Part 2 Drafts Tenders what does it mean? (2024)

With the holidays quickly approaching IT only means one thing. Our email intbox has disgruntled players looking for a new home and teams looking for players.

So first the disgruntked players some are unhappy with coach, playing time, team sucks or all the above. So here is my first question do you have an advisor If you do I'm sorry I dont take away clients. If they don't have an advisor why not? Then we do some research on the player and make a decision if we want to be their advisor or not.

Now teams looking for players Are they short because of injuries looking to make a playoff run or they suck and need guys. Depending on the teams needs and players that fit the need we match them up.

If you are a player or a team in any of the above situations email us and we will have another present for you under the tree if we don't think we can help we will

December 9, 2022

Today's topic Is ETHICS Since when does advisors continue to talk to clients that are already under contract? Since when does advisors bad mouth other advisors to deflect their flaws

If ANY TOP HOCKEY PROSPECT advisor or scout badmouths another advisor or tries to take you from your current advsor while under contract please let us know ASAP

Not only is it bushleague but it truly shows what that advisor is all about and clearly has ZERO ETHICS

December 2, 2022

Well been a very busy week haven't really thought of a topic for this week's TELL IT LIKE IT IS.
So we are just going to wing IT sort of speak.

So this goes to coaches you are being paid to coach and teach young men and ladies on how to play the game of hockey the correct way.
We have been to or have watched since September over 200 games.

So that would be give or take about 300 different coaches at u15 u16 u18 and all levels of Juniors. I d say about a dozen coaches had systems in place or correcting players when they got off the ice when they did something wrong.

Players and parents are paying alot of money to play and develop. Part of this money is paying your salary. People need to start being held accountable and it starts with the coaches.

November 26, 2022

So it has been a few weeks and we told you once our clients were safe we would reveal the Junior team we were referring to.

But we can't until we reveal the latest scum moves. So this owner released a player and 4 weeks later includes him in a trade to an unsuspected team that had no idea that this owner no longer held his rights. So at least we can say that this owner is an Equal opportunist that isn't afraid to do to a player, a parent and even a fellow team owner.

So here is it is the team is in the GMHL and let's just say that everything that has happened has been a BLUNDER and don't you know it now im a poet

November 19, 2022

Well today's subject is on ADVISORS . When I say "ADVISORS" I'm going to put it in parenthesis.

It is our opinion that a family advisor should have some type of background in the sport you are advising Example you should had played or coached Juniors College Pros even scout or GM would give you credibility of having a network you can rely on to assist your clients.

There are more and more 'advisors" out there and the majority of them are not in it for their clients but their clients wallets and do not fit in the criteria we mentioned above.

There are "advisors' who have allegedly stolen money from multiple leagues that they were in charge of forming and folding. Others who skim off the top and work deals with coaches and when the owner finds out fire his coach.

So as an additional service to the public we would like players/parents to write us of your sh*tSHOW experience with advisors. If you want to remain anonymous we have no issues in doing that as well.

We are aware of one "advisor" in the process of a class action lawsuit of 14 clients this person did wrong but this "advisor " is always slamming others. TICK TOCK TICK TOCK the time is near TELL IT LIKE IT IS until NEXT TIME

NOVEMBER 12, 2022

Thank you for your service to this country. Your bravery, sacrifice, and strength do not go unnoticed, and we will always be indebted to you and your family for all that you have given to the country. I would like to thank you very much for your service! Thank you for your time, bravery, and sacrifice for this country.

NOVEMBER 5, 2022

Well we received alot of sh*tshow stories that players are having on the teams they are on.

So let's share some sh*tshow stories

7 goalies on the team
Team apparel HAT
1 practice a week
Players run gym session no adults
Players shoving refs stay on team
Players bullying and threatening teammates
A coach doing illegal drugs with a player
Players telling coach to go f himself no discipline

Sleeping in a living room at billet home
4 skaters and a goalie for a home game
Canceling a game in your own tournament not having enough players

We are currently helping these players find new teams after we secure them new homes We will expose these FRAUDS and THIEVES

OCTOBER 28, 2022

As some of our other topics in the past as hit home or ruffled some feathers this one is no different.


What is a players/team contract?
It is an agreement with what the team will provide in services, products and training in exchange for commitment and let's face it MONEY.

So let's give you a real life scenario to help explain this to team owners players and parents

I hire "Bob" to paint my house 🏠. He quotes me 10k I pay him 5k he comes one day doesn't finish and never comes back. Do I owe him the other 5k? The answer is no because I paid for a service and Bob didn't finish the service.

