Most Common Sports Injuries for Women (2024)

Most Common Sports Injuries for Women (1)

Statistically, men and women sustain sports injuriesat about the same rate; but how they get injured, and why, are not exactly the same. Are you familiar with themost common sports injuries for women?

Though girls and boysare similarin childhood, puberty brings about hormonal and anatomicalchangesin women and men. These changes leadto physical differences in men's and women'sbodies and how they perform in sports.

Alignment, form, physiology, body composition (muscle vs. fat), and performancediverge when we become adolescents.Menbecome prone to certain types of sports injuries like cardiovascular events, hernias, andback problems.

Women's injuries, on the other hand, more often relate tobone weakness or loss (osteoporosis) and the specific biomechanicsof female bodies, particularly the shoulders, legs, knees, and feet.

sports injuries commonly affecting women

Post-puberty, adult women athletes are at risk for bone loss (osteoporosis), menstrual problems, and calorie depletion (with or without an eating disorder).

If you are a woman who exercises or trainsmore than 12 hours per week, you may develop all three issues simultaneouslywhat some researcherscall the "female athlete triad."This triad canmakeyou more prone to bone loss and subsequent physical injuries like bone breaks and stress fractures (see below).

Most Common Sports Injuries for Women (2)

Women are also more likely to experience knee and foot problems.

Many women, for example, haveflat or pronating (rolling inward) feet, which can contribute to a condition calledMiserable Malalignment Syndrome (MMS).MMS involves alignment and rotation of the quadriceps and knees relative to the hips. Misalignment can put undue pressure on tendons and ligaments,leading to knee pain orkneecap displacement.

How do thesefactorsaffect women who play sports? Below is a list of the most common musculoskeletal injuries affecting female athletes — why they occur and how to treat them.

Concussions (concussive brain injuries)

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head or a jolt to the body that causes the brain to move rapidly or even twist within the skull. Concussions can lead to brain cell damage and chemical changes in the brain.

Recent studies indicate that women sustain concussionsat a higher rate than men.The reasons are not yet clear, but researchers believe hormonal differences may be partly responsible for women's sensitivity to braininjury. Womenalso have less isometric neck strength and girth, which may make the headmore vulnerable to sudden movements.

To prevent concussion:

  • Avoid direct contactwith other athleteswhen playing sports, if possible.
  • Be alert to tripping hazards that may cause a fall.
  • If your sport uses stunts (for example, in cheerleading), use spotters.
  • If your sport requires diving (for example, in volleyball), learn safe techniques that avoid hits to the head.
  • Wear a helmet if you can.

To treatconcussion:

  • Rest from all activity.
  • Take pain relievers (ask your doctor for guidelines).
  • Closely monitor for nausea and vomiting or behavioral changes, which may indicate a more seriousinjury.

ACL ruptures and tears

Located in the center of the knee, the ACLcontrols rotation and forward movement of the shin bone.ACL injuriesaresustained on impact or when making sudden jump landings, stops, or pivots.

Because women land differently than men, in a more upright position, they are more likely to injure their ACLs (ACL injuries are three to sixtimes more common in women).

To prevent ACL injuries:

Aswith any injury, no prevention method is 100% guaranteed; but some approaches can help to reduce your risk:

  • Braces. Support braces may help to support ligaments and keep the knee from twisting over overextending.
  • Technique. Women athletes can learn proper techniques toland instable positions that protect the knee.

Most Common Sports Injuries for Women (3)

To treat ACL injuries:

  • In the short term, RICE therapy and NSAIDs may help alleviate pain and swelling.
  • Minor ACL tears may heal on their own with rest.
  • For severe tearsand ruptures,arthroscopic surgerymay be recommended by an orthopedist.
  • In cases where significant damage to the joint has been sustained, a doctor may recommend atotal knee replacement.

Patellofemoral syndrome ("runner's knee")

Runner's knee (or "jumper's knee") is a common condition in females and young adults whoparticipate insports, though even nonathletes can develop this condition.

Patellofemoralsyndrome is characterized by sorenessin the front of the knee and around the patella (kneecap).Symptoms include pain and stiffness that may make it difficult toclimb stairs or kneel.

Many women have MMS and kneecap alignment issues, making themmore prone to developing runner's knee. In athletes, runner's knee can also result from overuseand overtraining.

