How to Play a PC Game Without Your Parents Knowing: 9 Steps (2024)

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Last Updated: October 26, 2022

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Have you ever wanted to play on a server, but didn't want your parents to find out? Do you want to play on a certain server that your parents don't want you playing on? If so, you've hit the jackpot.


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  1. 1

    Make sure there is nobody in the room. If there is, just wait a bit. Don't ask them to leave or they will get suspicious.

  2. 2

    Lock the door. If you are allowed to lock the door, do so. If not, then open a new window with something you usually read, i.e a wiki, a different game, etc. You can click on this window quickly if someone walks in the room.


  3. 3

    Load up the game. If it's a game within your browser, turn on Private/Incognito browsing or delete your history after you're done.

  4. 4

    Play your heart out. If you are in a room near where anyone is located, do not use voice chat. If there is custom server music, or if a sound plays whenever someone chats, use headphones or turn your speakers down. Do not talk out loud about the server.

  5. 5

    Be prepared in case someone comes in the room. In the event that someone comes in, press Alt+Tab.

  6. 6

    Make sure you aren't caught on a site or server that will get you in trouble. If your parents will try to search your computer, momentarily press Alt+F4.

  7. 7

    Close all server-related tabs. When you have to get off the computer, make sure you close and shut down servers and files.

  8. 8

    Play a game without your parents knowing when your computer is in the living room. Check to see if anyone is in viewing range of the screen. If your parents can't see the screen without looking suspicious, you are fine. If not, wait until they are not in the room to begin playing.

  9. 9

    Play a game on your laptop without your parents knowing. This is the easiest to accomplish. Carry your laptop to the safest place, if you are allowed to carry it around. Also, invest in a TableMate. They are quite useful with laptops, and are also adjustable.

  10. Advertisem*nt

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    What if it is a game you have to download?

    How to Play a PC Game Without Your Parents Knowing: 9 Steps (13)


    Community Answer

    If you are on a Windows computer, you're in luck. Download the game file and change the file name to something like "English resource pack," then put it in your study folder, if you have one. Parents don't usually look too close. If you're on IOS, only do this if you have a different Apple account from your parents, otherwise, they will receive notices about anything you download.

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    I have many users on the family PC and am wondering how to get Fortnite only downloaded on 1 user?

    How to Play a PC Game Without Your Parents Knowing: 9 Steps (14)

    Hassan Mohammed

    Community Answer

    That's not possible. However, you can probably log into their accounts and remove the shortcut and hide it from the uninstall panel in control panel, remove the icon when pressing the windows button and in thee recently installed column.

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    I want to download a game, since my brother is very sneaky and always checks my history and checks my computer I have to be very careful for what I'm doing. I really want that game (not a browser game).

    How to Play a PC Game Without Your Parents Knowing: 9 Steps (15)


    Community Answer

    You can download it and then delete it from your desktop screen, it will not delete the app. If your brother finds out and blocks it, you can download a VPN.

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      • If your laptop is in the living room, and people move around a lot, just shift so that they can't see the screen. Don't be suspicious, though.


        Helpful0Not Helpful0

      • If you have a tent, use it, in desperate situations, this will at least delay them.


        Helpful0Not Helpful0

      • If they ask what you're doing, if you're good at lying, say, "I've just been looking at stuff on (name of website)." Or, if you hate lying, or are not good at it, just say "I was just playing (name of game)."


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      How to Play a PC Game Without Your Parents Knowing: 9 Steps (16)



      • Be careful! You might get caught if you are not careful, and could get into very big trouble.


        Helpful10Not Helpful0

      • Some parents are smart, and can track where you go online and what you type. If they can, try getting a browser such as TOR (The Onion Router), which helps protect your anonymity, and you should download it under the guise of something similar to protection from hackers.


        Helpful9Not Helpful0

      • Getting caught lying to your parents will damage their trust in you.


        Helpful4Not Helpful0

      • Be careful of bad language and people who will try to hurt your feelings.


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      About This Article

      wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 31,789 times.

      137 votes - 72%

      Co-authors: 9

      Updated: October 26, 2022


      Categories: PC Games

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      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 31,789 times.

