. J there was Dominique WilkinsTim DeFrisco/Getty Images

    Vertical Leap: 42 inches

    Height: 6 ft. 8

    Slam Dunk Titles: 1985, 1990

    Years Played: 1982-1994

    Teams: Atlanta Hawks, Los Angeles Clippers, Boston Celtics, Orlando Magic

    Major Achievements NBA scoring champion (1986),perennial all-star

    Bio and More Stat's:

    You Tube Replay:

    Bottom Line Wilkins’ 42 inch (6 inches less than Jordan’s) vertical leap puts the top of his head a full 2 inches above the rim and a whole 4 inches lower than His Airness. He spent much of his career in the shadow of Jordan, but was so good he should be in the top 50 players of all time. Wilkins was a true Hawk.. a bird of preywho soared overother birds beforedunking on them. Poor Larry Bird!

#8 Tracy McGrady, AKA T-Mac

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (4)

    Jonathan Ferrey/Getty Images

    Vertical Leap: 42 inches

    Height: 6 ft. 8

    Slam Dunk Titles: None

    Years Played: 1997-Present

    Teams: Toronto Raptors, Orlando Magic, Houston Rockets, NY Knicks, Detroit Pistons

    Major Achievements: 2 x NBA scoring champion 2003 and 2004, perennial all-star

    Bio and More Stat's:

    You Tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: McGrady’s 42 inch (6 inches less than Jordan’s) vertical leap puts the top of his head a full 2 inches above the rim, and a whole 4 inches lower than His Airness. McGrady was one of the most explosive scorers the game has ever seen. Unfortunately he has lost a step or two, which is sad since he's about the same age as Kobe who is still flourishing. If T-Mac and his cousin, Vince Carter stayed in Toronto they might have a championship. Too bad they flew the coup!

#7 Vince Carter, AKA Vinsanity

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (5)

    Elsa/Getty Images

    Vertical Leap: 43 inches

    Height: 6 ft. 6

    Slam Dunk Titles: 2000

    Years Played: 1998- Present

    Teams: Toronto Raptors, New Jersey Nets, Orlando Magic

    Major Achievements: perennial all-star

    Bio and More Stat's:

    You Tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: Carter’s 43 inch (5 inches less than Jordan’s) vertical leap puts the top of his head a full 1 inches above the rim and a whole 5 inches lower than His Airness. Big surprise here because most people would have thought Carter would beat the top of thislist!

#6 Clyde Drexler, Aka Clyde The Glide

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (6)

    Stephen Dunn/Getty Images

    Vertical Leap: 43 inches

    Height: 6 ft. 7

    Slam Dunk Titles: None

    Years Played: 1983 -1998

    Teams: Portland Trailblazers, Houston Rockets

    Major Achievements: NBA championship (1995 Rockets), perennial all-star, 1 of 50 greatest players

    Bio and MoreStat's:

    You tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: Drexler’s 43 inch vertical leap puts the top of his head a full 2 inches above the rim and 4 inches lower than His Airness. Unfortunately for Drexler, as good as he was, he spent much of his career gliding in Jordan’s shadow.

#5 Nate Robinson, Aka Krypto-Nate

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (7)

    Jim Rogash/Getty Images

    Vertical leap: 43.5 inches

    Height: 5 ft. 9

    Slam Dunk Titles: 3 x champion 2006, 2009, 2010

    Years Played: 2005 - Present

    Teams: New York Knicks, Boston Celtics

    Major Achievements: Frances Pomeroy Naismith Award (2005)

    Bio and MoreStat's:

    You Tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: Robinson’s 43.5 inch vertical leap puts the top of his head only 5 inches below the rim and like Web, an incredible feat for someone so short. Actually 5 ft 9 is supposed to be average height... but definitely midget status in the freakish NBA where even Dwayne Wade (6 ft. 4) is considered short!

#4 LeBron James, AKA King James

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (8)

    Elsa/Getty Images

    Vertical Leap: 44 inches

    Height: 6 ft. 8

    Slam Dunk Titles: 2010

    Years Played: 2003 - Present

    Teams: Cleveland Cavaliers, Miami Heat

    Major Achievements: 2 x League MVP (2009,2010), Scoring Title (2008), perennial all-star

    Bio and More Stat's:

    You Tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: James’ 44 inch (4 inches less than Jordan’s) vertical leap puts the top of his head a full 4 inches above the rim and only two inches lower than His Airness. This takes into account James’ 2 inch height advantage over Jordan. Lebron is a beast, but not the biggest beast in the sky! Not sure what all the fuss has been about Lebron this past summer, because the dude is built for flying south!

