Shiva/Plot (2024)


Svarga's Peak[]

Shiva/Plot (1)

Shiva met Rudra in his childhood, since then, the two remained close. At one point, Rudra asked Shiva what he planned to do in the future. Shiva expressed his desire to become the "King of Dance" with confidence. Rudra, being Shiva's best friend, stated that it's the typical thing for him to do. Rudra proceeded to ask Shiva to promise to not laugh, making it seem like he was about to say something either humorous or important.

Shiva/Plot (2)

Shiva promised, though as Rudra stated that he had a dream, he burst starts bursting out laughing, mocking Rudra for having a dream whilst comparing him to a human. The frustrated Rudra hit Shiva on his head for breaking his promise, before continuing his talk - he uttered that his dream was to stand on top of the gods of India's kingdom. He then asked Shiva whether or not if he wanted to try doing it with him, who then immediately agreed with Rudra's proposal, starting their ultimate journey of seeing the landscape up on the summit of the kingdom; a view yet to be attained by any other gods.

Shiva/Plot (3)

On the way there, many doubted their victory, calling them idiots and inferior gods. However, those words were proven to be mere bluffs as they gradually defeated the gods there. The mockery turned into words of respect, as they continued to advanced through their goal. The more they progressed, the fiercer the fights became and the stronger the gods were. But still, the two defeated them no matter how paramount they were.

Their innumerable gushes of blood finally paid off, they finally eliminated all 1115 gods of the Indian Realm - now, the thing that was left for them to do was to ascend to the peak of Svarga.

Shiva/Plot (4)

Shiva magnified the panorama, calling Rudra to also take a peek at the phenomenon of a view. Rudra, however, notified Shiva that there could only be a single lord at the peak, and not two. Shiva was saddened by the fact, in spite of that, he could not decline reality and decided to brawl with Rudra. The sounds of their fists echoed through India, as their sweats flowed as a heavy rain that covered the land. Despite the tremendous fun they were having, they knew that they both shared the same pain.

Shiva/Plot (5)

After an immensely long amount of time, Rudra started showing signs of exhaustion. This made Shiva pity him, as he begged many times with his wits for Rudra to no longer get up and give up for his own sake. Regardless of that, Rudra had yet to concede defeat and tried to charge towards Shiva and attack him, knowing he'd fail but doing so regardless. As Shiva did not have the will for his dear friend draw his last breath by his own hands, he tried to declare his loss.

Shiva/Plot (6)

Right before he could so, Rudra gave up and admitedt his defeat. Confused, Shiva questioned Rudra, just for him to get shouted at. He started weeping and asked Rudra about his dream, and that he did not want him to abandon it. Rudra encouraged him to not cry, telling him that he is now above 1116 gods. He then asked Shiva if he'd rule over India, to which Shiva said that there was no other way, and accepted the title of the Ruler of Svarga.

2000 B.C Council[]

Shiva/Plot (7)

Around 4000 years ago. Shiva was present in the Gods' Council to decide the fate of Humanity. In the end, humans were allowed to live but not without punishment. That punishment was the destruction of the city of Thebes and all its inhabitants. Shiva offered himself as the one carrying out the destruction, but was interrupted by Ares, saying Thebes fell under the Greek Pantheon jurisdiction, so he should be the one going.


Gods' Council[]

Shiva/Plot (8)

During the council of gods, Shiva, along with the rest of the gods, discussed whether or not to wipe out humanity. All of the gods come to an agreement, but Brunhilde solely disagreed, objecting to their idea and pointing out a clause to give humanity a fighting chance. All of the gods opposed Brunhilde's idea of Ragnarok until she insulted their pride. Zeus then decrees the beginning of Ragnarok, Shiva was chosen as one of the 13 representatives of the Gods.

First Round[]

Shiva/Plot (9)

During the first round of Ragnarok, Shiva was watching the fight between Thor and Lü Bu and became amused and excited about how peak humans could give them a good fight. When Thor killed Lü Bu and his followers along with Randgriz, he looked forward to fighting for the second round.

Second Round[]

Shiva/Plot (10)

When it was Shiva's turn to fight in the second round battle against Adam, he was interrupted in the entranceway by Zeus and Hermes. Zeus put a hand on his shoulder and ordered Shiva to let him fight instead. At first, Shiva was unyielding, and Zeus responded with force, pushing him to the ground. Enraged, Shiva challenged Zeus to a fight, but eventually gave his spot in Round 2 out of respect for Zeus, saying that he owed him.

