Top 8 Tips to Game Quietly at Night | Soundproof Advice (2024)

It can be hard to sleep, work or relax with a gamer around. That’s not an insult, it’s a fact. Gamers can be quite loud, especially when they’re playing adrenaline packed shooter games that require a lot of mouse clicking and the occasional keyboard slam/wall punch when things don’t go the way they planned.

If you’re a loud gamer but with a kind heart you can spare people the noise with these 10 tips. I’ve personally implemented some of them so that my family can sleep soundly while I’m gaming late at night. Since I belong to the PC gamers master race, some of these tips are directed primarily at PC gamers.

1. Use headphones

I hope I don’t need to explain the logic behind this, but I’ll do it anyway:

Headphones are absolutely necessary if you want to game with high volume on without bothering others.

2. Get a quieter mouse

I recently switched from a very cheap Tracer mouse to the JSCO Noiseless Optical Gaming Mouse (aff Amazon link). And yes, it lives up to its name. It’s significantly quieter than any mouse I’ve had so far.

I’m not a mouse expert, but the manufacturer claims that they’re using unique noiseless switches behind the buttons. Also, they claim that this mouse is in the top 5% when it comes to quiet performance. I don’t know if that’s true, but hey, kudos to them for being so confident about it.

Considering it’s surprisingly affordable I am happy to recommend it to you loud clickers.

3. Get a quieter keyboard

Unlike mice and gamepads, the tech gods have blessed us with a wide range of quiet gaming keyboards. I tested MANY keyboards by just clicking randomly on them in stores and evaluating their noise. It’s not the most scientific method, but I think it’s good enough. There aren’t any officially available dB level tests anyway.

I was pleasantly surprised that two of the keyboards that I rated most highly were also featured in multiple articles as being among the quietest. Those two keyboards are the Razer BlackWidow Elite Mechanical Gaming Keyboard and Fnatic miniSTREAK. I would highly recommend the Razer keyboard because it’s also large enough to game comfortably and it has a slick design. The Fnatic is virtually silent and looks nice, but it’s too small in my opinion. Still, to each his own!

4. Gamepad maintenance

If you prefer playing with a gamepad, unfortunately you’re out of luck. There are very few quiet(er) options available. The best advice I can give is to do regular maintenance:

  • Take the controller apart and clean it every couple of months.
  • Spray the sticks where they have the metal shroud with silicon spray oil
  • To make the best of the oil, work the sticks around in a circular pattern for about 90 seconds.

5. Soundproof your gaming room

You can prevent the gaming sounds from escaping the room with simple soundproofing strategies:

  1. Place a thick draft stopper on the door bottom to cover the under-door gap.
  2. Use an adhesive strip on the door frame to cover the gaps around the door.
  3. Place soundproof panels or thick moving blankets on the walls to dampen the noise and reduce sound reverberation.

For more detailed soundproofing tips check out this article: How to Soundproof a Gaming Room

6. Make your gaming console quieter

The majority of the time a console will be loud because of dust buildup in the fans. You should clean the fans by unscrewing and opening the console or by using a vacuum cleaner to suck out the dust through the vents.

Although it’s easier, the second method is also riskier because you could dismantle some parts. So if you decide to do it put the vacuum on the lowest suction power setting. To minimize dust buildup in the future you can cover your console with a dust cover.

Another good way to quiet a console is to place anti-vibration rubber pads underneath it. It will absorb some of the vibrations, instead of them being amplified by the hard surface.

It can also improve the performance and reduce fan noise because their will be more air passing through the bottom vents, reducing their need to spin like crazy to prevent overheating.

If you have a PS4 and you want to make it quieter here’s a detailed step-by-step guide.

7. Make your PC or laptop quieter

Much of the same methods for quieting gaming consoles can be applied to your PC or laptop as well. First of all, you should DEFINITELY check out your vents and cooling fans for dust and dirt. Clean them thoroughly and you will notice a big performance improvement and reduction in noise.

If you’re cleaning a laptop, make sure you know what you’re doing. For most people I’d recommend paying a professional to do it and to replace the cooling gel if needed. This is for the simple reason that laptop components are smaller and you’re more likely to damage something if you’re not careful.

As with a gaming console, using anti-vibration pads will prevent vibrations on the hard surface. In the case of a laptop it will also reduce the need of the cooling fans to spin like crazy while you’re playing more requirements-heavy games.

If you’ve noticed a sudden increase in noise, you might have some malware issues as well that need to be taken care of with a good anti-malware program.

Read more: 5 Easy Fixes for a Loud Laptop Fan

8. Really focus on soundproofing your door

If you’re worried about your gaming sounds escaping to other rooms you should really focus on soundproofing your door. The door is the thinnest barrier, so that’s where the noise is most likely to leak out from.