To preventpatellofemoral syndrome:

  • Change your activity level gradually.
  • Use proper sports training techniques.
  • Check your footwear and equipment to ensure proper fit.

To treatpatellofemoral syndrome:

  • Reduce your activity level if possible, or cross-train to reduce stress on the knee.
  • NSAIDs, RICE, and compression can be used for pain and swelling.
  • Physical therapy canstretch and strengthen the knee and surrounding muscles.
  • Braces and foot orthotics may be prescribed by an orthopedist for ongoing support.


A band of connective tissue called the plantar fasciaruns along the soleof the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes. Sometimes when the fascia gets overstretched it develops tears that cause pain, inflammation, and stiffness, usually under the heel.

Women are more prone to plantarfasciitis than men. Athletes may get plantar fasciitis if they have flat feet or unusually high arches, if they are on their feet for many hours, or if their calf muscles are too tight.

To treat plantarfasciitis:

  • Stretch the calves, Achilles tendon, and the bottom of the foot.
  • Massage therapymay bring some relief.
  • Foot orthotics (supports inserted into the shoes) prescribed by an orthopedist may help.
  • Surgery is a possibility when the condition does not respond to other techniques.

Shin Splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, or MTSS)

Shin splints is a term to describe anterior (frontal) lower leg pain caused by overtraining. Women are more likely to develop shin splints than men, and are about three times as likely to see their splints develop into stress fractures.

To treat shin splints:

  • Rest. If you must exercise, try a lower impact alternative while you recover, such as swimming.
  • Ice your leg.
  • Stretch your Achilles and calves regularly.
  • Make sure you're wearing proper footwear.

Rotator cuff (shoulder) injuries

Most Common Sports Injuries for Women (4)

Rotator cuff tears and degenerationare often the result ofa*ge and overuse. However, in women athletes, these injuries can bethe result of repetitive actions (such as reaching upward or completing a swimming stroke) or falling on an outstretched hand (for example, when diving in volleyball).

Women are more prone to shoulder injuries than men. This may be caused bygreater shoulder instability due toless upper body strength, weaker rotator cuffs andperiscapular muscles, and looser supporting tissues.

To prevent shoulder injuries:

  • Useweight training to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder, upper back, and arm. (See a sports medicine expert or orthopedist for recommended exercises.)
  • Stretch regularly to maintain flexibility.

To treatshoulder injuries:

  • Rest and, if directed by an orthopedist, immobilize the shoulder.
  • Use NSAIDs ortopical pain reducers.
  • Strengthen the joint with physical therapy exercises prescribed by an orthopedist or expert insports medicine.
  • Shoulder surgery (such as arthroscopy) may be necessary in some cases.

Stress fractures

Stress fractures are overuse injuries to the bone caused by muscle fatigue. Due to a loss of bone mass that begins around age 30, women are more likely than men to get stress fractures, particularly in the lower legs and feet. Training too rigorously too quickly (as opposed to gradually increasing over time) also increase your risk of injury.

Other contributing factors include beingtoo lean or eating too restrictive a diet. Some women, particularly endurance athletes like long distance runners, can developmenstrual abnormalities that reduce estrogen levels in the body. Too little estrogen can weaken the bones, making themmore prone to injury.

To preventstress fractures:

  • Eat enough calories, especiallyif you are active.
  • Consume foods high in bone-building nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, and iron.
  • Gradually increase your training intensity over time.

To treatstress fractures:

  • Refrainfrom weight-bearing activities until your fracture heals (usually, six to eight weeks).
  • Take NSAIDs and use RICE treatment as needed.
  • If your fractures come back,your orthopedist may recommend shoe inserts or braces.
  • For severe fractures or fractures that won't heal, visit an orthopedist to talk about fracture care management or bone growth stimulation.