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      How to Play a PC Game Without Your Parents Knowing: 9 Steps (31)


      How to Play a PC Game Without Your Parents Knowing: 9 Steps (2024)


      How to Play a PC Game Without Your Parents Knowing: 9 Steps? ›

      If your parents will try to search your computer, momentarily press Alt+F4. Close all server-related tabs. When you have to get off the computer, make sure you close and shut down servers and files. Play a game without your parents knowing when your computer is in the living room.

      How to order stuff without parents knowing? ›

      1. Use a gift order option if you can therefore you may be exempt from tax and you can tell your parents the order is a gift. ...
      2. Load up an online games website in case your parents enter while you're ordering. ...
      3. Clear the history after ordering to dispose of evidence of this article and the online store you used.

      What to do if your parents don't let you play games? ›

      Try to change your parents misguided beliefs as to why you can't play. Find them out, change them. Maybe they just feel you've been spending too much time playing games and are worried it isn't healthy for you. Keep track of how long you have played each week and set down an amount of time with them.

      How to get your parents to say yes to playing video games? ›

      Tell them, in casual conversation, that you tried out this new game at a friend's house, and that it was so much fun! They'll probably know that you're buttering them up for your actual request, but at least they won't be surprised when you ask them. Pick a good time to talk.

      How to convince your parents to let you play 18 games? ›

      Tell your parents about friends you know of that have the game you want, and even suggest that your parents talk to theirs about why they agreed to let their child have the game. Make sure you talk to your friends first and get their permission to mention them.

      Is it illegal for my parents to track me? ›

      It is generally not legal to track an adult without them knowing or without consent. However, consent is not needed to give permission to adults to track their child.

      Can my parents legally take my stuff? ›

      They cannot enter into a contract without a parent co-signing, unless they are emancipated minors. But assuming that a minor came into the possession of the item without having entered into a contract, as is the case with most purchases and gifts, parents have no ownership rights over the property of children.

      Should I let my 12 year old play video games? ›

      Video games are good for helping children develop problem-solving skills. They aren't lazy as previous research has suggested. Video games can strengthen your child's cognitive skills. They can improve your child's capacity to think in three-dimensional ways.

      How long should I let my 14 year old play video games? ›

      The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours per day of screen-based entertainment. Parents should create a "media plan" that dictates what hours a child can enjoy video games without affecting behavior and homework, Radesky says.

      Can my parents check my phone at 18? ›

      So realistically, if the phone was a gift to you by your parents before you were an adult, since you are now an adult you have a right to privacy in all your affairs, including your mobile phone. Now the question is whether you are still living in their home.

      What age is OK for video games? ›

      For kids over the age of 6, the American Academy of Pediatrics says no more than 60 minutes on school days and 2 hours on non-school days. Kids under 6 should spend closer to 30 minutes. It's also appropriate for parents to know and approve the games their kids are playing. Avoid any games with graphic violence or sex.

      Should I let my kid win at video games? ›

      "Letting kids win over and over, it's just not good for them, it starts to create an inflated sense of ego and reliance on external motivation starts to develop," he says. "A 5-year-old knows you're faster than them, so if you slow down and let them win, they know they didn't really win.

      Should parents let their kids play M rated video games? ›

      Steer clear of any rated "M" for "mature" (for ages 17 and older) or “AO” for “adults only.” (for ages 18 and older). These can contain heavy-duty violence, strong language, and sexual content. Playing games with your kids is a good way to see what they're doing.

      Is it illegal to play a 18+ game under 18? ›

      It's not a crime to play an 18+ game if you're under that age but it is illegal to supply it to someone under 18.

      Do my parents control me at 18? ›

      When you turn 18, you are considered an adult. Your parents are no longer legally responsible, nor do they have legal control over you. This is called reaching the “age of majority.”

      Can you legally chip your child? ›

      So long as your child is under the age of 18 and you are their parent or legal guardian, you have a complete legal right to use a GPS tracking device to track their location.

      Can my parents take my phone if I paid for it? ›

      If your parents bought the property you use and it was not a gift to you, then the property belongs to your parents. You do not have a right to take it. Anything that you bought, even if it was from allowance or gift money, is yours. Anything that was a gift to you, like a tv for your birthday, is yours.