Shiva/Plot (11)

Zeus and Hermes took to the arena as Shiva watched Round 2 from the entranceway. He was seen at multiple points during the fight, wishing he could fight instead after seeing Adam's dominating performance. When Zeus was left with no other options, he used his last resort and ultimate technique, Adamas, against Adam. Shiva sarcastically asked Zeus not to go tearing down the heavens while he was at it. During the final struggle, Shiva watched on intently, silently cheering for Zeus to come out on top.

Third Round[]

Shiva/Plot (12)

During the third round, Shiva personally witnessed Poseidon being killed by Kojiro Sasaki from the audience. He became furious that a god was killed by a human as Poseidon disintegrated.

Fourth Round[]

Shiva/Plot (13)

He was later seen in a lounging room with Zeus, Ares, Hermes and Loki after the third round. Zeus asked Shiva if he'd finally regained his composure which Shiva refuted by angrily slamming the table because Zeus was being nonchalant about the loss in front of him. Zeus stated that Kojiro Sasaki was stronger than Poseidon. Zeus started the discussion with his fight against Adam and admitted humans were strong.

Shiva/Plot (14)

Zeus deduced that Brunhilde wanted to kill the Gods and ordered them to get serious. Shiva eagerly volunteered himself for the fourth round but Zeus asked him to let a God from the Greek side fight for the fourth round to avenge the humiliation of Poseidon's death. Shiva reluctantly accepted the request calmly, understanding their anger. Zeus sent out Heracles to fight for the fourth round for the god's side to avenge their humiliation from humanity's first victory from the third match.

He watched the round and Heracles' death alongside Aphrodite.

Fifth Round[]

Shiva/Plot (15)

Finally being able to fight, Shiva appeared for the fifth fight of Ragnarok. His opponent was the sumo wrestler Raiden Tameemon. Shiva's introduction presented him being joined by an elephant herd carrying him into the arena as he jumped off the biggest elephant. Many Hindu mortals in the crowds saw him and fell to their knees in fear; he was set to destroy the world according to their religion.

Shiva/Plot (16)

Shiva expressed his joy on being able to fight for the fifth round, being denied to fight three consecutive times by the Greek Pantheon. Shiva then shifted his attention to Raiden, beginning their fight to the death. Raiden started to perform a sumo ritual by first throwing salt on the arena and then getting into his stance. Raiden began to attack Shiva by using a double Dropkick. Shiva then got back up using a backflip as Raiden continued with his assault.

Shiva/Plot (17)

Raiden's assault was then stopped by Shiva as the latter used all of his four arms and flipped Raiden in the air. Raiden then got back to his feet by using a twisting flip. Raiden questioned Shiva, asking if he was always annoying and told him that all the chanting was meaningless to him. Shiva disagreed on what Raiden said and replied that Ragnarok is fun and exciting event and any man would be a fool to not seeing the value of it.

Shiva/Plot (18)

Raiden then asked Shiva if he wanted to witness him increasing his power. Raiden then slapped his chest, squeezing it as his body started mutilating, he screamed in pain before his body finally began to shrink again as he finally gained control over his muscles which threatened his life, thanks to Thrud's Völundr. Raiden, now able to go all out for the first time, sighed in relaxation. He told Shiva his previous line "Don't go breaking down on me" which both annoyed and excited Shiva. Raiden jumped toward Shiva and, ready to punch him, said that even he doesn't know what this would cause.

Shiva/Plot (19)

Raiden's punch sent Shiva flying before he jumped and punched him again. He then gave him a Kiku-Ichimonji, making Shiva loop and then fall on his face. Shiva got up once again, and as he was still dizzy from the fall, Raiden held Shiva's head and, ready to end the fight there with ji*zo's Embrace, headbutted him. However, Shiva headbutted him back. Shiva pushed Raiden's body away and punches him with two hands in the jaw, stating he wouldn't loose in stubbornness. He attacked Raiden with all four of his arms, Raiden tried to attack back but got overwhelmed and sustained injuries to his ribs.

Shiva/Plot (20)

As he leaned down due to the shock, he grabbed onto Shiva's lower left arm and used Overflowing Pressure with all his might. Shiva managed to push Raiden away, though not before suffering catastrophic damage to his arm. However, as the gods started to feel fear of losing, the Hindu gods started cheering on Shiva, showing him their support and presenting confidence in him winning. This emboldened Shiva's fighting spirit as he got back to his feet and raised an arm in assurance.