So the message to team owners if you say you are going to provide A B C and only provide A don't expect to be paid in full and don't even think to ask any of my clients for more money until all services are rendered.

It's a service contract no service no money and that's why WE TELL IT LIKE IT IS

OCTOBER 21,2022


What is a family advisor? A person who has an extensive background and network in the specific sport that can help a player and family help them through the process to achieve clients goals.

Where do I find a family advisor? That's easy or 774 250 2880.

Who that's easy as well TOP HOCKEY PROSPECT

Why Top Hockey Prospect? If you want honestly experienced and affordability.

When you feel that it is time to achieve short term and long term goals and need assistance achieving them.

How send your resume, and short video. We will give you a FREE consultation and if we feel we can advance you we will request to setup a call to discuss our program and services

Unlike other services we are selective we don't take everyone who has a pulse and a wallet!

OCTOBER 14, 2022

We want to alert players and families that there are Academies popping up everywhere.

There are specific academies that have been getting away with bullying, underage drinking, threats to peers lives and these are just a few examples that have occurred.

None of these incidents have been reported to authorities but hidden by the coaches. Crimes have been committed and not reported to police.

Letters have been written by concerned parents to complain about some of these issues but still no one has done anything.

Well we strongly suggest that these same parents send those letters to Department of Education of that State, State Police to name a few. Money can not prevent this to be KNOWN! This needs to stop and Stop Now!!!

One of these academies are portraying themselves as AAA but have played majority AA teams. Not only is the play subpar but the instruction and the development not to mention ethics of some these coaches are the poster child for BULLYING mental abuse and since majority of these players are minors its Child Abuse.

We are following up with the parents and encourage the parents out there talk to your sons and if this sounds like your academy please report them for the sake of your son, his teammates and God forbid new players

October 7, 2022

Well we now have gotten into our seasons so now is a good time to reflect on our past Spring and Summer tryouts

We are going to specifically look at Juniors and Tier 2. How much did all your camps, hotels travel cost? 5k 10k maybe more for what to play FREE hockey and now you didn't make a Tier 2 team and are now paying play to pay for another 10K or more if you went this path last year you should talk to TOP HOCKEY PROSPECT clients out of our 35+ clients total not more than 3 4k tops combine was spent if that combined. You are saying what that's impossible! Did your advisor get you all these Main Camp Invites? Ask him how much he made sending you there? if you were in this above example contact us Our clients are happy they didn't make those mistakes #contactus #tellitlikeitis #tophockeyprospect

SEPTEMBER 30, 2022

Well this edition is not going to sit well with some.

We would like to first state that the following examples are real and have happened and to protect the players who are the victims in all of these situations we will refrain from naming who this "coach" is as he has already caused harn to many.

We also would like to state that the coach in question teams owner has been notified and league regarding some of these incidents.

So we will just list events no chronological order

1) hosted several parties where he invited players over where underage players were offered and served alcohol

2) shown up to games and practices on multiple occasions under the influence

3) verbally and mentally abuse players with bullying tactics and threats to prevent player advancement

4) spreading lies about players who depart team to former teammates friends and fellow coaches

5) targeting certain players based on decisions they made to help with their career

We do not understand how this individual is still associated with players the organization the league and in the sport in general . We don't understand why this organizations owner and league is risking their reputation to allow him to manipulate his power as he has done. There is video proof and written proof of these above allegations. I'm sure there is more out there and we suggest to send to us if you want to remain anonymous we respect that as well. This needs to stop before even more are hurt.

In conclusion there is multiple sources so the old adage of if it looks like a duck walks like a duck it must be a duck
#needstostop #bullying

SEPTEMBER 23, 2022

Today we are going to talk about the reason why Tier 2 leagues need to reevaluate their roster structure

So the development ladder is supposed to be U16, U18 Tier 3 to Tier 2. Now everyone's path is different and some may skip a few steps to get to Tier 2 but this is the "ladder of development "

Well today we are going to focus on roster composition. At the moment we personally know over 25 teams needing players those team consist of U16 U18 and various leagues in Tier 3. Now Tier 2 protected lists in some cases have expanded all the way to 70 players but ordinarily start at 30 and narrow down. Well now new standard is 23 to 30 for a roster

So let's look at 30 man roster and let's use as an example 18 forwards 9 defensem*n 3 goalies. In this example you dress 20 12 forwards 6 D and 2 goalies which translates to 6 forwards 3 defensem*n and a goalie are in the stands.