      At what age should parents stop tracking their kids? ›

      When you give a kid a device will determine how long a parent is going to be monitoring them, though not all parents agree on when they should give up control. As we showed in our previous survey coverage, parents tend to agree that they have to monitor kids up to about age 10.

      Do child actors parents get paid? ›

      Different states have different laws governing who owns the income a young actor makes. But if your child lives in, works in, or works for a company based in California—even if the project shoots elsewhere—the law is very clear about to whom the money belongs: 100 percent of the income belongs to the child.

      Can I sue my parents for throwing away my stuff? ›

      At this point, legally, the only thing you could do would be to sue for damages. However, to successfully sue them, you would have to convince a court that you left certain possessions with them, and that they threw them out without telling you - both of which might be hard to prove.

      Is it illegal for parents to read text messages? ›

      nope they can't. it's an invasion of privacy. no matter what they tell you or threaten you with, don't let them they're 100% in the wrong.

      Why do gamers stay up late? ›

      The mental stimulation of video games and the blue light of screens can interfere with sleep patterns and melatonin (the sleep hormone) production, so gamers don't feel sleepy at bedtime. However, the later they play, the later they wake which can impact on school or work.

      How many hours do gamers play a day? ›

      At 7.6 hours per week, the average gamer plays just over one hour every day on average.

      How to stop gaming addiction? ›

      How to Quit a Gaming Addiction
      1. Set a Strict Time Limit for Daily Play. ...
      2. Remove Gaming Devices from Bedroom. ...
      3. Ask Friends and Family for Help. ...
      4. Try Other Stress-Relieving Activities. ...
      5. Seek Gaming Addiction Treatment.
      Jan 4, 2023

      Do 40 years old play video games? ›

      During a 2022 survey, 36 percent of video game players still come from the 18 to 34 age demographic, and six percent are 65 years and older.

      What is gaming disorder? ›

      Gaming disorder is defined in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes ...

      Is taking away video games a good punishment? ›

      doesn't work? Say it ain't so! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the tried-and-true discipline method of taking away video-games, a favorite toy, or whatever else, is largely ineffective and, in fact, counter-productive.

      Can parents legally track your phone? ›

      This doesn't mean that it's illegal to track a person at all; it just means that you need that person's permission. On the other hand, child-tracking cell phones are perfectly legal for parents to use. That's because the law does not require parents to obtain permission from their minor-aged children to track them.

      Is it OK to check my daughters phone? ›

      It's 100 percent your right to check their devices,” said Bill Wiltse, President of Child Rescue Coalition. Child predators want to invade children's lives, an abuse that they may never recover from.

      Is it OK for my parents to go through my phone? ›

      Overall, parents should be able to trust their kid enough to not look through their phones. This will also maintain trust and a healthy relationship. If there is heavy evidence that there is something that should be investigated, then it's okay, but if not… teens should have some privacy.

      How many hours a day is gaming addiction? ›

      For video game play to be classified as addictive, one must engage in them for at least 15 to 20 hours each week or more. This amounts to an average of three hours each day. This sort of play can cause lasting damage to the health and well-being of people, including their relationships and productivity.

      What is the highest age rating for video games? ›

      Rating Categories
      • Everyone. Content is generally suitable for all ages. ...
      • Everyone 10+ Content is generally suitable for ages 10 and up. ...
      • Teen. Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. ...
      • Mature 17+ Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. ...
      • Adults Only 18+ ...
      • Rating Pending. ...
      • Rating Pending — Likely Mature 17+

      What age should a kid get a gaming PC? ›

      Around age 10 is a great time to buy a computer for your child. As they get older, they will definitely need one. But at age 10, they are young enough that you can still supervise and teach them how to stay safe online.

      How do I teach my child not to cheat? ›

      To quash the rule breaker in your child, try these tips:
      1. Appeal to his sense of empathy. ...
      2. Make it clear that cheating cancels out winning. ...
      3. Emphasize that the fun lies in the playing, not in the winning. ...
      4. Find ways to help your child feel competent in other areas of his life.

