Pro and con: Is football too dangerous for kids? - WHYY (2024)

These two essays were written by students in Katherine Cohen’s 7th-grade English class at Greenberg Elementary in Northeast Philadelphia. The students were assigned the task of writing a persuasive letter. Some of those letters have been revised by the students and submitted to be published in various Philadelphia media outlets.

Paige Osborne: Football is too dangerous for children to play

What do you think of when you think of football? Children tackling each other, touch downs, or maybe even the NFL? Do you even think about the concussions, crippling diseases or even the Alezimer’s disease that your child can develop just from playing? Well these are consuquenses that are definitely part of football, and this brings up a serious question: Is football too dangerous for children to play? Football is too dangerous for children to play.

One reason football is too dangerous for children to play is because of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, otherwise known as CTE. It is a deadly brain disease that can develop from the repetitive hits and tackles young football playersexperience. Many parents start their children out at a very young age. However, because younger football players’ brains and bodies are not fully developed, they are more vulnerable to injuries, mainly to their brains. With more and more young people playing football, the risk of players becoming disabled is becoming greater and greater. Depression, behavior that is erratic, headaches, and Alzheimer’s disease (which does lead to death) are just some of the long-term effects of football. As a result, children should not play football due to its deadly effects.

Another reason is you are probably thinking, “My child is safe; they always have a helmet on when playing football.” Guess again, because no particular type of helmet can keep children 100 percent safe from injuries. It turns out when researchers tested different brands of helmets, they found virtually no difference in the safety of the headgear. Regarding the concussion rate, Xenith company brand helmets have over a 6 percent concussion rate, Riddell company has over a 9 percent concussion rate, and Schutt company headgear has over 8 percent concussion rate. You may not think these numbers are sufficient, but when you think of all the children that play football, the numbers really do add up. This is one of the many reasons why children should not play football. The helmets cannot always keep them safe.

The final reason why football is too dangerous for children to play is a concussion is one of the many risk factors of your child developing Alzheimer’s disease. A critical build up in protein in the brain, that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, has been proven to be five times more likely to occur in players that have had a concussion and memory loss. Drugs that have the potential to block the brain injury from turning into Alzheimer’s disease have not been created yet. Therefore, if your child played football and got a concussion which caused memory loss, they would be five times more likely for premature death.

Football is too dangerous. Players can develop CTE from just playing football, no safety gear can protect against this, and football or any sport can cause life-changing Alzheimer’s disease. In conclusion, these facts should be considered, and you should not sign your children up for football. It could mean the difference between your child living a handicapped life or a normal one.


Is football just too dangerous?” by Buzz Bissinger, New York Times Upfront Magazine
Alzheimer’s risk tied to concussion in some” by Karen Weintraub, USA Today
“No sports-gear brand leads field in averting concussion” in L.A. Times.

Queena Wong: Football is not too dangerous

Do you think football is too dangerous? People around the world think football is too dangerous, while others say it is not. Football is not too dangerous.

More youth coaches than ever are taking education courses to keep football safe for the players in order for them not to get hurt. The coaches have been told to tell the players to use their shoulders instead of their heads. Coaches also have been taught how long to keep the players on the benches to let the players recover when they are injured. Coaches are using what they learned to keep the players safe. This reduces severe concussion rates.

No sport is risk free. The severe concussion rate for boy’s soccer is 12 percent. This is twice the severe concussion rate of boy’s football. Some say any sport or physical activity can cause a concussion. In conclusion, other sports have higher concussion rate than football.

Football is a safer game due to programs that are needed. USA Football, the official youth league for the NFL, are dedicated to providing coaches with the programs they need. These include certified coaching education, concussion awareness, USA Football Tackle Progression Model, and proper levels of contact at practice. Players also need proper-fitting equipment and heat preparedness, proper hydration, and nutrition.

In the end football is not too dangerous that it can not be played anymore. Coaches are teaching children to pay in a much safer way, no sport is risk free, and there are programs to help with the risk. That why football is not too dangerous. Let adults, teenagers, and children keep playing.


Is football just too dangerous?” by Scott Hallenbeck,New York Times Upfront Magazine
Hoge, Hallenbeck join ‘Outside the Lines’ concussion discussion,” byJoe Frollo,
Will concussions kill football?” by Joseph Lapin, Pacific-Standard

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Pro and con: Is football too dangerous for kids? - WHYY (2024)


Why football is dangerous for children? ›

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Tackle football is dangerous for children. Children who play tackle football absorb repeated hits to the head. As adults, they're at higher risk of suffering cognitive deficits as well as behavioral and mood problems.

Why football is too dangerous? ›

Football might cause neurodegenerative disease

CTE is a degenerative brain disease found in people with a history of concussions and hits to the head, and clinically, it's believed to be connected to mood and behavioral problems. A brain with CTE fills with clumps of a protein called tau, which causes cells to die.