#3 Bernard King

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (9)

    Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

    Vertical Leap: 46 inches

    Height: 6 ft. 7

    Slam Dunk Titles: None

    Teams: New Jersey Nets, Utah Jazz, Golden State Warriors, New York Knicks, Washington Bullets

    Major Achievements: NBA scoring champion, perennial all-star, 60 greatest players of all time

    Bio and More Stat's:

    You Tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: King’s just under 4 foot vertical leap put the top of his head a full 5 inches above the rim and only one inch lower than His Airness. King had 5 high scoring glorious years with the Knicks before breaking his leg and losing his explosive jumping power. He was a scoring machine! Unfortunately also for King, he spent much of his productive years in Michael Jordan's shadow.

#2 Anthony Webb, AKA Spud Web

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (10)

    Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

    Height: 5 foot 7 inches

    Vertical Leap: 46 inches

    Slam Dunk Titles: 1986

    Years Played: 1985 - 1998

    Teams: Atlanta Hawks, Sacramento Kings, Minnesota Timberwolves, Orlando Magic

    Major Achievements: Playing in the NBA at a height of 5 foot 7

    Bio and MoreStat's:

    You Tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: Web’s just under 4 foot vertical leap put the top of his head only 5 inches below the rim, an incredible feat for someone so short. This dude's 2 inches shorter than Nate Robinson! Like Nate, playing in the NBA at thisheight is extremely rare.

#1 Darrel Griffith, Aka Dr. Dunkenstein

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (11)

    Vertical Leap: 48 inches

    Height: 6 foot4 inches

    Slam Dunk Titles: None

    Years Played: 1981 - 1993

    Teams: Utah Jazz

    Major Achievements: Rookie of the Year, Jazz retired his number

    Bio and MoreStat's:

    You Tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: Never heard of this dude, but a 4 foot (48") vertical leap puts him on the freaking moon! Hisvertical leap is as high as Jordan's! That puts the top of his head a full 4 inches above the rim and only two inches lower than His Airness. Who is this guy?!

Air Jordan: Owner Of The NBA Vertical Leap Crown

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (12)

    Vertical Leap: 48 inches

    Height: 6 foot 6 inches

    Slam Dunk Titles: 1987, 1988

    Years Played: 1984 - 2003 (with two retirements in between)

    Teams: Chicago Bulls, Washington Wizards

    Major Achievements: Way too many to list. See link below.

    Bio and MoreStat's:

    You Tube Replay:

    Bottom Line: Jordan’s incredible full 4 foot vertical leap put the top of his head6 inches above the rim and the bottom of his feet higher than the rest ofour NBA studs.Rocketship Jordan jumps 5 inches higher than Vince Carter, 4 inches higher than James, and an incredible 20 inches higher than the NBA average. Only Dr. Dunkenstein (who?!) on the previous slide can jump as high, but he loses 2 inches to Jordan on height. Michael Jordan had an amazing career that overshadowed many great players, including some mentioned here. You're a mean dude Michael! You gotta stop looking down on people because itsnot nice.

GROUNDED! Three Notorious Dunkers Who Can't Make The 40" Vertical Leap Club!

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    Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump: Where's Carter and Kobe? (13)

    All flights are grounded!

    Wow... this one is a big surprise! Both Kobe Bryant's and Dwayne Wade's vertical leaps are less than 40 inches. No 40 inch vertical leap club for you!

    Kobe Bryant: Vertical Leap of 38 inches

    Kobe's Bottom Line: Jordan's vertical leap is an incredible10 inches (approx.1foot) higher than the Black Mamba's! Kobe'svertical leap puts the top of his head a full2 inches BELOW the rim anda full10 inches lower than His Airness.

    Dwayne Wade: Vertical Leap of 36 inches

    Wade's Bottom Line: Jordan's vertical leap is an incredible 12 inches (exactly 1 foot) higher than Wade's!

    Dwight Howard: Vertical Leap of39.5 inches

    Howard's Bottom Line: Jordan's vertical leap is an incredible8.5 inches higher than Superman's who misses the NBA 40 inch club by just 0.5 of an inch! A vertical as high as this for such a big man like Howard is incredible (11.5 inches higher than the NBA average)! He gets more airtime than so many smaller guys includingthe two superstars mentioned above. Furthermore, he is one of the few humans on the planet who can dunk on a 12 ft. rim!Howard'svertical leap puts the top of his head a full2.5 inches above the rim and3.5 inches lower than His Airness.

Honorable Mentions: Other Members Of The 40

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    Jason Richardson. Wow!

    Here are some other members of the 40" vertical leap club. If you notice, there are players here that match or exceed the 41" leap starting point in the ranking. Guys like Allen Iverson didn't make the ranking because he is not known to be a leaper. There are others here such as Jason Richardson, James White, Harold Minor, and Dee Brown who can all out jump Lebron James!

    Allen Iverson


    Shawn Marion


    Carmelo Anthony


    Ricky Davis


    Jason Richardson


    James White


    Shannon Brown


    Steve Francis


    Fred Jones


    Dee Brown


    Harold Miner


    Larry Nance


    Shawn Kemp


    MUST READ: Michael Jordan and the Lords of the Rings

Michael Jordan Owns The NBA Vertical Jump:  Where's Carter and Kobe? (2024)
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