      Should you let a child win at chess? ›

      Always Letting Them Win is a Losing Strategy

      At Story Time Chess, we couldn't agree more. Letting your child win every game creates just as many problems as constantly wiping them off the board. That's because problem solving skills can't evolve unless they're put to the test.

      Can video games improve kids brains? ›

      The researchers found that the gamers did better than non-gamers in tests where they had to control impulsive behavior or memorize information. The gamers' brains also showed more activity in regions associated with attention and memory.

      What age is M for mature? ›

      M = Mature

      Titles rated M – Mature have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain mature sexual themes, more intense violence and/or strong language.

      Are M rated movies OK for kids? ›

      M-rated films and computer games are not recommended for children under the age of 15. They include portrayals of elements such as violence and themes that require a mature outlook. However, children under the age of 15 may legally access this material as the classification rating is an advisory category.

      What percent of games are rated M? ›

      Distribution computer and video game releases in the United States in 2022, by rating
      CharacteristicShare of games
      E (Everyone)50%
      E10+ (Everyone 10+)17%
      T (Teen 13+)21%
      M (Mature 17+)12%
      Mar 29, 2023

      Is rust ok for 13 year olds? ›

      Advice for consumers

      This game has received a PEGI 16 because it features strong violence, sustained depictions of violence towards human characters. Not suitable for persons under 16 years of age.

      Can a 13 year old buy an M rated game? ›

      A game rated "M" by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is meant only for people aged 17 and over. An "AO"-rated game is meant only for those 18 and over. The ratings have no legal bearing, but most of the video game industry--which sponsors the ESRB--abides by them.

      What of gamers are under 18? ›

      Most gamers in the United States are adults, and only 21% are under 18. People between 18 and 34 make up the majority of the adult crowd. Still, senior gamers are a significant demographic, too: 15% of American gamers are older than 55.

      How can I say no to my mom? ›

      You can be apologetic while telling your parent no. Tell your mom or dad that you wish situations hadn't changed, but it is what it is. You love them so much that they are your main concern. Telling them no, while hard, is best for their safety or financial situation.

      What to say if your mom says no? ›

      Thank them for what they do.

      If they say no to something, still show your gratitude to your parents. Even if you feel disappointed, find ways to thank your parents for what they do for you. Parents love to feel appreciated, and your appreciation might go the distance the next time you ask for something.

      How do I get my child to say yes? ›

      1. 1) Begin with Nodding + Shaking Head. Some children may not be ready to verbalize the words “yes” or “no”, and may feel more comfortable using representational gestures. ...
      2. 2) Make it a fun and silly game. Ask concrete questions using real objects, making it fun and silly! ...
      3. 3) Use Visual Symbols.
      May 13, 2022

      Can your parents kick you out at 14? ›

      Children cannot petition to be emancipated until they are at least 16 years old in most states; in some places like California, minors as young as 14 can be emancipated. Once a minor is legally emancipated, parents no longer have to feed, house, or pay child support for the emancipated minor.

      Can my dad kick me out at 18? ›

      No, your parents cannot force you to do anything at age 18. By law, you are an adult and legally responsible for your own decisions. Depending on the situation, your parents may be able to encourage or guide you and offer advice, but ultimately it is up to you whether or not you choose to follow it.

      Who is the 21 year old with a 15 year old daughter? ›

      Hunter Nelson, a 21-year-old woman from the state of Kentucky, has a 15-year-old daughter – and people are scratching their heads. In a viral video shared to Nelson's TikTok account (@hunterenelson), she can be seen sitting in a car, seemingly reflecting on life.

      Can my parents see exactly what I buy? ›

      Yes, until you are a legal adult, your parents or guardians will generally have legal access to your banking records. Banks often require that minors have an adult co-sign for them to be able to open an account, which gives the adult access to your purchase history and sometimes even your money.

      Can I get a Paypal without my parents knowing? ›

      If you have your own Paypal account linked to your own credit card or checking account, they won't know. If they are still paying for things for you, or if you have a Paypal linked to their checking or credit card accounts, they will know.