Apart from installing the adhesive strip and a door draft stopper as I explained earlier, you should also consider bolstering the door pane (the actual door). You can accomplish this easily and affordably by covering the door with soundproof panels, a thick moving blanket or the Audimute Sound Barrier Sheet (the product I used, very effective but pricey).

Of course, how effective your door is at blocking sound is determined by its thickness and heaviness. In other words, is it a hollow core door or a solid core door. So if it’s a hollow core door and you’re willing to replace it with a solid core, this would make a big difference for the same reason that panels, blankets or curtains would. However, a new door is likely to cost more and replacing it is more work than hanging one of these items on your existing door, which can be done in just a few minutes and removed just as fast.

Final Thoughts

The thing that helped me game quietly the most was soundproofing the bedroom door with weatherstripping tape, door sweep and the Audimute Sheet. I think the Audimute Sheet alone would have been enough, but I bought it later so I kept everything on.

The next most useful thing was getting the noiseless mouse because I like to play chess on my PC in the bedroom (yes, chess is hardcore gaming!) dangerously close to my sleeping beauty. If I needed to use the keyboard for gaming in this situation I’d definitely invest in the Razor Elite keyboard that I mentioned previously.

I hope some of these tips will help you game without causing any annoyance to your spouse, parents, roommates or bunk buddies.

Top 8 Tips to Game Quietly at Night | Soundproof Advice (2024)


How do you win a quiet game? ›

The last child or team to make noise wins the game. It is usually acceptable for players to make sounds they cannot control, such as sneezing or coughing whereas talking would cause a player to get out. The game is often played indoors, typically in classrooms.

How can a 12 year old stay up all night? ›

Play some music and dance to it. Staying up on your feet and moving will help you stay awake. Find some fun music you enjoy and listen to it with your friends or by yourself. Make sure you do this in a room that's far enough from your parents' room to not wake them up, or use headphones.

What is a good color for a game room? ›

When it comes to color psychology, gray is the best paint color for a gaming room because it's an elegant, neutral, and balanced color. Although it may sound plain, it works with just about any background color of your choice.

How can I make my gaming room smarter? ›

How to Build the Ultimate Smart Game Room
  1. Lighting and Effects. The most important element of the ultimate smart game room will be the lighting. ...
  2. TV and Equipment. If you are designing a room for the purpose of being an entertainment haven, the focal point will most likely be the TV. ...
  3. Smart Control. ...
  4. Organization.
30 Oct 2020

What should every game room have? ›

What Every Gamer Room Needs [Real Gamers' Advice]
  • Level 1: Smart lighting. ...
  • Level 2: A mounted TV for console gaming. ...
  • Level 3: A good sound system or headset. ...
  • Level 4: Have at LEAST two monitor screens. ...
  • Level 5: A mini fridge to stock up on energy-fueled drinks. ...
  • Level 6: A cool wall mural to set the scene.
9 Feb 2021

Is the quiet game real? ›

The Quiet Game is popular fiction.

What is the world record for the quiet game? ›

Paris, France came in clutch with a VERY impressive time of 5.21 seconds. That's a new record, kids!

Should a 15 year old have a bedtime? ›

For teenagers, Kelley says that, generally speaking, 13- to 16-year-olds should be in bed by 11.30pm. However, our school system needs a radical overhaul to work with teenagers' biological clocks. “If you're 13 to 15 you should be in school at 10am, so that means you're waking up at 8am.

What time should a 12 14 year old go to bed? ›

At these ages, with social, school, and family activities, bedtimes gradually become later and later, with most 12-years-olds going to bed at about 9 p.m. There is still a wide range of bedtimes, from 7:30 to 10 p.m., as well as total sleep times, from 9 to 12 hours, although the average is only about 9 hours.

Why is my 13 year old so tired? ›

Research has shown that adolescence brings with it a shift in biological sleep patterns. Thanks to changing circadian rhythms at this stage, teens naturally get tired later on at night. It's also harder for their bodies to wake up in the mornings.

What are gamer colors? ›

Types Of Game Room Color Schemes
Red and blackBrown
PinkBlack and white
1 more row
23 Mar 2022

What is the best gamer color? ›

Game players want to be immersed in the game's world and experience its mood while they play. The use of RGB colored light in lighting design applications is best for generating a cool ambiance. Cool colors like blue, green, and purple should be used when creating a cool vibe.

Why are game rooms dark? ›

Suits Gamers' Habits

As we know, most gamers love to play at night or play in a dark room so as to let the light from the monitor as the solitary source of light in the room. If these gamers open a website or an app with a bright look, they will certainly find it irritating as they're too bright in a dim-lit room.