Sports that causethe most injuries for women

Most Common Sports Injuries for Women (5)

Generally, the sportsand activities that seem to reportthe most injuries to womeninclude:

  • Basketball (ACL, concussions)
  • Cheerleading/Dance (ACL, stress fractures)
  • Gymnastics (herniated discs, tendinitis, wrist and ankle sprains)
  • Lacrosse (ACL, concussions)
  • Running/Track and Field/Cross Country (ACL, stress fractures)
  • Soccer (ACL, concussions)
  • Softball(rotator cuff, shoulder)
  • Swimming (rotator cuff, shoulder)
  • Volleyball(ACL, rotator cuff, shoulder)

The bottom line: sports injuries happen; no physician can guarantee you will not get injured at some point. However, with proper training techniques, equipment, andawareness, you can minimize your risk of some of the most common sports injuries affecting women.

If you are injured, an orthopedic specialist can help to assess your condition and prescribe a rehabilitation plan to get you back into the game.Give Coastal Orthopedics located in Corpus Christi, TX a call and ask for a consultation. Telephone:361.994.1166.

Article written by: Rob Williams, MD

Most Common Sports Injuries for Women (6)

Rob S Williams, MD

Dr. Williams has been practicing orthopedic surgery in Corpus Christi since 1998. After graduating from Texas Tech hereceived his medical degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio. At the prestigious Campbell Clinic located at the University of Tennessee, Dr. Williams completed not only an Orthopedic Surgery Residency, but an additional year of Fellowship Training in Spine Surgery. Dr. Williams is dedicated to creating an excellent patient experience in the office or in the surgery suite.


Most Common Sports Injuries for Women (2024)


What is the most common injury in female athletes? ›

ACL Strains and Tears

Some of the most common injuries that happen to both males and females, but especially females, are ACL strains and tears. Your ACL is one of the major ligaments in your knee.

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Sports that cause the most injuries for women

Basketball (ACL, concussions) Cheerleading/Dance (ACL, stress fractures) Gymnastics (herniated discs, tendinitis, wrist and ankle sprains) Lacrosse (ACL, concussions)

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The rate of injury is slightly higher for women

"One anatomical difference between men and women leading to greater predisposition to lower extremity injuries is the wider female pelvis, which results in a larger Q-angle," says Erik Thorell, DO. "This results in increased stress across the knee in particular."

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Competitive level was a significant moderator of match injury incidence (p = 0.0315), with elite youth female athletes having greater pooled injury incidence rates than non-elite athletes (21.9 injury per 1000 h, 95% CI 16–29.8 vs. 12.1 injuries per 1000 h, 95% CI 7.9–18.4, respectively) (Fig.

Why do female athletes get injured more? ›

Women already face a dual whammy – smaller, thinner bones than men, and the role estrogen plays in bone development and maintenance. That's why eating right and having a good training balance are both important.

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Sports like American football, rugby, and ice hockey typically have the highest injury rates due to their physical nature and frequent contact.

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Gymnastics is known as the hardest sport in the world. Many people don't understand why it's so difficult, but at Virginia Elite Gymnastics Academy, we know all too well!

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What sports are easy for girls? Some sports that are generally considered easier for girls to start with include swimming, dancing, gymnastics, field hockey, and tennis. These sports often offer a welcoming and inclusive environment for girls of all skill levels.

What is the single greatest cause of injury to women? ›

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women aged 15 to 44. Can Fam Physician.

Why do so many female athletes tear their ACL? ›

The structure of the knee joint in women plays a big role in putting them at a higher risk for an ACL tear. Women's joints — including the knee — generally have more looseness and range of motion than men's.

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Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women – more than car accidents, muggings and rapes combined.

How often do female athletes get injured? ›

In contrast, there were significant differences within sports (Figure 2): the mean number of injuries per athlete was significantly greater in male hockey players compared to females (male=2.1, female=1.5), female basketball players compared to males (female=2.4, male=1.5) and male soccer players compared to female ...

What sport has the highest risk of injury? ›

Sports with the most injuries. The sports with the most injuries are contact sports such as basketball, football, soccer, rugby, and hockey, all of which are high-intensity sports with frequent and sometimes high-impact contact between players.

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Concussions constituted 3% (47/1527) of all injuries, with more than half of them (55%, 26/47) due to ball-related impact. Conclusion An elite women's football team can expect approximately 35 time-loss injuries per season. Thigh muscle injury was the most common injury and ACL injury had the highest injury burden.

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Ankle Ligament Sprains

Ankle sprains are the most frequent injury associated with basketball at all levels of play.

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By far, the most common injuries are sprains and strains. Obviously, some sports are more dangerous than others.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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