Postseason Share | Glossary | (2024)


Each postseason team receives a share of the money earned from playoff gate receipts. The World Series champion receives the highest percentage of the pool, followed by the World Series runner-up, and so on.

The players' pool is formed from 50 percent of the gate receipts from the Wild Card Games; 60 percent of the gate receipts from the first three games of the Division Series; 60 percent of the gate receipts from the first four games of the League Championship Series; and 60 percent of the gate receipts from the first four games of the World Series.

Players from each team vote on how many full or partial shares to award to other club personnel.


The 2019 players' pool amounted to $80,861,145.74. The World Series champion Nationals received $29,110,012.47 of that grand total, while the American League champion Astros received $19,406,674.98. The Nationals voted to award 61 full shares, which amounted to $382,358.18 each. They also issued 14.13 partial shares. The Astros awarded 57 full shares, which amounted to $256,030.16 each, and issued 13.58 partial shares.

Postseason Share | Glossary | (2024)
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