Why Lexie Wright From Chicago P.D. Looks So Familiar - Looper (2024)

Why Lexie Wright From Chicago P.D. Looks So Familiar - Looper (1)

Arnold Turner/Getty

Lexie Wright may have only been a minor character on "Chicago P.D.," but the dark-haired exotic dancer made an impression on some viewers who couldn't help but wonder where they'd seen her before. In the episode "The Forgotten," Lexie was revealed to be a long-time informant for Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas) and Hank Voight (Jason Beghe). When Lexie went missing after what was supposed to be her last undercover job, Detectives Olinsky and Voight searched for her, only to realize she'd been abducted by someone who had already kidnapped and killed three other women. Lexie was eventually found gagged and dead in a cage, dealing a blow to Voight, who discovered her body.

While Lexie was never seen again on "Chicago P.D.," the actress who played her has appeared in many projects before and since her role in the NBC police drama. Here's why you might have recognized actor Cynthia Rodriguez.

She played Daniella on Animal Kingdom

Why Lexie Wright From Chicago P.D. Looks So Familiar - Looper (2)

Warner Horizon Television

According to her IMDb profile, another of Cynthia Rodriguez's most notable roles was as Daniella Garcia on the TV drama "Animal Kingdom." She was a recurring character in Season 3 of the TNT series, about a Southern California family and their criminal activities. When family matriarch Smurf (Ellen Barkin) goes to prison for murder at the end of Season 2, she continues to run her family and organization from behind bars in Season 3, making friends with the other inmates on her cell block. One of those inmates was Daniella Garcia, who Smurf paid to protect her from her enemies on the inside.

Daniella was beautiful and street smart, and she gifted Smurf with a shiv after the latter betrayed a fellow inmate, making Smurf a target of the other woman's gang. Appearing in four episodes, Daniella was not seen again after Smurf was released from prison, but Rodriguez moved on to different roles.

She co-starred on Pump

Cynthia Rodriguez describes herself as a fitness enthusiast on her Instagram profile, which made her the perfect actress to play Serenity on the UrbanFlix TV series "Pump." The show follows a former TV fitness guru named Sean Ford (Ray J), who returns to the humble gym where his career started after a scandal topples his fitness empire. Serenity is one of his friends and co-workers known for her feistiness and anger issues. The first season aired in 2020, and since then, Rodriguez has also guest-starred on the TV series "The Lower Bottoms" and has a role in the independent film "Good Intentions."

Next up for Rodriguez is a supporting role in the independent movie "3am in Hollywood," which IMDbdescribes as a movie about a young woman who experiences a shocking night in Hollywood after waking up on a bathroom floor at — you guessed it — 3:00 a.m. in Hollywood.


Why Lexie Wright From Chicago P.D. Looks So Familiar - Looper (2024)
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