NaClO3 - Sodium Chlorate Structure, Molecular Mass, Properties and Uses (2024)

Table of Contents

    • What is Sodium Chlorate?
    • Sodium Chlorate Structure – NaClO3
    • Physical Properties of Sodium Chlorate – NaClO3
    • Chemical Properties of Sodium Chlorate – NaClO3
    • Uses of Sodium Chlorate – NaClO3
    • Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sodium Chlorate?

Sodium chlorate is a powerful oxidising agent produced industrially by the electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions. The chemical formula for sodium chlorate is NaClO3. It is a white crystalline solid form of cubic crystals with hygroscopicity. It decomposes slowly at about 300oC to oxygen and salt. Sodium chlorate is produced electrolytically from sodium chloride. In this process, the pH of the reaction must be strictly controlled to obtain sodium chlorate as a product and the temperature is elevated and kept at 70oC.

Other names – Chloric acid sodium salt, Chlorate de sodium

NaClO3Sodium Chlorate
Density2.5 g/cm³
Molecular Weight/ Molar Mass106.44 g/mol
Boiling Point300–400 °C
Melting Point248–261 °C
Chemical FormulaNaClO3

Sodium Chlorate Structure – NaClO3

NaClO3 - Sodium Chlorate Structure, Molecular Mass, Properties and Uses (1)

Physical Properties of Sodium Chlorate – NaClO3

AppearancePale yellow to white crystalline solid
Covalently-Bonded Unit2
Heat capacity298.15 K, J/mol·K
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor3
SolubilitySoluble in water and glycerol

Chemical Properties of Sodium Chlorate – NaClO3

          • Sodium Chlorate reacts with potassium bromide and hydrochloric acid forms potassium chloride, sodium chloride, bromine and water.

NaClO3 + 6KBr + 6HCl → 6KCl + NaCl + 3H2O + 3Br2

          • Sodium Chlorate reacts with potassium iodide and hydrochloric acid forms sodium chloride, potassium chloride, iodine and water.

NaClO3 + 6KI + 6HCl → NaCl + 3I2 + 3H2O + 6KCl

Uses of Sodium Chlorate – NaClO3

        • It is a commodity chemical that has only one single major use as bleaching pulp in the production of paper.
        • Used in the Solvay process uses sodium chlorate and sulfuric acid, with methanol as the reducing agent.
        • Used as an oxidising agent in the dye-stuffs industry and an oxidising and bleaching agent.
        • Finds additional use in the explosives, match and pharmaceutical industries.
        • Major sodium perchlorate produced is used for the production of other perchlorate and perchloric acid.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is the formula of Sodium Chlorate?



What is the Oxidation state of Chlorine in Sodium Chlorate?

The oxidation state of Chlorine in Sodium Chlorate is +5 { 3 × (-2) + (+1) + x =0 , x= +5}.


How does Sodium Chlorate appear at room temperature?

Neoprene is the first ever discovered synthetic rubber formed by isoprene. Isoprene is obtained by destructive distillation of natural rubber. Neoprene is stronger, harder and more water, oil and solvent resistant than natural rubber.

NaClO3 - Sodium Chlorate Structure, Molecular Mass, Properties and Uses (2024)


What are the uses of NaClO3? ›

Sodium chlorate is an inorganic sodium salt that has chlorate as the counter-ion. An oxidising agent, it is used for bleaching paper and as a herbicide. It is also used in the manufacture of dyes, explosives and matches. It has a role as a herbicide.

What is the molecular mass of NaClO3? ›

What are the properties of sodium chloride used for? ›

This compound is water-soluble and consists of sodium cation and chloride anion. The sodium and chloride ions are present in the ratio of 1:1. It is widely known as table salt and is mostly used in the food industry for preservation and flavouring. The pH of sodium chloride is 7.

What are the commercial uses of sodium chlorate? ›

Sodium Chlorate is an odorless, pale yellow to white, crystalline (sugar-like) solid that is often used in a water solution. It is used in making herbicides, explosives, dyes, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, paper, and other chemicals.

What are the properties of chlorate? ›

Chlorate, inorganic, n.o.s. is a white crystalline. It is soluble in water. The material itself is noncombustible, but it can form a very flammable mixture with combustible materials, and this mixture may be explosive if the combustible material is very finely divided. The mixture can be ignited by friction.

What is sodium carbonate and its uses? ›

1) To manufacture glass, soap, borax and caustic soda. 2) It is used in water softening in laundry and cleaning. 3) In qualitative and quantitative analysis, it is important reagent. 4) It is used in paper, paints and textile industries.

Why was sodium chlorate banned? ›

In the past, the main use of sodium chlorate was as a pesticide, largely to kill weeds and undesirable foliage. Sodium chlorate is harmful to both humans and the environment. Therefore, the sale and use of sodium chlorate in plant protection products and pesticides in the EU is banned.

What are the properties and uses of sodium? ›

Uses and properties

Sodium is a soft metal that tarnishes within seconds of being exposed to the air. It also reacts vigorously with water. Sodium is used as a heat exchanger in some nuclear reactors, and as a reagent in the chemicals industry.

What are five properties of sodium chloride? ›

Sodium Chloride Properties (Theoretical)
Compound FormulaClNa
Boiling Point1,413° C (2,575° F)
Density2.16 g/cm3
Solubility in H2O35.7 at 273K GPa
Crystal Phase / StructureFCC
10 more rows

What are four properties of sodium chloride? ›

Sodium chloride
Density2.17 g/cm3
Melting point800.7 °C (1,473.3 °F; 1,073.8 K)
Boiling point1,465 °C (2,669 °F; 1,738 K)
Solubility in water360 g/L (25°C)
53 more rows

What is NaClO3 in chemistry? ›

Sodium Chlorate is an inorganic chemical compound with a formula NaClO3. It a white crystalline powder that is hygroscopic in nature. Sodium chlorate can be produced by the electrolysis of hot sodium chloride solution. The other name of sodium chlorate is sodium chlorate (V).

Is sodium chlorate toxic to humans? ›

Symptoms of oral ingestion of sodium chlorate include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pallor, blueness, shortness of breath, unconsciousness and collapse (205, 348).

Can sodium chlorate generate oxygen? ›

A chlorate candle, or an oxygen candle, is a cylindrical chemical oxygen generator that contains a mix of sodium chlorate and iron powder, which when ignited smolders at about 600 °C (1,112 °F), producing sodium chloride, iron oxide, and at a fixed rate of about 6.5 man-hours of oxygen per kilogram of the mixture.

Where is sodium carbonate mostly used? ›

Sodium carbonate, also known as soda or soda ash, is an industrial chemical with multiple uses. The most popular uses of this chemical are in the making of coloring dyes and agents, fertilizers, synthetic detergents and fresh water treatment.

How is chlorite used in everyday life? ›

It is used mainly for the generation of chlorine dioxide in situ for bleaching textiles, in pulp and paper processing, and for disinfection. Sodium chlorite is used in a small number of water treatment plants to generate chlorine dioxide; this may result in low residual concentrations of chlorite in drinking-water.

How is chlorate used? ›

Chlorate is used in explosives and also as a pesticide. Hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide use as disinfectants are by far the principal sources in drinking water.

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