What are the cons of kids playing football? ›

But playing football isn't without its risks. According to the National High School Sports-Related Injury Surveillance Study, more than 500,000 high school football injuries occurred between the 2014 and 2015 school year.
The cons of playing football
  • Ankle sprains.
  • Hamstring injuries.
  • Meniscus tears.
  • Concussions.

Is football safe or dangerous? ›

Key Characteristics: Football has the highest injury and concussion rates among all sports, regardless of gender, according to the National High School Sports-Related Injury Surveillance Study. Injuries to the head/face, ankle, knee and hand/wrist are the most common.

Is football safe for kids to play? ›

Ideally, kids should stick with flag (or non-contact) football until they are at least 13 years old. One small study of retired NFL players have shown an association between cognitive impairment and playing tackle football prior to age 12.

Is football the most dangerous? ›

Sports with the most injuries

Basketball, football and soccer have the most injuries overall, but the number of injuries varies with each age group. Football is the most dangerous sport for children ages 5-14, while basketball has the highest number of injuries among people ages 15-24.

Why is football an aggressive sport? ›

Which sports did the researchers classify as aggressive? Football, basketball, soccer, and wrestling, due to the “frequency and intensity of physical contact” and the potential to cause injury to an opponent.

Are there negatives in football? ›

There are many positive aspects to American football, but there are also negative points. For example, injuries can occur and can be very serious. Also, American football can lead to concussions, which is a problem for young players.

What are pros vs cons? ›

The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision.

What are 3 benefits of playing football? ›

This can bring benefits including:
  • increased stamina.
  • improved cardiovascular health.
  • reduced body fat.
  • improved muscle strength and tone.
  • increased bone strength.
  • improved coordination.
Nov 29, 2022

What are the pros of football? ›

The health benefits of football include:

Reducing body fat. Building strength, stamina and speed. Training your brain, improving concentration and coordination. Promoting teamwork, being social and boosting your confidence.

Why should parents let their kids play football? ›

Positives that kids can get from football

Off the football field, the sport teaches kids about life, setting goals for their lives, and it even sets friendships they will keep for the rest of their lives. Building all these things in a young person's life is crucial at this stage of their life.

Why kids under 14 should not play tackle football? ›

Players such as Frank Gifford and Junior Seau were found, after their deaths, to have signs of a degenerative brain condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). CTE is a form of brain degeneration believed to be caused by repeated head trauma.

How can sports have a negative effect on a child? ›

Constant pressure will impact your child's self esteem in a negative way. Over pressuring your child can lead to decreased problem-solving skills. Too much pressure can cause children to start to blame themselves when things don't go their way. Putting pressure on your child can lead to a fear when playing sport.

Is football safe enough? ›

Football is a great way to be part of a team and stay physically active. But football is a contact sport, so injuries do happen. Doctors and scientists are studying how repeatedly hitting the head during tackling affects the brain. These injuries can cause serious brain problems later in life.

Is football safe for the brain? ›

CTE has been found to lead to depression, loss of judgment, inability to control impulse, rages, and memory loss, and can ultimately result in dementia. What's worse, these symptoms are not immediately apparent and can emerge up to 10 years after one stops playing football.

Which sport is safest for kids? ›

There is also some moderate concern about concussion risk from heading the ball, but not nearly as much as with collision sports such as football. But relatively speaking, soccer remains one of the safer sports for children and teens.

How do you make football safe for kids? ›

All football leagues require players to use a mouthguard. Be sure to get one with a keeper strap that attaches it securely to the facemask.
Other items that you might want to consider include:
  1. padded neck rolls.
  2. forearm pads.
  3. padded or non-padded gloves.
  4. "flak jackets" that protect the ribcage and abdomen.

What is the number 1 most dangerous sport? ›

1. B.A.S.E. Jumping. There are a lot of dangerous sports out there, but base jumping seems to claim more and more victims with each passing year since its inception.

Is football a violent sport? ›

There is no question that football is one of the most violent sports in the world and that players, including myself, are aware of the risk we take to play the game that we love.

Is football the most dangerous sport in America? ›

After extensive research, our team has found that Basketball is the most dangerous sport in the US, with 2,823 injuries sustained in 2021 – 64% more than American Football.

What causes fear in football? ›

In a study of footballers, the most common fear was the fear of shame and embarrassment. This is seen in athletes who play it too safe as they don't want to be the one who makes a mistake. For these athletes, the fear of making a mistake is larger than the hope of doing something well.

Has football always been violent? ›

Football has been associated with violence ever since its early beginnings in 13th century England. The original 'folk' form of the game, most often played on Shrove Tuesdays and other Holy Days, involved only slightly structured battles between the youth of neighbouring villages and towns.

What causes stress in football? ›

The most common competitive stressors experienced by athlete's are injury, preparation and performance expectations.

Does playing football hurt? ›

Recreational football players can sprain an ankle, dislocate a shoulder, or just push their bodies further than they can go, and end up with sore muscles the next day. Similar to other contact sports, knee and shoulder injuries in football are very common. Additional common football injuries include: Ankle sprains.