What game increases IQ? ›

Sudoku is one game, like crossword puzzles and riddles, that increase neuroplasticity and make your smarter. With increased neuroplasticity, you are better able to view something from multiple angles and anticipate and understand new patterns.

Does gaming raise your IQ? ›

Video games increase intelligence

The results showed that those children who spent an above-average amount of time playing video games increased their intelligence by approximately 2.5 IQ points more than the average.

What does W mean in game? ›

W is a popular term in sport and gaming. When someone simply puts a "W" in the comment section, it means they're saying "Win" or congratulating someone on their success. It's the opposite of someone taking an "L," which means to lose.

What are the 5 parts of a game? ›

There are five key elements in great games.
  • Game Characters.
  • Goals.
  • Decisions.
  • Rewards.
  • Immersion and Presence.

What are the 4 essential elements of a game? ›

What are the basic elements all games have in common? All games have players, objectives, a system of rules, and feedback. All these together make a game a game.

What is needed for a games night? ›

To wrap it up, the most essential parts of hosting a game night include choosing the right games to play, inviting over the right amount of people, making seating arrangements with plenty of room to play, and serving the best food and drinks.

How do I not get caught playing at night? ›

Make sure you close and lock the door of the room where you're playing. If you leave the door open, you're basically asking to get caught. Close and lock the door while you play. If someone knocks, tell them you were just changing, then close the game and quickly put on a different shirt.

How do you set Do Not Disturb while playing games? ›

Important: This won't mute sounds from music, videos, games, or other media.
  1. Swipe down from the top of your screen with 2 fingers.
  2. Under Do not disturb or your current option, tap the Down arrow .
  3. Turn on Do not disturb.
  4. Tap Alarms only.
  5. Pick how long you want this setting to last.
  6. Tap Done. You'll see Alarms only .

Can you play games without sound? ›

While sound is essential for many titles, there are games players can enjoy without audio. A few people even prefer to listen to music when playing their favorite games. Even playing some of the industry's most prominent releases without the original sound won't hinder one's gaming ability.

Is it OK to play games at night? ›

Ideally, electronic consumption should be limited prior to going to bed. Overall, we recommend not playing video games (or using any electronics) for an hour before going to bed and following a regular sleep schedule.

Why do gamers stay up so late? ›

The mental stimulation of video games and the blue light of screens can interfere with sleep patterns and melatonin (the sleep hormone) production, so gamers don't feel sleepy at bedtime. However, the later they play, the later they wake which can impact on school or work.

How long should a 16 year old play video games? ›

Put clear limits on your child's gaming.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests time allotted should be under 30 to 60 minutes per day on school days and 2 hours or less on non- school days.

What is priority mode? ›

“Priority mode” blocks incoming calls and all notifications, except alarms, to keep you totally focused on your gaming experience. It also accelerates game performance by closing other apps to dedicate more power to whichever gaming app you are currently using.

How do I make sure nothing is running in the background while Gaming? ›

Stop most apps from running in the background

Select Start , then select Settings > Privacy > Background apps. Under Background Apps, make sure Let apps run in the background is turned Off.

How do you block someone on Whatsapp while playing a game? ›

You can go to Game Space > Settings > Block incoming calls after games are launched to enable or disable this feature (Block incoming calls after games are launched is only supported on certain devices).

Do gamers listen to music? ›

In our Digital Media Trends fall pulse survey, we found that 42% of Gen Z gamers listen to other music while gaming, and 34% hear music in a game and then look it up online to stream or buy.

Do gamers listen to music while playing? ›

Gaming and music have always had a close relationship. Many gamers enjoy listening to music while playing their favorite games. This can help to improve the gaming experience by providing an extra layer of excitement or immersion.

Is sound important for gaming? ›

No matter what genre of games you prefer, sound can elevate your experience and even boost your skill. Headphones help you hear intricate details of soundtracks and noises to fully immerse you into the virtual world, feeling all emotions that are further triggered through audio.

How many hours is too many to game? ›

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours per day of screen-based entertainment. Parents should create a “media plan” that dictates what hours a child can enjoy video games without affecting behavior and homework, Radesky says.

Does gaming affect sleep? ›

It can be concluded that playing VGs for long periods, particularly in the evening, is a significant, common and probable cause of sleep problems: evening exposure to VGs, in fact, can bring to insufficient and low quality sleep, with possible effects on cognition in the subsequent waking days.

Should you sleep before game? ›

If the day of the game arrives and you are worried that you haven't slept enough the night before to perform at your best – you can plan a carefully timed nap. A 20 minute nap about two hours before your event should provide extra alertness just in time for you to hit the field.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.