Shiva/Plot (21)

Shiva once again tried to attack Raiden, but because of his injured arm and some loss of balance, he kept on missing. Raiden punched him but Shiva got his chance to attack and threw Raiden away. The two kept on punching each other, eventually devolving into headbutts, which Shiva won, forcing Raiden to stagger away. Shiva then started his war dance, Hidden Treasure of Svarga, resulting in an unpredictable rhythm and afterimages as the Hindu gods chanted his beat.

Shiva/Plot (22)

Shiva relentlessly attacked Raiden as the latter used Shishimai to deliver powerful kicks with the soles of both of his feet by performing a front handspring. Shiva quickly countered this attack by kicking Raiden in the back before the move could be completed. Raiden was forced to go on defense and used Miyama to defend against Shiva. Shiva's intense dancing turned into Tandava as his body became super-heated and started to combust, which increased the power of his attacks, inflicting burns on Raiden's flesh.

Shiva/Plot (23)

Shiva brought Raiden's arms down with his foot as used it as a springboard to jump in the air and to deliver Krittivasa: Flaming Tiger Claw Dance. Shiva's axe kick cauterized Raiden's chest and his left eye as the former asked if his dance had gotten Raiden fired up. The sumo wrester grinned in response. Raiden started to let his sumo loose. Raiden got into his stance by focusing his muscle power into his legs, arms and finally into his hand, the flow of energy culminating in a powerful palm strike towards his opponent. The strongest form of Teppou, Yatagarasu.

Shiva/Plot (24)

Shiva tries to defend himself, but to no avail. The force of this attack was such that it managed to blow away two of Shiva's arms that he was using to block the attack, nailing him in the face and sending him flying, landing on his back meters away. Shiva then commented on how Raiden had a great burden, Shiva then noticed his fellow Hindu gods, among them was his old friend Rudra, who'd finally returned to see him.

Shiva/Plot (25)

This reinvigorated him, as he proclaimed that he also had a burden too for he was the peak of Svarga. With only one arm left, Shiva pierced his chest with his right hand to directly stimulate his soul and force his heart to beat faster to use his ultimate technique, Tandava Karma: Samsara War Dance - Ashes. Shiva's body combusted and burned at a higher level than when he was using Tandava, to the point of burning his surroundings and the floating Japanese-styled structure floating above the arena. The fight turned into a war of attrition as Raiden and Shiva attacked each other. Raiden had to endure Shiva's burning attacks as it charred more of his flesh and burned it away. Shiva's body slowly began to crumble away as his broken left arm turned to ashes.

Shiva/Plot (26)

The entire audience of humans and gods cheered for their fighters to end their own respective opponent. Running on fumes, Raiden would use his last and strongest attack, Yatagarasu, against Shiva to end the fight. Shiva responded to Raiden's seriousness head-on with his strongest attack, Deva Loka. The roundhouse kick was so powerful and burning hot that it managed to overpower Raiden's Yatagarasu and rip his right arm in half. Raiden still stood his ground against Shiva and thanked him for granting him the opportunity to do sumo to his heart's content.

Shiva/Plot (27)

Raiden and Shiva said their respects towards each other as Shiva used another Deva Loka as the finishing blow to decapitate Raiden. Shiva then walked out of the arena triumphantly with his only fist up high, calling it the best match of his life. Raiden Tameemon and Thrud began to fade into nothingness. Shiva walked towards the medical ward and met Rudra and the rest of his fellow Hindu gods on the way.

Shiva/Plot (28)

His injuries caught up to him and he collapsed, Rudra catching him before he could hit the floor. Vishnu, Agni, Varuna, Indra and Brahma jovially talked to their friend, cracking jokes to lighten the mood. Zeus soon showed up, noting the beating Shiva had taken. Shiva concurred, realising that he was barely able to match the human. He agreed that humans were in fact very powerful. Zeus laughed in agreement, as Shiva headed to the infirmary.

Sixth Round[]

Shiva/Plot (29)

Shiva was resting from his wounds as he smiled upon seeing Buddha become humanity's sixth representative.

Seventh Round[]

Shiva/Plot (30)

Shiva, still healing for his injuries, watched the end of the Seventh Round on the infirmary.

Shiva/Plot (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.