So let's do a little math that's 10 guys who should playing not in stands. Meanwhile we have 25 teams "in the ladder of development " with a short roster. 45 teams with 10 extra is 450 guys which in can fill 25 entire teams and more.

So you tell me is this truly a "ladder of development "? Sorry to break the news it's NOT. We TELL IT LIKE IT IS

SEPTEMBER 16, 2022

Our 1st edition of the season we will ease people into the season especially to the newcomers to our blog.

This is for teams and organizations who receive a player from another team who has already committed to play at a school. The team has done nothing to assist this player to get committed how can you take credit for it?

You then look at that same team and they have like 15 D1 commits none of the 15 was committed by said team. Now you would figure with that many D1 commits team is a powerhouse right? Nope they always struggle to be 500 and make playoffs.

So what's the problem with this ? Team can't advance anyone nor can the coach win nor has he at any level he has coached at. Hmm nothing to see here!

Well welcome to another season of TELL IT LIKE IT IS! We will have alot of FUN this year!

MARCH 25, 2022

ATTENTION 2001 AND 2002 PLAYERS AND PARENTS Two years we wrote a series on how Covid 19 would affect the sport of hockey. Despite nailing most of our predictions months before they occurred Covid is still effecting College and Junior Hockey. We have recently learned that there are over 100 players in the transfer portal. This means over 100 players Division 1 and 3 are seeking to move teams. With the recent success of UNE receiving numerous former Division 1 players via transfers and it paying dividends immediately it has put a damper on commitments. So with that being said schools with late transfer dates or rolling admissions are holding out that some D1 transfers fall in their lap. So you take Portal transfers, USHL, NAHL, NCDC, CANADIAN LEAGUES, and Prep all ahead of Tier 3 Junior hockey. Don't panic be patient as difficult as that sounds. There is a process just now its an additional process. You have questions we will answer them because We #TELLITLIKEITIS #tophockeyprospect

MARCH 18, 2022

Well as most teams seasons are over we reach out to players who turned down our service. We have kept a tabs on their progress. We took a look at 5 players who chose they knew more. Well all of them went into situations if they were our client we wouldn't have put them in. We are briefly going to give you an example of one of the players. His team is going to Nationals so your saying how did he make wrong decision? Well the player isn't going because he made decision not to give this coach more money. He is an ageout and has not played a game in a month. We told this player coach only wanted his money. In our discussion he stated you were right. Well the purpose of telling everyone this is not to gloat its to let you know that Top Hockey Prospect will always have your back not your wallet. Coaches have their own agenda Top Hockey Prospect s agenda is our clients and we #tellitlikeitis #Tophockeyprospect

MARCH 11, 2022

TELL IT LIKE IT IS After seeing about a dozen Junior playoffs games this year we have a question. Does any coaches make in game adjustments? In the games we have seen the answer is NO! Players are paying good money to play and be coached. I know for one thing you join Top Hockey Prospect you will be coached even if your coach doesn't

March 4, 2022


REFLECT Now that most teams regular seasons have concluded and some teams are in playoffs its time to reflect. Reflect on what you did as a player everyday to make your team better and yourself better? If you are honest with yourself that you probably didn't do the most you could possibly do then there are decisions to be made. Is it time to move on with life? Or I need to get more focused and driven. If its the latter the first step is contact Top Hockey Prospect They will hold you accountable and make sure that no more days are wasted.

February 21, 2922


We would like to give a first hand account of this incident as well as some additional FACTS. The purpose of writing this sole reason is protecting and defending our clients on South Shore Kings Premier team along with their teammates.

We will start off with we do not condone the actions of said player nor is he a client. However here are a list of facts that need to be presented.

1) Said player had a prior altercation with two of the three officials that had done the game in a previous showcase

2) A linesman can not stop play to issue a penalty unless it's too many men on the ice other than that must report any major or egregious to the re

f 3) The penalties that were called were non team offending actions misconducts ejections game misconduct etc

4) SSK were given a 5 minute major and also had to have someone to serve the penalty. In addition a power play goal was scored on a 5 on 3 when they should had never been penalized to begin with. Also during this time during the penalty kill they suffered two player injuries 1 for rest of season.

5) This errant power play caused a severe momentum change cost them a goal, 2 injuries, 2 playoff roster spots, potential scouting opportunities and essentially was a contributing deciding factor of the end result of the game and potentially this team's playoff hopes and season

So we have so many questions that need to be answered for these players.