      How to make money as a 12 year old without your parents knowing? ›

      After all, kids can't get to a lot of these odd jobs without their parents' consent, or transportation.
      1. Babysit. ...
      2. Create a yard sale. ...
      3. Have your kids work for your small business. ...
      4. Organize people's stuff. ...
      5. Walk dogs. ...
      6. Wash cars. ...
      7. Water plants. ...
      8. Yard work.
      Feb 17, 2023

      How can I get a debit card without my parents knowing? ›

      It is primarily impossible in all banks or financing institutes to get a debit card at 16 without parents. You can only open a joint account and then use the debit card while being under the observation of your parents.

      Is it OK for parents to search your room? ›

      📝It's is legal for you to search your child's room. your child. need to monitor what's happening in their lives. your approach to monitoring.

      Can your parents take your money at 18? ›

      No matter how old you are, your parents will have full access to your funds as long as they are joint owners of your account. They will not need your permission to dip into your account, and while it is hard to imagine your parent taking your hard-earned money, or money set aside for tuition, it happens.

      Can parents legally check your phone? ›

      It is absolutely legal as long as the kid is underage. That's why legal authorities and police keep urging people to keep a check on their kids' devices in order to avoid any mishap. So, parents gotta do what they gotta do for the sake of their children's safety, right?

      Is it okay for a 13 year old to have PayPal? ›

      PayPal has age restrictions that mean anyone under 18 is unable to register for an account. This is due to legal reasons – in order to agree to the PayPal legal agreement, the user has to be 18 years old or older.

      Why can't minors use PayPal? ›

      PayPal users must be the age of majority (typically 18) to sign and enter into a legal agreement, which is why a minor cannot create their own PayPal account. Additionally, you must be a resident of the United States or one of its territories. Similarly, you must be 18 to use Venmo, Zelle, Meta Pay, and Google Pay.

      What happens if I owe PayPal money and I never pay? ›

      If you refuse or cannot make payments with PayPal then will likely sell your debt or refer to you to a debt collector who will continue to contact you until your debt is paid. Your credit score will also be affected.

      How can a kid make 200 dollars fast? ›

      Ways to earn money as a younger kid
      1. Do chores and odd jobs around the house or neighborhood.
      2. Babysit, walk dogs and feed pets for pay.
      3. Sell your stuff in person or online.
      4. Sell lemonade in the summer.
      5. Teach others a skill.
      6. Find local gigs through Nextdoor.
      7. Freelance.
      8. Tutor your peers.
      Mar 28, 2023

      How to make $700 dollars fast? ›

      How To Make 700 Dollars Fast
      1. Deliver Food For DoorDash. One of the most obvious methods to get 700 dollars fast is to try working for DoorDash. ...
      2. Freelance Online. ...
      3. Rent Out Assets. ...
      4. Invest In Real Estate. ...
      5. Deliver Groceries For Instacart. ...
      6. Flip Stuff For Money. ...
      7. Use Micro Task Websites. ...
      8. Try Other Driving Gigs.
      Nov 27, 2022

      How can a 12 year old make 500 dollars fast? ›

      There are also many ways to make chores fun for kids in case your kids struggle with their tasks.
      1. Gardening in the summer. ...
      2. Tech support for your parents/grandparents. ...
      3. Selling old belongings. ...
      4. Walking neighbors' dogs. ...
      5. Selling handmade items online. ...
      6. Starting a blog. ...
      7. Tutoring other kids. ...
      8. Mother and elderly person helper.
      Sep 20, 2022

      What if my son used my credit card without permission? ›

      File a complaint with the FTC

      If contacting the merchant or your card issuer doesn't work, you can file a complaint with the FTC online or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP.

      What is the minimum age to get a debit card? ›

      You have to be 18 to open an individual checking account in the US. However, prepaid debit cards like GoHenry are available to children from age six. These work just like a traditional bank debit card and can be used for in-store and online purchases, and make withdrawals at ATMs.

      Should kids have debit cards? ›

      A debit card can limit your teen's ability to overspend. If you want to teach your child responsible spending habits, a debit card might be a great tool. Credit cards allow teens to charge as much as they want, whether or not they actually have the funds, which can lead to debt and bad money habits.

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      Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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      Views: 6022

      Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

      Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

      Birthday: 1997-03-23

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      Job: Global Representative

      Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

      Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.