What are 5 common mistakes footballers make? ›

These mistakes are common among footballers and hold them back from getting to that next level or improving as much as they can.
  • Constantly looking down at the ball. ...
  • Being too afraid to make a mistake. ...
  • Poor decision making. ...
  • Being selfish. ...
  • Not giving options to your teammates.
Oct 22, 2019

What sport causes the most injuries? ›

Football. Football is the sport that causes the most injuries, with an estimated 455,449 annually.

What is pro and con full word? ›

From Latin prō (“for, on behalf of”) and contrā (“against”).

How to do a pros and cons list? ›

First, write the decision that you have to make at the top of a two-column grid. Label one side "Pros" and the other "Cons." Then, list all of the possible positive consequences of the decision in the pros column, and all the negative effects in the cons column. (See our example below.)

What is pros short for? ›

Pro is an abbreviation meaning "professional".

What does football do to your brain? ›

These include neurological issues—chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), concussion, mental illness, and memory loss—as well as ACL tears, arthritis, heart conditions, musculoskeletal injuries, pain, and inflammation.

What are the 2 most important things in football? ›

Passing and receiving

These two basic tools are the most essential ingredients for any footballer's success. Accuracy is the key when it comes to passing and receiving.

How can football impact your life? ›

Football is more than just a game; it teaches lessons that the players carry with them long after they've hung up their cleats. Teamwork, discipline, perseverance, goal-setting, handling success and failure, time management, and keeping fit.

How does football change your life? ›

A regular exercise like playing football can boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep and feel better. Football helps to keep the brain and your other vital organs healthy and is also a significant benefit towards improving your mental health.

When should you let your kid play football? ›

The Concussion Legacy Foundation states they "strongly recommend you delay enrolling your child in tackle football until the age of 14."

Why should I let my son play football? ›

Youth football is a great way to build discipline in a child, and it's a terrific tool for learning how important teamwork is. It's a sport where you really have to concentrate on your job and be able to trust what your teammates are doing.

Is youth football good for kids? ›

Teamwork: Youth football teaches kids accountability, leadership, and the impact of positive sportsmanship. Every position has a purpose and to execute a play successfully, each individual needs to fulfill their responsibility, while working together—a skill that's valuable both on and off the field.

Should I let my 8 year old play football? ›

At any level. Mark Hyman, who co-authored Concussions and our Kids along with neurosurgeon and athletic brain trauma expert Mark Cantu, makes the strong case that parents should say no to tackle football for kids until at least age 14. That's because young brains have a harder time recovering from the hits.

Is youth tackle football safe? ›

A CDC study published in Sports Health reports youth tackle football athletes ages 6 to 14 sustained 15 times more head impacts than flag football athletes during a practice or game and sustained 23 times more high-magnitude head impact (hard head impact).

What is the 3 disadvantages of team sports? ›

Disadvantages of Team Sports

With many players moving around the field or court, the chances of getting hurt are higher. Members of teams can also become competitive to earn individual awards rather than focusing on team goals. Coaches also have less time to focus on individual training in team sports.

What are negatives of sports? ›

Disadvantages of Sports
  • Might cause serious injury. The possibility of injury is probably one of the most evident disadvantage of participating in sports. ...
  • Sports can be very exhausting. ...
  • Sports can be expensive. ...
  • Sports can be time-consuming. ...
  • Excessive sports can cause an issue. ...
  • Poor sportsmanship. ...
  • Unhappy parents and coaches.

What are the cons of youth sports? ›

5 Huge Problems with Youth Sports in the US
  • #5: Kids Are Quitting Too Soon.
  • #4: Early Specialization Pressure.
  • #3: It's Too Expensive.
  • #2: Too Much Stress, Not Enough Fun.
  • #1: The Wrong Goals.
  • How do we fix these problems?
Jan 22, 2020

Why shouldn't parents let their children play football? ›

Legendary former quarterback Brett Favre is warning parents not to let their children play tackle football before the age of 14, lest they greatly increase their kids' risk of eventually developing the neurodegenerative disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

Is youth football too dangerous? ›

A CDC study published in Sports Health reports youth tackle football athletes ages 6 to 14 sustained 15 times more head impacts than flag football athletes during a practice or game and sustained 23 times more high-magnitude head impact (hard head impact).

Why is football dangerous in high school? ›

A recent study conducted by Boston University revealed that one in five high school football players suffer from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a condition that diminishes brain capacity and is associated with high risks of memory loss, behavioral issues and depression.

What are the negative effects of football? ›

These include neurological issues—chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), concussion, mental illness, and memory loss—as well as ACL tears, arthritis, heart conditions, musculoskeletal injuries, pain, and inflammation.

Why can't girls do football? ›

Associations between humility, restraint, niceness and femininity also had a negative impact on girls' involvement in the sport. Prohibitions around desire and determination proved especially damaging to girls' attempts at ownership and assertiveness within the game.

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.