A) why was the player not previously suspended when threatening these officials before and a league official

b) why were these same officials allowed to officiate this game

C) why did linesman blow the whistle and throw player out

D) why was a 5 minute major awarded

E) will the Ssk be able to have exception to add 2 players to their playoff roster This team has advanced 3 players to ncdc and battled all kinds of adversity and secure #2seed. They have put in so much effort thus far and have paid all kinds of money to receive not only more punishment but risk more injuries due to errant decisions made by others to decide their future. These players and parents deserve answers

TELL IT LIKE IT IS THE FUNNEL In all sports from youth to high school college and even pro there is a term we like to use it's called a funnel. Let us explain in youth hockey everyone plays high school there are cuts not everyone plays juniors more cuts college even more cuts and pro even more cuts. It's the reality of sports. Juniors is in that smaller part of funnel. There are healthy scratches(imagine that you pay and you don't play)same in college as well as pro. So here is the major problem with the funnel and the sport of ice hockey as we see it. Too many teams too many bad coaches recruiters and owners and not enough good talent. The funnel is not a new theory problem is there is no funnel for bad coaches and teams. These same bad coaches play youth hockey rolls 4 lines 8 d everyone plays. If the funnel is there for players it needs to be there for coaches and teams. It's time to expose the youth hockey mentality in Juniors.

THE DAY AFTER Well February 11th the day after US Junior team playoff/roster deadline. Time to reflect on some of the most idiotic happenings that we got to hear. A team will not add anyone because they are on a road trip. Um there is a new thing called INTERNET! Several teams coaches not having access to the information of player transactions. WHAT? How can you do your job without that access? Multiple cellar dwellers looking to sell their players for as much as $3500. Is this not to give a player especially an ageout an opportunity to make playoffs and more exposure? Midnight deadline teams submitting rosters hours before deadline. These were playoff teams desperately needing players. So here is our conclusion for DEADLINE DAY 2022 Juniors is no longer about player development and to get players to the next level. It's ALL about the đź’° đź’¸ đź’˛ If you don't want one of these scenarios to happen to you next season contact us because we #TELLITLIKEITIS

February 4, 2022

ATTENTION TIER 3 JUNIOR PLAYERS AND PARENTS Why is February 10th an important day? All tier 3 leagues rosters/protected lists are frozen!!! If you are on a playoff or near playoff team your GM and head coach are looking for better players to replace players on your team Are you a scratch now or 4th liner you should be worried!! Are you on a bad team and your coach and GM hasn't approached you and ask if you want to go to a playoff team? Do you have an advisor and he hasn't spoken to you in last month to see what you want to do before the deadline? Do you have a plan if you get released between now and February 10th? WAKE UP⏰️ if you are in any of these scenarios or don't know the meaning of February 10th you need to contact us NOW before it's too LATE.

JANUARY 28, 2022

ATTENTION Tier 3 league officials, owners and coaches. All leagues need to do a better job policing teams who are clearly violating protocols. Here are examples of where these protocols are being violated billeting, ( 9 players in a house with a coach among 1 of the violations) no busses over 100 miles no food on road trips, charging extra money for road trips for buses and hotels that was already covered in tuition.

These are just some examples that teams are clearly not following the rules.

But there is some more disturbing ones that we have been told. Coaches being intoxicated on benches during games or too intoxicated to run a practice. Allowing players to smoke in their cars and then come on bus for a road trip with no discipline or even reporting it. One of these same coaches making inappropriate sexual innuendos in locker room.

So league officials need to spend less time on this show or that show because you are making junior hockey a sh*tSHOW!!!

Part 2 Drafts Tenders what does it mean? (2024)


What does a tender mean in the NAHL? ›

What is a tender? A tender is a contract, of sorts, a player signs announcing his intentions to play for that particular NAHL team and that NAHL team only. Once a player signs a tender with an NAHL team, his playing rights belong to that team within the NAHL and he may not be recruited by any other NAHL team.

What does tender mean in the USHL draft? ›

The USHL tender process allows teams to sign up to two 2007 birth year players in exchange for their first and second-round picks in the 2023 USHL Phase I Draft, which will take place May 2, 2023.

How many tenders can a NAHL team have? ›

Each team is granted ten (10) tenders, which include two (2) tenders exclusively used on players from the NA3HL - plus or minus any trades - which became active on November 1st. Tendered players are not eligible for the 2023 NAHL Draft.

How many tenders does a USHL team get? ›

An organization can tender up to two players each season and forfeit their Phase I first and second-round picks in exchange for the rights to that player. However, it provides certainty on both ends as the player is taken off the draft board and will be on their respective team's roster the next season.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.