This Is How Long To Smoke Brisket at 250 Degrees (Tender Results) (2024)

If you’re wondering how long to smoke brisket at 250°F, you’re in the right place!

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How long it should take your brisket based on its weight
  • How to know when it’s done
  • And much more!

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How Long Does It Take To Smoke A Brisket at 250 Degrees?

Beef brisket takes 60-90 minutes per pound when smoking at 250°F. At this rate, it will take 10-15 hours to fully smoke a 10-pound brisket.

Brisket is not only a delicious cut of meat, but it’s perfect for feeding a large crowd. When smoking brisket, there are a lot of different variables to consider to achieve the ideal result.

One of the most important factors is the temperature at which you smoke the meat.

Smoking brisket requires certain temperatures, otherwise, you run the risk of ruining the meat and wasting your hard work.

Two of the most common temperatures are 225 and 250 degrees.

At 250 degrees, the brisket will take anywhere from 8 to 16 hours to cook. It can take longer at 225. By understanding the proper smoking time, you can ensure that your brisket will be delicious.

Is It Better To Smoke Brisket at 225 or 250?

When it comes to smoking brisket, there are two schools of thought: cook at a lower temperature for a longer period of time, or crank up the heat and finish the cooking process more quickly.

Generally speaking, smoking brisket at a lower temperature (around 225 degrees) will result in a more tender, juicy finished product.

However, cooking at a higher temperature (250 degrees) will create a brisket that is more evenly cooked and easier to slice.

Which method is better?

I go with 250°F and so do other BBQ pitmasters.

Ultimately, smoking brisket at 250 vs. 225 degrees depends on personal preference.

If you have the time and patience to smoke your brisket at a low temperature for an extended period of time, go for it!

Related>> How Long to Smoke a Brisket at 225? (Expert Tips)

However, if you’re short on time or just want a more effortless cooking experience, smoking your brisket at a higher temperature is the way to go.

Neither temperature is better than the other. Either way, you’re sure to end up with a delicious final product.

Read More >> How Long to Smoke Brisket Per Pound

This Is How Long To Smoke Brisket at 250 Degrees (Tender Results) (1)

Why Use a Smoker To Cook Brisket?

Smokers are designed to cook meat slowly and evenly at low temperatures, which is ideal for tough cuts of meat like brisket.

Just like any other cooking method, there is a bit of a learning curve when it comes to smoking meat. Here are some reasons why you should use a smoker for cooking your brisket:

  • Smokers can add flavor: When you use a smoker, you are adding flavor to your food because of the wood that is used to smoke the meat. The smoke from the wood chips infuses the meat with a delicious smoky flavor.
  • It keeps the meat moist: The constant flow of smoke and moisture in a smoker helps to keep the brisket from drying out during cooking. This is especially important when cooking a large cut of meat like brisket because it can take hours to cook through.
  • Less chance of overcooking: The low and slow cooking method of smoking meat is much more forgiving than other methods like grilling or baking. It is very difficult to overcook meat in a smoker, so you can rest assured that your brisket will be cooked to perfection every time.

Read More >> Best Pellet Smokers

Different Ways to Smoke a Brisket

There are different ways to smoke a brisket, and each one will result in a slightly different flavor.

No matter which method you choose, smoking brisket is a process that takes patience and practice.

If you want to make the perfect smoked brisket, you’ll need to pay attention to the temperature, type of wood, and amount of time you cook if for.

Related >> The Best Wood for Smoking Brisket

Here are a few different ways to smoke a brisket:

Texas Crutch

This method involves wrapping the brisket in foil. While the brisket cooks, the foil helps speed up the cooking time and results in a more tender brisket.

Using the Texas Crutch method, you will smoke the brisket for almost 8 hours at 250 degrees until the brisket is cooked through.

Then, you remove it from the smoker, wrap it tightly in foil, and return it to the smoker for another hour or two.

Reverse Sear

This method involves cooking the brisket at a high temperature for a short period of time and then searing it over a hot fire.

For this method, you’ll smoke the brisket for just 50 to 60 minutes at 250 degrees.

Then, you’ll remove it from the smoker and sear it over a hot fire for a minute or two on each side.

This results in a crisp outer crust and a juicy interior.

Low and Slow

This is the classic method for smoking a brisket, and it results in a tender, flavorful brisket.

Unlike the other techniques, you’ll smoke the brisket for a more extended period of time at a lower temperature.

For this method, smoke the brisket for 12 to 14 hours at 250 degrees.

If you want to try this method, be sure to start early in the day, so you don’t have to stay up all night.

Read More >> BBQ Brisket Burnt Ends Recipe

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How To Know When the Brisket Is Done

There are several ways to check if brisket is ready to pull off the smoker.

Although each method has its own set time and temperature guidelines, there are some general things to look for that will help you determine when your brisket is done.

Some ways to tell when your brisket is done cooking:

  • Meat thermometer: Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the brisket, away from any bones or fat. The internal temperature of the brisket should be between 195 and 215 degrees Fahrenheit to be fully cooked. The temperature will depend on your specific cut of brisket. This is definitely a safe internal temp.
  • Cut and twist: Another way to test for doneness is to take a small sharp knife and insert it into the thickest part of the brisket. If the knife slides in easily and feels tender when you twist it, then the brisket is done cooking.
  • Probe test:Combining the two methods above using a meat probe and feeling the tenderness, you can use the tried and true probe test. Stick the probe in and if it feels like it’s going through softened butter, you’re good to go.
  • Visual cues: Just like with any other piece of meat, you can also tell if brisket is done by its color and juices. When the juice runs clear and the meat is no longer pink, it is usually safe to say that the brisket is cooked through.
  • Rule of thumb: As a general rule of thumb, you should cook a brisket at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour to an hour and a half per pound. If you have a three-pound brisket, it should cook for approximately three to four and a half hours.

Of course, these are just general guidelines, and you should always use your best judgment when cooking any piece of meat.

If you are ever in doubt, it is always better to err on the side of caution and cook the meat for a bit longer. Better safe than sorry!

Read More >> How to Slice Brisket (Step by Step)

Final Thoughts on Smoking Brisket at 250

At the end of the day, smoking brisket is an art form. There are many different ways to do it, and everyone has their own preference.

The most important thing is to experiment and find what works best for you.

Whatever method you choose, just remember that smoking brisket is a slow process, but it is well worth the wait.

The end result will be a delicious, juicy, and tender piece of meat that will be the highlight of any barbecue.

If you’re looking to impress your friends and family, give smoking a brisket a try. By having patience and following the proper steps, you will be sure to create a mouth-watering masterpiece.

If you want tolearn more about grilling, check out these other helpful resources!

This Is How Long To Smoke Brisket at 250 Degrees (Tender Results) (2024)
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