Outdated macOS and How to Upgrade – UVM Knowledge Base (2024)

Outdated macOS and How to Upgrade – UVM Knowledge Base (1)If your computer is running macOS 10.15 Catalina or older, it will need to be updated or replaced to continue receiving security updates, as well as updates and new features for commonly used applications (such as the Microsoft Office 365 suite and Teams).

Apple only officially supports the three most recent versions of macOS which is currently 11 Big Sur, 12 Monterey, and 13 Ventura. Right now there is a fourth because 14 Sonoma was just released on 9/26/2023, but UVM typically recommends waiting a couple weeks after release before upgrading to the very latest version.

If you’re running an older version of macOS, it is no longer receiving security or stability updates. Running out-of-date, unpatched software, including operating systems, puts your data and the university at increased risk, and the university may restrict network access for devices running unsupported operating systems.

All UVM-owned computers running macOS 10.15 Catalina or older must be updated or replaced as soon as possible to comply with the University Information Security Policy.

Which macOS version is installed?

  1. From the Apple menu in the top left corner of your screen, choose About This Mac.
  2. You’ll see the macOS name and version number (“macOS Catalina version 10.15.5” in the example below, which is too old) as well as your computer model and year.
    Outdated macOS and How to Upgrade – UVM Knowledge Base (2)
  3. If your computer is running macOS 10.15 Catalina or older it will need to be upgraded or replaced – make a note of your installed macOS version and your computer’s model and year as that information will be helpful when upgrading macOS.

Can my computer run a newer OS?

If you are running an older OS, you can look at the hardware requirements for the currently supported versions of macOS to see if your computer is capable of running them:

If your computer does not meet the minimum requirements for Big Sur, you will not be able to install a supported version of macOS. If this is the case, you will need to replace your current computer with a newer model.

How to upgrade macOS

The process of upgrading your computer varies depending on which version of macOS is currently installed on your computer and how the computer is managed.

Back up your data!

While data loss is relatively rare when upgrading macOS, it is best practice to backup your data via Time Machine or OneDrive before continuing.

UVM-Owned Apple computer

Outdated macOS and How to Upgrade – UVM Knowledge Base (3)

If your computer is managed by UVM, updates should be installed via an application called Managed Software Center. You can find that in your Applications folder or via Spotlight search. Open the app, select the Updates tab, and then click Update All.

Upgrade from macOS 10.11 or newer

If you are running macOS10.11 or newer, you should be able to upgrade to at least macOS 10.15 Catalina. To see if your computer can upgrade beyond that, check Apple’s compatibility info and installation instructions.

Upgrade from macOS 10.10 or lower

If you are running macOS10.10 or lower, you will need to upgrade your computer to 10.11 El Capitan first. Once your computer has successfully upgraded to macOS 10.11 you can use the steps above to upgrade to a supported version of macOS.

Where can I get help with upgrading macOS?

Studentscan contact the Tech Team for assistance with or questions about upgrading their machine to a supported version of macOS.

Faculty, Staff, and Employees shouldcontact their IT support unit. If you do not know who your IT Support Provider is, please use theIT Lookup Toolto locate the appropriate support resource for your department.

Known Issues with Unsupported macOS

Known issues related to running unsupported macOS versions on your computer:

Office 365 and Teams feature updates

Apple only supports the three most recent versions of its macOS operating system – this means many software developers will only release feature and security updates to devices that are running a supported version of macOS.

Running an unsupported version of macOS may limit access to features and collaboration tools in Microsoft Teams (such as breakout rooms) and Microsoft Office products.

Connection Is Not Private - uvm.edu sites

Outdated macOS and How to Upgrade – UVM Knowledge Base (4)

The macOS operating system has root certificates built into it that allow your browser and other applications to validate the various websites and servers your computer connects to. This establishes a chain of trust that helps to prevent malicious actors from posing as legitimate websites.

Unsupported versions of macOS receive the “Your connection is not private” error because the root certificate that was used to vouch for UVM sites expired on May 30, 2020. The new root certificate used to validate connections to most uvm.edu sites is not included in macOS versions 10.11 or lower, which is why those systems can’t establish a chain of trust.

This issue can be resolved by upgrading your macOS version to 10.14 or higher using the steps above.

Outdated macOS and How to Upgrade – UVM Knowledge Base (2024)
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